Finish halo 3 on campaign, and didn't get the armor/achievements?
2008-01-02 14:42:43 UTC
ok, so i finished halo 3 on normal, and i was playing it on campaign. throughout the game, i noticed i wasnt getting my achievements for completing the levels. then when i go to change my armor, i realize that i didnt get ANY of the extra armor you get in completing the game. why is it like this? please help.
Five answers:
2008-01-02 14:46:57 UTC
maybe u forgot to do a part of it
2016-10-21 06:45:24 UTC
in case you ever took precalculus or another math classification which covers properties of applications, you how you will make certain the area of the function. between the pink flags to look out for is once you divide by way of 0. on your expression, while x = 3, the denominator is 0. subsequently, the area is each extensive sort beside 3. regrettably, the extensive sort you are attempting to plug in (x = 3) is the only extensive sort that would not artwork in this function. to work out this many times going on hand, you0 can graph this function on a TI-80 3. in case you zoom in close to the graph at x = 3, you will see that there is a sparkling spot there! that's by technique of the fact, as pronounced above, there only isn't a value of the expression at x = 3. you would be able to assert, nicely apparently like the respond ought to be 6, finding on the graph. this concept of what the respond "ought to be" is what limits are all approximately. The values of the function on the left and ultimate suited of x = 3 all bypass in the direction of 6 as you capture up with and nearer. So we are saying the shrink as x is going to 3 is 6. So in spite of the actuality that that is not technically the respond, 6 is your ultimate selection. 0 is only not ultimate suited in any experience. the very ultimate answer is to assert that the expression is undefined at x = 3. This project illustrates why 0/0 is named indeterminate. in this project, 0/0 in a fashion equals 6. the concept 0/0 can equivalent something is fairly the essence of calculus.
2008-01-02 14:48:34 UTC
if your really desprate for the gamerscore, go to microsoft, show them your service record to prove you beat the campaign, and ask them to give you the points after showing them you didnt get them yet.
John S
2008-01-02 14:48:41 UTC
are you on your gamertag, i know it seems stupid, but that's all i can think of, unless your xbox or disk is screwed up, here, take a look on the bungie forums
Hopelessly Devoted
2008-01-02 14:59:08 UTC
To change your armor, you need to find the skulls. I only got achivements playing in co-op with my little sis. Here is a guide for the skulls:



When you find a skull, just hold RB until you pick it up, then drop it and

you get credit for finding it. And you must start from the beginning of the

level in order to find any skull, so you can't start from a major checkpoint.

You can get these on any difficulty setting except easy. You can find the

skull and then save and exit if you like to unlock it.

The skulls add points to your meta-game, where you play the main game for

points. So turn them on to up that score. You simply beat the game, get some

skulls, press X when you're choosing a level in the campaign lobby, and then

turn on the score counter along with any skulls for modifiers.

And note that grenade jumping is when you toss a Plasma Grenade to your

feet (not sticking yourself) and then you jump as it explodes to get more air.

I have even done it with a frag, so I know it can be done.

Silver Skulls


Name: Blind

Reward: Your HUD and gun will go away.

Level: Sierra 117

Location: After the first Phantom drops off enemies in the pool of water,

go straight ahead to the cliff and go to the far right. Look down and drop

to the rock sticking out and pick up the skull.

Name: Grunt Birthday Party

Reward: Confetti thrown for Grunt headshots, and it does just a wee bit damage.

Level: Crow's Nest

Location: In the Drone Sewer before you drop down to the Arbiter, stop before

you fall down the pipe (this is before the Arbiter is in view). Under your

feet is a small space that you can see below the floor. Hug the side and try

to fall so that you land back into that space. Reload your last checkpoint if

you fail.

Name: Cowbell

Reward: Stronger explosions.

Level: The Ark

Location: One of the harder ones to get. You must first get a Grav Lift in

the building near the Scarab battle. Take this lift with you into the building

up the ramp as if you are continuing the mission.

After you fight some enemies in a room with the exploding boxes, the skull

is in the corridor leading downward. At the curve, set the Grav Lift down and

try to make it to the areas above. The skull is on the highest platform, so

if you fail then you need to reload your last checkpoint and keep trying. My

best idea of where to place the lift is somewhere in the middle of the ramp,

toward the bottom, and on the higher ramp of course. If placed right, you

will hop right up there. And for some reason, jumping as you hit the Grav Lift

seems to help.

Name: I Would Have Been Your Daddy

Reward: New dialogue in the game. New dialogue when you play a game with the

skull on. Like the Grunts will say funny stuff.

