There are 3 components to most successful video marketing campaigns:
1. Video Content- This is the most important component, as a video can have a huge push, and great tags, etc.. But it will never be a huge success without great content. One of the best YouTube campaign successes has been the Will it Blend? Series by Blendtec. Watch one of their videos here:… As you can see, they took a seemingly boring product, and made an engaging, interesting, viral video. They have reported that sales have increased 1000%! When making you campaign, make sure the content is interesting.
2. Correct Title and Tags: This means picking an exciting title that intrigues the viewer, and also including a proper description, tags, etc.. that include relevant keywords.
3. Initial Video Promotion: This is the 3rd key ingredient to success in video promotion. You need an initial boost so that it can be seen and spread to others. Video marketing is largely a snowball effect, and one area that people forget is having the initial boost to get the snowball growing. If it is uploaded and just 5 people see it, it is clear that the video won’t go viral.
There are many sites that provide this initial promotion, such as