Qs for The Sims 2 pets game for Gameboy Advance SP!?!?
2008-01-07 16:41:11 UTC
How do you select items to move them around your house?How do you feed your pet? Are there any other jobs you can do besides the dogwalking thing?Finally I don't really get the whole buing tricks thing so if you know any websites with help about this game, please tell me it.Thanks
Three answers:
2008-01-07 17:05:31 UTC
well to feed your pet you have to buy a bowl and food then put them both in your house and get the food and put it in the bowl.

There are other jobs you can do but you have to finish the first job before you can get another one.

This is a walkthrough that might help you....



2016-03-17 08:51:21 UTC
Yes. All of the SP games are compatible for gameboy!
Little Lights Shining In The Dark
2008-01-07 17:04:36 UTC
Create a Sim

Like any Sim game, lets start with getting you a character. First is to Create

A Sim. First choose a gender. Simple enough. Choose your gender and press A.

Then, choose from the 6 skin colours that you can choose from and move on to

Step 2.

Step 2, choose your hairstyle. There are 4 for you to choose from. Pick the

one that suits you, then press A. Pick your colour hair from the 16. Note that

the male Sim likes to scratch his rear end. Pick a colour and press A.

Step 3, choose your shirt type. There are six for you to choose from. Options

one and two have 1 colour choice, option 3 has 2, option 4 has one colour

choice, option 5 has 2 colour choices and option 6 has 3 choices. Each colour

choice is from 32 different colours. Pick a shirt, colours and move on.

Step 4, pick your leg wear. One is short, one is long. Then press A and pick

a colour. Then pick your shoe colour and move on to step 5

Step 5, there are 6 for you to choose from. Active, Creative, Friendly, Neat,

Outgoing and Serious. Move to Step 6

Last and not least, pick you name. Simple enough? The right arrow gives you

thingys on their name and up arrow gives lower or upper case. Then get your

Sim ready to play.


The Beginning

Say Hello to Barkersville. Evan Scovel will greet you to the town. Evan is the

town carrier for the town, or letterman or postman. You will notice the animal

roaming free in this town. Funny, it was preivously known as Meowtown. You

will find that you are in downtown Barkersville. There are three homes

available for rent, your appartment, the bungalow and a condominium or condo.

You rent the home, you must pay the initial down payment and then pay the

rent at the start of each week. Notice the timer at the lower left of your

screen. If you can't pay the rent, say hello to Mr Repo Man, the friendly

debt collector with high tech guns from the original PC version. You will

start with §1600, 9am on Monday.

Walk to the doorway and meet Joane Trifiletti. She explains that she has a

green plumbob, the swirling green thing, or red thing, from the PC version

and explains having that on someone's head means they have something to tell

you. It either means they want to chat or something for you to do. Yellow

means that the person is waiting for you but you haven't done it yet. Purple

means that you've done what has been ask and want to talk for thanks or a

reward. I'm writing this as I go. Now, time to Socialise

To socialise, press up or down on the control pad to scroll the topics on

the conservation. You can play games. If you choose a topic the other person

likes, you gain social points which lets you be better friends. If you do the

opposite, you will lose social points and become less friendly. Watch the

person's reaction to see how you are doing. Green happy face means better

friends and red angry face means worse friends. To end the conservation, press

B, otherwise, it will end when you have something to do.

Ok lets start. You will notice you have 3 lines and choose the ones that you

think will interest her. Press up and down and then A on the icon to select

that option.

Joane will say she is a member of the Barkersville Welcoming Committee,

similar to those welcomers in the Sims 2 on PC. First however, she will ask

how many pets you want to have. You don't answer and soon head to the General

Store, Simthing 4 Everyone (pun on Something For Everyone). You go to the

store, talk to the cashier to start buying. There are three items so buy them

up but watch your money. Then you head to the apartment and start to place

items. Go to the crate and press A to open it.

Move the items to the floor and you want to the floor to be green. Look at the

feng shui at the bottom to see whether it is good to place it there or not. A

will confirm, R will rotate clockwise and L will give you anti-clockwise.

When you first place an item, your mood bar will turn up. When you are

finished, talk to Joane. Now you get a free shower and toilet. Great! You get

some new objectives. Place the shower and toilet.

Now, more on motives. There are 8 motives.

The bed is the Energy bar. This can be refilled through sleeping and napping.

The knives and forks are the Hunger Bar. This can be refilled through eating

food and drinking liquids.

The shower bar is the Hygiene Bar. This can be refilled through having a

shower or washing ends.

The toilet bar is the bladder bar. This can be refilled by going to the loo.

The seat bar is the Comfort bar. This can be refilled by being comfortable

like sitting down.

The television is the Fun bar. This can be refilled by doing fun things like

watching tv or playing with the computer.

The two heads is the Social bar. This bar can be refilled by talking to people

or youre pet.

The home bar is the Environment bar. This can be refilled by going home.

After you've done that, talk to Terence. He will send you to go to the Four-

Legged Friends pet shop next to your apartment to get a pet. Lets go. Walk

in and like we did before, get a pet. Pick a pet and name him or her. Walk

outside and notice your doggy or kitty. Talk to Terence and he will give your

animal some commands when you talk to him or her and tell you to see Otis at

the training school.

Train your pet. Commands will let you control your pet and the more commands

your pet has learnt, the better it will do in competitions and duels. First,

you, the owner, must know the command before you can teach the command.

Commands can be learnt from books, scrolls or other Sims. Scrolls can be

gained from the Barkersville Institute for Higher Training. You can see

commands from the command menu and you can teach any available tricks under

the trick menu. Tricks are divided among difficulty level. A red question

mark will indicate that your pet is trying to learn it. Of course, practice

makes perfect. The more it practices, the more chance of it doing the trick

successfully. Encouraging and punishing incorrect tricks will increase the

chance of it learning tricks faster. There are 7 stages for a trick.

Unknown - The Pet does not know the trick

Learning - Grey bulb meaning the pet is learning something but doesn't know


Familiar - 1/3 of the full bulb meaning that the pet has 1/2 chance of

performing the trick upon command

Known - 2/3 of the full bulb meaning that the pet performs the command

most of the time

Well-known - Full bulb meaning the pet will perform the trick correctly almost

all the time and can even perform the trick without command

Perfected - Blue cap meaning the pet can perform the trick perfectly all of

the time and will do the trick by themself half of the time

Confused - Unsure about the Sim's feedback. The pet does not want to do a

trick that it can get confused. This may include punishment for a

correct trick.

Praising a pet after it performs the trick helps it learn the trick faster.

Select praise from the Teach menu to help. Scolding after it incorrectly

performs a trick also helps it learn a trick faster. Select Scold from the

Teach menu to scold. Thats the end of that. Lets explore the town.



Ok, lets explore the town a bit. You know where the pet store is and where

you're apartment is. Head up the street to the hospital. Welcome to Happy

Paws Pet Hospital. You can go there when you're pet isn't well. Inside will

be Corina Strickland, a nurse there. Go outside and into the store with the

pet thingy on the top. Otis will be inside. This is the Barkersville

Institute for Higher Training. Now go outside and head up the bridge to see

Barkersville main street. You can see the cafe, Daily Paws, etc. Talk to

Meredith hanging around here to get the jist of things. You can go into the

general store here. You can see the cafe next door. You can see the Daily Paws

which is the pets boarding facility. Talk to Amy inside. Here you can go get

your first job. She will give you a job. Once you get home, there will be a

bronze medal cabinet. This is where you keep your awards. Walk around outside

and find Marcellus Fearheller.

Now, talk your time and get yourself promoted at dog walking. Upgrade your

skills to one body and one cleaning. Then earn 400/400§ and get yourself

promoted. Then its time to become a Scooper.


Clean Up Downtown

When you get promoted, Amy will want you to help her clean up downtown. You

will need to find piles of white trash lying around. I cannot help you here

as they are randomised. They are on the first screen outside the boarding

facilities and south of the screen (outside the apartment). Once you clean up

the mess, you will get §100. Nice pay for easy work. Anyway, for the time

being, walk around, pick up any you can recycle, etc, make more money. Soon,

you can get some better items, and that will be necessary.

After you've done that, comfortable and adjusted to the game, talk to Evan,

the postman. He will need you to find 10 recyclables to deliver to the

recycling centre. Lets go do that.

Walk around the town and look for recyclables for taking. Look for newspapers,

cans, bottles and batteries. Once you find 10 items, talk to Evan again for

a small gift. §125. Not bad for walking around town look for junk. If you have

any surplus, sell it. Okay, lets find some friends. Befriend the pet trainer

Otis. Soon, when you stop by his academy, you will see the green exclaimation

plumbob above him. Talk to him.



Otis will want to see a referral from you, someone who can vouch that you can

work with animals. Lets see, last time I checked, Amy was a good candidate

since you do work for her. She agrees to vouch for you, but in return, she

wants you to do a favor for her. Sigh, nothing in this world comes free. She

wants you to find a dog that was lost by a junior walker Downtown. You need

to find the dog and bring it back to her.

Go south one screen outside the hospital. Funnily enough, there happens to be

a dog on the road. Lets make him or her follow you. Go to the next screen and

make him follow you into the shop, Daily Paws. Then talk to Amy. For that, you

will get a referral letter. Now lets head back to see Otis.

Since you have the referral letter, he will now train your pet. He will want

you to practice the basics and when you are ready, he will allow your pet to

compete in the Basic competition at the Companions club which he is the

organiser. Now, Otis gives you the option for a new job. Now you have two jobs

to choose from.


Land Ho

Now that you've done that, you can talk to Marcellus Fearheller, the seafarer

and the owner of Unskinable Treasures. Is wants you to find him an ordinary

cat and an ordinary dog that he can use to apparently scam some more money

out of unsuspecting customers. Okay, lets walk around town and find some

floating animals. Outside the pet hospital will be a white dog, or a dog of

some sort. Lets make him follow you. Ok, since you have a done, talk to

Marcellus again. For your stray dog, you'll receive §400. Now, off to find a

cat. Oh, by the way, there is another dog outside Marcellus's store. Off we

go and go outside the pet store where there happens to be a cat. Now, go off

and take this cat to Marcellus. He'll give you another §400 for the cat.

