Tomb Raider Legends: Croft Mannor?
2007-04-27 21:03:45 UTC
How do u get the book shelf to move in the library?
And how do u get those doors open in her room?
Three answers:
Say what?
2007-05-01 04:11:17 UTC

Items: magnetic grapple, personal light source, binoculars

Rewards: 16 bronze, 10 silver, 1 gold (*)

GENERAL NOTES: Lara's home is accessed from the game's Main Menu. Before completing the Bolivia level, only the main hall of the mansion is accessible. None of the rewards and equipment are in place, and none of the doors leading to other rooms (pool, library, etc.) will open.

This level is obviously non-linear. The only goals are exploration and reward hunting. The rewards can be retrieved in any order; however, you do need certain equipment (grapple, guns, light) to obtain certain ones. So I have suggested a possible sequence here. Later, when time permits, I'll add a map, but if you get disoriented, the PDA includes a floor plan showing Lara's current location. Since it's unlikely you'll need them, I have not noted the locations of the various CHECKPOINTS throughout the level. Do remember to SAVE REWARDS before quitting the level, though, so you won't have to get them again next time.

MAIN HALL: At the start, look to the left to find a bronze reward (1/16). Cross the room to the glassed-in office where Zip is working. Use the computer on the floor to open the safe and get the MAGNETIC GRAPPLE.

Cross the MAIN HALL and go upstairs and to the left. When you reach the balcony, look to the right. Locate the round plaque with the telltale glint on the end wall and latch onto it with the magnetic grapple. Pull to open a secret compartment containing another bronze reward (2/16).

NOTE: If you've gotten the grapple from the office downstairs, you can use it to grab this and other bronze rewards. In some cases you'll need to use manual aim with the grapple. Note, however, that the grapple doesn't work on the bronze rewards in the alcoves in the gym (below). You'll have to do some climbing to get those.

The first door off the balcony leads to the STUDY, but let's go get the pistols first. Follow the balcony to the other end (above the office). Go through the door there and follow the corridor to Lara's room.

BEDROOM: Use the two dagger-like switches to open the Medusa-head plaque and take the PISTOLS. Off to one side is Lara's dressing room, where you can change into any outfits you've unlocked so far. (See Rewards.) The other room contains Lara's bed, behind which you'll find another bronze reward (3/16). Return through the corridor to the balcony above the MAIN HALL. Head left to the library door. Enter and follow the corridor to another door. Go through.

LIBRARY: Once inside, Lara looks to her right, alerting you to the boarded-up alcove. Shoot the boards and squeeze in to get a silver reward (1/10). Push/pull the book cart out of the alcove and across the room. Position the cart on one of the pressure pads on either side of the desk where Alister is working. Pick up the PLS on the desk. Then use the grapple to pull down a second movable book cart, from a high shelf above the bottom of the stairs. Move that cart onto the other pressure pad to open a secret panel just to the right. (NOTE: If the panel doesn't open, check to make sure the carts are positioned properly to depress the pads.)

SECRET PASSAGE: Turn on the PLS and descend into the dark passageway. Get the silver reward (2/10) sitting in plain sight. Go around the tall stack of boxes to find a golden switch in the shape of a face with a protruding tongue. Use the switch to reveal an inscribed plaque, which reads, "Above the waters, twin sisters turn their backs one upon the other to leave the ambages unguarded." This curious clue is one of several leading to the level's gold reward.(**)

At the next corner there's a stack of three wooden crates. One contains a bronze reward (4/16). Shoot the crate to get it. (Aiming manually using Z/R3/right stick button makes this easier.) The passage continues to another tongue switch, which opens a panel leading into the BEDROOM. Open it if you like. Then return to the LIBRARY through the secret passage.

Climb the stairs to the upper level of the library. Pick up a bronze reward (5/16) in one corner. Then use the dagger switch to open a secret panel, behind which there is another bronze reward (6/16).

NOTE: The enticing colored books protruding from various shelves figure in a later puzzle. You can't do anything with them yet.

Return downstairs, exit the library and follow the corridor back to the MAIN HALL. Go downstairs just to the landing and then up the stairs to the other balcony. On the end wall, just to the left as you step onto the balcony, there's another circular plaque. Switch to manual targeting and shoot the plaque to reveal the silver reward (3/10) concealed below.

