Kingdom Hearts 1 walk- through...?
2006-05-08 17:52:54 UTC
I'm playing kingdom hearts 1, and I'm in Alaadin's level. I'm stuck where I'm supposed to find Princess Jasmine.I searched every single spot in Agraba, but found absolutely nothing. Where did Jaffar take her?
P.S: I already fought him, and I'm not able to leave in my ship.
Eight answers:
2006-05-08 19:00:55 UTC
You already fought Jafar in the Cave of Wonders? Once, or twice? If you only fought him once, he will go down a hole in the center of the big room that you first fought him in. You need to go down that hole and fight him again, in his genie form. I'm guessing that is what you missed.
2014-09-21 16:22:58 UTC
I easily got for free Letters from Nowhere 2 here:

no surveys, no scams, just the full game!

The Letters from Nowhere 2 is a special hidden objects game that can be enjoyed by the whole family. The game will let help Audrey find her missing husband through the letters collected from a spirit. With over thousands of hidden objects, you will really go object hunting all night long.

You should definitely try it
2006-05-08 22:22:30 UTC
You have to fight Jafar twice. If you are already in the Cave of Wonders, you want to jump in the hole that's left when you defeat him the first time (be sure to save first and refill your item slots); it's a double boss battle.
2006-05-08 18:12:52 UTC
GameFAQs has a multitude of walkthroughs as well as specific lists of items, bosses, etc. Search for 'Kingdom Hearts' using the search box on the main page.
2006-05-08 17:53:34 UTC
2006-05-09 06:25:01 UTC
2006-05-08 18:18:15 UTC
the book is always the best, but try
º°`°ºJon Q°º¤ø,¸
2006-05-08 19:03:05 UTC
Press Ctrl+F then type for the section you need to get there

quickly. The ones to the right are the keywords.

I. INTRODUCTION............................................kh_intro

II. GAME MENUS..............................................kh_menus

III. GAME BASICS.............................................kh_basics








IV. CHARACTERS..............................................kh_chrtrs

V. WALKTHROUGH.............................................kh_guide

- Awakening...........................................kh_awake

- Destiny Island......................................kh_di

- Traverse Town.......................................kh_tt

- Wonderland..........................................kh_wl

- Olympus Coliseum....................................kh_oc

- Deep Jungle.........................................kh_dj

- Agrabah.............................................kh_ag

- Monstro.............................................kh_mo

- Atlantica...........................................kh_at

- Halloween Town......................................kh_ht

- Neverland...........................................kh_nl

- Hollow Bastion......................................kh_hb

- End of the World....................................kh_ew

VI. SIDEQUESTS.............................................kh_sdqst

i. Secret Ending...................................kh_sec_end

ii. 100 Acre Woods..................................kh_100aw

iii. Special Bosses..................................kh_spboss

iv. Olympus Coliseum Cups...........................kh_occ

- Phil Cup.....................................kh_phc

- Pegasus Cup..................................kh_pec

- Hercules Cup.................................kh_hec

- Hades Cup....................................kh_hac

- Gold Match...................................kh_gm

- Platinum Match...............................kh_pm

VII. GAME LISTS.............................................kh_lists

i. 99 Dalmatians....................................kh_99dal

ii. Trinity Mark Locations...........................kh_tmloc

iii. Torn Page Locations..............................kh_tploc

iv. Postcards Locations..............................kh_pc

v. Ansem Reports....................................kh_anrep

vi. Heartless List...................................kh_hrtles

vii. Ability List.....................................kh_ablty

- Sora.........................................kh_ab_s

- Donald.......................................kh_ab_d

- Goofy........................................kh_ab_g

viii. Magic List......................................kh_mag

ix. Summon List.......................................kh_sum

x. Synthesis List....................................kh_synth

- Item Synthesis...............................kh_syn_it

- Accessory Synthesis..........................kh_syn_ac

xi. Weapon List......................................kh_weapon

- Sora (Key Chains)............................kh_wp_s

- Donald (Wands)...............................kh_wp_d

- Goofy (Shields)..............................kh_wp_g

VIII. EXTRA STUFF............................................kh_extra

i. Simple and Clean Lyrics..........................kh_lyrics

ii. Frequently Asked Questions.......................kh_faqs

iii. Credits..........................................kh_crdts





Well, hello again everyone! It's back to work for me, and I've got a partner

this time ^_^. So hopefully, this guide will be longer than my first one.

Anyway, feel free to send comments and contributions. Oh! before I forget,

I'd like to thank those who rated my FFX:I guide. I don't care if you guys

rated it good or bad, I just love your ratings! Thanks again. -- Mogg 13-42




The main menu screen looks somewhat like this:


___________________ |

( Items ) |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ |

___________________ |

( Equipment ) |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ |

___________________ |

( Abilities ) |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ |

___________________ |

( Status ) |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ ______________________________________ |

___________________ | | Sora | Donald | Goofy | |

( Journal ) |ッッッ|ッッッッッッッッ|ッッッッッッッッッッ|ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ| |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ |LV | 30 | 27 | 32 | |

___________________ |HP | 45/45 | 32/32 | 48/48 | |

( Config ) |MP | 6/6 | 5/5 | 3/3 | |

ッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッッ |___|________|__________|______________| |



Munny: 74445 |

Time: ????? |


The config menu:


Auto Lock On Off |


Target Lock Auto Manual |


Camera Auto Manual |


Vibration On Off |


Sound Stereo Mono |


Difficulty Normal Expert |








D-Pad.................................Move menu cursor

Left Analog Stick.....................Move character


Square................................Use certain abilities

X.....................................Confirm / Talk

L1....................................Open magic shortcut menu

L1+X/L1+Square/L1+Triangle............Cast assigned magic

R1....................................Engage target lock

L2....................................Switch between targets while locked on

R2....................................Change camera angle

Select................................Switch to first person view

Start.................................Open main menu / Pause

L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start..............Soft Reset




Normally, the battle menu on the lower left corner of your screen consists

of only the Attack, Magic and Item commands along with a ? in the 4th box.