And that is the end of that. Next quest, talk to Terence.


Clowning Around

Terence doesn't like all those Sims hanging around Hugo aren't spending their

§§§ on poor old Terence so he wants you to beat Hugo in a duel. No, this is

not a card game. Sounds simple enough? Ok, lets go find Hugo. He is normally

hanging around at the lake or at night, outside the cafe. Talk to him and he

will claim that his dog, Sputnik is the best dog outside the BCC. Talk and

fight. This is up to you what tricks you've taught your pet and how good your

timing is. Once you bet Hugo, you get §300 and a command scroll. This is the

Evil scroll. Anyway, finish off and talk to Terence for a further reward of

§250. Apparently, just as you finish that one, you will get another quest from

Terence. He wants you to challenge his cat, Hodori. By beating the daylights

out of his cat, he will give you a command scroll of Super Jump and an alien



Sporting Fitness

Head over to the gym and fix the broken shower. Then talk to Joane while she

is in the gym to get a small reward of §150. Then she has a quest for you. She

has ordered some new shoes and Evan is meant to deliver them. Once you find

him, ask him for the shoes and bring them to Joane. Sounds simple enough. Talk

to Evan and you'll get the delivery package to deliver. For such a small

delivery, you get a tidy sum of §150 again.


Becoming a Member

Go play the Pet Competition game and win first place. That means gold medal.

Ok, finish off and talk to Jane Pingree. She runs the Barkersville

Companion Club. She wants you to win the basics competition before she even

considers you becoming a member, even having to win it twice. Ok, we have to

win the basics competition. Go talk to Amy, she will want to have a duel with

you so show her what you're made of. Beat up snowflake and she'll give you

§100 and the command scroll Dry.

To win the basics competition, all you have to do is to come first place. Not

a hard ask. Skills like Super Jump will give you great points if you pull it

off correctly and practice makes perfect. Anyway, when you win, talk to Jade

who agrees that is wasn't a fluke. She says you need some addition traits

such as politeness, cooperation, etc. She wants you to demonstrate strong

social skills by talking to Meredith and getting a copy of a book for the

BCC. She wants you to get a book on Awesome tricks.

Find Meredith and she'll say that the book is a library book and that you

need to join the library. And you also have to tell Jade that if she wrecks

the book, she is paying the repairs. You have to meet Meredith in the cafe

between 10:00 and 11:00 the next day and she'll have a copy for you. When you

meet her, she'll give you the book and make sure you tell Jade about the late

charges on the book.

Give the book to Jade who will be pleased ut she still doesn't let you into

the club. What a jerk. She wants to hear stories about you from a few

more established members that will improve your chances since the decision

does not rest with her. You are now only a temporary member, not a fully

fledged member. Anytime you want a competition, you can see her and Otis will

be your coach. Therefore, new job. So we have two find who members. Lets go

look for some.

Find Celina, she is the one with the blue beret. Talk to her and she'll say

that she needs to see for herself you ability. She wants you to win the Clubs

competition, which is the one Jade unlocked for you. Also, by now, if you

arrive home, your Bronze Medal Cabinet is now Silver. Anyway, win the Clubs

tournament, which is a bit harder but if you have taught your pet more tricks

or make then to genius level, you should be find. Anyway, after you win, talk

to Celina Hawbaker. She won't give Jade the good word unless you find her a

good meal but it has to be home-cooked. Cook a meal at home, I hope your

cooking level is quite high, and bring the food to the BCC. You will need a

counter for the preparation and then an oven to cook the food. Then take the

plate of food, don't eat it, and take it down to the BCC and give it to Celina

who will enjoy your food and she'll give you her reference to Jade. Once down.

You also get §250 for the effort.

To stop people writing in, this is what you do. You get the food from the

fridge as you normally would. You need to place the food on the counter or

rather, click on the counter while holding the food. Prepare the food and then

take the prepared food to the oven and cook it and then carry this food all

the way to Celina who will give the reference.

Talk to Celina again and she'll say its her friend's birthday. She wants you

to go to Unsinkable Treasures and get something for her friend. You can get

the Ms. Elegant but it costs §20000. No, I didn't get an extra 0, thats the

price. Guess we'll wait for later. When you get the bird to Celina, your

reward is §22000. Talk again to duel her.

Go find Amy, since she has an errand for you. She wants someone to beat her in

a game of chess so build your logic to a high level, say 4 and challenge her.

In order to challenge her, you need to be at the chess boards in Pet Plaza.

When you win, you get the winnings of the bet, a nice §250.

Meredith has an errand for you as well. She wants a certain book and its only

available online. Get on your computer, or buy one if you don't have one and

go shopping. You will see that it is worth §1000 so be ready. Go to the

miscellaneous page and find Black Cat Mysteries. Buy it and give it to

Meredith. She gives you §1500 in return. After that, you get to duel her

and Banshee. So, lets duel. Beat her and you get §500 and the command scroll


After all that sidetracking, talk to Raphael Cilibretto and he will say that

he won't talk to Jade unless you in the Hearts competition. Win the

competition and then talk to him again. After you win, he wants you to use

his easel to create a piece of art to see if it is any good. You will

automatically create a piece of art and then he'll agree to talk to Jade for

you. You also get §250 for your trouble.

Go inside the BCC and you will find out that Raphael isn't really a member of

the BCC but Jade lets you into the club anyway. The reason you got in is that

your Sim is the first to be endorsed by Celina and therefore, you're a full


Anyway, talk to Jade again and she'll want you to deliver some smear letters

against Celina to people. Find Hugo and give one to him. Meredith would also

like one as well. Wow, lots of people want one! Talk to the people in town

and deliver the letters. Once you talk to Evan, he will deliver the rest of

the letters for you. Talk to Jade and she says that you must be mean to

Celina for the people to believe the letters. My, what an insane lady. Anyway,

you have to get the relationship between you and Celina below -60. For that,

you get §1000.

Raphael now wants to become a member. He wants you to talk to Jade for him to

allow him to become a member. Jade will say that she will only let him become

a member is you clean up outside the BCC and bring a new shrub. Cleaning the

trash is easy and then head to the general store to get the shrub under

plants. It will cost §1250 so get it and go to Jade. Talk to Raphael to get

§1000. Sigh, a loss.


Becoming a Vet

Note: You have to be a Wrangler and be a member of the BCC

Talk to Amy and she'll say that you should look for another job, not that you

are bad at walking but to expand your horizons and become a vet. Study

veternary medicine. She'll tell you to talk to her old friend Corina and take

you up an apprentice. Well, what are you waiting for?

Talk to Corina and she'll say that you only had your pet for a short time but

you are a natural. You need to talk to Kirk and Hugo and convince them to

bring their pets to the vet, maybe Corina will take you in. Talk to Kirk and

he will take his pet in on the condition that you will fix his stereo. If your

Sim has been playing as long as mine, there is no problem since appliances

around the house break down all the time. You'll fix it automatically and

Kirk is please, pleased enough to go to the vet. One down, one to go. You also

get §250 for your trouble. Go find Hugo in the lake section of the park.

Hugo is temporary insane and believed a giant rabbit hid his dog's favourite

toy. So guess what? Go look for it. You get the new command of Hunt and Dig

Allow your pet to hunt and when the pet makes some noise, use the dig command

to dig up the toy.

Hugo also tells you why he doesn't have a job. Just give him some money and

he will find some treasure for you. First of all is §10 for 2 alumimun cans.

Then §50 for 3 glass bottles. §100 for a ruby penguin. §250 for a gnome, §500

for a curvaecous table, §750 for a Bella Squared wall hanging. For §1000, you

get 3 Super treats. For §2500, you get the exotic Duval alarm clock.

Let me explain how the Hunting works. When you use Hunt for your pet, your

pet will look for recyclables. You should first pick up all the ones on the

screen like newspapers. Then, when you have, use hunt. If your animal barks

or meows, then you have found something and then dig. You might find some

furniture, items, etc. However, sometimes, you pet might get sick and you will

have to check up on it at the hospital.


After the Checkup

Otis needs the book you gave Jade and Meredith says she, as in Jade hasn't

returned to book so you have to go get it. Jade will give you the book, which

wasn't as exciting as she expected so give it to Otis. He will give you a

command scroll, Juggle. Then, you get to duel Otis. Beat him in the duel to

get §1000 and the Command Scroll 2X Flip.

After all this, go to the hospital and talk to Corina for the new job. After

all the talk, she says that the hospital look dull and that you should bring

in a painting to liven things up a bit. The only wall hanging that she will

except is the one that can be bought from Simthing 4 Everyone and is the wall

hanging Corina Art but that costs §10000. We'll get it later. When you get it,

Corina will refund you §12000.

Once you give in the painting, Corina will give you a quest saying that the

painting is ruined and that you have to fix up the painting. Head to the

back and restore the painting. For your trouble, you get §1000. After that,

another quest.

The Save a Pet committee is holding a charity drive. You have to donate money

and in return you get a reward. For §250, you get a normal treat. §500 will

get you 3 treats. §750 will net you a super treat and §1000 will get you

3 Super treats. §2500 will earn you a flea vaccine. "Corina's flea vaccine

makes your pet completely immune to fleas and itch monsters."

Talk to Marcellus who says he has hidden his treasure but forget where. He

has the key but doesn't know where to look. Obviously, we going to help. Go

outside the condo and dig near the cooker. You should find the package and

then deliver it to Marcellus. He'll give you §1500 and an alien artifact

in return.

Talk to Kirk and he'll say that he wants to get a present for Meredith but

it's in the Pet Cemetary and it has to be dug up. Go to the pet cemetary,

find the north most tombstone on the right side and dig up there for the

ancestor pendant. Go to Kirk but the jerk as already found something else

for Meredith and allows you to keep the Ancestor Pendant. Talk to him again

and he wants to duel you. When you win, you get Kirk's Innuendo Stereo and

a Command Scroll Sing.

