cheat codes?
2007-07-16 06:58:25 UTC
does any one have cheat codes for harvest moon ds and sims 2 for pc?
Six answers:
2007-07-16 07:16:19 UTC
The Sims 2

Testing cheats mode

While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Enter "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" to activate testing cheats mode. This is a very powerful cheat that enables many new things. In Create A Sim, after enabling this code, go into debugmode by pressing [Shift] + N before making a Sim. You now have the following new things in Create A Sim: skin tones, clothing, and some other options such as viewing the skinfilenames. In the game itself, after enabling this code, hold [Shift] and left click on a Sim to have lots of options, such as changing clothes, make your Sim fat or thin, set their aspiration level, etc. This code also can spawn some interesting items, such as the tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath), and family members.

Enable the "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true" code, then go onto a different family. A strange code will appear at the top right hand corner. If you go onto the Sims' needs, you can click on each one and drag it up or down, whichever desired. You can also increase the skill points of your Sims in the same way. This is useful if you want a promotion, if your Sim is depressed, if you are teaching a toddler to walk, etc. You can also hold [Shift] and click on a Sim. Click on "More", then "Spawn" and create the Tombstone of L and D. You can click on this, then "More" then "Make everyone here friends with me", which helps if you need friends to get promoted, or to complete an aspiration task.

Maximum skills

To fill your skills to the maximum level instantly, enable the "boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true" code. Then, pause the game without going into build or buy, and select your skills icon. When you are in the tab with the skill meter click and drag the pointer over the desired skill bar to raise it.

Gain skill without losing money

Use the following trick if you do not have a lot of money and want to buy goods or an object to gain more skill to get a promotion. Buy the particular goods that will help you for a promotion (for example, an exercise machine, or book shelf) and study the knowledge (for example, cleaning). When you get a skill point, delete the item that you bought (sell it before 24 hours have elapsed). You will a get full refund back from that object. If you sell after 24 hours, you will get less money. By doing this, you will gain your skill without losing your money.

Buy expensive houses

Use the following trick if you want your average Sim to buy a house that is above his or her means. First start a family or load one, and find an empty lot. Move the Sim on that lot. Enable the "motherlode" code a few times, just to the point where you can buy the expensive house. Exit the lot, but save the game. Then, evict (move out) the family. Notice that your family is displayed at the "Choose Family" window. You can now buy any house desired.

Quick money

Get a friendship with a rich Sim (girl recommended). Ask them to to move in. The Sim will bring at least 20,000 Simoleons with them. The money will be added in your account. Then, you can make him or her move out.

No job

When you first move into your new house (especially if you have any kids or plan to, or if you have the Popularity, Knowledge, Family, or Romance Aspiration), do not get a job. If your Sim has a Family Aspiration, then keep it at home to potty train, teach to work, or talk your toddler. If you have Romance, you must keep up with them woohoos. Knowledge may require you to get a job, but it probably will not be a power want. Popularity aspirations will keep you home making friends (unless they work); stay at home and take care of your Sim, their family, and their aspirations.

Never pay bills

Go to buy or build mode and use the hand tool. Pick up the mailbox and delete it.

Free groceries

Order for groceries and wait for the man to deliver the goods. When he arrives, do not greet him. He will ring the bell two or three times and wait for you. When you do not answer, he will place the goods there and not take your money.

Select a baby

Go into buy mode. Enable the "moveObjects on" code and click on the baby you wish to select. Without deselecting the baby, use the "moveObjects off" code. Still without deselecting baby, press [F1] to enter live mode. You will now be able to view the babies needs. The baby can only perform one interaction. Click on it, and for a moment a menu will appear that says "Grow Up". If you want an alien child or any child that looks like your family when you adopt them, go to the certain family, and delete the entire the family except for the baby by using the "moveObjects on" code . The social worker will arrive and take the baby. Go back to your other family and adopt a baby. You will get the same child that got taken away.

Build toddler skill four times as fast

Wear a Thinking Cap and feed Smart Milk to your toddler.

Custom paintwork

Use the following trick to decorate your house with custom art. Your Sim must have a Creativity level of 5 and be able to paint a still life. Have your Sim paint, and a frame will appear. Center it on what you want to paint. You can also "paint" something that is not in the game by pressing C to pause the game, then press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch outside the game. Start a graphics program, such as Windows Paint, then load the original captured in-game picture at "c:\mydocuments\eagames\thesims2\storytelling\snapshot.bmp". Then, open the picture or image that you want to replace it with, and put in your game. You must resize your custom picture to match the same resolution as the "snapshot.bmp" file. Copy your custom picture on to the "snapshot.bmp" file, then save it. Press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch back to the game. Your Sim will begin painting your custom picture.