But whenever you see a field icon (?) above Sora's head, it means that a

special command is available. So now, there will be a 4th option in the

battle menu.

The commands are usually "Examine" for anything that has to do with

advancing in the game, but with the exception of locked treasure chests.

"Open" if you're standing in front of a treasure chest. The other one is

"Lift" for barrels and crates.




Battles in Kingdom Hearts are in real-time. So if the battle menu at lower

left corner of your screen turns RED it means that there's an enemy around.

During battles it is recommended that you press R1 to lock on to your target.

It's easier to hit an enemy that way.

Now if you do press R1, you'll see the words "LOCK ON!" at the upper left

corner of your screen. To release the target lock, press R1 again. You can

also switch between targets while locked on by pressing L2.

Whenever you kill enemies they drop multi-colored balls. The GREEN ones

restore HP, the TRANSPARENT ones restore MP, and the GOLD ones are "munny".

Remember that you can't open the main menu during battle, so in order to use

items you need to equip them.

You'll be allowed to use summons later in the game. The summon command is in

the magic sub menu. Now, in order to use a summon you need to lock on to

your target and all 3 of your characters MUST be alive. Note that your

summon will disappear once it runs out of MP, or you can also dismiss it if

you want.




Just like other RPGs, you gain levels. You gain experience points either by

defeating an enemy, including bosses or successfully parrying blows from

them. Blocking an opponent's attack requires good timing, that is, attacking

just before a blow from an opponent hits you. It's quite difficult to master,

but once you do, it can be very rewarding.




You gain abilities through leveling up, receive it from somebody during

story events, or after defeating bosses. Now to use an ability, choose

ABILITIES from the main menu, and choose the ability you wish to equip.

Remember that equipping abilities require a specific amount of AP. Most

abilities are automatically used when equipped, but some require pressing

the SQUARE button in order to be used when necessary, like Dodge Roll for

example. You can also REMOVE abilities if you feel like you don't need them.




You can also customize your characters by choosing the CUSTOMIZE option in

the main menu. For Sora, you can designate shortcut buttons to magics. Let's

say for example, you assigned TRIANGLE to Fire. To use that, hold down L1

then press TRIANGLE. You can also do the same with the X and Square buttons.

As for Donald and Goofy, you have several customization options to choose

from. Here's a list of all the options and their descriptions.


Manual Create your own fighting style |


Personal Reflects character's own unique style |


Balanced Good balance of offense and defense |


Conservative Focuses on conserving MP and items |


Defensive Focuses on recovery and defense |


Offensive Focuses on attacking |


I recommend using Manual mode since you can customize your characters into

exactly how you want them to be. But you can also reconfigure the other

modes if you want.




When you open the save menu, you'll see the following options: SAVE, PARTY,

GUMMI SHIP and MENU. The gummi ship option becomes available after you get

the ship. Also, stepping on save points automatically restores your HP and

MP to full. Remember to release the target lock if it's enabled, since you

can't save if it's on.




There are a lot of characters in this game so be prepared for a long list.

Also this section may contain some spoilers which is somehow necessary to

give a detailed description to each character. Most of the descriptions for

Disney characters were taken directly from the journal.






A once ordinary 14 year old boy living in Destiny Island with his friends,

but soon gets transported in a strange new world, where he becomes the

chosen one to wield the keyblade and defeat the Heartless.



Sora's best friend and is a year older than him. He also considers Sora as

his rival and beats him in almost everything. He soon allied himself with

Maleficent to save Kairi when she lost her heart.



A 14 year old girl who also lives in Destiny Island along with her friends

Sora and Riku. She lost her heart when their island was destroyed. She's

also one of the princesses who were necessary to unseal the final keyhole.



The royal magician. He left the castle when the king ordered him to follow

the key bearer. He is also on a journey to find the king. Being loud, short-

tempered and stubborn is his nature.



Captain of the royal knights. He avoids fighting whenever possible. He's

really clumsy most of the time. Just like Donald, he's also on a journey to

follow the key bearer and find the king.



He is a researcher and ruler who studied the Heartless, and later got

possessed by the darkness.

Mickey Mouse


The king of Disney Castle. He himself set out to learn more about the

darkness in order to protect his kingdom and disappeared. Apparently, it

was him who told Ansem about the keyblade.






Team captain of the Besaid Aurochs in FFX. In KH, he's also a resident of

Destiny Island, and still loves playing with his blitz ball. He looks after

Tidus and Selphie like an elder brother.



The jolly messenger girl from FF8. She's the romantic type and believes

the legend about the paopu fruit more than anybody else does.



