Which Three Should I Buy? iPhone 3GS, iPad, Nintendo DSi XL, and Xbox 360 Elite?
2010-04-10 11:43:35 UTC
I am a current PS3 Slim 120GB and a Nintendo Wii owner. Those are the only systems that i have which means that i have no portable gaming device, it is just the PS3 Slim and the Nintendo Wii. I want to buy three of these gaming devices and knock one out. I really want the iPhone 3GS because it is the king of the devices out in the world so i really want one for the amazing applications games, iPod, etc. I might hold off for the 3GS for another two months so i can buy the new one coming out, So, i basically want an iPhone, i do not care which iPhone i get but it has to be between the 3GS and the new 4G. I really want the iPad because i currently do not have any sort of laptop, and the iPad is a cheap touch screen laptop with amazing games. But, would a laptop be better than an iPad if i will buy the iPhone? Because if i have the iPhone and iPad, they are both the same thing, so i will play with the iPhone more because it is portable, but at the same time the iPad is a new thing that came out and i never bought something new in my entire life because i got the PS3 Slim in 2010, and the Nintendo Wii near October. So, the iPad would be a cool laptop with tons of games also considering that it is as fast as a laptop. If i will buy the iPad, i will be buying the 16GB Wi-Fi Version which runs at $499.99. The Nintendo DSi XL is very fun with great games and a 93% Larger Screen than the Nintendo DS Lite and 86% bigger than the Nintendo DSi. But, one thing that i hate about the Nintendo DSi XL and DSi and all of the DS Series is that you play the Nintendo DS for the first month and then it sits in your closet for the next five years and that is what happend to my friend, he got a DSi the day it came out, played with it for the first month, and then left it in the closet, but some of my other friends love there DS. Also, Nintendo is making the 3DS which i got very dissapointed when they announced that it was going to replace the Nintendo DS Lite, DSi, and DSi XL. But the DS still has good games so i do not know what i should do, oohhh also i returned a DSi before, i got one didnt play with it so returned it but at the same time the DS has great games, AND PLEASE KNOWBODY TELL ME TO BUY THE DS LITE!!!! The Xbox 360 Elite is fun also considering all of the exclusive games that i like (Halo, Forza, Fable) etc, but it came out in 2005 and i already have the PS3 Slim so i might not have enough time to enjoy all of my consoles. Also, if i do buy the Xbox 360 i will buy the Spring 2010 Bundle which includes Forza Motorsport 3 and Halo 3: ODST. I know that the Live is better but i am afriad that they will release a new Xbox in the next 2 years. The reason why i am bringing this up is because in 2004, i got a PS2 Slim, and i never knew that the PS3 was going to come out two years later, so i got the PS2, two years later PS3 came out, asked my parents if i could buy one and said no which is the reason why i didn't buy the PS3 until 2010. But, at the same time the Consoles are so advanced that they might be trying to add on to it to complete the life cycle. I know some of you are going to say that microsoft said that the Xbox 360 has a 10 year lifecycle, but if a new Xbox comes out they could be selling the 360 with the new console kind of like what sony did, in 2002 they said PS2 is going to have a 10 year lifecylce so everybody got one and the PS3 Came out, so who knows new consoles could come out anytime. Pricing is not a problem. But, you know how microsoft and sony decrease the price of there consoles every year, well like i said pricing is not an issue, if Sony and Microsoft wanted to keep the 360 and PS3 then would they stop decreasing the price and keeping it at $299.99 or will they keep decreasing then until they are $200 dollars and then announce a new system, i am not worried about the prices i am worried about the consoles and how long they are staying. Please you have to explain a lot in your answer and tell me why i should buy what ever you thing i should buy, who ever explains the most gets 5 stars and 10 points. THANKS EVERYBODY GOOD LUCK!!!!! ALSO PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE THING!!!!!! PLEASE EXPLAIN A LOT TO RECIEVE BEST ANSWER, SO DONT JUST TYPE WHAT YOU WANT ME TO GET, EXPLAIN!!!!