Now, since you should have finished Celina's last mission, you can duel her

and her pet dog Cavalier. When you eat the smuck out of her, you get §1000 and

the Command Scroll Dance. Then, duel Jade. Its a fair bit harder and her dog

Precious is that much better. But practice. The pause button is probably one

of your best friends. When you defeat her, you get §1000 and a Command Scroll

2X Back Flip. Another duel challenge is Raphael. Now that he is a member of

the BCC, duel him. Gala, his dog is a pushover compared to what you've just

been through. You get §500 and the Command scroll Proud Walk.



Now that you've beaten Raphael, he needs some creative insight, therefore you

need to find 10 rare truffles. Truffles are found through the command hunt.

When your pet has stop and found something while hunting that you cannot see,

dig. Ok, like above, hunting will net you recyclables. First, scout the screen

and pick up all that you can see. Then use your pet's hunt and if the pet

walks directly to something, wait till it stops and then dig. Do not do so

if your pet is going round in circles. Anyway, start digging. It might take a

while. When you finish, Raphael will give you §1000 and tell you to come back

next Tuesday for the result. Tuesday and Raphael says he needs another 5 more

truffles. Deliver the truffles and he'll give you §500 and tell you to come

back on Saturday. Come back on Saturday and he'll give you an item, the

exotic painting Raphael the Great. This great blue painting is a really neat

item to hang on your wall.

Once you reach level 3 in Veterinary Medicine, Corina who will say that she

is running out of things to teach you. She says that there is someone better,

though not in Barkersville. Davor Raven is the master of all animals. She says

that when you are ready to meet him, he'll be there for you to look. She says

that if you want to know about him, you need to ask about in town. Celina says

that she met him once where he delivers Christmas gifts. Raphael warns you

to be careful. Joane never heard of him. Meredith ask what kind of name is

Davor. Jade gives you the same advice as Raphael. Kirk gives the same advice

as Celina. Otis advises you to be careful. Tererce is another repeat. Amy is

the same. Marcellus the same. Hugo as thats the least of your worries, there

is an alien that lurks outside Downtown at night. Strange. Go outside the

bungalow at night. Elza will greet you. She says she can help you find Davor

saying that they used to be acquaintances from another time and place. She

asks you to be more helpful, therefore, a favor. She wants three penguins

from Downtown, Pet Plaza or at Unsinkable Treasures. Bring the penguins who

are lost and she'll wait for you at the cafe tomorrow night.

Ok, where I found the penguins is behind the garbage bin next to the pet

hospital. Then talk to Ezla who will say that the penguin is great but she

wants more, 2 more. She will be near the bungalow this time. Well, since we

have found the downtown one, we need to look in pet plaza. Mine was found in

the top left corner of the lake area, north screen of the basketball courts.

Until you see Elza again, you need to earn §5000 to get the last penguin

in Unsinkable Treasures. Give Elza the penguin and then get the last penguin

and meet her at the Statue Gardens in Pet Plaza. Note that the penguin in

Unsinkable Treasures is the fluffy kind, not the §15000 kind. The place is

outside the Condo. After the third penguin, she tells you to look in the pet

cemetery where there are many animals with him.

Find Davor Raven. He quickly tries to get rid of you but at the instance of

your Sim, he says that Corina is half right. He says that your pet as

something to tell him and that he will teach you as a favor to your pet. But

you have to prove yourself. You have to find the ghosts in the cemetery and

that they feel at home in the moonlight. If they accept you, then you can

begin. They only appear during midnight to dawn and only when their home is

clean. Head to the cemetery and when I went, which was a Saturday at 17:00,

you will see the ghost of the animals. They know all the pets in Barkers-

ville and they say that some clever Sims can answer their questions, like

Davor. They say that each of the pets have a problem in the waking lives and

help them with their problems and then you can talk to Davor. Talk to the

Hungry Dog, which is a mirror on the Hungry Dog outside the cafe.

To feed the dog, go to the pet store and buy the Grade-S pet food. Place it

in the house and bring it to the dog. Back to the cemetery and the dog will

thank you. The cat needs you to fix up a statue of her to remind people of

her fame. This is in Statue Park, outside the condo. Restore it and talk to

the cat. Then talk to the lazy cat who needs a comfortable place to sleep.

Go to the pet stall and buy the Extra Comfy Sack for §575. Talk to the cat

outside the condo with the sack and then go to the cemetery. Talk to the

same cat in the cemetery to complete the quest. Talk to Davor and he'll ask

you what you've learnt. You have to learn through animal parapsychology, a

Sim can communicate to a pet like another Sim. It can also benefit other

animals and it will help you fix problems. Its also hard work. And it's now

a job.

Davor wants to duel you, so show him what you're made of. This guy is

extremely tough, tougher than Jane. So get some more moves like the ones you

got above. Gloomy is hard to beat but you can do it. Win and you get §1000

and the command scroll, Yoga.

Meanwhile, Otis says that he cannot teach you anymore and asks you to go see

Emily who is lurking at the Cafe between midnight and dawn. She'll teach you

something special. Emily is a ghost who looks very similar to Meredith. She

gives you the command scroll 1080!! Nice. Talk to Otis who says he

communicates with a lot of ghosts. He tells you to look for Dorian by the

fountain and he will tell you something interesting. Funny, Dorian looks a bit

like Kirk. He will give you the command scroll of Triple-Flip.

After, Elza tells you that she wants to speak to the king of the planet and

apparently, Hugo knows about this person. Lets talk to Hugo. He wants to hide

from Elza and asks you to get him a slice of pizza. Go to the cafe and get him

one. He needs another slice on Monday. Now he needs another slice on a

Saturday. Give him another slice on Saturday and he'll offer you an item for

§5000. Pay him the §5000 and he'll give you an alien artifact. Pay him an

extra §10000 and he'll give you his lucky garbage can. Its a Szabo

"Bottomless Peace" model. Anyway, back on topic, the King is Elvis, who was

previously the king of the planet. He says that you should buy an Elvis

costume and Elza won't know the difference. Go to Unsinkable Treasures and

pay §12500 for the Elvis Costume. Talk to Elza and she will say that she will

want to see Hugo. Talk to Hugo and in exchange for the Costume, you get a

Mystic Treat. Go back to Elza for a reward of §1750.

Meanwhile, Evan needs to find Elza but doesn't know who she is. He wants you

to deliver a letter to her. Give it to her and she will give you §500 in



Further Training

Once you are a specialist, that mean on level 4 of veterinary medicine, Corina

will tell you to see Davor for more training to be a great vet. Go see Davor.

Provided that you've done the dueling and did Otis's quest, you get to meet

Brad after midnight outside the BCC until dawn. Talk to him, who looks like

Terence and he will give you the command scroll, triple backflip. Talk to

Davor again who says you have learnt all the Mind Blowing tricks bar one. You

have to talk to Devius who is so powerful that he can be seen on top of

Unsinkable Treasures during the day. Go to the second floor of the shop and

go outside and talk to Devius who looks like Davor. You will need the ancestor

pendant for this part. You should have it by now. He will give you the skill

of fire breath.

After you get all the skills, Davor will have another duel with you. He will

give you §2500 and a Mystic Treat. Talk to Hugo and he'll ask if you've met

Nibbles the rabbit. Go to the picnic area and look near the pond. Go to the

pond and talk to the patch with the grey plumbob above the head. Talk to him

and he'll give you three command scrolls, Disco Fever, Ghost, Unghost. What

a nice rabbit.

After you reach level 3 of Animal Parapsychology, Davor will talk to you. He

will say that you have reached your natural limit and he cannot help you

anymore. Your Sim has exceeded all expectations and even the pets are

impressed. There is nothing you can learn from a master anymore, and you have

to choose your own path. He will say you have a guide, your pet. You need

to listen to your pet in the waking hours then you will have no limit in your

abilities. Veterinary medicine, competitions and tricks will all be in your

grasp. Should you fail, you will still be a success, but not extraordinary.

Your job here is to connect with your pet through parapsychology.

Anyway, finish the Level 3 course of Animal Parapsychology and Davor will

congratulate your pet. So now you're on your own journey. You can only figure

your things out yourself and your pet would guide you. You will be told to

win the Diamonds competition. After you win, talk to Davor who would say you

are the best animal trainer in Barkersville. Evan will come up and

congratulate you and he says that you should talk to Celina.

Talk to Celina and she says she had no idea you would become the best so

quickly. The Spades competition is coming up and this is an international

competition. You will represent Barkersville while Davor is independent and

refuses to represent Barkersville. The town should share advice with you. As

long as they are friends with you. Talk to Amy. She sends you to Raphael.

He sends you to Otis. He sends you to Kirk. Talk to him and he sends you to

Jade. She sends you to Hugo. He sends you to Terence. He sends you to Corina.

She sends you to Meredith. She sends you to Evan. He sends you to Joane. She

will send you to Marcellus. He sends you back to Celina. Now you have to win

the Spades competition.

Meanwhile, Elza needs parts of her ship back. 3 Pieces in fact. You should

have 3 alien artifacts by now. So give it to her. For that, you get §2000 and

a penguin. Now, finishing that, she wants to duel you. Beat her and you get

§2250 and the Command Scroll Hover.


Trainer of the World

After you win the Spades competition, talk to Celina who will state that you

are the best trainer in the world. Wow, best trainer in the world. Talk to

Hugo who says that there are no more penguins in Barkersville (funny that,

didn't Elza said she took them all?). He is amazed you saw Elza and survived

her. She is going to compete in the Joker competition. The Joker competition

is a galaxy wide event. Hugo reveals that she wants to become the Queen of

the Penguins. What a great title. She can only be stopped if someone beats

her in the Joker Competition. Guess who that is, thats right, you. This time

you need to talk to the people in town but you have to be best friends or

have a 80+ relationship with them. You start off with Celina. She will send

you to Kirk. He will send you to Terence. He will send you to Amy. She will

send you to Corina. She will send you to Jade. She sends you to Otis. He

sends you to Marcellus. He sends you to Raphael. He sends you to Davor. He

sends you to Meredith. Then you have to talk to Joane. Then you have to talk

to Evan. He sends you back to Hugo. He sends you to compete in the Joker


Win the competition and Hugo will say that you keep the world safe with the

penguins and you're the best in the galaxy. Talk to Evan. He will narrate

from the first day, when you didn't have a pet. You worked for Amy and started

pet walking, then went to Otis and went on the win competition after

competition at the Barkersville Companion Club. Then you started work with

Corina in Veterinary Medicine. Then you went on to become one of the best

animal parapsychologists under Davor. Then you became the best trainer in the

world, then galaxy. After that, he says that you what you do next is all up

to you. And thats it, you've finished the game.