The star player of the Zanarkand Abes in FFX. But in KH, he loves dueling

more than anything else and considers himself a champ at it.



Better known to everyone as the cold-hearted Squall Leonheart from FF8. To

distance himself from the shame of having been unable to save his home

world from the Heartless, he changed his name. Ever since meeting the king

who has been so vigilant in defeating the Heartless; he began seeking for

the truth behind the "key".



The heroine from FF7. She lost her home to the Heartless at a very young

age. Beneath her gentle disposition lies a strong will and a firm sense of

duty. Many are naturally drawn to her. She works with Leon and Yuffie to

learn more about the Heartless and the "key".



A female materia-hunting ninja from FF7. Just like everyone else, she too

escaped to Traverse Town when the Heartless raided her home world. She

finds it easy to maintain a positive attitude in any situation. She also

works with Leon and Aerith to discover the truth behind the "key".



A true master when it comes to airships. He escaped to Traverse Town when

the Heartless raided his world aboard the gummi ship he made himself. He

also owns the accessory shop in Traverse Town.



An ex-soldier and the hero from FF7. Hades hired him to compete in the

Coliseum and dispose of Hercules. Despite his association with Hades,

his heart remains untouched by the Heartless. He spent most of his

time in that new world looking for someone... and you probably know who.



Once known as the greatest of swordsmen, his whereabouts have been unknown

for some time. He challenged Sora to a one-on-one duel. No one knows why he

has suddenly returned. Apparently, he and Cloud have crossed paths before.



Escaped to Traverse Town when the Heartless invaded their home. They know

how combine various items to form new ones.

Minnie Mouse


Queen of Disney Castle, ruling in Mickey's absence. She is more concerned

than anyone about the king's disappearance.



Donald's sweetheart. She's helping Minnie while the others look for King

Mickey. She has Donald under her thumb, and does a good job of keeping him

in line.



Mickey's faithful dog. Pluto is more than a pet. He and Mickey are bound by

strong ties of loyalty. Pluto set out with the others to find his master.

Chip & Dale


Both of them are Disney Kingdom's gummi ship specialists. Chip is serious

and diligent while Dale has a happy-go-lucky approach to life.

Huey, Dewey & Louie


They are Donald's nephews who take turns in looking after the item shop in

Traverse Town. Huey has a red cap, Dewey has blue and Louie has green.



A great sorcerer living on the outskirts of Traverse Town. Merlin's wisdom

and magic powers rank second to none. He has a mysterious bag that can hold

anything, no matter how large.

Fairy Godmother


A powerful but generous and good-hearted fairy. She is slightly absent-

minded, but an expert at magic.

Snow White


A beautiful princess, gentle and pure as snow. She is one of the princesses

needed to open the final Keyhole, and was captured by the Heartless.



A hardworking young girl who's often bullied by her stepmother and

stepsisters. She is one of the princesses needed to open the final Keyhole,

and was captured by the Heartless.



A young woman with a lovely voice. She is loved by three good fairies and

cursed by Maleficent. The sorceress captured Aurora to help open the final




A brave and intelligent young woman who understands the Beast's true nature.

She's one of the seven princesses needed to open the final Keyhole.



A prince who was changed into a hideous beast because of his selfish heart.

Belle has helped heal the loneliness he's suffered due to his ugliness.



A sorceress of awesome power. She tried to use the Heartless for her own

evil ends, but the Heartless were actually using her. She's also the one who

convinced Riku to turn against Sora.



Fell down the Rabbit Hole in Wonderland. Arrested on suspicion of trying to

steal the queen's heart. When she was proven innocent, the Heartless captured

her as a part of their plan to unseal the final keyhole.

Queen of Hearts


A queen of Wonderland who lives in a castle with decks and decks of card

soldiers. Selfish and short-tempered, she beheads anyone who crosses her.

She thinks Alice tried to steal her heart.

White Rabbit


Loyal servant to the Queen of Hearts. He seems to be always late in whatever

appointment he has.

Cheshire Cat


A mysterious, grinning cat who talks in riddles and can appear and disappear

at will. He loves to mislead and confuse.



A talking doorknob in the door to Wonderland. To enter, you must turn him and

-- "One good turn deserves another," as he would say.



A legendary hero with godlike strength. He's the son of the gods Zeus and

Hera, but not a god himself. The people regard Hercules as a true hero.



Phil the satyr is a veteran trainer of heroes and Herc's mentor. These days

he's very busy running the Coliseum and choosing competitors suitable for the




Lord of the Underworld. He's using the Heartless to try to take over the

world. Hades wants Herc and Sora out the way, but all his schemes against

Sora and the others seem to end in failure.



A young man raised from infancy by gorillas. His gorilla "mother" is Kala.

Tarzan spoke only the language of apes until he met Jane. Since then he's

learning to speak English at an astonishing rate.

Jane Porter


A naturalist who's in the jungle with Clayton, her guide, to study

gorillas. She met Tarzan in the jungle and is gradually teaching him about

human ways. She's courageous and will face any danger for her research.



A veteran hunter, Jane's guide on her expedition to the jungle. He thinks of

animals only as prey. His lust for power and the darkness in his heart

attracted the Heartless, and they used him for their own evil purposes.



A young female gorilla, and Tarzan's close friend. She is protective of the

other young gorillas and acts as their leader. Unlike the other gorillas,

her curiosity about humans is greater than her fear of them.