Custom radio music

Copy your own MP3 files to the "c:\mydocuments\eagames\thesims2\music\[radio station]\" folder. Start the game, go to the options menu, select the music settings, then the radio station option. You can now choose which songs you want to hear.

Custom television show

Copy your own AVI files to the "c:\mydocuments\eagames\thesims2\music\[television station]\" folder. Note: The AVI file must have a 128x128 resolution and a frame rate less than or equal to 15 fps.

Listen to game's audio

You can play a lot of the game's music and sound effects as MP3 files on your system. Enter the "\tsdata\res\sound" folder. Then, copy any .PACKAGE file to some other location. Rename the copy so that it has a .MP3 extension. The resulting file will be playable as a normal MP3 file. If you want to get a specific track from within one of the larger files (such as the stereo music) you will need a program capable of editing MP3 files.

Invisible Sim

Enable the "StretchSkeleton" code and use the following value: 100000000000000000000000000000000000.0. Note: This will affect how tall the Sims will be. 1.0 is normal. Your Sim will be so tall that they cannot be seen. Exiting out of the game will deactivate the code.

Social worker does not leave

When you adopt a child, if you greet the social worker before she rings the doorbell, the social worker will not leave your house. If this happens, you cannot buy items, build, or save the game.

Floating house

Place a lot of columns around the ground and build your house on top of it. When you are done, delete all the columns. Note: Make sure you have a way to get to the house, or no one can get in. Also, you can build a house up to ten stories high up. Make sure you put floor tiling on the top of the column so you can put another column on top of it.

Death and ghost types

Old Age: When a Sim reaches the end of his life. Results in a white ghost.

Electrocution: Three or more Needs hit -90 (red) while a Sim repairs an electrical object with a low Mechanical Skill. Results in a yellow ghost.

Burning: Fire spreads into the square where the Sim is standing. Results in a red ghost.

Drowning: Energy Need hits -100 (all red) while swimming. Results in a blue ghost that leaves puddles around the house when it appears.

Starvation: Hunger reaches -100. Kids and younger cannot starve. Results in a transparent ghost that will take food out of the refrigerator.

Disease: If a fatal disease is not treated for ten days the Sim will die. Results in a green ghost.

Flies: In a very messy room, when a Sim steps over a plate all flies may form a deadly killer swarm. Results in a purple ghost.

Scared: When three Needs drop below -90 because of a ghost scare. Results in a pink ghost.

Satellite: When a satellite falls on a Sim while Stargazing (without a telescope) or Watch Cloud. Results in an orange ghost. Note: You can sell the Satellite in buy mode.

Note: Babies and toddlers are fire-proof and cannot die by any cause; the Social Worker will instead take them away. Children can die of fire, drowning or disease. Rather than starving to death, children in hunger failure will be taken away by the Social Worker.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code

List most cheat codes help

Display information about indicated cheat help [cheat command]

1,000 more Simoleons Kaching

50,000 more Simoleons motherlode

No censor; set to 8 to return to normal intprop censorgridsize 0

Have twins when baby is born twinzr2cute, twinsr2cute, or ForceTwins

Remove all Sims; use in neighborhood view deleteAllCharacters

Toggle terrain types; use in neighborhood view TerrainType [desert or temperate]

Objects can be placed anywhere in buy and

build modes; hand tool can move any object moveObjects [on or off]

Make Sims larger or smaller; 1.0 is normal StretchSkeleton [number]

Prevent Sims from aging aging [on or off]

Slow motion; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest slowMotion [0-8]

Increase game performance with some

graphics glitches Vsync [on or off]

Turn off facial DNA blending in Create A Sim faceBlendLimits [on or off]

Use in neighborhood screen to invite more

guests to a party intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number]

Enable postprocessing cheats; requires

video card that supports pixel shaders boolProp enablePostProcessing [true or false]

Set to false to place objects out of grid boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true or false]

Toggle automatic game updates autoPatch [on or off]

Set to false to remove props like rocks and

towers from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true or false]

Set to false to remove roads from

neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true or false]

Set to false to removes trees/plants from

neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true or false]

Set to false to remove water from

neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true or false]

Set to false to removes house graphics

from neighborhood boolprop displayLotImposters [true or false]

Set to false to remove bridges from

neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel

[true or false]

Set to false and lots will not light up when

highlighted in neighborhood boolprop lotTerrainLighting [true or false]

Set to false to remove removes water

(ponds) from lots boolprop lotWater [true or false]

Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true or false]

Set to true and cars will have more detail in

neighborhood boolprop carsCompact [true or false]

Set to trueto show lot information boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode [true or false]

Set to false to remove removes shadows

on objects outside house boolprop objectShadows [true or false]

Set to false to remove shadows on objects

inside house boolProp guob [true or false]

Set to true and walls will no longer cut

away from selected Sim boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true or false]

Set to true to see the path where the

selected Sim walks to boolProp displayPaths [true or false]

Set to true and blocks appear on Sims

faces and on parts where Sims look at boolprop displayLookAtBoxes [true or false]

Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot boolprop locktiles [true or false]

Set to false to raise and lower floor even

when covered with objects boolprop constrainFloorElevation [true or false]

Set to true to light up objects continuously

instead of only when used boolprop allObjectLightsOn [true or false]

Toggle grid in build or buy mode boolprop showFloorGrid [true or false]

Toggle shadows for Sims boolProp simShadows [true or false]

In neighborhood, shows filename of house

when lot is highlighted boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true or false]

After typing "expand", will you see the game

version in the cheat box gameVersion

Expand or contract console window expand

Close console window exit

Unknown boolprop lotTerrainCanvas [true or false]

Postprocessing cheats

Use the following case-sensitive codes after enabling the Postprocessing cheats with the "boolProp enablePostProcessing true". Note: Do not enable or use the Postprocessing cheats unless your video card supports pixel shaders.

Result Cheat Code

Blur effect; red, green, blue value must be between

0 and 255, and x (bloom) between 0.0 and 1.0 bloom [r g b x]

Centered blur effect; centerX and centerY are screen

coordinates; x (vignette) must be between 0.0 and 1.0 vignette [centerX centerY x]

Grainy screen effect filmGrain [0.0-1.0]

Letterbox screen effect letterBox [0.0-0.4]

Command lines

Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Command Line Parameter

Full screen -f

Set screen resolution -r[width]x[height]

Windowed screen -w

Disable sound -nosound

Bonus characters

Have the Game Boy Advance game Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town or Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town in the cartridge slot for characters from the corresponding game to appear in Harvest Moon DS.

Battle mini-game

If you inspect your dog's house at 4:44 a.m., the Witch Princess will appear and teleport you to the mine site. A battle mini-game adjacent to some of the girls you can marry will begin. Win the mini-game and the Witch Princess will give you a diploma and the title of "Battle Master".

Memory mini-game

When you wake up at 6 a.m., go outside your house and immediately re-enter to have the clock at 6:01 a.m. Look at the set of records on the shelf to begin a memory mini-game.

Infinite life in Mines

While in the Mines, if you fall in the hole and it drops you a large amount (100 or more), drink a Bodigizer just before you die (by switching the Bodigizer to the slot very quickly). Note: If you put the Bodigizer in the slot next to the green slot, it helps for quick access.

Easy money

Once you get the Legendary Sword from the bottom of the second mine and unlock the Super Field behind the waterfall, go there in the Fall and plant Yams. Because the Waterfall Field speeds up growth by one day and the Yams regrow every two days, there will be a new harvest every day after the initial harvest.

If you are lucky enough to get the Miracle Gloves from the Harvest Sprite casino, have them equipped when you are going through the mines. Whenever you excavate anything you do not need, such as rubble, toss it immediately so that it is shipped. This is a good method to save the Harvest Sprites unlocked by number of items shipped.

When you get three Fishing Sprites, make them fish at the beach. You will get a large amount of money each day.

Dig at the mines and try to get jewelry. Then on day 3 and 8 when Van is selling his items at his store, sell them to him. Try getting the prices up to 3,000 Gold or more.

Easy fish

When you get a basement, fish in the water hole. You can get fish and it does not waste time.

Easy milk and wool

Brush any animal, except for a dog, chicken, cat, or duck, with the Touch Gloves, and then tap "Back" and quickly switch the brush with the milker or wool cutter. You will get milk or wool. This works better if you upgrade your milker to level 99.

Easy upgrades

Buy lots of Bodigizers or XL and Turbojolt or XL. Then, go in the house and milk/shear/hammer/axe/sickle/fish/hoe/water the air (press Y) until you almost passed out. Then, drink the Bodigizer or Turbojolt and use your tool again. Repeat this process until it is upgraded. This saves a lot of time.

Easy watering can upgrade

When trying to upgrade your watering can, fill it with water a lot of times and pour the water on anything. You can watch the meter go up by at least 10 every time. Also, Bodigizers and Turbo Jolts may be needed.

