Xbox 360 vs. PS3?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Xbox 360 vs. PS3?
Eight answers:
2007-11-11 09:14:24 UTC
PS3 or 360? I was asking myself the same question for quite some time. You wouldn't believe the hours I sunk into researching and reading reviews. This article isn't supposed to be biased, though I do favor the PS3. In the end I decided on the PS3, even though there were 360 fanboys everywhere trying to change my mind. Here's why. Oh, and the article is kinda lenghty, but has everything you need to know, so try to bear with it.

If you look at the technical stuff, the PS3 is superior to the 360. It comes with a built in blu-ray player, which is nice if you love the super hi-def resolution for movies. Why it's actually important is because the ps3 games come in blu-ray format. 360 games come in DVD format. Blu-ray disks have 25 GB memory (single layered), where as DVDs have only 5 GB memory (single layered). This means that PS3 games not only have better graphics (though it's not really showing right now, I'll talk about that later), they also have more space to put game information. If you read a magazine article vs a novel like Harry Potter, which will give you more information? Which will take longer to read? Blu-ray is like the novel. It allows for a deeper, longer, and better game. Right now this may not seem like a big deal because 360 games are just fine. But in the future, this will matter. The DVD format will cripple the 360 when game developers are trying to put so much into a game, and there isn't enough room. This will leave the PS3 with a much better gaming experience. Remember, this is more of a reason for the future. Blu-ray will last and DVD won't. Now, 360 owners may say "Well, you can buy a HD DVD player for the 360, which is just as good." It actually isn't. It costs $200, and it only plays HD DVD movies. The games are still DVD.

There are some more technical feats of the PS3. It has built in wi-fi (wireless internet) to play online. For me, this was a must have; I wasn't prepared to send a 40 ft cable through the house to connect to the internet or buy a $50+ modem. The 360 does offer a wi-fi accessory, only it costs $100. Kinda pricey. Then there's controllers. Both cost $50 for the wireless version (must have). I personally like the 360 controllers a lot, and the different colors are a nice option. But they don't come with rechargeable batteries. You have to buy them separate. Oh ya, and you have to buy a recharger to recharge the rechargeable batteries. For $50, you can get one charger and 3 batteries. PS3 costs, wait, it's free. PS3 controllers come with built in rechargeable batteries, and you can use either the usb-mini usb cord included with the system or just plug one up that you find around the house. I happened to find 2 in my office without even looking hard. So yes, the 360 controllers are nice but will add to the building expense. Also, PS3 offers system software updates for free over the internet every once in a while. This allows it to stay freshly updated and for Sony to continue to add on better things to the PS3. I don't think the 360 has software updates at all, so it can't be "renewed" like the PS3 can.

In my opinion, the PS3's XcrossMediaBar is better than the 360's Dashboard (the home page of each system where you access music, games, etc.). Don't get me wrong, the Dashboard isn't bad, but the XcrossMediaBar is very easy to use. You can also change the background to any picture saved to anything connected to the PS3. And now with the new update, you can give it a theme, which are free on the Playstation Store, and look pretty good. It basically gives you a new background and changes the text to something similar to the background (the nature theme, for example, turns the text into what looks like frosty snowflake letters). The PS3 offers a internet browser, allowing you to go to any website you want and make a list of favorites by simply touching the select button. The 360 doesn't have an internet browser of any kind. Just a nice add on for the PS3. Also, the PS3 has a thing called Playstation Home coming out in the spring, which will be really cool. Basically, you make an avatar that is "you" in this cyber world, and get an apartment to decorate. You can go into this online world and talk to people, hang out, play arcade games like pool and chess, and watch movies. Sony intends for companies like Coke to make their own lounges, where players can go and have fun with different games and shows playing. Also, it introduces the achievement system, which the 360 has now and the PS3 lacks. It allows you to show off your achievements in the form of things like trophys that you've accomplished in different games. I never thought it was a big deal, but a lot of people do. I recommend searching it on google, it's really neat.