P.S: I am afraid that if i buy the Xbox 360 i will get the Red Ring of Death, but not only that, i am afraid that i might use the Xbox 360 more than the PS3 or forget about one and stop using it, because i like using the things that i have and never in my life did i buy an electronic device that ended up sitting in a closet. What Should I Do?
Five answers:
Charlie Kelly
2010-04-10 12:39:34 UTC
Get the Xbox,DS, Iphone. the Ipad is stupid don`t get one
2010-04-10 12:07:29 UTC
If you want more answers, use paragraphs. It's tough reading all that stuff.

I think you should get the 360, iPhone 4G (if it comes out this year. I personally haven't heard anything about a 4G, only the 4.0 OS), and the DSi XL.

360 because it's the only way to play 360 exclusive games like Alan Wake, Gears of War, Halo. For some games, it might run better on one system over the other, so it's good to have a backup plan. Bayonetta works better on the 360 than the PS3.

iPhone: I think it's the 2nd best phone out there. I personally prefer the Nexus One over the iPhone, but the Nexus does take some time to get use to it. The iPhone is very intuitive and extremely easy to use. Even my 3 year old niece knows how to use it to play games. I wouldn't buy the iPhone for games. The games are just way too short.

DS XL because I think it has more and better games than the PSP. It has quite a lot of fun games (Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Track, Castlevania series, Mario Games).

I'm not sold on the iPad. It's just a big screen version of the iPhone without the phone. It's probably great for web browsing, but I don't think it's going to be great for games since you can't install games you buy from the store (Games like Starcraft 2).

PSP/PSP Go is terrible when it comes to games. Not that many good games are available. It can do other things, but if you get the iPhone, then you don't have to worry about it. They can play music, movies, photos, etc.

If you're scared of buying a system because there's a chance that a new system is going to come out, then you might as well just not buy anything at all. There will always be new systems coming out, but until it does, enjoy what system you have.
2016-06-01 08:41:09 UTC
A Nintendo DS is a system that you won't find yourself playing very much. I didn't and the only game i know that makes people play it, is of course, Pokemon. The Xbox 360 is one of the greatest consoles out there. With a line-up of huge 360 only franchises, I don't see why it's not a clear winner here. You said you are afraid the price might drop some more? Don't count on it. The ONLY reason they did the price cut was too smack Sony if the face for price cutting the PS3. The 360 is a console i play ever day of my life, i spend quite some time on it daily, and i've made great friends on it. And on your ps3, ds, ipod, iphone, you'll never get to play Gears of War, Halo, Fable, Army of 2, Left 4 Dead, and of course your missing out on the xbox live arcade. Which is one of my favorite things about the 360. With a large listing of some old and new arcade version games, it destroys the ps3 store by far. Also, the 360 has more titles for it than the ps3 can hope to have. I know a few PS3 only gamers, but once they got a chance to play my 360, they were very quick to change how they felt about their gaming. You'll never really feel like a gamer until you play a 360. The ipad is dumb to get if you have a PC. Really unneeded. The iPhone is cute and very fun, but it's just a phone really. You don't need 1000 dumb apps man. Plus it's a ridiculous price. IMO get a 360, but good luck with this decision.
2010-04-10 11:52:31 UTC
I think that you should only buy the iPhone because that is the only good gadget on the market. I do not think that you should buy the iPad because it is stupid it is the same thing buy bigger. DSi gets boring after a few months, and Xbox is amazing but if you want to wait until the new one comes out then do that.But, if you spend $300 for the xbox and have left over money when the new one comes out then buy it now because it is possible that they might not release something until 2015. Also, for the pricing, they can keep the price at $299.99 for 10 years if they want to. They decrease the price every year until it stops at a specific price. Hope i helped
2010-04-10 11:49:38 UTC
Buy either the original DS (or ds lite) because it has GBA and DS game slots, A PSP, or an iPod touch. The iPhone seems pointless when an iPod touch can mimic it and cost less.

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