Milker level goes up faster

After your milker reaches level 1, every time you use it afterwards it goes up another level. This is useful for getting level 99 for your milker, which means every time you milk a cow you will get 99 bottles of milk.

Brushing increases milk and wool levels

Brush your horse and switch your brush to the milker while the brush is still moving. You will get a level 2 milk. If you equip your shears while the brush is still moving you will get a level 2 wool.

Cheap items to sell and unlock Harvest Sprites

This trick requires some patience and a good amount of money. Having the Miracle Gloves also is recommended. Call up either of the livestock farms and buy as much fodder/feed as you can afford, usually in amounts of 99 each. Sell all of them, which is easy with the Miracle Gloves equipped. The Sprites require the following numbers to be unlocked. Note: All the sprites unlocked are part of the harvest team.

Paddy: About 500 items sold.

Fraw: About 1000 items sold.

Ridge: About 5000 items sold.

Ali: About 10,000 items sold.

Cady: About 30,000 items sold.

Can Food Maker

After you get the Maker Shed, try to buy the Can Food Maker as fast as you can. Putting shipable items in it increases your profit by 25%. This really helps with high level crops. If you put a level 100 pineapple in it you will get an extra 2,500,000 G.

TV Shopping channel

Buy items from Karen at the Supermarket for ten days in a row to unlock Channel 2, the TV Shopping Network.

Changing weather

To change the next day's weather, reload the previous day and go to bed. This works best if you save before you go to bed and check the weather the first thing in the morning so you do not loose any work. It may also require a few attempts. You can also avoid a collapsing building or animal death by doing this.

Saving time

While in a building, equip a tool from your rucksack. Then, access your map via the touchscreen. For example, if you have your watering can while using the map, touch one of your crops with the stylus to water that specific crop. This is a great way to take care of crops, gathering building materials, etc. while not wasting any game time.


Once you have opened up the second mine, spend some time in it to mine as many diamonds or pink diamonds as possible. Instead of selling them, give them to the girl of your choice. Almost every eligible girl loves receiving diamonds, which gives two thirds more affection points than just flowers or other basic gifts.

Love Bangle

If you want to know how much a girl loves you, buy the Love Bangle from the Harvest Sprite Casino. It costs 5,000 Medals but is worth it, especially when trying to marry Muffy.


To get as high a friendship as you want with anyone in town, repeatedly try to give them your pet. If you have the Love Bangle equipped (not necessary for the effect), you will see that every time you talk to a person with a pet in your arms their friendship score will increase one point. If you do this inside and have a lot of patience, you can get someone to as high a score as desired within one day. This method is also useful for unlocking the Channel 7 Harvest Sprite, who will appear the day after you earn at least 100 friendship points with someone. If you do not have the Love Bangle equipped, then just show your pet to someone 100 times.

Speed petting

Before you begin petting your cows, sheep, or horses, tap the Harvest Sprite Station. You can speed by the animals and give them hearts. This is very useful if you have lots of animals.

Watering Can

To increase the rate at which your Watering Can powers-up, repeatedly fill it up at any water source, such as the pond or your farm. Once you have filled it up a desired amount of times, use it once and your experience for it will increase significantly. Even when it is near Mystrile level, each time you fill it will count as one value better then the three to four uses per value it took before. This is easiest if you have a basement, because you can use the watering hole in it to avoid passing time during the day.

Eligible girls

The girls that you can marry are: The Harvest Goddess, Flora, Keria, Leia, The Witch Princess, Muffy, Nami, Lumina, Celia, Ann, Popuri, Elli, Karen, and Mary.

Marrying Leia

The first step in marrying Leia is to befriend Daryl. An easy way to do this is to go to Daryl's lab (located near the beach) with your dog, and keep trying to give him your dog. Every time you do this his friendship goes up by 1. Keep doing this until his friendship reaches 101. Select the basement door and you will unlock Leia and her Grey Heart event. Leia loves Sashimi and Large Fish, which gives you 800 affection. She favors other fish (they earn 300 affection). She also really likes jewelry (giving her 500 affection). In order to do Leia's Yellow Heart event you must fish out a bottle in the ocean at spring. Part of her Yellow Heart event is her returning to the ocean. This means you will no longer be able to see her in Daryl's lab. Instead, you can find her along the sea shore at midnight on Wednesdays. In order to marry Leia you must have the double bed, have found 60 Harvest Sprites, and bought back the Harvest Goddess. You also need a pond for Leia to stay in.

The Harvest Witch

Her birthday is on Winter 29. She lives in the small hut near the mansion. She likes Red Grass and Poisonous Mushrooms, and loves Rainbow Curry.