Go downstairs and through the door to the right of the fireplace. Follow the tapestry-lined corridor hallway to the swimming pool.

SWIMMING POOL: Retrieve another bronze reward (7/16) at the bottom of the pool. You can use the magnetic grapple for this if you'd rather not get wet. Then make your way along the right wall (i.e., right when Lara's back is to the entrance). Note the fish-shaped carved pillars with handles. These move. Pull both of them out from the wall. Continue around to the far left corner and get the bronze reward (8/16) hidden behind the two deck chairs. Continue around the perimeter of the pool, stopping to pull out a third, taller fish pillar. Pick up the bronze reward (9/16) behind it and then push the pillar as far as it will go toward the pool.

Now notice the spears the statues in the alcoves are holding. The ones on the other side of the pool are already extended horizontally. Use the magnetic grapple to extend the spears on this side.

Go to the shortest fish pillar, in the back right corner. Climb on top of it. Turn to face the entrance and then jump to grab the horizontal spear ahead. Swing around it and jump to grab the molding below the curved balcony. Traverse around to the right as far as possible and then jump backward to land on the second fish pillar. Turn around, move carefully toward the edge and jump to grab the next spear. Swing around it and jump to grab the edge of the balcony ahead. Pull up.

Retrieve the bronze reward (10/16) on the diving board. You can use the magnetic grapple to do this. (You may have already gotten it this way from below.) Go to the two large statues flanking the center alcove and turn them inward so they face each other. This rotates the panel in the alcove, revealing a golden tongue switch. Use it to open one of two grates blocking an underwater passage in the pool.

Now turn the two statues again to face away from each other, as instructed by the plaque in the SECRET PASSAGE. (NOTE: You need to have read the first plaque for this to work.) The gold switch turns, revealing another plaque, which reads, "Within the hall of knowledge, tomes of cerulean, topaz, viridian and crimson in turn reveal their arcanum." Again, a clue to the gold reward.(**)

IMPORTANT: A few players have reported a bug in which they obtained the gold reward first then returned to the statues above the swimming pool. At this point, they were unable to turn the statues inward again in order to reveal the switch that opens the underwater grate. I have not been able to reproduce this bug, but just to be safe, you may want to open the underwater grate before exploring the library and looking for the clues to the gold reward.

Turn to face the pool and then move to the left side of the balcony. If you haven't done so already, use the magnetic grapple to extend the spears held by the statues along the left wall. Take a running jump to grab the first spear. Swing around it and jump to let go. Quickly press the Jump key twice to snag a projection high above with the magnetic grapple. Swing back and forth several times to work up sufficient momentum. Just as Lara swings forward as far as she can, jump to grab the next spear. This can be tricky. If you miss, go back to the lowest fish pillar and work your way back around to this point again. Once Lara is hanging on the last spear, swing around and jump to land on the second balcony.

Pick up the BINOCULARS on the horse statue's pedestal. (Not strictly necessary, but why not get everything.) Locate the silver reward (4/10) behind the statue of the fish with the ball on its tail. Then use the magnetic grapple to pull down the carved ball from the other fish statue. Roll the ball onto the concave pressure pad to lower the large planter hanging above the swimming pool.

Dive into the water and climb out on the right. If you haven't already moved the tallest of the three fish pillars to the edge of the pool, do that now. Climb on top of it and jump to grab the planter that you just lowered. Pull up. Attach the grapple to the shiny spot below the small balcony with the silver shield. Then pull on the grapple to start the planter swinging. Detach the grapple and, when the planter swings toward the balcony, jump over there to get the silver reward (5/10).

Dive into the pool again. Swim to the lever and use it to open the second of the underwater grates. Surface, take a deep breath and then swim down into the passage to retrieve another silver reward (6/10). You'll probably need to return to the pool for air before swimming through the tunnel to the GYMNASIUM. The grate at the other end of the tunnel opens automatically when you swim toward it.

