2013-09-15 03:53:34 UTC
- Broken Combat/Cover system; The Gamer hits the Cover button once to get into cover, but then as The Gamer attemps to move along whatever cover The Gamer's taken, the system often randomly interprets that movement to mean The Gamer want to switch cover entirely. Rather than sneaking along a wall to ambush an unsuspecting enemy, the mechanic can read the movement as The Gamer wants to break cover, run two feet to a fire hydrant and crouch behind it while bullets rain into The Gamer. leaving The Gamer to die, the entire Cover Mechanic is up to Niko's better judgment whether he'd like The Gamer to moves further down the alleyway like intended, or jogs across the street in a hail of gunfire to die.
- Broken Driving mechanics: The Gamer will slide around like everything is black ice; sad when a game named Grand Theft Auto which is the law for jacking a vehicle doesn't get the Driving Mechanics down right. Not to mention the game forces The Gamer to use the driving mechanics repeatedly, in near to every mission in the game; plus tosses new driving mechanics that don't work without any regard.
- Zero Mid-Mission Check point; If a mission requires the gamer to drive across town after receiving a cellphone mission to enter a warehouse, kill Russian mobsters within, Precisely take out one of them before they shoot Roman, Wait for Roman to get in the car, and Escape a level three wanted level, the gamer shouldn't have to redo this entire mission if their aim is off or The Gamer hits one of the explosive cans outside the warehouse. That's just shoddy design, and there's no justifying that.
- Broken Jump & Climbing Controls; There is an uncertainty with the Jump & Climbing mechanic. the gamer has to continuously wonder: Is Niko going to just step over this curb, or is the gamer going to get caught jogging in place alongside it? If the gamer hits the button now, does that mean hop over that guardrail, or leap in front of that speeding bus? Does pressing jump actually mean jump, or does it mean vault over the safety railing and fall to certain death.
- Relentless Police: Tapping a police car can gain The Gamer two stars, which is already near as impossible to escape.
- Broken Collision Detection: Collision Detection could either mean a car barely hits The Gamer and The Gamer is not phased or The Gamer starts doing the hula without any control as to stopping.
I don't know how exactly Grand Theft Auto IV earned a Ten out of Ten, personally I rated it at a generous Three out of Ten score.
Video & Online Gaming: Did you enjoy Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV?
Did you notice/ignore most of these problems stated above, why?