This is the easiest skill to gain in apparently. Mopping up puddles on the

floor, making you bed, reading books, all seem to level up this skill. You can

clean your toilet, that all adds up. It determines how fast you can clean an


Ways to Improve:

* Making your bed

* Cleaning the toilet

* Cleaning the shower

* Reading a book

* Mopping up puddles

* Clean the oven

* Cleaning the Dunginator



This is the skill which allows you to repair objects faster.

Ways to Improve:

* Repair broken items

* Read books

* Unclog the toilet



This skill is useful in certain jobs.

Ways to Improve:

* Use exercise equipment

* Work out on TV

* Work out using the radio



This skill is useful because the food you cook slowly replenishes more hunger

than you would normally. And on cooking food, you need to get food from the

fridge then hold it while using the oven or microwave. Thats how you cook


Ways to Improve:

* Cook food

* Read books

* Watch Yummy Channel on TV

* Prepare food



This skill improves the value of your paintings and your novels.

Ways to Improve:

* Read books

* Paint

* Write novel



This skill improves your Sim talking to other Sims.

Ways to Improve:

* Talking to a mirror

* Talking to a bird


This skill has no real value at the moment.

Ways to Improve:

* Play chess

* Looking through a telescope


Pet Affinity

This skill effects on how well you can train your pets. It also effects your

abailty of praising and scolding your pet will allows you to train even


Ways to Improve:

* Train your pets



01 - Body Building I

Build your Body skill to level 1.

Small weights with red background

02 - Body Building II

Build your Body skill to level 3.

Middle weights with yellow background

03 - Body Building III

Build your Body skill to level 5.

Large weights with green background

04 - Body Building IV

Build your Body skill to level 7.

Extremely large weight with blue background

05 - Perfect Body

Build your Body skill to level 10.

Athlete on water

06 - Beautiful I

Build your Charisma skill to level 1.

Smile with red background

07 - Beautiful II

Build your Charisma skill to level 3.

Smirk with yellow background

08 - Beautiful III

Build your Charisma skill to level 5.

Smile with green background

09 - Beautiful IV

Build your Charisma skill to level 7.

Smile with a shine with blue background

10 - Unforgettable You

Build your Charisma skill to level 10.

Man in top hat with thumbs up

11 - Clean I

Build your Cleaning skill to level 1.

Mops crossed with red background

12 - Clean II

Build your Cleaning skill to level 3.

Mops crossed with yellow background

13 - Clean III

Build your Cleaning skill to level 5.

Mops crossed with green background

14 - Clean IV

Build your Cleaning skill to level 7.

Mops crossed with blue background

15 - Dirtbuster

Build your Cleaning skill to level 10.

Vaccum cleaner with blue flowers

16 - Yummy I

Build your Cooking skill to level 1.

Cupcake with one cherry with red background

17 - Yummy II

Build your Cooking skill to level 3.

Larger cupcake with 7 cherries with yellow background

18 - Yummy III

Build your Cooking skill to level 5.

Larger cupcake with 10 cherries with green background

19 - Yummy IV

Build your Cooking skill to level 7.

Cake with 11 cherries with blue background

20 - Tastebuds

Build your Cooking skill to level 10.

Spoon and fork on hot pot

21 - Creative I

Build your Creativity skill to level 1.

Pallete with green, orange and grey on red background

22 - Creative II

Build your Creativity skill to level 3.

Pallete with green, orange and blue on yellow background

23 - Creative III

Build your Creativity skill to level 5.

Pallete with red, yellow and blue on green background

24 - Creative IV

Build your Creativity skill to level 7.

Pallete with red, yellow and green on blue background

25 - Hidden Talents

Build your Creativity skill to level 10.

Golden pallete

26 - Smart I

Build your Logic skill to level 1.

Red head with a light bulb

27 - Smart II

Build your Logic skill to level 3.

Yellow head with small light blub

28 - Smart III

Build your Logic skill to level 5.

Green head with light bulb

29 - Smart IV

Build your Logic skill to level 7.

Blue head with large light bulb

30 - Mastermind

Build your Logic skill to level 10.

Golden jigsaw puzzle

31 - Wrench I

Build your Mechanical skill to level 1.

Spanner with red background

32 - Wrench II

Build your Mechanical skill to level 3.

Spanner and one gears with yellow background

33 - Wrench III

Build your Mechanical skill to level 5.

Spanner with two gears with green background

34 - Wrench IV

Build your Mechanical skill to level 7.

Spanner with three gears with blue background

35 - Gearhead

Build your Mechanical skill to level 10.

2 Crossed spanners

36 - Animal I

Build your Pet Affinity skill to level 1.

Red paws in heart with red background

37 - Animal II

Build your Pet Affinity skill to level 3.

Yellow paws in heart with yellow background

38 - Animal III

Build your Pet Affinity skill to level 5.

Green paws in heart with yellow background

39 - Animal IV

Build your Pet Affinity skill to level 7.

Blue paws in heart with blue background

40 - Animal Lover

Build your Pet Affinity skill to level 10.

Silver paw on gold medal.

41 - Pure Talent

Build ALL your skills to level 10.

Blue star

42 - Pet Walking I

Start the Pet Walking Career.

Dog and cat inside house with red background

43 - Pet Walking II

Be promoted to Pet Walking level 2.

Dog and cat inside house with yellow background

44 - Pet Walking III

Be promoted to Pet Walking level 3.

Dog and cat inside house with green background

45 - Pet Walking IV

Be promoted to Pet Walking level 4.

Dog and cat inside house with blue background

46 - Pet Wrangler

Be promoted to Pet Walking level 5.

Dog and cat on red cushion

47 - Animal Training I

Start the Animal Training Career.

Dog and cat side-by-side with red frame

48 - Animal Training II

Be promoted to Animal Training level 2.

Dog and cat side-by-side with yellow frame

49 - Animal Training III

Be promoted to Animal Training level 3.

Dog and cat side-by-side with green frame

50 - Animal Training IV

Be promoted to Animal Training level 4.

Dog and cat side-by-side with blue frame

51 - Maestro

Be promoted to Animal Training level 5.

Dog and cat face side-by-side

52 - Veterinary I

Start the Veterinary Medicine career.

Back of a cat and dog with red background

53 - Veterinary II

Be promoted to Veterinary Medicine level 2.

Back of a cat and dog with yellow background

54 - Veterinary III

Be promoted to Veterinary Medicine level 3.

Back of a cat and dog with green background

55 - Veterinary IV

Be promoted to Veterinary Medicine level 4.

Back of a cat and dog with green background

56 - Surgeon

Be promoted to Veterinary Medicine level 5.

Dog with a doctor's scope

57 - Parapsychology I

Start the Animal Parapsychology career.

Dog with eye on red background

58 - Parapsychology II

Be promoted to Animal Parapsychology level 2.

Dog with eye on yellow background

59 - Parapsychology III

Be promoted to Animal Parapsychology level 3.

Dog with eye on green background

60 - Parapsychology IV

Be promoted to Animal Parapsychology level 4.

Dog with eye on blue background

61 - Pet Whisperer

Be promoted to Animal Parapsychology level 5.

Face with a cat on the head

62 - Hard Working

Be promoted to level 5 in ALL careers.

Golden Star

63 - Social I

Have 1 Friend.

Handshake on red background

64 - Social II

Have 5 Friends.

5 Hands on red background

65 - Good Buddy

Have 10 Friends.

Yellow Smiley Face in green circle

66 - Everyone's Pal

Be friends with everyone

3 Yellow Smiley Face in green circle

67 - Confidant

Have 5 Best Friends.

Person patting dog on gold locket

68 - Best Friends 4VR

Have a Soul-Mate.

(Relationship 90+)

Red and black dog inside red and black circle

69 - Nemesis

Have an archenemy.

(Relationship -90)

Person in black attire in moonlight

70 - Tricks

Teach 10 tricks to your pet.

Dog howling with green background

71 - Top Tricks

Teach 25 tricks to your pet.

Dog jumping through hoop

72 - Tough Tricks

Teach ALL tricks to your pet.

Dog breathing fire

73 - Walker

Walk 500 Miles.

Shoe inside a triangle

74 - Hiker

Walk 2000 Miles.

Pawprints inside a triangle

75 - Globetrotter

Walk 5000 Miles.

Globe with two red footmarks

76 - Money Clip

Own 5,000 Simoleons.

Silver coin with velvet drape

77 - Money Bags

Own 50,000 Simoleons

Bad with Simoleon sign

78 - Money Vault

Own 500,000 Simoleons

79 - Moving On Up

Move to the Condo.

Resort on purple badge.

80 - Good Deeds

Complete ALL Errands.

Halo on badge with angelic wings

81 - Tuxedo

Own a penguin and survive a week

(This is a major problem as many people have emailed and complained that they

had a penguin and survived a week on it and no medal. I have no idea either.

Ask Maxis or EA for some help)

82 - Buried Treasure

Find this Medal with Mastered Search Command.

Treasure Chest on a plate

83 - Exotic Creatures

Sell a Pet worth 5000 Simoleons

Green cat with green wreath

84 - Sterling Medal

Collect ALL challenge medals

85 - Bronze-Clubs

Take 3rd place in the Clubs competition.

Bronze medal with clubs indent and green ribbon

86 - Silver-Clubs

Take 2nd place in the Clubs competition.

Silver medal with clubs indent and green ribbon

87 - Gold-Clubs

Win the Clubs competition.

Gold medal with clubs indent and green ribbon

88 - Bronze-Hearts

Take 3rd place in the Hearts competition.