GYMNASIUM: Whee! Lots of fun equipment to climb on. . . and lots of shiny shields to retrieve. Of course, you need not follow the sequence described here, but working more or less counterclockwise around the room:

Get the bronze reward (11/16) in the pool. That one's easy.

The shiny gold balls on some pieces of equipment are grapple points. Use the magnetic grapple here to change the position of the equipment, allowing you to reach different areas. For example, the ladder can be flush against the wall or perpendicular to it, the bar with the C-shaped armature can be vertical or horizontal, etc.

Use the magnetic grapple to position the movable horizontal bar near the door so the gold ball points away from the door. Run up the blue wedge-shaped mat and jump to grab the nearest horizontal bar. Swing around it and jump to grab the vertical bar ahead. Jump to grab the movable horizontal bar. Swing around it and jump onto the right side of the sloping rock ahead. Before Lara slides off, jump to grab the crevice in the stone column. Jump straight up to grab the crevice above. Adjust Lara's left-right positioning if necessary and jump back to grab the vertical pole hanging from the ceiling. Rotate 180 degrees on the pole and jump to grab the next vertical pole. Let go to fall onto the sloping rock below. Before Lara slides off, jump to the alcove containing the bronze reward (12/16).

Position the movable horizontal bar near the door with the gold ball pointing away from the door and the movable ladder is flat against the wall, not extended. Now repeat the initial steps in the previous sequence (i.e., wedge-shaped mat to horizontal bar, vertical bar, movable horizontal bar, slope, crevice in rock wall). Then, instead of climbing up the rock wall, climb around to the right. Jump to grab the vertical pole extending from the floor. Jump to the vertical bar mounted on the rock attached to the wall ahead. Jump to the right to grab the horizontal crevice in the same rock. Climb to the right and then jump to the right to reach the movable ladder. Climb to the top of the ladder. Jump to the left to grab the vertical bar mounted on the wall. Jump to the left again to the alcove with the bronze reward (13/16). (Screenshots.) Don't drop down yet.

Drop and hang from the alcove where you just got bronze #13 (i.e., hold Walk and step off the edge). Adjust Lara's left-right position then let go to fall and grab the vertical bar below. Work your way over to the movable ladder, as in the previous sequence. Climb the ladder until Lara is level with the lower horizontal crevice in the rock wall to the right. Jump to grab it. Climb to the right and jump up to grab the higher crevice. Climb then jump to the right to grab the rock in the corner. Traverse around the corner. Jump back to grab the horizontal pole above the alcove. While hanging from the pole, turn around to face the corner. Then let go to fall and grab the jutting rock in front of the alcove. Traverse to the right and pull up into the alcove. Take the bronze reward (14/16). Drop to the floor.

Arrange the movable C-shaped armature so the bar is vertical. Go to the freestanding climbing rock nearby and grab onto the crevice. Jump back to grab the horizontal bar. Swing around it and jump to grab the vertical bar. Jump to grab the vertical bar on the C-shaped frame. Climb as high as possible and then jump to grab the vertical pole to the left. Climb up a bit and then jump into the alcove with the bronze reward (15/16). Take it and drop to the floor.

The silver reward (7/10) on the shelf above the pool is fairly easy to obtain. Just take a running jump across the water, making sure to jump close to the edge. Lara should just be able to reach the ledge with the shield.

Now position the movable rock wall above the pool so it's flat against the wall. Also make sure the movable C-shaped armature is arranged so the bar is horizontal. Repeat the initial steps in the sequence used to get bronze #15 (i.e., freestanding rock to horizontal bar, vertical bar, bar with C-shaped frame, wall-mounted vertical bar). But instead of jumping to the green handholds, this time jump to the right to grab the crevice in the rock. Traverse around the corner to the right and then jump up to grab the higher crevice. Again traverse around the corner to the right. Let go to land on the slope. Before Lara can slide off, jump back to grab the horizontal crevice on the light gray rock to the right. Jump straight up to grab the green handholds. Climb up then jump to the right to grab the horizontal crevice in the same rock. Traverse to the right as far as you can. Jump to the right to grab the first of two horizontal poles extending from the wall. Swing around and jump to grab the second horizontal pole. Swing around and jump to grab the crevice in the corner rock formation. Traverse to the left and drop into the alcove right on top of the bronze reward (16/16).

