2014-04-04 12:49:19 UTC
Role-Playing Game (RPG)
A game in which players assume the roles of fantasy characters.
What confuses me is, based on the definition, ANY game ever made can be considered a RPG, unless you're playing a game based on a true story, where you're playing a real person and experiencing what they went through. I've never heard of a game like that.
Some could say that RPG games are based on being able to change the story based on the character's choices. So they could be the hero or the villain, etc. The only problem with this is it's inconsistent. Way of the Samurai games, which are all focused around "choosing your adventure" are all classed as Action games. Heavy Rain, which is like watching a movie and changes on the choices you make, is classed as an Interactive Drama. The only series classed as Action-RPG which story changes depending on your choices are BioWare games, like Mass Effect.
Others could say that a RPG would be character advancement, skill trees, leveling up, abilities, etc. The games that come to mind here are Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls, Borderlands and again, BioWare games. Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls and Borderlands all have no story changes. In Final Fantasy and Borderlands you are forced to continue the story, and you can opt out of the campaign in Skyrim.
Is it all of the above? What is a real RPG?