World of warcraft addons?
Irish kidddd
2010-03-12 12:16:44 UTC
Im trying to find some addons. My WoW is at 100% default atm and I some nice action bar addons, ive seen one that makes the map go in the middle of the action bar and has neon blue frame but I cant find it. Any cool display addons you reccomend?
Seven answers:
2010-03-12 13:18:45 UTC
For someone that's new to add-ons, try and stick to the smaller ones at first until you get used to what they do and how they work. I started out using one or two addons (the first I ever got was a map/coordinate system called Cartographer - sadly no longer updated), and have slowly installed more as I figured out what I needed.

The addons I use are:





X-Perl UnitFrames


Omen Threat Meter

Deadly Boss Mod




GATHERER: Great add-on if your toon has mining or herbalism as a profession. This addon works in the background, and tracks mining/herbing locations on the map as you (or your guildmates) gather. The addon creates a mini icon on the map that pop up to let you know there is a spawn point or node of a certain item. It's also smart in that it will only show you herbs when you're on your herbalist (unless you change the settings to show you the nodes at all times). Very low maintenance and excellent if you farm.

DOMINOS: This add-on modifies your action bars. It is very similar to the Bartender add-on mentioned above, but I personally prefer this one. It takes a little playing around to get used to it, but it's easy to learn, and once it's set up you'll wonder how you ever got along without it. Not only can you resize the bars, but you can select how many to show, as well as how many buttons you want on each bar. Just to note: as with any add-on that modifies the original interface, your UI will look a bit screwy if you revert back to the default Blizzard UI.

SEXYMAP: As the name suggests, it makes your minimap sexy. This addon allows you to resize and move the mini map to any part of your screen (which the Blizzard UI doesn't allow), and comes with a lot of fun skins. You can also set it up to show or hide specific buttons (like the world map button, zoom in/out button, add-on buttons).

ALTOHOLIC: I love love love this add-on. I have multiple toons, and this add-on helps me keep track of everything about the toons from their gear to their achievements. I have a lot of bank toons, and rather than logging in and out of each toon to see who has what, this add-on will let you search items across all of yours toons, and let you know if it's in their bag, bank, mailbox, or guild bank. It also has in-game notification about cooldowns for crafting items like transmutes, and gives warnings about mail that may soon expire (never lose mail again!). One thing I dislike - while it will keep track of everything, it will not erase the data from toons you have deleted or guild banks you no longer access. To do this requires you to go into the WTF folder and delete the associated data file (a bit scary sometimes).

X-PERL UNITFRAMES: Fair warning - this add-on is NOT easy to set up. X-Perl, like most other UI addons (Pitbull is another), is a pain to set up and a pain when you need to update or uninstall it. They are horrible come patch day as often times you need to redo a lot of your settings. For new users, you can look at spending a couple of hours learning about the settings and getting things just right. That being said, I still use it because I love how versatile I can make my UI. It allows for full customization, allowing you to decide how you want your character, party, and raid frames to display (changes the looks of the portraits and bars, as well as the sizing of them), and, as a healer, really frees up my screen space for other addons when it comes to raid. You can make it as busy or as minimal as you want, which is great, and you can be very selective as to what information gets displayed. My favourite part - it shows health number AND percentages at the same time for all of my raid members.

RECOUNT: This is really an add-on used for raiding. It tracks everything - damage done, healing given, overhealing given, rage/mana/energy regeneration, deaths, friendly fire, etc.

OMEN THREAT METER: Again, a raid add-on used to make sure you don't pull threat on the tank. Very easy to install and use.

DEADLY BOSS MODS: Either this or BigWigs is essential for any raider. It really helps to remind you on boss fights about special abilities and needed warnings. No raider should be without one.

QUARTZ: This is a cast-bar addon. It will post up a cast bar so you can see the casting time for your spells, but also shows you when you can begin casting your next ability. For chaining heals, I find this one super helpful. It also does quirky things like show a castbar for your hearth stone, crafting time, and mounting.

HEALBOT: One of the many add-ons available to healers. I personally prefer this one as it's an all-in-one addon. This is a click-to-heal add-on, meaning you scroll your mouse over the player's name in the window and click the appropriate mouse button to cast the desired heal. It comes ready out-of-the-box for any healing class (the presets are usually very well don
2010-03-12 12:24:58 UTC
Some addons I really recommend:

Bartender 4! - Action bar, easy to use.

Nice damage!- Makes damage fonts smoother.

Deadly boss mod!-Dont raid without it

Grid!-Nice to have If your a healer

Recount!-Shows dps, hps, dmg overall...everything.

Sexy map!-Can edit your mini map to how you like.

Omen!-Shows your arggro

These are the basics, there are tons more I could mention depending on the class you play.

You can find all these addons at

There are so many different types of addons for PVE & PVP that can really boost your gameplay. I really recommend you gettings some of the listed addons. It will help you so much. Good luck
2010-03-12 12:21:35 UTC
Well best site for addons is you can find tons and tons of addons there wich are classified after your class and what you want from the game: PVE or PVP. You`ll find a lot of interface addons aswell. The map addon is named sexymap also you should get Bartender for moving action bars around. Have fun pimping up your UI.
2010-03-12 12:22:26 UTC
Addons that are good to have:


Oman threat meter

Deadly Boss Mod


RatingBuster (compares equip gear to un-equip gear to see if its better)


Personal ones that i like to use:


Titan Panel






There are all kinds of UI addons out there, take you pick and try them out. The ones above are ones i like to use, i am sure there are some better ones, but never had any problems out of these.

2 sites i have used to get adds from are:

Heads up, be careful where you get addons from. These 2 sites i have used, i not have problems but if you do a search for wow addons and get lots of sites, some of those sites my have addons that will hack your wow account. Be careful when downloading addons from sites.
2016-04-12 05:25:35 UTC
Have you unlocked your other hotbars? Hmm try this, go to the little computer ( what you click where you usally logout or exit ) and click interface, down the left hand side click on the hotbar tab.... Then tick lower left and lower right bar =] if you still dont like this though, yeah get bartender 4. ALTHOUGH for levelling use the hotbars. chris =] level 80 druid mage warlock paladin =D
2014-09-16 08:08:54 UTC

I downloaded Family Farm pc for free here:

it's a perfectly working link!

Family Farm is a simulator game in which you will have to manage your own resources, take care of the animals and lands and expand your family to progress.

It's the best game.
2010-03-12 13:31:58 UTC
The only ones I use are:




Once you get to 80, the deadly boss mod is extremely helpful.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.