Leader of the gorilla pack. He was against letting Tarzan join the group,

but Kala's resolve won him over. Kerchak worries that Tarzan's contact

with people will bring danger to the gorilla community.



The gorilla who found Tarzan in the jungle. She has always helped and

defended him, even when he was scorned by the others. Kala is not happy

about Tarzan's contact with people, but she knows it's important to him.



A young man living in Agrabah. He helped Sora defeat Jafar and used his

last wish to release Genie from the lamp. Aladdin asked Sora and friends to

help save Jasmine, who has been abducted.



The spirit of the magic lamp. He grants the user of the lamp three wishes.

He was freed from the lamp through Aladdin's third wish and is on a quest

to help Sora and his friends to find Jasmine.



Spirited princess of Agrabah. Longing for a life of freedom, she slipped

away from the palace and encountered Aladdin, who she quickly grew fond of.

As one of the princesses with the power to open the keyhole, she was

abducted by Jafar and the Heartless.



The vizier of Agrabah. He joined forces with Maleficent and tried to control

the Heartless. He gained control of the lamp and became a powerful genie.

Jafar (Genie)


With his last wish he became an all-powerful Genie himself, but he forgot

that all genies share the same fate: To serve whoever controls their lamp.

In the end, his lamp became his prison.



Aladdin's faithful furry sidekick. Abu's size ad ability makes him valuable

in tights spots. He's got a weakness for jewel and treasure, and when he's

around them he can't think of anything else.



Jafar's cunning, crotchety parrot. He's Jafar's eyes and ears as he flies

around Agrabah, spying on his master's enemies. Iago takes after Jafar, with

a penchant for intrigue and evil.



Crafted by Geppetto and brought to life by the Blue Fairy. He almost lost

his heart to the Heartless but Jimminy Cricket came to his rescue.



The kind, gentle clock maker who crafted Pinnochio. He treats Pinnochio as

his son, and looks forward to the day when he becomes a real boy.

Jimminy Cricket


He is Pinnochio's guide and prevents him from ever lying. He also acts as

the chronicler of Sora's journey as requested by Queen Minnie.



Triton's youngest daughter. Ursula tricked her into helping steal his

trident. She dreams of exploring the world outside her father's palace.

King Triton


King of Atlantic, who is backed by the power of his trident. He has

forbidden Ariel to have any contact with outsiders, which only led to her

yearn to grow even stronger.



The horrendously ugly witch who tried to deceive Ariel into stealing her

father's trident. She plans to use it and take over Atlantica.



Triton's concert master, a musical genius. The little crab is also

responsible for keeping an eye on Ariel to ensure her safety. Whenever she

leaves the palace, he's on pins and needles.



Ariel's trusted friend. Flounder will do anything for her. He's small and

not exactly brave, but he'll never leave Ariel's side, even when it means

facing danger.

Jetsam & Floatsam


Ursula's lackeys. They are evil moray eels who deceive mermens and mermaids

alike into Ursula's clutches through empty promises.

Jack Skellington


The pumpkin king. He loves to scare people out their wits. Headstrong,

confident, and likes grand gestures. Now he's working night and day to make

the year's Halloween festival the greatest ever.



Dr. Finkelstein's creation. She's patched together from parts that sometimes

come off and move about on their own. She loves Jack and tries to steer him

in the right direction, though it doesn't always work.

Dr. Finkelstein


The mad scientist who created a "heart" to help Jack control the Heartless'

dancing. Sally is another of his creations. She helps him around the lab,

but she'd much rather spend time with Jack.

Oogie Boogie


The villain who tried to take Halloween Town. The heart he stole from Dr.

Finkelstein attracted the Heartless, and resulted to his own doom.



Jack's ghost dog. He comes out of his grave whenever Jack calls. He's very

loyal to his master and loves it when Jack plays with him.

Lock, Shock & Barrel


The trio helps Oogie Boogie take over Halloween Town. They have a walking

bathtub that helps them move around to commit all sorts of mischief. Lock

is the leader of the trio, Shock is the most cunning, while Barrel is a

little slow and often ends up on his butt from his partners' pranks and

practical jokes.



The two-faced mayor of Halloween Town. He switches from his happy face to

his sad face depending on his mood, which changes constantly. He's working

with Jack to make the year's festival the best ever.

Peter Pan


The flying boy from Neverland, where no one ever grows up. He can be

stubborn, but he's also fearless and has a strong sense of justice. He

snuck on board Hook's ship to rescue Wendy, who was kidnapped.

Tinker Bell


The little pixie from Neverland. She easily gets jealous whenever Peter

mentions Wendy. She also has the ability to make people fly.



A dreamy girl whose wish to visit Neverland came true. Peter Pan showed her

the way, but she got caught up in Hook's vendetta against Peter, and was

kidnapped by Hook.

Captain Hook


The pirate with a grudge against Peter Pan, who caused him to lose his hand

to the crocodile. He threw in his lot with Maleficent and the Heartless, but

ended up being chased over the horizon by the crocodile.

Mr. Smee


Hook's first mate. He lives to take orders from Hook, but he's as slow-

witted as Hook is obnoxious.

The Crocodile


A seagoing reptile big enough to swallow a man whole -- and he's always

hungry! He got a taste of Hook once and never forgot it. Hook can tell when

he's near by the sound of the clock ticking away in his stomach.

