here is a list of many video game designers. It is a very very long list....get ready!
( PS. keep your profit & have fun....maybe I'll see your game out there and buy it, I love playing those things, lol )
I got it from this link..
here it is below:
List of video game designers
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This is a list of video game designers, past and present, in alphabetical order. The people in this list designed either computer games, console games, arcade games or some other type of video game.
Top of page — See also — External links
[edit] A
Michel Ancel, of Ubisoft - Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil.
Chris Avellone, of Fallout 2, Knights of the Old Republic 2 and most notably Planescape:Torment
Ed Averett, a Magnavox Odyssey2 developer of titles like K.C. Munchkin and 24 other titles in 4 years
[edit] B
Richard Bartle, co-author of MUD, the first multi-user dungeon.
Chris Bateman, designer/writer of Discworld Noir and Ghost Master
Chris Beatrice: Caesar and Lords of the Realm.
Marc Blank: Co-designer of Zork, co-founder of Infocom
Cliff Bleszinski: member of Epic games lead designer of Gears of War and level designer of Unreal series.
Ed Boon: Co-Creator of the Mortal Kombat fighting game series.
Bill Budge: Raster Blaster and Pinball Construction Set
Danielle Bunten (deceased): M.U.L.E., The Seven Cities of Gold
[edit] C
Tim Cain, main designer of Fallout and Arcanum, founder of Troika Games
Doug Church: Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld 2 and System Shock
Chris Crawford: Eastern Front (1941), Balance of Power, founder of the Computer Game Developers' Conference, pioneer of interactive storytelling
Paul Cross: co-designer of Burnout and Burnout 2: Point of Impact, lead designer Burnout 3: Takedown, and Burnout Revenge
[edit] D
Don Daglow: designer of Dungeon, Intellivision Utopia, Earl Weaver Baseball, Neverwinter Nights
Cameron Davis: Lead Designer of TY The Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue (Game Boy Advance), TY The Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night Of The Quinkan (Game Boy Advance), The Legend Of Spyro: A New Beginning
Dino Dini: designer of Kick Off, Kick Off 2, Player Manager, GOAL!, Dino Dini's Soccer
Abhishek Deshpande: Indiagames: Team Lead and Lead Designer of Scorpion King, Predator 2 - Bad Blood and others
[edit] F
Brian Fargo: founder of Interplay Entertainment, InXile Entertainment and developer of Bard's Tale and Wasteland
Kelton Flinn: designer of Air Warrior and many other pioneering online games, co-founder of Kesmai
[edit] G
Richard Garriott (a.k.a. Lord British): creator of the Ultima series and founder of Origin Systems
Ron Gilbert: designer of Maniac Mansion and the first two Monkey Island games
Julian Gollop, designer of Chaos, Laser Squad and X-COM: UFO Defense.
Allen Goode, co-designer of Company of Heroes, The Outfit and CSI
[edit] H
Jon Hare: designer/director of Sensible Soccer series, Cannon Fodder series and Wizball series, co-founder of Sensible Software
Stieg Hedlund: Diablo, Diablo II, StarCraft
Yuji Horii: Square Enix - Dragon Quest series, Chrono Trigger
[edit] I
Koji Igarashi: Konami - current producer of the Castlevania series
Keiji Inafune: Capcom - creator of the Mega Man series and the Onimusha series
Tomonobu Itagaki: Tecmo Team Ninja - designer of the Dead or Alive (DOA) games and Ninja Gaiden
Shigesato Itoi: creator of the EarthBound/Mother series
[edit] J
David Jaffe: creator of God of War and designer on the Twisted Metal series
Soren Johnson: co-designer of Civilization III and lead designer for Civilization IV
[edit] K
Rieko Kodama: Sega - Phantasy Star series, Skies of Arcadia
Hideo Kojima: Konami - Metal Gear Solid series, Snatcher and Policenauts
Andrey Kuzmin: KranX Productions - Perimeter, Biprolex+, Vangers: One For The Road and Spanking Runners
[edit] L
Al Lowe, creator of the Leisure Suit Larry series
[edit] M
American McGee: American McGee's Alice, Doom, Quake
Stephen Marley: designer/writer of Martian Gothic: Unification
Colin McComb: designer for Planescape: Torment
Jordan Mechner: Prince of Persia series
Sid Meier: Civilization series, Railroad Tycoon
Shinji Mikami: of Capcom - the Resident Evil series
Robyn and Rand Miller: the brothers who designed Myst and some of its sequels.