The online capability is another major buying factor. I won't lie, XBox Live is better than Playstation Network. Though I don't know much about XBox Live, never having used it, this is what I've gathered. It's easy to use, you can make friends lists, send messages (even during games), and there's a good matchmaking system to play with your friends. There's also arcade games that you can download, and I believe there are more available now for 360 then PS3 (for now anyway). Very good, but with a price. XBox Live is $50 a year. Many say it's worth it, but I can't testify either way seeing as I haven't used it. Playstation Network is PS3's online system. It is free, which is quite nice. You can also make a friends list and send messages, but not during gameplay (I think). I'm also not sure about the matchmaking, whether it exists or if it's good or bad. The Playstation Store is growing rapidly, and more game demos, trailers, add on content, and arcade games are becoming available (the demos and trailers are free, the arcade games and add on content usually cost you something). I think the 360 has demos, trailers, and add on content available also, but I'm not sure of that. Also, tons of people have 360's, and not as many have PS3's. I'm happy with Playstation Network, it's not horrible and there are plenty of people to play online, just not as many. So basically; XBox Live-excellent but $50 per year, Playstation Network-not as good but fine, free.

As far as graphics go for the two systems, right now they are relatively equal. I think that will be changing quite soon. The 360 has been out over a year longer than the PS3, giving the developers time to get used to the system. PS3 on the other hand is relatively new compared to the 360. If you've noticed, the PS3's first generation of games graphically are just as good as the 360's second generation of games. The PS3 would stay equal at one generation behind 360, but there's another factor to throw in. The 360 is almost at it's full capacity right now. Sure, it's games look good, but remember they're in DVD format. And the PS3 has blu-ray to combat that, on top of it's huge potential not being tapped fully at the time due to the short amount of time it's been out . So, the 360 will hit a wall soon and the PS3 will surpass it by quite a bit.

As far as failure ratings, the 360 wins that category. Currently, one third of XBox 360s are breaking and being sent in for repair, most commonly for the "Red Rings of Death." I know people who have had a hole the size of a quarter burned through the middle of their Halo game. Tell me that wouldn't suck. 360's also overheat and start smoking, which might cause some issues. To cope with this, Microsoft offers a 3 year warranty, so you can get it fixed for free, you just won't get to play for a few months and have to go through the hassle. PS3 failure ratings are at about 3%. They don't overheat often due to their nice cooling system. They're also quiet when they run. 360s on the other hand are LOUD. If you have the sound cranked up to full, you may not here it. If not, it's quite annoying.

Backwards compatibility is one of the last issues. The 40GB PS3 doesn't offer it, but the 80GB version does. And if I remember correctly, the PS2 dominated the last generation market. I still like playing many of those games, so PS3 was the way to go. The 360 does offer backwards compatibility, but not with all of their games. And there aren't as many XBox games to choose from. Price used to be an issue, but not anymore. The 40GB PS3 is only $400, only $50 more than the 360 core (at $350). The 80GB is $500, but worth it for the backwards compatibility in my opinion. And in my opinion, the extra $50 or $150 is worth the PS3.

Finally, the big daddy of them all; games. Now, 360 owners bash PS3 every chance they get, saying things like "The graphics are better" (which they aren't) and "There's funner and better games on the 360" and "PS3 doesn't have any good games". These are lies. Almost all of the next great games are available for both consoles, including GTA 4, Guitar Hero 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Madden, NBA Live, Army of Two, Star Wars: Force Unleashed, Timeshift, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Unreal Tournament 3, and Devil May Cry 4. As far as exclusives, 360 has a few great ones, but only a few. And their "exclusives" aren't really exclusives, as you'll find below. If you're anything like me, you know that Halo 3 is amazing, almost got me to buy a 360 actually. There's also Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War, and Crackdown. That's all I can think of that are actually good. But there is a remedy for the lack of some of those games for PS3. If you have a Vista computer, you can buy Halo 2 for Vista, Gears of War for Vista, Bioshock for Vista, and other "Games for Vista" as they're called. Then you buy a 360 wireless controller, a gaming receiver for your wireless 360 controller, which is only $12 (a little receiver that plugs into a USB port on your computer and lets you use the 360 controller for your Vista games), and you're set. And while Vista games offer Windows Live Gold and Silver for the same price as 360, the silver edition offers online play for free. The gold only allows you to play cross platform with 360 owners if the game is capable, which most aren't. So, if you have a microsoft computer, the "exlusives" for the 360 lose their exclusivity. PS3 has many good exclusives, no matter what anyone says. Warhawk is amazing, a must have online multiplayer only shooter game. Then there's Ratchet and Clank Future, Gran Tourismo 4, Metal Gear Solid 4, Haze, Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy XIII, Littlebigplanet, Afrika, Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, White Night Story, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and of course Resistance: Fall of Man. That looks like a good game line up to me, and it'll only get better as developers tap into the vast potential of the PS3. I think Haze and Unreal Tournament 3 will kind of combat Halo 3 for online shooters, though they won't be exactly the same. Don't get me wrong, the 360 is a great system with some good points, but I think the PS3 is worth is for an extra $50. Happy buying!
2007-11-11 19:21:58 UTC
I would actually get a PS3 unless you must, must, must get Halo 3. Halo 1 and 2 aren't much different from Halo 3. So if you have Halo 1 and 2... Just get the PS3, please.

Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare is the best game for first person shooter so far. PS3 just got all of its games released about a month ago.

Also, with the Playstation Network, you can download demos before you buy the game for free! You can also buy games from the network for like 5 or 6 bucks! Like games that dont release on the market, like Mortal Kombat.

If you have a PSP, you can use it as a controller for you PS3, its really cool.

You can download songs, videos, and picture, so if you have any parties, you can just turn on your PS3 and HD 63' tv, and if you have a 5.1,6.1, or 7.1 surround sound, you will be gauranteed to have a good party. This is what I do, I download all the music, categorized them as dancing, and listening, and when I have a party, I play the playlist that is appropriate, and everyone has fun. It is so easy. I just take my iPod, plug it in, and copy the music. Also, you can download videos like movie trailers, blu-ray trailers, and game trailers, from the PS3 Network.

Also, with the PS3 Network, you can be friends with people and chat with them online and play together online, did I mention that you can surf the net on your PS3?

If you get a PS3, buy one at Best Buy for $500, and get 5 free blu-ray movies in the mail, a free Madden 08, and a free Motorcross. If ypu don't like them, what I do is I go to another store like EB Games and sell it and make some bucks and buy anotehr game that I like. This is the 80GB Playstation 3.

My Configuration:

52' Sharp Aquos 1080p LCD HDTV

All HDMI inputs

Definitive speakers (5.1 Surround Sound)-

1 Subwoofer, Left Channel Speaker, Right Channel Speaker, Center Channel Speaker, and Back Left and Right Speaker.

Denon Reciever


Trust me, go with Sony.
2007-11-10 18:16:25 UTC
definitly go with xbox. I started out as a die hard playstation fan with regular playstation and then ps2. then i recently switched to xbox360 and have been very pleased.
2007-11-10 18:12:29 UTC
For me, when i had this question, i thought about one thing only and that is the games on the system. Now if you are a halo fan and love shooters, your basicly garrenteed to love the xbox360 for that reason alone. Although you mentioned not playing online so that makes me wonder why you play mostly shooters of all things,not that there isnt good single player shooters,just that those two usually go hand in hand. I myself have a ps3 and love it for its diversity. If you got a ps3 yes you would not have your halo but you would have more genres to choose from. 360 does not have that many rpg's, platformers, or action games in its library. Granted there are some but not what you would play with that kind of system for. I think that if all you play is shooter after shooter on single player you might have a better time with the ps3 because yes shooters are abound in 360 but they are mostly strong in online playing. You might not think the ps3 has a good selection but u woud be surprised at the quality thats there. I know that there is resistance, haze, call of duty 4, Warhawk, Uncharted, and soon released games like unreal tournament 3 and killzone 2 that all have strong single player storys to them. I would not argue that the 360 is going to be the shooter console to go to with games like halo bioshock timeshift and mass effect but atleast you should consider what the system u get has to offer as a whole. Ultimately i got a ps3 for the reason that i know games like kingdom hearts 3, god of war 3, final fantisy 13, and metal gear solid 4 would never be on the 360. So i hoped this helped, in short it really depends on what you play franchise wise. But here me out on something, i have a feeling this time next year sony is going to be on fire with killzone, gran turismo, metal gear solid, and final fantisy while microsoft has released its two biggest games already, halo 3 and gears of war. I wonder how many first party titles xbox is going to have on sony's console that sony themselves is not releasing. FYI, i dont know how well games like devil may cry and grand theft auto are going to feel on a controller meant for shooting games anyway!
2007-11-10 17:55:45 UTC
Flip a coin.