Winnie the Pooh


A little bear living in the Hundred Acre Wood. His favorite food is honey.

Being a Bear of Very Little Brain, he's a bit absent-minded. Sometimes he

even forgets what it was he was trying to remember.



Pooh's best friend in the Hundred Acre Wood. Tiny, timid Piglet is startled

by just about anything. When that happens, he covers his eyes with his

floppy ears.



The wisest resident of the Hundred Acre Wood. Whenever anyone has a question

he can't answer, he asks Owl... though owl isn't always right! Owl likes to

talk, but sometimes he puts his listeners to sleep.



Rabbit is an earnest, hardworking member of the Hundred Acre Wood community.

He keeps to himself but lends a hand when others need him. He's not always

comfortable around the exuberant Tigger.



Tigger loves to bounce more than anything. Sometimes his bouncing gets out

of hand, but he doesn't mean any harm. Beneath that happy-go-lucky exterior

beats a sensitive, gentle heart.



Timid, retiring Eeyore lives in a little house in the roots of a tree. His

tail is held on by a tack, but it keeps falling off and getting lost. Now

he's wandering the woods, looking for a new home.



Roo dreams of bouncing as well as Tigger someday. He's mischievous,

energetic and fearless, but grows uneasy when Tigger is not around.




When you select NEW GAME, you'll be asked about your game's difficulty level

and vibration settings.




After the opening FMV, you'll be in an area with 3 platforms: 1 with a sword,

the other a staff, and the last one a shield. Jump on each one to examine

them. You'll have to pick 2 and give up 1. Now, make sure you decide properly

here, as what you choose affects the order in which Sora will learn his

abilities later on; not to mention his basic stats.

The following table summarizes your character stats at level 1 and level 100

based on which attribute you strengthen (+) and weaken (-):


Stat | +Swd -Stf | +Swd -Shd | +Stf -Swd | +Stf -Shd | +Shd -Swd |+Shd -Stf|

HP | 18 --> 84 | 18 --> 84 | 18 --> 84 | 18 --> 84 | 18 --> 84 |18 --> 84|

MP | 2 --> 8 | 2 --> 8 | 3 --> 10 | 3 --> 10 | 2 --> 8 | 2 --> 8|

AP | 1 --> 37 | 3 --> 39 | 3 --> 39 | 3 --> 39 | 3 --> 39 | 1 --> 37|

STR | 6 --> 57 | 6 --> 57 | 3 --> 54 | 5 --> 56 | 4 --> 55 | 5 --> 56|

DEF | 2 --> 52 | 1 --> 51 | 3 --> 53 | 1 --> 51 | 4 --> 54 | 4 --> 54|

#ITM | 3 --> 7 | 3 --> 7 | 3 --> 6 | 3 --> 6 | 3 --> 8 | 3 --> 8|

#ACC | 2 --> 3 | 2 --> 3 | 2 --> 3 | 2 --> 3 | 2 --> 3 | 2 --> 3|


Also remember that the sword gives you early access to attack-related

abilities, the shield to defensive/support abilities and the wand to magic-

related abilities. The choice is yours.

This part is actually just a tutorial on game basics, so just follow whatever

instructions you're given. After that you'll find yourself at Destiny Island.

Here, just talk to Selphie, Wakka and Tidus. Each one of them will ask you a

question so, again you have to choose. This affects your level up speed.

Here are the choices:

DAWN (Quicker than Average Level Gains at Lower Levels, Slower than Average

Level Gains at Higher Levels)


Tidus | Wakka | Selphie |


Getting Old | Broaden Horizons | Number One |

Getting Old | Rare Sights | Number One |

Getting Old | Rare Sights | Friendship |

Getting Old | Rare Sights | Prize Possessions |

Getting Old | Be Strong | Number One |

Being Different | Rare Sights | Number One |

Being Indecisive | Rare Sights | Number One |


MIDDAY (Average Speed of Level Gain at All Levels)


Tidus | Wakka | Selphie |


Getting Old | Broaden Horizons | Friendship |

Getting Old | Broaden Horizons | Prize Possessions |

Getting Old | Be Strong | Friendship |

Being Different | Rare Sights | Friendship |

Being Different | Broaden Horizons | Number One |

Being Different | Broaden Horizons | Friendship |

Being Different | Broaden Horizons | Prize Possessions |

Being Different | Be Strong | Number One |

Being Different | Be Strong | Friendship |

Being Indecisive | Rare Sights | Friendship |

Being Indecisive | Broaden Horizons | Number One |

Being Indecisice | Broaden Horizons | Friendship |


DUSK (Slower than Average Level Gain at Lower Levels, Quicker than Average

Level Gain at Higher Levels)


Tidus | Wakka | Selphie |


Getting Old | Be Strong | Prize Possessions |

Being Different | Rare Sights | Prize Possessions |

Being Different | Be Strong | Prize Possessions |

Being Indecisive | Rare Sights | Prize Possessions |

Being Indecisive | Broaden Horizons | Prize Possessions |

Being Indecisive | Be Strong | Number One |

Being Indecisive | Be Strong | Friendship |

Being Indecisive | Be Strong | Prize Possessions |


You'll have some more tutorials on basics here. You'll then encounter your

first save point, save and take the new path up. In the next area just walk

a bit forward and you'll fight Darkside.