Jeff Minter: founder of Llamasoft.
Shigeru Miyamoto: Nintendo EAD - Donkey Kong, Mario, Legend of Zelda & others
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: Q Entertainment (formally with Sega UGA) - Lumines, Rez, Space Channel 5 & others
Peter Molyneux: Created Populous, Syndicate and Black and White, Fable, founded Bullfrog Software and Lionhead Studios
David Mullich: The Prisoner, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, director or producer of many others
[edit] N
Yuji Naka: (Sega Sonic Team) - Sonic the Hedgehog, Phantasy Star Online, NiGHTS into Dreams... & others
Toshihiro Nishikado: Space Invaders
Tetsuya Nomura: Square Enix - Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts
[edit] O
Yoshiki Okamoto: Game Republic, Capcom, Konami - Street Fighter (series) & others
Henrique Olifiers: designer of media convergence games such as My Big Brother, Herois e vampiros and Conquista de Titã. Also co-founder of, a Latin American gaming news portal.
Scott Orr: Designer of original version of Madden NFL, many other design credits
[edit] P
Alexey Pajitnov: Tetris
David Perry: MDK, Earthworm Jim and more
Steven Pederson: Space, Terrorist and more
[edit] R
Rick Raymer: Clue, Scooby Doo: Mystery of the Fun Park Phantom and others
Brian Reynolds: Civilization II, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Rise of Nations
Scott Rogers: God of War, Pac-Man World and Maximo series
Ken Rolston: Elder Scrolls
John Romero: Doom and Quake lead designer and level designer, Daikatana producer, co-founder of id Software, Ion Storm and Monkeystone Games
[edit] S
Hironobu Sakaguchi: Mistwalker (formally with Square Co.) Final Fantasy series and Chrono Trigger
Masahiro Sakurai: Q Entertainment HAL Laboratory - Kirby, Super Smash Bros.
Chris Sawyer, creator of the Transport Tycoon and Rollercoaster Tycoon series.
Josh Sawyer: Neverwinter Nights 2, Icewind Daleseries, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series
Tim Schafer, designer of Grim Fandango and Psychonauts.
Brent Silby, pioneering the use of DHTML/javascript for development of arcade styled action games.
Warren Spector: System Shock, Thief series, Deus Ex
Goichi Suda: designer of Killer7
Yu Suzuki, Sega-AM2 designer of many classics that became genres, such as Afterburner, Hang On, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter series, F-355 Challenge and the Shenmue series.
[edit] T
Satoshi Tajiri: creator of Pokémon games
Toru Iwatani: Namco - Pac-Man
Toshiro Tsuchida: Front Mission series
Michael Toy: co-designer of Rogue
Chris Taylor, pioneered the use of both 3D units and terrain in the RTS game Total Annihilation.
[edit] U
Fumito Ueda: creator of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus
[edit] V
Jon Van Caneghem: Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic series
[edit] W
Jordan Weisman: Founder of FASA, co-creator of BattleTech and MechWarrior
Richard Vander Wende: co-designer/director of Riven
Glenn Wichman: co-designer of Rogue, designer of Mombasa and Toxic Ravine
Roberta Williams: Designer of King's Quest and other series, pioneered graphic adventure game genre, co-founded Sierra Entertainment
Will Wright: game designer of SimCity series and The Sims series, co-founder of Maxis
William Anderson: game designer of Maximo Ghost to Glory / Abes Oddysee / Cool Spot / Aladdin Sega, founder of Eagle Claw Studios
[edit] Y
Kazunori Yamauchi: Polyphony Digital - Gran Turismo
Gunpei Yokoi (deceased): inventor of handheld gaming (Game Boy and other handhelds) and several arcade games
[edit] See also
List of video game industry people
[edit] External links
Giant List of Classic Game Programmers which concentrates on 8-bit era game programmers who were usually also the game's designer
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Categories: Video game development | Lists of people by occupation
If you click onto the first link it will bring up this info. and you are able to click onto each designers name and find out more about them as well as giving you there profiles. I believe if you click enough links it will bring you to a place that has an option to contact them. or info on were you can contact them.
PS here are 2 other links that you might be interested in, I don't know but I thought I would through them up here anyway. I didn't read them or anything. I'm leaving that for you.
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