Bronze medal with hearts indent and red ribbon

89 - Silver-Hearts

Take 2nd place in the Hearts competition.

Silver medal with hearts indent and red ribbon

90 - Gold-Hearts

Win the Hearts competition.

Gold medal with hearts indent and red ribbon

91 - Bronze-Diamonds

Take 3rd place in the Diamonds competition.

Bronze medal with diamond indent and yellow ribbon

92 - Silver-Diamonds

Take 2nd place in the Diamonds competition.

Silver medal with diamond indent and yellow ribbon

93 - Gold-Diamonds

Win the Diamonds competition.

Gold medal with diamond indent and yellow ribbon

94 - Bronze-Spades

Take 3rd place in the Spades competition.

Bronze medal with spade indent and blue ribbon

95 - Silver-Spades

Take 2nd place in the Spades competition.

Silver medal with spade indent and blue ribbon

96 - Gold-Spades

Win the Spades competition.

Gold medal with spade indent and blue ribbon

97 - Bronze-Joker

Take 3rd place in the Joker competition.

Bronze medal with Joker Hat indent and grey ribbon

98 - Silver-Joker

Take 2nd place in the Joker competitiom.

Silver medal with Joker Hat indent and grey ribbon

99 - Gold-Joker

Win the Joker competition.

Gold medal with Joker Hat indent and grey ribbon

100 - Glittering Medal

Collect ALL Competition gold medals.

Gold medal with star indent and cream ribbon


Pet Walking

"Don't let the pet escape the leash, remember to scoop, and keep the pet away

from those flowers. Keep the pets on the leash and out of trouble, and be

ready to scoop. If the pet breaks the leash, the game is over. Press the L and

R button to select a leash. Press the Left and Right on the +Control Pad to

pull the pet back on the path. Press the A Button to shorten the leash and

keep the pet from escaping. Press the B Button to scoop." - Amy Yearwood

Don't let the pet wreck the flowers. Each wrecked flower is deducted from your

pay. Don't forget to scoop by pressing the B Button.

Hours are 8:00am to 19:00 (7:00pm). Every game takes about 4 hours game time.


You have to walk a distance of 75m. You get §1 for every mile you decide to

walk. You lose §5 for every wrecked flower. If you animal does a poo, you will

lose §2. You will have a max of §100. To level up, you need to have 1 Body

Skill Point and 1 Cleaning Skill Point. You also need one friend. Cleaning

poop gives you §10. You get a bonus of §25 for a perfect.

Don't let the pets escape, play in the mud puddles, or break vases. Press the

A button to keep the pet from running away.


You need 1 body skill, 2 cleaning, 1 cooking and 2 mechanic. You will need

2 friends and total earnings to be §1025. You get §2 per mile walked and the

walk it 75 miles. Finish and you get §200. Scooping poop gives you §10. You

get §150 as base pay and §50 as a bonus for perfect.

Keep both pets from breaking status. Press L and R Buttons to select a leash.


Its now a 100 mile walk apparently. 1 mile will be §2. Scooping poop will be

§10. Finish and the base pay is §250. You need 3 body skill, 4 cleaning skill

points, 3 cooking points, 3 mechanical and 1 pet affinity along with 3 friends

to boot. You also need up to §1900. Your base pay is §200 with §50 as a bonus

for perfect.

Keep all three pets from knocking down the lawn flamingoes. Don't forget to

scoop by pressing the B button to earn a bonus


Its now a 125 mile walk and for every mile that you run, thats §3. Scooping

the poop is still §10. Base pay is §450. To be promoted, your body skill will

be 5, the cleaning must be at 5, cooking will need to be at 4, mechanical will

need to be at 4 and your pet affinity needs to be at 2. You need to earn up to

§4150 and have 4 friends. Your base pay is §450 with §75 as bonus.

Handle four pets at the same time! Earn a bonus for a perfect pet walking



Its a 125 mile walk with §4 for every mile you walk. There are four pets and

there are no requirements for the next level since this is the max level. Poop

is still worth §10. Finish it perfectly and you get §600. Your pay is §500

with §100 as a bonus for a perfect.


Animal Training

"Animal training requires more finesse than simple pet walking. You need

creativity and timing. You choose the tricks for your routine, and your pets

perform the right tricks at the right time. You can compete with against other

pet trainers in one-on-one duels, or full competitions. First, you create a

challenging routine from a list of tricks that your pet knows. Then, you

perform the tricks amd let the judge comment on your score. The better your

pet knows a trick, the higher the potential score. To create your routine,

choose tricks from a list of tricks that your pet knows. You pet must be

trained to be Familar with a trick in order to use it in competition. Tricks

are sorted by starting position. Press Left and Right on the +Control Pad

to highlight a trick from a list. Press the A Button to add the trick to your

routine. You can repeat tricks in the routine, but the judges don't like

repetition. Each duel and competition has a required number of tricks that you

must perform. To perform the trick press the A, B, L and R Buttons, or any of

the directions on the +Control Pad when the matching symbol is in one of the

target circles. The trick becomes more complicated to perform as your pet

learns it better, but also earns a higher potential score. In duels, you

perform your routine once against a single opponent. In competitions, you must

perform your routine three times, and your total score for each round is what

counts. The better your pet knows the trick, and the more accurately you enter

the command during the competition, the higher your score. Each judge prefers

different kinds of tricks." - Otis Isenberg.

Hours are from 10:30 to 20:00. Competitions consist of three rounds instead

of dueling where you only need one round.

You are playing against Sims who are just learning how to train their pets.

Good Luck!


To be promoted, you need two body points, 2 charisma points, 2 creativity

points, one logic point and 2 points in pet affinity. There is no real base

earning and there is no § limit to reach to be promoted. To be promoted, you

have to win the basic competition and become a member of the BCC. You also

need 5 friends. You need 3 moves for each of the 3 rounds.

You are playing against new members of the Barkersville Companion Club.

2-Junior Trainer

You can only start this game by talking to Jade. To move on to the next

tournament, you need 2 body skill points, 3 charisma points, 4 creativity,

3 logic and 2 pet affinity as well as 6 friends. You also must have won the

clubs competition. Once you meet these requirements, talk to Jade to move

onto the Hearts Competition. You need 5 moves for each of the 3 rounds.

Compete against the best animal trainers from the BCC


You can only start this game by talking to Jade. To move onto the next level,

you need to have 3 body skill points, 6 charisma points, 6 creativity points,

5 logic points and 3 pet affinity points as well as 8 friends. Tou also need

to win the Hearts competition. You need 7 moves for each of the 3 rounds.

Compete against the best animal trainers in Barkersville


Your body needs to be at 5 points, your charisma must be at max, creativity

will need to be at 9, logic at 8 and pet affinity will need to be at 8 as well

as 11 friends. You also need to win the diamonds competition. You need 8 moves

for each of the 3 rounds.

You are competing against the best animal trainers in the entire world!


You need 10 move for each of the three rounds. This is extremely hard to win

but is necessary to finish the game.

You are competing against the stars ... literally! Animal trainers from

around the galaxy are here for the Joker competiton.

6-Joker Class

Still 10 moves for three rounds. Even harder by necessary to finish the game.


Veterinary Medicine

"As a veterinary technician, you have to care for animals in order to treat

them. Pay attention to the pet's itchiness as you use the shampoo to remove

the itchy fleas. Choose the right tools to remove fleas and other itchy

irritants from the pet. If the pet's itch meter if full, Corina takes over

the procedure. Press the L and R button to select the right tool to remove the

fleas and other itchy things from the pet. Use the +Control Pad to highlight

a square on the operating grid. Press the A Button to use the tool on the

highlighted square." - Corina Strickland

Hours are from 8:00 to 18:00

Use the Anti-Bug shampoo to destroy the fleas. Press the L and R button to

change tools.


You need 7 Cleaning points, 6 cooking points, 6 logic points and 5 mechanical

points as well as 7 friends and earnt up to §3025 to be promoted. Each bug

killed is worth §8. On level 1, the max is §600+ and for a perfect, you get an

extra §50. You have one minute to great rid of as many bugs as you can. If

bugs are not removed, the itchiness will go up.

Use the Venom Sucker to remove itch venom before the pet gets too itchy.


You now need 8 cleaning skill points, 7 cooking skill points, 7 logic points

and 6 mechanical points. You still need those 7 friends and need §6550 in

total earnings. Fleas are now still §8 per kill and the venom will net §15

per removal. Venom will come from killing fleas. A perfect will net you an

extra §100. Venom will grow larger if it is left untreated.

Use the tweezers to destroy the flea eggs before they hatch and turn into



To be promoted, you need 9 Cleaning points, 8 cooking points, 8 logic points

and 7 mechanical points. You also need to have 10 friends and §10650 in total

earnings. Fleas are still §8, venom §15 and eggs are §20. You need to use the

tweezers three times to remove the eggs. A perfect is worth §150. Egss will

turn into fleas if left untreated.

Destroy the super-fleas, and avoid the patches of irritated skin. Super-fleas

require two doses of shampoo to remove.


To be promoted, you need 9 Cleaning points, 10 cooking points, 10 logic points

and 10 mechanical points as well as 11 friends and total earnings of §17050 to

boot. Fleas are still §8, venom §15, eggs §20 and the super fleas are worth

a generous §50. Irritated skin will randomly appear everywhere as well. A

perfect is worth a nice §300. If left untreated, the Super flea will explode

and two pieces of venom will appear near where it was. Fleas can grow into

super fleas.

Destroy the itch monster! Itch monsters need three doses of shampoo to



The itch monster is a black flea that can move around. Killing it will earn

you a tidy §100. It is near impossible for a perfect here. The other fleas

earn the same amount. A perfect will net you a nice §500. Once you kill the

stupid flea monster, he will spread venom all over the place so you have to

mop up.