Experience Points: 18p

He's pretty easy. Just lock on to his hand and start smashing away. He'll

also release some Heartless, make sure you kill some of them as they leave

HP balls. Use these to heal if you get damaged. The battle will be over soon







Sora will wake from his dream. There will be a long cut-scene between Sora,

Kairi and Riku about their hometowns and the raft they were building.

When you regain control, talk to Kairi. She'll ask you to gather the

materials needed to build the raft. Here's what you need: 2 LOGS, 1 CLOTH,


Now go a bit south then west and into the Seaside Shack. There's a save point

here, so save if you want. Go upstairs to the bridge. In the next area go

across the bridge and pick up the log at the other side. You'll also see Riku

sitting on the tree (lazy bum!) Jump back down and go a little bit east from

the shack to find the second log.

As for the cloth, from the dock (where Selphie is sitting) go up the plank

and head east then north. Go up the stairs. From there, go east to the end

of the path and go up the ladder. Follow the path until you reach a room.

Get the cloth inside (it's on the right wall)

Finally the rope. Go back to the plank at the pier and this time head a bit

north and up the ladder to the left. Follow the path to the end and get the


Also, it's worth challenging Tidus, Selphie, Wakka or Riku to a duel for

level up. It doesn't really matter if you lose to them, but anyway here are

some tips for each battle:




He's practically easy to beat, just stay close and keep smacking him. But be

sure to watch your back though since he'll surely attempt to attack you from

behind after you finish a combo. One more thing, whenever you're successful

in blocking his blows, you'll see the words: "Tech 2p" on your screen which

also counts as experience points. So be sure to try and block when you get

the chance.





Be sure to keep an eye on his blitz ball and run around a lot in order to

dodge it. But remember that you can bat his ball back to him if you get the

timing right. If you're lucky, it'll hit and stun him, giving you ample time

to try and beat him down into a pulp.





She's no doubt the easiest of the 3. Her attacks are really weak compared to

those of Tidus and Wakka. There's actually no need for a strategy here since

you'll beat her fairly easily.





This is a 3-on-1 battle, therefore it's tough. Talk to Tidus after you've

beaten each one of them at least once to unlock this option. Now I suggest

that you beat Tidus first, then Wakka. Always save Selphie for last as she's

not that much of a threat. You'll receive a Potion if you win.





This can be tough, but it's really worth it to fight him again and again as

you'll receive 5p, (which is a lot at this point) and a Potion every time

you win. But you CAN'T afford to fall off the side (you'll lose if you do)

Just stay close and attack him. Once he falls on his back, get away from him

to avoid being kicked when he gets back up. When he's on the defensive

stance, simply attack him from the side or from above the head.



According to thebakersandmoore2, you can find a Protect Chain in this area.

Here's where you can find it:

Right by the tower, you will find a crate. Pick it up, and walk past the

tower towards the hole you see -- you can't quite reach the lip. Now toss

the crate below the hole. Jump on the crate, and use the height to jump to

the lip of the cave. Climb in, and open the chest.


When you're ready, save your game and go talk to Kairi. She'll give you a Hi

Potion. After that, tell her you wanna go home. Watch some long cut-scenes.

Once you regain control again, proceed to the Cove (where Kairi was standing

a while back) There, talk to Riku. You'll decide on a name for the raft

(default is Excalibur), but Riku wants to name it Highwind. So you'll have

to race with him.

Your goal here is to activate the star at the end of the course and return

to the where Kairi is. If you lose, you just don't get to name the raft

Excalibur. That's all, no big deal.

When that's over jump down and talk to Kairi who is standing on the raft by

the shore. She'll tell you to find food for your journey. Here's what you


- Seagull Egg: Go to the Bridge and climb the tree with a thin trunk. You

should see the egg on the tree behind you. Jump up there to get it.

- 3 Mushrooms: There's a rock to the east of the raft. Push it to get a

mushroom at the back. There's one under the watchtower. The last one is

in the "Secret Place", go up the plank behind Wakka and go east. Head

inside and take the mushroom. There will be a short cut-scene between

Ansem and Sora.

- Drinking Water: Go to the pond beside Wakka and fill up the empty bottle


- 3 Fishes: Swim along the area not far from the dock where Selphie is

standing to find the 3 fishes.

- 2 Coconuts: Just smash the tree trunks until you get 2 YELLOW coconuts to


Go to the shack and save your game. Talk to Kairi and tell her that you

wanna go home. There will be some cut-scenes between Sora and Kairi, then

you'll see Mickey's letter to Donald telling him to go to Traverse Town with

Goofy and find "Leon" as he'll be the one to show them where the "key" is.

When you regain control, the island will be infested with Heartless. Head

for the Seaside Shack and save your game. Go upstairs to the Bridge and

you'll see Riku there. After a short cut-scene, you'll receive the Keyblade.

Proceed to the Secret Place, there'll be another cut-scene, then you'll

fight Darkside again.




Experience Points: 60p

This battle is pretty much the same as the first, except for the fact that

he has more HP. So just lock on and attack. Again, he'll release some

Heartless so kill them for those HP balls. Feel free to use your potions

too, but this is usually unnecessary. You shouldn't have any problem winning.


After the battle, Sora will end up in....