Whichever one you pick you'll get plenty of good fps' and there's bound to be one's on the other system you wish you had,


Gears of war, Halo,


Killzone 2, Haze,

Both have/will have;

Call of duty 4, Unreal tournament 3, Half life episode 2,
2007-11-10 17:53:09 UTC
Based on your scenario, I would suggest you to get the Xbox 360, I like the feature of setting it up together with Windows Media Center, that's why I like it, and you get the bonus of playing the latest Halo, which I don't play it and never intend to play or whatever because I am much into MMORPG games which means PC Games (ftw ;))
2007-11-10 17:51:05 UTC
XBOX 360
2007-11-10 19:10:09 UTC
I Love my 360, I have a friend that has a ps3 and thinks the 360 is better and is going to buy a 360 this x mas. really graphically they are about the same you can go to IGN or the have done comparison on same LCD TV, in many cases the 360 has better Graphics.

This is what they had to say:

Conclusion1The Xbox 360 had better graphics in almost all the games we examined. The 360's biggest victories were in Madden 07 and Fight Night Round 3, where the differences in texture detail and lighting stood out in our comparison shots. We couldn't capture this in the screenshots, but the Xbox 360 games generally offered better framerates too.

We're going to give the PS3 the benefit of the doubt in this initial round since developers might need more time to figure out how to maximize performance from the Cell and the RSX. If you look at the Xbox 360's first Madden game, Madden 06, you'll notice that it doesn't offer very realistic stadium shadows, either. The trouble with buying a console at launch is that you often have to wait for the second or third generation of games for the system to fulfill its potential. The PS3 didn't beat the 360 in this first comparison, but the games do look fine for first-generation titles. The real graphics battle will likely come next year.

Conclusion 2Our quick seven-game tour has shown that the PlayStation 3's game graphics are getting closer to the Xbox 360's. The Xbox 360 had an edge in texture quality and antialiasing in many of the games, but we didn't see any nasty lighting deficiencies like the ones we found in Fight Night Round 3 in the original comparison feature. Additionally, in what may be a hint of things to come, Bethesda's Oblivion proved that there can be a PS3 game port with better textures than the Xbox 360 version. The PS3's graphics win in Oblivion gives us hope that game developers will be able to produce competitive graphics if given enough time to work with the hardware. We can't wait to see how the games compare this holiday season!

I think the 360 interface is much better. the market place is huge, ps3 is small. the 360 you can download tv shows, movies, game video, and my favorite lots Game Demos video arcade and when they have E3 the game conference they post the video and demos . Right now 360 games out sold ps3 and wii put together, second they also have the most highest ranking games, that the ps3 doesn't have. go and check it out here

The six axis controller on the ps3, it;s ok for a few min but you tend to use the standard controls setup, biggest complaint of the ps3 is it light weight and no rumble in game, which stinks. The 360 has an awesome controller, but if your are ps2 owner some people say it take a little time to adjust to.

If you play on line it worth the 50 a year. on line ranking, chat with multi friends even if playing different games, quality of service, custom music in any game , music connect pictures video from you pc and media center extender and much more to list and more added all the time making it better. check out the on line compare video here

look at all the service features here

well and really if money not an issue you can buy both or buy both and sell the one you don't like and rent the games if you don't want to buy, but remember you can download around 200 demos from the 360 even some before they are even released. well that will hopefully help your decision process.

for frailer rates on the 360 have not been issue since the updates they made just make sure it a new model. I have not had any issues with mine. I heard they have almost disappeared since all the updates, plus there is a 3 year ring of death on it and great customer service from Microsoft it it happens to fail, plus may store have service contracts on them that would help if there is any issue that occurs past the 30 day return or trade policy, most of the issue happen in that time.

I would buy the elite 360 because of the value, i tend to use up my 20gb drive, plus the elite comes with 120gb, charge & play kit and HDMI and component cables which ps3 doesn't have included.

Everybody knows that the console wars include the number of exclusive titles each console has. Gaming Target decides to keep count. Who's winning the race so far? First, here are the rules:

1. Titles must be "console exclusives".

2. No down loadable games and content packs.

3. No next-gen exclusive

4. No "fantasy games" - those that weren't formally announced.

Given these rules, here are the latest scores as of March 2007. In the lead is the Xbox 360, with 80 titles, 33 released and 47 unreleased. Following this is the Nintendo Wii of 53 titles, 13 released and 38 unreleased, and finally, the PS3 with 39 titles, 9 released and 30 unreleased.

Microsoft's “first out of the gate” mentality obtains it the top spot at the exclusive titles count. Successfully courting Japanese developers, as well as swaying the multi platform-minded third party game makers to create more content exclusives for the 360 also helped.

Have some Good Game Shopping


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.