"Use your "Third Eye" to identify the thoughts and solve the hidden problems

of the pet. Help solve the pet's problems by understanding what the pet is

trying to say without running out of psychic energy, or making the pet run

away. Some pets have more than one problem to solve. Focus your "Third Eye" on

the blurry Simoglyphs to reveal stars. Collect the stars to solve the pet's

problem. Larger stars are worth more points. Try to avoid the pet's psychic

blocks. These special Simoglyphs make you spend more psychic energy. Press Up

and Down on the +Control Pad to select a row of scrolling Simoglyphs. Try to

capture the stars and avoid the other Simoglyphs. Press Left or Right on the

+Control Pad to slow or speed up the rows of scrolling Simoglyphs. Press the

A Button to focus the "Third Eye" on a blurred Simoglyph in a row to reveal

the hidden Simoglyph." - Davor Raven

Hours are from 20:00 to 5:00 at the cemetery.

Solve the pet's problem by collecting stars. Press Up or Down on the +Control

Pad to select a row of Simoglyphs.


You need a body skill of 7, charisma skill of 8, cooking skill on 5,

creativity skill of 8, logic skill of 8 and pet affinity skill of 6. You also

need total earnings of §5100 but there is not requirement for friends. Your

pay is dependant on your problems solved. Your pay is 1X your score.

Solve one problem for this pet. Collect consecutive stars for bonus points.

Press the A Button to reveal a hidden Simoglyph in a row.

2-Pet Hypnotist

The rows can change around so be careful. You need a body skill of 7, a

charisma skill of 9, a cleaning skill of 7, a creativity skill of 9, a logic

skill of 9 and a pet affinity skill of 7. You need total earnings of §10850

to spill. Your pay is 2X your score.

This pet suffers from psychic blocks. The Mind Lock and Brain Freeze symbol

prevent you from switching rows for a short time.

3-Pet Mentalist

You need a body skill of 8, a maximum charisma score, which is level 10, you

need 8 cleaning points, 9 creativity skill points, a maximum level 10 logic

skill and pet affinity to level 9. You need to earn up to §18000 as well. Rows

switch more frequently now and are faster in changing. Your pay is now 3X your


This pet can cause headaches, but can also help restore some of your psychic


4-Pet Exorcist

This promotion's requirement is extreme. You need body, charisma, cleaning,

creativity, logic and pet affinity all at level 10. No exceptions and you

need to earn up to §26500 as well. Good luck. The moving rows switch even

faster now. You earn 4X your score as your pay.

This pet has many problems and every unhappy thought you've ever seen. Collect

the speed Simoglyph to score bonus points.

5-Pet Whisperer

The rows change even faster and more often. You pay is based on your score and

5X to give your pay.


Four-Legged Friends Pet Store

This store is located next to your beginning apartment in downtown. Lets have

a look on whats for sale. All these motives are for pets. Environment is for

the Sim however. It is open from 9:00 to 22:00

Page 1 - Pet Food

Pet Food - §157

A rich blend of kibble and flavor.

Hunger: 5

Grade-A Food - §432

Feed your pet, whiten its teeth and give its coat a glossy sheen.

Hunger: 8

Grade-S Food - §876

A mix of delicious and mysterious food products.

Hunger: 10

Normal Treat - §15

Pets flip for this treat.

Hunger: 1

Energy Treat - §45

Pets flip and run around the block for this high-energy treat.

Hunger: 1, Energy: 4

Power Treat - §105

Active pets demand Power Treats.

Energy: 3, Hunger: 1, Comfort 4

Super Treat - §275

The pet treat equivalent of winning the lottery.

Hunger: 1

Page 2 - Pet Furniture

Bird Cage - §365

A beautiful glided residence for those who love to fly.

Fun: 1, Environment: 2

Dunginator 9000 - §139

This bottomless tray of odor-absorbing gravel makes your home smell pet-free.

Bladder: 10

Pet Bed C Model

Eight out of ten pets perfer a beanbag pet bed to a couch.

Energy: 2, Comfort: 2

The Cuddle Sack - §175

This exquisite bed enchances the canine nap experience.

Comfort: 4, Energy: 4, Environment: 2

Aquarium - §335

Your fish will jump out of the bowl when they see this cool aquarium.

Fun: 1, Environment: 2

The Pet Placater - §45

This shatterproof pet placater lets your pet know that it's mealtime.

Hunger: 1

Delux Pet Feeder - §119

When fashion is as important to your pet at mealtime as the food.

Hunger: 4, Environment: 2

Pet House - §212

A new home for your smallest family member. Not designed for children.

Energy: 6, Comfort: 5, Environment: 2

Pad Prolifique - §521

Who deserves more comfort than your pet?

Energy: 7, Comfort: 6, Environment 4

Page 3 - Pets

Here you can get dogs and cats. Pick one.

Page 4 - Pet Toys

Scratching Post - §59

Save your table legs and door frames from feline destruction.

Comfort: 1, Fun: 4

Spinning Disc - §32

This dynamic spinning disc is more than worthy for games of catch.

Fun: 3

Yarn - §31

Colorful, soft, and endlessly stringy, your cat will get lost in a ball of


Fun: 3

Ball - §27

When you throw this ball, you can be sure your dog will always "fetch".

Fun: 4

Bone - §44

Your dog will have as much fun burying the bone as eating it.

Fun: 8

Catnip - §52

A little bit sprinkled on the floor will have your cat excited and relaxed at

the same time.

Fun: 8


Simthing 4 Everyone

This store is located in the main street of Barkersville, north one screen of

the pet store and your apartment. It is open from 9:00 to 22:00.

Page 1 - Appliance

Xtra Pep Coffee - §85

The pep you need to compete in today's hectic lifestyle.

Energy: 3, Hunger: 1

Wichy-Washer - §550

Hot water and soap clean much better than rinsing alone.

The Whisp-Aire - §950

Using HydroFonic technology, its a silent revolution in dishwashing.

Environment: 2

Espresso Machine - §450

Makes "the best coffee in SimCity." Break time is espresso time.

Energy: 4, Hunger: 1, Fun: 3

Zip Zap Microwave - §250

Compact, safe and easy to use (Some restrictions apply.)

Hunger: 2

Trash Compactor - §375

If it's not compacted, it's just plain trash

Page 2 - Audio

Compact Stereo - §99

A great buy ... at least for the first 2 weeks.

Fun: 3

FunKadelic Stereo - §375

Crystal clear sound all around. We being you auditory ecstasy.

Fun: 4

AudioGeek TK421 - §2550

Rock the house with 64 kHz of ElectroChip high-margin sound.

Fun: 5, Environment: 2

Page 3 - Bed

Pine Bed - §300

Lay you body to rest in pine. Perfect for you or a loved one

Energy: 2, Comfort: 1

Meditation Sleeper - §950

Move to a new plane of rest with the Meditation Sleeper

Energy: 4, Comfort: 4, Environment: 2

Sweet Duplicate - §1200

An accurate replica. Complete with creaks and bedbugs.

Energy: 6, Comfort: 5, Environment: 2

Colonial Bed - §3000

Bring historical authenticity into your bedroom with this classic piece.

Energy: 7, Comfort: 6, Environment: 5

Page 4 - Dining Chair

Tea Party in Teak - §100

The finest in home seating technology

Comfort: 3

Eastern Dining - §335

Ease. Elegance. Feel the difference.

Comfort: 4

OT Design Chair - §615

Classic design and lasting construction.

Comfort: 6, Environment: 1

Elegant Chair - §1200

Tradition, class and grace.

Comfort:, Environment: 2

Page 5 - Living Chair

Good Living Chair - §155

This chair speaks for itself. No assembly required.

Comfort: 4

Blue Suede Chair - §400

Inviting luxury meets down-home flair.

Comfort: 6

Deluxe Chair - §680

Treat your rear to this fine chair. It's there for your backside.

Comfort: 8, Environment: 1

King Armchair - §1200

Fit for royality or family pet, classic elegance at home.

Comfort: 9, Environment: 2

Page 6 - Computer

WK-40 - §1000

This is THE computer to buy ... until it's rendered obsolete.

Fun: 7

Page 7 - Cooking

Metal Kettle - §299

It's got gas. It cooks things with fire. Now more explosion resistant!

Hunger: 1, Fun: 1

Dialectric Stove - §400

With revolutionary Therma-roasting, this is one oven that really cooks!

Hunger: 1

The Mondo Fuego - §650

Get cooking or get out of the kitchen!

Hunger: 4, Environment: 1

FlameBay Cooker - §900

The FlameBay, an innovative fusion of two burners and an oven.

Hunger: 8, Environment: 2

Grandiose Grill - §1100

Grill a steak or cook a burger. The possibilities are endless!

Hunger: 8, Fun: 3, Environment: 2

Page 8 - Counter

Value Counter - §140

Crafted in elegant particleboard and built to last ... for 6 months.

Sleek Cuisine - §325

Featuring smooth surface top and swing open cupboards.

Archipelago Series - §500

The home cooking space solution.

Environment: 1

Sardinia Series - §790

Aesthetic beauty meets down-to-earth practicality.

Environment: 2

Page 9 - Curtain

Veil of Dream - §120

Charming lace and satin, this is the stuff dreams are made of.

Environment: 2

Funky Curtains - §170

Think "clothing for windows." Have the best-dressed rooms in town.

Environment: 2

Velvet Drapes - §250

Give your rooms an atmosphere that's over a century in making.

Environment: 2

The Floor-Length - §335

The perfect treatment for nearly any style of window frame.

Environment: 3

Page 10 - Desk

Economy Desk - §220

Three drawers and a maple top. How quaint.

Home Office Desk - §750

Dual-purpose home office and family business work surface.

Environment: 2

Page 11 - Electronic

Alarm Clock - §30

Don't just wake up on time ... get up!

Table Phone - §50

Keep connected with fully wired communications. Your friends are just 7 digits


Wall Phone - §75

Never let a call go unanswered by accident again.

Page 12 - Hobbies

Bibliofile Bookcake - §400

Crafted in refined particleboard, the Bibliofile is sturdy yet lightweight.

Fun: 1

Renaissance Shelf - §950

Your literary classics deserve a classic home.

Fun: 1, Environment: 2

Easel - §350

With patent pending "blank canvas" technology, creativity is a snap!