Level: The Covenant

Location: After Truth is dead, kill all the Flood in the area. The first

area (backtracking now) will be easy. Just try to kill the parasites before

they infect something. The second area is easy with the bots in the sky. And

so is the third area. Hmm, it was actually easier to kill all the Flood rather

than run, provided you had the dual Plasma Rifles.

Now notice the blue rings along the path. Starting from the section near the

elevator, there are two, three, then two. Go into the middle section.

You must jump through the rings along the level in a certain order. The order

is: 4654534. 1 is the ring near start of the bridge, 7 is near Truth. You only

need to use the third set of rings for one, and you don't even need the first

two. Just get to the base of a ring and then jump completely through it. The

rings will all blink on and off if you did it correctly.

The skull appears near the energy bridge that leads to Truth. After you pick

it up, all the rings will glow brightly.

Gold Skulls


Name: Iron

Reward: Death means you restart the level.

Level: Sierra 117

Location: In the dam area (ha, more dam jokes could be said). It's on the

structure behind the building where you find Johnson. Go right, jump up to

a ledge, follow it all the way left, and the skull is in the corner.

Name: Black Eye

Reward: You must melee friends or foes to recharge you shields.

Level: Crow's Nest

Location: Turn around at the start of the level and go up the stairs. Jump

up to the ledge on the left and then up to the pipe. Follow the pipe to the


Name: Tough Luck

Reward: Enemies dodge stuff and fight to the death.

Level: Tsavo Highway

Location: After the first shield blocking a tunnel, at the end of the tunnel

is a big pipe on the left. You can jump on some barrels to get on a small

building at your end of the pipe, and from there jump onto the pipe. Follow

it until you hit a fence. Jump on the little metal things sticking out on the

left of the fence and from there carefully jump over the fence. Immediately

on the other side of this fence, look down to the left of the pipe to see a

platform way down below you in the canyon. Either duck under the metal beam or

hop over at the right spot and fall down to that platform. Go to the end of

the small platform and look left to see a skull sitting on a ledge of the

canyon wall. Run and jump over there to get it.

Getting back is tricky, if you want to resume the level. Just jump back across

and follow the platform to the pillar holding the pipe up. Make two precise

jumps on the left side of this pillar to get to the ground below the bridge.

And if you die, you still have the skull so no worry, I hope.

Name: Catch

Reward: Enemies use more grenades.

Level: The Storm

*NOTE: An easy skull if you can grenade jump.*

Location: In the first open field area where you must kill the Wraiths, don't

kill the Wraiths. Kill the first three Ghosts, then the turret gunner on the

AA Wraith, then wait for two more Ghosts to drop in, and kill them. That clears

the field of almost everything but the Wraiths. Contrary to what I've heard,

you can actually kill the AA Wraith (other sources say you shouldn't kill

either), but all I know is that if you kill the normal Wraith on the platform,

that will cause the skull to disappear.

So as for getting the skull, it's tough when you have that normal Wraith

reigning artillery fire upon you. So the first thing you need to do is drive

up the ramp beside it and get on the platform with that Wraith. Kill the

gunner and then do follow the Wraith by sticking close to it so that it doesn't

blast you. Here's the key: stay close and make sure your back is facing the

field. What you want the Wraith to do is make a dash into you, causing you

some damage, and it should blast toward that ramp, but hopefully the Wraith

will get stuck in the gap between the ramp and platform. If done correctly,

the Wraith will be caught in place and unable to get out.

Now is skull time. Go grab a Ghost and take it to the round structure next

to where the AA Wraith was sitting. Notice that the shortest part from the top

of the structure to the ground is facing the platform, hence why we had to

get rid of the Wraith. Back this Ghost up so that the smooth front is facing

that general direction, and park it right next to the structure. Now go to

the ramp at the other end, flip over a downed Warthog, drive it back over to

the other side, and use the Ghost to prop the Hog up. Now jump on the Hog and

get up there to claim your prize.

The whole point of this is to get on top of that structure to claim the skull.

If there is an easier and more sound way of doing this, I have not yet heard


Name: Fog

Reward: No radar.

Level: Floodgate

Location: Returning from the destroyed AA gun, the start of the level, look

up to the right when you hit the ramp where you picked up the turret. Keep

looking until a Flood pops up. Immediately shoot him and hope that the skull

flies forward and down to you. Otherwise, quickly revert to your last save,

which was just a moment ago, and try again. Please, go to save and quit in

the pause menu because no one wants to play this mission again, unless you

have to.

Name: Famine

Reward: Less ammo in enemy guns you pick up.