Ability gotten in this area: Dodge Roll

Magic gotten in this area: Fire

Trinity gotten in this area: Blue Trinity (Trinity Jump)


When you regain control after the short cut-scene, proceed to the accessory

shop and you'll meet Cid there. Jump on the cabinet for a chest with a

Mythril Shard. Leave the shop afterwards and head east up the stairs to the

Second District.

The town will also be infested with Heartless, just fight your way through.

Feel free to explore a bit to familiarize yourself with the area. Once you're

done, go back to the accessory shop at the First District and save your game.

Leave the shop. You'll meet Leon here. There'll be a short cut-scene between

him and Sora about the keyblade. You'll have to fight him after that.




Experience Points: 30p

Avoid his trigger attacks at all costs, it's real deadly. He'll also shoot

fire spells at you, but that shouldn't be a problem. I found him most

vulnerable after he does a combo. Now when you get close enough, try pushing

him back into a corner with your own combo attacks. Once you've done that,

just stay close and smash away to prevent him from striking back. You'll win

after a while.



Note: It won't be game over even if you lose to him. You just don't get any

experience points which you need, along with a slightly different



Watch a long and interesting cut-scene. When you regain control at the hotel

room, jump onto the table and examine the treasure chest. (it'll be locked)

Now talk to Yuffie and she'll tell you that the keyblade can open locked

doors and treasure chests, so examine the chest again to get the Elixir

inside. Save your game and talk to Leon. Tell him you're ready.

There will be another cut-scene where the Heartless attack the town. (as if

they hadn't already) You'll regain control at the alleyway. After giving a

not so useful advice, Leon will leave you to fend for yourself. Here, go

south then north at the corner for a chest with a Potion. Head back to the

2nd District afterwards.

The 3rd District is your next destination, but feel free to go back to the

1st District if you need to stock up on items. I suggest that you go save

at the accessory shop too. Be sure to talk to Aerith there for a Mega-


At the 3rd District, you'll see a short cut-scene. Donald and Goofy will

Join now. Just defeat all the Heartless here and a massive piece of junk

Will appear out of nowhere.




Experience Points: 110p

Equipment Dropped: Brave Warrior

This one has a lot of parts, therefore make sure that you focus on only one

target at a time. The feet are the easiest ones to hit so get rid of them

first. Once they're gone go for the hands then the body. Watch out for its

devastating spinning attack though. Killing each part yields HP balls which

helps quite a bit. Don't worry too much about healing -- let Donald or Goofy

do that for you.


After the battle, there'll be some long cut-scenes. Then you'll be back at

the 1st District where Aerith, Leon and Yuffie will give you 100 munny plus

an Elixir. (if you managed to beat Leon). Donald and Goofy will teach you

the Fire magic and Dodge Roll ability respectively. Proceed to the

accessory shop to get the Blue Trinity.

Go back to the Hotel. You can now access the Red Room, get in there for a

chest with a Pretty Stone. Now proceed to the Green Room and hit the clock

located above the door to this times: 12:00, 6:00, 7:00. This will reveal

a chest with a Mythril. Once done, go through the door that leads to the

Alleyway. Here just go east to the end for another Pretty Stone, then west

for a Potion.

Lastly, go to the 3rd District and use Fire magic on the door with a flame

marking on it to access the Magician's Study, where you'll meet Merlin and

the Fairy Godmother. You can also activate Blue Trinity marks if you wish.

When you're ready, leave the town through the World Exit. You'll have some

tutorials about the Gummi Ship. You can now go to 3 new areas, which you

can tackle in any order. But let's start with....






Magic gotten in this area: Blizzard


There will be a short cut-scene with the White Rabbit when you arrive. Once

you regain control follow him to the next area. Here, push the bed first

then talk to the door knob. He'll tell you to drink the potion on the table

to get smaller, so drink it and proceed to the Queen's Castle.

You'll see another cut-scene where Alice is on trial for allegedly trying to

steal the queen's heart. Sora then claims that Alice is innocent, so the

queen will ask you to gather evidence and prove it.

When you regain control, go through the left entrance to the Lotus Forest.

After the short dialogue with the Cheshire Cat, go north then east past the

second red flower. You'll find a Blue Trinity mark and the "Footprints"

evidence here.

Next jump on the mushrooms, then across the trees/platforms to find a high

exit to the Bizzare Room. Get in there to find the "Stench" evidence. Make

your way back to the Lotus Forest after that. From the entrance go north

and jump on the boulder, then onto the platform for the "Antenna" evidence.

Jump on the mushroom that leads north for a chest with a Thunder-G, then

onto the mushrooms leading east up the trees for a chest with puppies 16-18.

Go back to Queen's Castle afterwards.


Note: There's a total of 4 evidences. So far I only managed to find 3.

You're supposed to get the Blizzard magic if you can find all 4, but

it's ok even if you didn't since you'll still receive the magic from

the Cheshire Cat after beating Trickmaster.



According to Jared Schuster [] here's where you can

find the 4th evidence:

Go in to the Bizarre room through the entrance that lands you on the faucet.

Face towards into the center of the room. Carefully turn and jump to the

right. It is on the ledge you will see the pink gift box. (That's the "Claw

Marks" evidence.)