Fun: 5

Exercise Machine - §1400

Get the body you've always wanted, for just minutes a day!

Fun: 4

Skyzoom Telescope - §550

The Skyzoom is the logical choice for the amateur astronomer

Fun: 4, Environment: 2

Page 13 - Lighting

Social Climbing - §105

Dapper. Smashing. These aspects can be yours too with the Social Climbing


Environment: 1

Thrice as Nice - §199

Three bulbs in one! Guaranteed to last at least as long as the bulbs.

Environment: 1

Blaze Torchiere - §275

The Blaze Torchiere lights the way to reason in your home.

Environment: 2

Page 14 - Mirror

Total Mirror - §303

Take a "long" look at yourself. See the whole you come to life.

Hygiene: 1, Fun: 3, Environment: 2

Page 15 - Plant

Frost de Fleur - §30

Value never looked so great ... from a distance.

Environment: 1

Blue Sky Bonsai - §99

Nothing says "I love the environment" like a ridiculously tiny tree.

Environment: 1

Rubber Tree Plant - §165

No ant can lift this rubber tree plant. Guaranteed.

Environment: 1

No-Fuss Ficus - §300

The perfect blend of truck, branches and leaves. Includes a pot.

Environment: 2

Page 16 - Refrigerator

EconoCool Fridge - §600

The new frontier of delicious and nutritious dining, "EconoCool."

Hunger: 8

Bovinia Model BR - §1500

Open the door to nutrition with the Bovinia.

Hunger: 8 Environment: 2

Page 17 - Sculpture

Kitsch Gnome - §68

An absolute necessity for any invader. Laser beams not included.

Fun: 2, Environment: 1

Pose Collection - §200

Primordial, progressive. The enigma of museum-quality art can be yours.

Fun: 3, Environment: 3

Ancient Urn - §500

One Sim's junk is another Sim's treasure.

Fun: 3, Environment: 4

The My-Chi Form - §2500

I don't get it either.

Fun: 3, Environment: 8

On a Pedestal - §5000

It costs an arm and a leg. At what price beauty?

Fun: 3, Environment: 10

Page 18 - Shower

Clean Water - §650

A suitable level of cleaniness sacrificing a minimal level of comfort!

Hygiene: 8

Coloratura - §1500

High quality. High art. High style. The pinnacle of bathroom design.

Hygiene: 10, Comfort: 2, Environment: 3

Page 19 - Sink

Superlative Sink - §150

With singular genius, The Greatest Designer Alive has done it again.

Hunger: 1, Hygiene: 5

Hydronomic Basin - §410

With the innovative hole-in-basin drainage system, you get it all.

Hunger: 1, Hygiene: 6

Pedestal Sink - §700

Live in the past with this fluted pedestal sink.

Hunger: 1, Hygiene: 6, Environment: 2

Page 20 - Sofa

Fantasy Sofa - §120

Modern taste and affordable price. The most futonesque futon ever!

Comfort: 4

Cityside Loveseat - §400

Fall in love with this sofa's sleek contours and smart look.

Comfort: 6

Baroccoco Sofa - §1250

Inspired by mom's love and bursting with down-home charm.

Comfort: 8, Environment: 1

Lap of Luxury - §1700

Posh styling and rich detail bring a fine home addition.

Comfort: 9, Environment: 2

Page 21 - Table

Allinall Surface - §95

Mass-produced with love and care. Now with 30 percent less lead!

Pine Table - §450

The modern table technology supports both dinners and lunches.

Discourse Table - §1200

Performance, innovative detail and superb ease-of-operation.

Environment: 2

Page 22 - End Table

Crazy 8 Table - §65

Features finished cut legs [4 in all] and an octagonal wooden top.

Corner Table - §110

Down-home charm for your living room.

Trieste End Table - §300

The 70's have returned in end table form. Yeah baby, yeah...

Environment: 1

Curvaceous Table - §430

Bring historical authenticity into your living room or hallway.

Environment: 2

Page 23 - Toilet

Resteze Toilet - §300

Your most urgent needs are satified by the Resteze toilet.

Bladder: 10

Mentionable Toilet - §950

With a comfort seat and sleek design, the "out" house is suddenly "in."

Bladder: 10, Comfort: 6, Environment: 2

Page 24 - TV

MultiVid IV TV - §500

With JPL frequency synthesized tuning, MTS stereo system and more.

Fun: 6

PancakeTek TV - §3500

Nothing on? Why not watch it in perfect clarity on a 44" Soma.

Fun: 8, Environment: 3

Wall Eye TV - §8000

Get years of cinema quality, content - free TV programming.

Fun: 10, Environment: 7

Page 25 - Wall Hanging

Neon Flamingo - §75

Nothing says "Tacky Miami Tourist Trap" like a neon flamingo!

Fun: 3, Environment: 1

Collage in B&W - §300

This striking tableau adds a touch of class to any wall.

Fun: 3, Environment: 2

SimCity at Night - §425

Its cosmopolitan verve brings urban life to the suburban home.

Fun: 3, Environment: 3

Bangpae Yeon - §700

This kite is so majestic, it can almost fly!

Fun: 3, Environment: 5

Transcendence - §800

"Subtle Dynamism" barely covers the brilliance of this modern piece.

Fun: 3, Environment: 6

Bella Squared - §1000

Bella Goth is forever perserved by this glorious work of art.

Fun: 3, Environment: 7

Meaning of Fruit - §1500

Hours of fruit suffering brought to you this bright cheery painting.

Fun: 8, Environment: 8

Arghist Soldier - §2500

This portrait is all that remains of the man-still waiting for his family.

Fun: 3, Environment: 9

Poisonous Forest - §5500

This stark palette conveys the humanity in a bog's noxious beauty.

Fun: 3, Environment: 10

Page 26 - Miscellaneous

Armoire - §250

It's not antiquated, it's the definition of cool. Get one while quantities


Stonewood Dresser - §510

The perfect companion for both modern and classic furniture.

Environment: 2

Nouveau Wardrobe - §1000

This noble wardrobe is a magnificent, museum-quality masterpiece.

Environment: 3

Cherry Dresser - §2125

Made with fine wood, hand sanded and crafted. It even has drawers.

Environment: 6

Rubbish Bin - §45

You've got garbage. You need a garbage bin. It's all about you.


Barkersville Institute for Higher Training

This store is located north of the starting appartment and north of the pet

store. It is open from 10:30 to 20:00

Page 1 - Basic Scrolls

Jump - §400

Jump in the air.

Roll - §450

Roll over once from lying-down position.

Shake - §350

Hold out one paw to shake hands from sitting position.

Page 2 - Cool Scrolls

Be Proud - §500

Hold head high, look straight, and strike a pose.

Circle - §800

Walk in a circle.

Play Dead - §600

Lie on back, with paws in air.

Wave - §1150

Jump up, wave paw at owner, and then land.

Page 3 - Awesome Scroll

Flip - §1750

Jump, flip forwards, and then land.

360 - §1350

Jump in the air, spin around, and then land.

Back Flip - §1950

Jump up, flip backwards, and then land.

Beg - §2350

Stand up on hind legs and look hungry.

2X Roll - §1550

Roll over twice from lying-down position.

Stand on 2 - §2150

Stand on two hind legs.

Page 4 - Amazing Scroll

Balance - §3100

Stand on hind legs and balance object on nose.

Juggle - §3600

Stand on two legs and juggle 3 objects.

3X Roll - §2600

Roll over three times from lying-down position.

Walk Balance - §3350

Stand on hind legs and walk while balancing object on nose.

Walk on 2 - §2850

Stand on hind legs and walk around.


Kitty's Cafe

This cafe is next door to the general store. All items are take away. It seems to be open all the time. Poor owner.

Pizza Piece - §20

A delicious slice of pizza. Yummy!

Hunger: 5

Pizza Box - §40

A whole pizza stored in a bend-resistant cardboard box.

Hunger: 8

Sandwich - §15

Every sandwich should be this simple and delicious.

Hunger: 3

Cup O' Joe - §10

Keep running for an extra hour, then collapse.

Energy: 3, Hunger: 1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unsinkable Treasures

This is the first shop you will see from the first screen north of your

starting apartment. It is open from 10:00 to 23:55

Page 1 - Exotic

Sweet Dream - §35500

This rich and sturdy bed gives you 35 percent more sleep

Energy: 10, Comfort: 10, Environment: 5

DaVinci Bookcase - §22000

Reading from a DaVinci makes you clearly smarter than your friends

Fun: 1, Environment: 5

Sisyflex System - §22500

Get a godly physics-defying physique with this total fitness system.

Fun: 5, Environment: 3

Craving Corner - §28000

Let no food craving go unsatified with this ultimate snack collection.

Hunger: 10, Environment: 5

Elvis Suede Throne - §31000

Everyone wants to feel like royality in their everyday life.

Comfort: 10, Environment: 5

Mirror rorriM - §20060

This mirror really does turn you into the "fairest of them all."

Fun: 5, Social: 3, Environment: 5

Mystic Treat - §10000

Only the best treat for the best pet.

Energy: 10, Hunger: 10, Comfort: 10

Jade Flamingo - §45000

All things are possible when you find the Jade Flamingo.

Comfort: 5, Fun: 5, Environment: 10

The Main Squeeze - §15000

Everything is ore nutritous when it's juiced.

Energy: 5, Fun: 5, Environment: 3

Ultima Series - §26000

the Ultima actually adds flavor to everything you cook.

Hunger: 10, Environment: 3

The Clean Sweep - §22000

Combine all your personal hygiene tasks into one efficient process.

Hygiene: 5, Bladder: 10, Comfort: 10

Hwanin Sun Yeon - §35000

This kite soars majestically, like a constellation on a string.

Fun: 3, Environment: 10

Page 2 - Pets

Exotic Dog - §2366

This dog is quite friendly but extremely independant.

Page 3 - Birds

Mr. Beau - §1000

No Hollywood star is as glamourous as the one and only Mr Beau.

Fun: 1, Social: 1, Environment: 4

Pirate Parrot - §2500

Too many crackers? Need mindless chatter? You need a parrot.