Level: The Ark

*NOTE: Another one of those easy-to-get skulls if you can grenade jump.*

Location: This is a mission-halting skull right here, because you might be at

this one for a while. The skull is located on a bridge adjacent to the wall

entrance. That means that the place where you take the tanks to cross over

the wall, to the right of that. It's a small bridge that isn't connected to

anything, but you'll go under it on your way to the frigate (where all the

tanks unload) and you'll cross back under on your way to the wall.

The skull itself is located at the very tip of the last support thing that

hangs over the ground; not at the top, at the tip. It will be sitting in a

little crevice that you cannot reach by normal means. Enter frustration.

Actually, I took care of the frustration. But the easiest way I heard about

was using a co-op teammate to jump off of. That sounds fine, but there is an

alernate way for you lone wolves out there.

Up the path a bit is a circular area where you should blast some enemies. After

they are dead, look to the rock ledge that looks over the way you came. If you

try to walk into that or take a vehicle over the smooth surface, you hit an

invisible wall. But, there is a way around that wall.

Take a Ghost and follow this "wall" to the raised tip of the rock (the part

that overlooks your path). If you feel out the wall you will eventually find

a spot where you can get around it. Remember that spot and take your Ghost

around the slanted edge to the end of the bridge with the skull. But you can't

get the Ghost up there. That's not the goal. Park the Ghost against the rail

of the bridge, get out, and locate a Chopper (either near the fight area, or

at the other wall area). Take the Chopper to the Ghost using the same path and

park it so that its front and the Ghost's front are facing opposite directions,

but be sure they are as close as possible.

The point of the Chopper and the Ghost was to create a ramp for a Prowler.

Hopefully you have the one from the start of this driving segment, but sadly

you must kill any riders; kill them quick or they will be on to you. Take the

Prowler up to the "ramp" and use it to get the big vehicle onto the bridge.

Now for the fun part. Take the Prowler over to the support structure and park

it on either the left or right side, with just the tip of it hanging over the

slope, but you better leave most of the weight on the flat surface. Jump onto

the turret and from there jump to the platform with the skull and that's that.

If you miss and fall you can climb back up by either the opening by the wall

or by the inclining rock along your path, and then try again. Good stuff.

Name: Thunderstorm

Reward: All enemies are stronger (improved ranks).

Level: The Covenant

Location: When you get the Hornet, fly to the tower that the Arbiter disabled

and find the skull in the balcony overlooking the sea. It's just up a small

ramp. You will also find a terminal in the area.

Name: Tilt

Reward: Enemy armor is stronger.

Level: Cortana

Location: In the second big room where you fight a bunch of Flood. It's also

where you find an access terminal that links to Cortana.

After you clear the room of Flood (don't worry about the tiny constant trickle

from the back), go to the left side of the room and find the dirt-like ledges.

If you look up, you will see that the lower set of ledges on the wall will

lead to another set to the right a bit higher up. You need to get to that top

set of ledges to reach the skull.

You do this by standing on a small, round, purple thing that sticks directly

under both sets of ledges. Have you found it? Good. Now jump on the blue

spot on top of it. The only way you reach the lowest ledge is by jumping onto

the protrusion from this point. I mean the smooth surface above the blue spot.

You jump on that, but in a split second you must jump up to the ledge on the

left. You have to land on the left side of this smooth thing and quickly jump,

or else you'll fall off or jump in the wrong direction. Trust me, you'll know

what I'm talking about after you've jumped about twenty times and missed.

Again, you're not jumping from the blue spot, you're jumping from the shield-

like thing next to it that sticks up.

Now that you're on the ledge, look to the wall and look left. You must jump

up to the slightly higher ledge above the one you're on. You do this by

standing at the very edge of the surface and jumping. If you aren't out far

enough, you jump into the curved wall and end up back on the ground.

On the second ledge, now you must jump over the gap and onto the highest set

of ledges, which is really just two very close together. Again, get to the very

edge of the surface you stand on, as far as you can get from the wall, and then

jump up to the upper ledges at their point farthest from the wall.

I know, hard to explain. You just have to get there to know what I'm talking

about. The only issue once you're on the ledges is to avoid jumping into the

wall that curves. Mind that rule and you should make it up in no time.

The skull itself is across the beam-like thing and among some bones on the

purple surface. Trust me, it's a lot easier done than said.

Name: Mythic

Reward: Harder to kill enemies.

Level: Halo

Location: Follow the right rock wall at the start of the level to the skull.

In the first rock tunnel you should find a small path leading you to the final

prize. Sweet mercy, at last!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.