Here's a more detailed description of where to find the 4th evidence, as

contributed by Jason Gray []:

To get the fourth evidence you first need to find the yellow flower. If you

examine it it will ask for a potion. Once you give it the potion, it will

make you (not Donald and Goofy) big. Then if you turn around you will see a

stump. Go and jump on it and it will shrink into the ground and a green leaf

stand thingy will pop up next to it. Then look for the fruit piece that you

may have seen earlier on top of the tree and cut it down to eat it to become

small again. The when you are small again, go north then your first east

turn. Jump onto the small mushrooms then the left stand thingies and head

south. That extra platform should allow you to now get to the platform

in the corner. From this platform you should be able to go to the Bizarre

Room. Then off to the right you will see the fourth box on the ledge.


Save your game first then talk to a heart card soldier to present the

evidences. The queen refuses to check each evidence and instead asks you to

pick one. This one's completely random, so you'll just have to take chances

and hope you get the right one. Regardless of what you picked, the queen

will order her card soldiers to seize you.

Your target here is not the soldiers but their tower. Just knock the cards

that are closest to you out, so that they won't bother you while you destroy

their tower.

After the battle, everyone will notice that Alice is gone. There's nothing

else to do here so go back to the Lotus Forest. Inside, you'll see the

Cheshire Cat again.

When you regain control, give the yellow flower a Potion to grow big and

move the boulder. This will make a few platforms appear. Move around until

you see a "?" then take the fruit and eat it to get small again. Jump on

the new platforms to get to the other side. You'll find another Blue Trinity

mark and an exit to Queen's Castle. Take that exit for a chest with an


Go back to the forest and proceed to the Tea Party Garden. Be sure to

sit on the chairs here for some presents. Go to the inverted Bizzare Room

after that. Inside there will be another short dialogue with the cat. Just

jump onto the tables and light the two lamps. Also, remember to release the

lock up north to reveal another exit to the Queen's Castle. Use that one to

get a chest with puppies 13-15.

Proceed to the normal Bizzare Room, but save your game first. Once there,

prepare for a boss fight.




Experience Points: 150p

Equipment Dropped: Ifrit's Horn

This battle isn't as tough as it looks. Simply hit him with magic when he is

standing and use physical attacks once he bends down. He'll try to slap you

away with his arms most of the time, so just keep your distance when he does

that. Also, he will start shooting flames at you after a while, be sure to

watch out for that too.


After the battle, there'll be a cut-scene in which the door knob complains

about having been awakened by all the "ruckus", then you'll get the Navi-G

Piece. You'll also receive the Blizzard magic from the Cheshire Cat. (if you

didn't get all 4 evidence pieces)



Note: It's a good idea to go back to Traverse Town and open the treasure

chest at the cafe. First destroy all the chairs, then put out all the

candles with your Blizzard magic to get a Defense Up item from the







Ability gotten in this area: Sonic Blade

Magic gotten in this area: Thunder


There are 2 Blue Trinity marks here that you can activate immediately for

some treasures. (the one to the right has puppies 22-24) Also, try putting

out the flames on all the torches with your Blizzard magic (if you have

enough MP) to reveal a chest with an Orihalcum. Check behind the pillars too

for a Mega-Potion. Proceed to the Lobby afterwards.

Talk to Phil and he'll ask you to move the huge block. Push it until the

phrase "it weighs a ton" appears then talk to Phil again. There'll be a

cut-scene where Phil refuses to believe that Sora is a hero, while Donald

and Goofy tries to convince him otherwise. Eventually, Phil decides to

train you.

You'll have to break all the barrels within the given time limit. 20 barrels

within 30 seconds in the first round and 25 barrels within 1 minute in the

second round. You'll receive the Thunder magic after that.

He still won't let you enter the games so go outside. You'll see a short

cut-scene with Hades and he'll give you the "Entry Pass". Go back inside

and show it to Phil. You can now enter the preliminaries.

Make sure your characters are stocked with Potions and Ethers before you

enter the tournament since you won't be given the chance to restock on


There'll be 7 matches to fight here. After the 5th battle you'll see a

cut-scene between Cloud and Hades. You'll then fight your 6th battle

followed by Cloud.




Experience Points: 80p

He's really fast and his attacks are powerful, therefore this is going to be

a tough battle. But thankfully winning isn't necessary. Now Dodge Roll to

avoid his dash attacks while trying get close to him at the same time. Once

you're close enough keep attacking him from the side or better yet head on.

Doing this will make him concentrate on blocking your blows rather than

attack you. Be sure to move around a lot though to dodge his plunge attack.

You'll win eventually.


After the battle, Cerberus will show up and so will Hercules. When you get

back to the Lobby, restock on items and SAVE your game then go back to the

arena. It's also a good idea to customize your partners so that they don't

do physical attacks often. (this will prevent them from trying to smack

Cerberus silly and end up dying.)




Experience Points: 200p

Equipment Dropped: Inferno Band

Never ever attempt to attack him head on; I'd bet you're suicidal if you

did. Instead stay on the side and lock on to any head then attack. You can

also try to jump on his back to get on top of him and start smashing. Avoid

getting bitten at all cost as you definitely wouldn't want to see how much

damage it can do. Watch out for his fire balls as well. When he starts

releasing black stuffs after you, just Dodge Roll or jump to avoid it. Be

sure to keep your partners alive if you can so that they can help with

healing when you need it.


After the battle, there will be a cut-scene and you'll receive the Hero

License. Outside talk to Cloud for ano

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.