Killing the mayor

At the very start of the game, after the Harvest Goddess and the Witch Princess intermission sequence, you will meet the mayor. After you try to attack him several times, your dog will bite him and he will ask you to help him. If you say "No", he will die. Note: You will lose the game if you do this.

Special children

If you marry either the Harvest Goddess, Harvest Witch, Princess, or Furen, you may get a special child. This is a child that wears different clothes and looks differently instead of the child you will get by getting married to any other girl.


Instead of putting everything in different squares, put them together. For example, if you need two of the yellow flowers put one in one square and the other in the same square. It should now read "2".


The only place where you can litter is on your field. Anywhere else will cause people to begin disliking you.

Leave the screen

Get on your horse and go to a place where there are two walls on each side near the transition area (for example, the entrance to the beach). Get as close as you can to the edge of the screen without going to the next area. Have your horse touch and face the right wall. Get off the horse. You will be off the screen but still able to move left and right. To exit, just move back towards your horse and you will instantly move to the area you were near.

Field upgrades

The different items that you can use to upgrade your field houses will rot away after different periods of time. The following materials can be used to upgrade:

Grass/ Hay: The weakest

Lumber: Average

Stone: Good

Golden Lumber: Excellent


Birthday: Spring 29

800 love points: RelaxTea (Pot, Relaxtea Leaves)

500 love points: Diamond, Pink Diamond

Black: Mansion, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Purple: Your house after purchasing the DVD Player

Blue: Goddess Pond, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Yellow: Lumina's bedroom, 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Baked Yam (Oven, Sweet Potato)

Dry Curry (Frypan, Rice + Curry P)

Omelet (Frypan, Egg + Milk + Oil)

Omelet Rice (Frypan, Egg + Milk + Oil + Rice)

Strawberry Milk (Pot, Milk + Strawberry)

Building materials

Fodder/Grass: Can collapse at any time under any weather.

Wood: Will stand but will most likely collapse during any storm.

Stone: Recommended material as it is much cheaper then Golden Lumber and still will not collapse very often. You have about a 5% chance of it collapsing during a storm.

Golden Lumber: Will never collapse but is very expensive at 100,000 G each.

Recommended crops

Spring: Cabbage - High selling price, fifteen days to grow, sells for 250 G each at level 1.

Spring: Turnip - Although low selling, the price grows rapidly making it very easy to level up. In one full season of Spring, you should be able to level it to about 20 to 30 which sells for 24,000 G each at level 20 and 54,000 G each at level 30.

Summer: Pineapples - Takes a long time to level up without the basement. You can only level it up once a year. Sells very high at level 1. It sells for 500 G each, and it sells for 50,000 G each at level 10.

Fall: Sweet Potatoes (Yams) - Some of the best crops. They grow back every other day. At level 1, they sell for 100 G each, and they sell for 10,000 G each at level 10.

Shop hours

Shop in person

Vesta's Farm: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.; closed Mondays

Van's Shop: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; only open on dates with a "3" and "8" in them

Shop by phone

Church: 12:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Closed Saturdays and Sundays

Gotz the Woodcutter: 11am to 4 p.m.; Closed Saturdays

Poultry Farm: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Closed Sundays

Saibara the Blacksmith: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Closed Thursdays

Supermarket: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Closed Tuesdays and Sundays

TV Shopping channel: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Open every day

Yodel Ranch: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Closed Sundays The Daily Poll

Have you ever bought an updated model of a console or handheld that you already owned (Like the upcoming new PSP)?

Yeah. I like having the latest and best version of things.

I do, but it depends on the new features.

I usually wait for the best version anyway.

No, I'm satisified with the version that I purchased.

View Poll History
2007-07-16 07:05:41 UTC
For the Sims 2:

For Harvest Moon DS:
2016-02-02 09:38:30 UTC
cheat codes
2014-09-23 21:28:42 UTC
Cheats Code is a code by using it you can cheat in game. Like online game. Cheats Code list is given on this link -
2016-04-25 09:14:03 UTC
If you wish to be more appealing for a female you'll need that guide , The Tao of Badass which will “change you” into a guy who draws most of the women.

The Tao of Badass is a famous step-by-step process for picking right up girls that is shown to benefit anyone. Regardless old, seems or how new you are around women. The guide shows you how to become ‘that man'who is wanted by lots of women.

The Tao of Badass  it will make you ‘that person'by arming you with the information of why you must be like ‘that man'while giving you all of the get abilities you will need to become ‘that person'who women are attracted to.
2007-07-16 07:12:25 UTC
Try for both.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.