Well i hve played both and let me tell you PS3 is much better.
People might say xbl might hve a bigger online community than PSN BUT theyre almost equal
bcoz of the PS3s Playstation Home..
its a massive world built into the PlayStation Network, Home is Sony Computer Entertainment's virtual world for PlayStation gamers. With an avatar uniquely customized according to ur preference, u can explore the 3D community that is Home, a sleek, modern environment featuring spacious common areas, custom spaces dedicated to specific games, and personal apartments. Everything can be customized to your liking with items you collect or purchase.
Not only is Home your home online with PlayStation 3, Home is also a vast network of communication for PlayStation users. Browse the Hall of Fame for trophies players have collected in various videogames, or just hang out in a virtual outdoor lobby to talk with text and voice. Other features in Home include a theater where the Home world also users can watch videos from one users' collection together, a series of mini-games that players can play, and much more as Home evolves.
~Price - For $300-$400, you get everything you need in a console. It has bluetooth, wifi, free online service, netflix, Life with PlayStation, PS Home and more for just that one admission tag of $300. All of those named above and much more is available for no extra cost.
~Reliability - Under 10% compared to the above 33% and possibly 54% (estimation) on the XCOX 360, you won't have to worry too much about your PS3 breaking.
~Life Cycle - It will last you longer than any console you have right now. Launched in 2006, the PS3 will go on well past next year and into 2016 and beyond. The Wii is expected to get dumped for a new Nintendo console by 2011 at least, while the new Microsoft console is also expected for 2011.
~Online Service - PlayStation Network. It's free, it's fun, it's lag-free and it constantly grows. When signing up, you get treated to PlayStation Home, free demos and videos, movies, TV Shows, music, Netflix and more. PSN runs on dedicated servers, which gives gamers an almost entirely lag-free experience. Only downside is that the developers choose when they want to bring their servers down.
~Games - The PS3 now has the highest rated exclusive game of all time (Uncharted 2: Among Thieves). Other AAA titles/franchises include:
Metal Gear Solid 4
Killzone 2
Demon's Souls
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Ratchet & Clank
MLB: The Show
Heavenly Sword
Demons Souls
as well as upcoming titles (TONS of RPGs coming, and great current ones). Those games up there are just some that I would recommend to you. Very well worth it.
Final Fantasy Versus 13
White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Gran Turismo 5
God of war 3 also 1 and 2 in HD
Highly recommended. It will be the longest-lasting, most feature-packed and future-proof $300 you will spend in a very long time."
I've played countless hours on both. It's also a much easier transition going from an older system to PlayStation 3, considering the power of that console, and the fact that it supports keyboard and mouse play.
hope this helped