Position the movable horizontal bar near the door so the gold ball points away from the door. Make sure both movable ladder and movable rock wall are extended perpendicular to their respective walls. Follow the same initial steps used to get bronze #13 (i.e., wedge to horizontal bar, vertical bar, movable horizontal bar, sloping rock, etc.), until you reach the small horizontal crevice in the rock just to the left of the movable ladder. This time, jump to grab the extended ladder. Climb to the top and jump to the right to the platform suspended from tracks in the ceiling. Let Lara's weight carry the platform forward as far as it will go. Then jump to the next platform, where you'll find a silver reward (8/10). Don't drop down yet.

Continue from the platform where you found silver #8. (These screenshots continue where the previous page left off.) If you have not already grappled the movable rock wall so it's perpendicular to the wall of the room, do that now. Turn so the pool is on Lara's right. Take a running jump to grab the crevice in the rock wall ahead. Now follow the middle steps in the sequence for bronze #16 to get from here to the crevice to the left of the movable rock wall.

NOTE: Alternately, to get silver #9 starting from the floor, extend the movable rock wall. Then follow the same beginning steps in the process to get bronze #15 (i.e., freestanding rock, etc., to the crevice to the right of the green handholds). Continue with the paragraph below.

This time, instead of jumping past the movable wall, jump back to grab the horizontal pole which now extends from it. Still hanging from the pole, turn around to face out into the room. Swing around the pole and jump to grab the next horizontal pole, which hangs from the ceiling and is angled a bit diagonally. Adjust Lara's position left to right if necessary. Then swing around the bar and jump to grab the next horizontal bar, which also hangs from the ceiling at a slightly odd angle. Adjust left to right again, swing around the bar and jump to the suspended platform ahead. To the left is the high alcove with the reward.

Getting to that alcove is a bit tricky. It's critical to position Lara in the middle of the platform, squarely facing the reward. That way she'll have room to run forward a few steps before jumping. Attach the magnetic grapple to the ledge below the reward and pull to bring the platform Lara is standing on closer to the alcove. When you can't pull any more, quickly release the grapple, run forward and jump into the alcove. (Whew!) Take the silver reward (9/10). To get down, drop to the horizontal bar below, then to the bar below that, then to the floor. (Again, refer to the screenshots if necessary.)

GOLD REWARD: This can be done before or after completing the gym, but you will need to have taken the necessary steps to unlock the first two clues. The first clue ("Above the Waters. . . ."), found in the SECRET PASSAGE, directs you to the statues above the SWIMMING POOL. There you'll receive the second clue ("Within the hall of knowledge. . . ."), which sends you back to the LIBRARY and enables the colored book puzzle.(**)

Return to the LIBRARY and press the protruding colored books in the right sequence: cerulean, topaz, viridian and crimson (i.e., blue, yellow, green, red). Blue is just inside the library on Lara's right. Yellow is in the upstairs office. Green is on the upstairs landing and red is on one of the downstairs shelves. When the correct sequence is pressed, a secret panel opens near the red book, revealing a silver reward (10/10) and another plaque. This one reads, "Above the hearth, revealed visage and countenance touched in haste raise up the steward."

Return to the MAIN HALL. The decorative panels at the end of each balcony have now turned to reveal golden switches. Use the magnetic grapple to pull down the horizontal bars above the glassed-in office so Lara can swing on them. Now use either of the golden switches. Quickly jump to grab the nearest of the horizontal bars. Swing around and jump from one bar to the next and finally to the opposite balcony. Quickly touch the second switch. If you do this fast enough, a cut scene plays, showing a large statue of Athena rising from the floor below. The switch panels also rotate again, revealing a set of carved plaques with another clue: "The risen Athena turns to face the sun, whose burden then reveals the golden laurel." Go down to the statue and turn it so Athena faces the stairs. Step on the pressure pad with the carved sun to raise a pedestal holding the gold reward (1/1). Congratulations!
Don Magias
2007-04-27 21:11:58 UTC
Check out and look it up
2016-03-18 12:42:58 UTC
i had that game and it p**sed me off on that level

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.