Fun: 2, Social: 2, Environment: 6

Penguin - §15000

A fun and festive flightless bird. Makes a great sandwich.

Fun: 3, Environment: 10


[7.06] Happy Paws Pet Hospital

This is north of the Pet Store. It is open from 8:00 to 18:00. When your pet

is sick, where it is green looking, you can take the pet here to get it

checked up and healed for §250 by Corina.


Daily Paws

This is west of the cafe and north of Unsinkable Treasures. It is open from

8:00 to 19:00.


The Barkersville Companion Club

This is in Pet Plaza and is open from 10:00 to 19:30. There you can compete

in the competitions when you finish the quests necessary.



This guy is located south of the basketball courts which is one screen south

of the Companion club. This guy will buy up your junk on the street.

Newspaper - Read about daily events-the day after they happen. Recycling

value: §5 each.

Aluminum Can - Aluminum Cans are meant to be recycled. Recycling value: §8


Glass Bottle - Glass bottles shouldn't be left on the street. Recycling value:

§12 each.

Batteries - Used batteries should always be recycled. Recycling value: §20


Truffle - Very lucky pets can find a Blue Truffle. Recycling value: §100 each.

Penguins - No one knows where the Ruby Penguins come from. Recycling value:

§500 each.



This gym is open all the time apparently and is north of the basketball courts

which is north of the buyer.



The telephone shop option and the internet shop option allow you access to

items you cannot buy in the shops. Use your telephone or computer to buy. The

computer has better options that the telephone.

Page 1 - Home Upgrades

Home Heating Kit - §450

Cut heating costs with ThermaLock windows and cold cessation.

Environment: 1, 12.5% reduction in rent.

Cozy Heating Kit - §950

Enhance your heating economy further for a low one-time cost.

Environment: 3, 25% reduction in rent.

Toasty Heating Kit - §2100

Save your Simoleons and demand optimal Envi-Roast heating.

Environment: 3, 50% reduction in rent.

Smoke Detector - §150

This detector wakes even the heavy sleepers when there's smoke.

Environment: 1

Home Fire System - §450

In case of fire, this alarm automatically alerts the fire department.

Environment: 2

Central Fire Alarm - §1250

This fire supresses a fire as soon as it begins.

Environment: 3

Anti-Theft 2100 - §250

With motion detectors and door censors, theives have no chance.

Environment: 1, Lowers chance of thieves and ninjas.

Yub Security Unit - §650

Robbed by a cat burglar? Step up your home security now.

Environment: 2, Even lower chance of thieves and ninjas.

Anti-Theft 3000 - §1750

With this advanced security system even insects are denied admittance.

Environment: 3, Very low chance of being struck by thieves and ninjas.

Page 7 - Computer

WK-200 - §2500

The computer of future! Always one week more advanced than anything else.

Fun: 9, Environment: 2

Page 10 - Entertainment

Retro Pinball: UFO - §1750

Get into a nostalga extravaganza with Retro Space-Age Action Pinball.

Fun: 10, Environment: 2

Page 11 - Hobbies

e3-11 Telescope - §2100

Open new vistas of the galaxy ... provided you can remove the lens cap.

Fun: 10, Environment: 3

Page 12 - Lighting

Nightclub Lamp - §350

This lamp will turn your living room into the hippest club in Barkersville.

Environment: 3

Services - Telephone

Fireman - Extinguishes any currently burning fires.

Maid - Cleans up house for a fee.

Repairman - Repairs or unclog objects for a fee.

Order Pizza - §40 for a pizza, cannot be stored.



Evil - Gained from Beating Hugo in a Duel

Type: Awesome

Growl and adopt a menacing pose.

Super Jump - Gained from Beating Terence in a Duel

Type: Amazing

Jump up as high as possible

Dry - Gained from Beating Amy in a Duel

Type: Cool

Stand on four legs and pretend to shake water off back.

720 - Gained from Beating Meredith in a Duel

Type: Amazing

Jump up, spin twice, and then land.

Sing - Gained from Beating Kirk in a Duel

Type: Amazing (Must be Sitting)

Bark or meow for an extended period of time.

2X Flip - Gained from Beating Otis in a Duel

Type: Amazing

Jump in the air, flip forwards twice, and then land.

Dance - Gained from Beating Celina in a Duel

Type: Amazing (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand and walk on hind legs as though dancing.

2X Back Flip - Gained from Beating Jade in a Duel

Type: Amazing

Jump in the air, flip backwards twice, and then land.

Juggle - Gained from an errand by Otis

Type: Amazing (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand on two legs, and juggle 3 objects.

Proud Walk - Gained from Beating Raphael in a Duel

Type: Cool

Trot proudly, with head held high and eyes forward, starting from the "Be

Proud" position

1080!! - Gained from a quest from Otis

Type: Mind Blowing!!

Jump up, spin around three times, and land.

3X Flip - Gained from a quest from Otis

Type: Mind Blowing!!

Jump up, flip forwards three times, and land.

3X Backflip - Gained from a quest from Davor

Type: Mind Blowing!!

Jump up, flip backwards three times, and land.

Yoga - Gained from a quest from Davor

Type: Mind Blowing!!

Assume a difficult yoga position and hold it.

Fire Breath - Gained from a quest from Davor

Type: Mind Blowing!! (Must be Sitting)

Breathe a jet of flame.

Hover - Gained from Beating Ezla in a Duel

Type: Mind Blowing!! (Must be in Yoga)

Float in mid-air.

Disco Fever - Gained from a quest from Hugo

Type: Mind Blowing!! (Must be Standing on 2)

Change fur color as though under a strobe light.

Ghost - Gained from a quest from Hugo

Type: Mind Blowing!! (Must be in Yoga)

Appear transparent.

Unghost - Gained from a quest from Hugo

Type: Mind Blowing!! (Must be in Yoga)

Appear solid again.

Drop on Four - Given

Type: Basic (Must be Standing on 2)

Lie Down - Given

Type: Basic

Sit - Given

Type: Basic

Speak - Given

Type: Basic

Catch - Given with ball

Type: Cool

Sneeze - Given

Type: Cool

Stretch - Given

Type: Cool

Stand - Given

Type: Basic (Must be Sitting or Lying Down)

Jump - §400

Type: Basic

Jump in the air.

Roll - §450

Type: Basic (Must be Lying Down)

Roll over once from lying-down position.

Shake - §350

Type: Basic (Must be Sitting)

Hold out one paw to shake hands from sitting position.

Be Proud - §500

Type: Basic

Hold head high, look straight, and strike a pose.

Circle - §800

Type: Cool

Walk in a circle.

Play Dead - §600

Type: Cool

Lie on back, with paws in air.

Wave - §1150

Type: Cool

Jump up, wave paw at owner, and then land.

Flip - §1750

Type: Awesome

Jump, flip forwards, and then land.

360 - §1350

Type: Awesome

Jump in the air, spin around, and then land.

Back Flip - §1950

Type: Awesome

Jump up, flip backwards, and then land.

Beg - §2350

Type: Awesome (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand up on hind legs and look hungry.

2X Roll - §1550

Type: Awesome (Must be Lying Down)

Roll over twice from lying-down position.

Stand on 2 - §2150

Type: Awesome

Stand on two hind legs.

Balance - §3100

Type: Awesome (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand on hind legs and balance object on nose.

Juggle - §3600

Type: Amazing (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand on two legs and juggle 3 objects.

3X Roll - §2600

Type: Amazing (Must be Lying Down)

Roll over three times from lying-down position.

Walk Balance - §3350

Type: Amazing (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand on hind legs and walk while balancing object on nose.

Walk on 2 - §2850

Type: Amazing (Must be Standing on 2)

Stand on hind legs and walk around.


Exotic Items

Sweet Dream - §35500

This rich and sturdy bed gives you 35 percent more sleep

Energy: 10, Comfort: 10, Environment: 5

DaVinci Bookcase - §22000

Reading from a DaVinci makes you clearly smarter than your friends

Fun: 1, Environment: 5

Sisyflex System - §22500

Get a godly physics-defying physique with this total fitness system.

Fun: 5, Environment: 3

Craving Corner - §28000

Let no food craving go unsatified with this ultimate snack collection.

Hunger: 10, Environment: 5

Elvis Suede Throne - §31000

Everyone wants to feel like royality in their everyday life.

Comfort: 10, Environment: 5

Mirror rorriM - §20060

This mirror really does turn you into the "fairest of them all."

Fun: 5, Social: 3, Environment: 5

Mystic Treat - §10000

Only the best treat for the best pet.

Energy: 10, Hunger: 10, Comfort: 10

Jade Flamingo - §45000

All things are possible when you find the Jade Flamingo.

Comfort: 5, Fun: 5, Environment: 10

The Main Squeeze - §15000

Everything is ore nutritous when it's juiced.

Energy: 5, Fun: 5, Environment: 3

Ultima Series - §26000

the Ultima actually adds flavor to everything you cook.

Hunger: 10, Environment: 3

The Clean Sweep - §22000

Combine all your personal hygiene tasks into one efficient process.

Hygiene: 5, Bladder: 10, Comfort: 10

Hwanin Sun Yeon - §35000

This kite soars majestically, like a constellation on a string.

Fun: 3, Environment: 10

Duval Alarm Clock - Pay §2500 in an errand to Hugo

Environment: 2

Innuendo Stereo - Beat Kirk in a Duel

Fun: 6, Environment: 4

Raphael the Great - Do the quest for Raphael with 15 truffles

Fun: 3, Environment: 3

Endless Trash Can - Pay §10000 in an errand to Hugo



This occurs when your Sim eats food that is cooked but not fully cooked. For

example, you are cooking some food on the oven when you press cancel, there-

fore, you have a cancelled meal. You eat it and for that reason, your Sim will

turn green and when you walk around, you will start vomiting. The only way to

cure this is to get about 10 hours rest or more depending on what you are

doing. This will sooner or later cure your disease.

Your pet can get sick through digging around. When this happens, you have to

go to the hospital and talk to the clerk who will get your pet fixed up at a

price of 250 simoleons and volia, your pet is back to normal.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.