2011-02-14 18:31:25 UTC
ok theres 15 starters now!! and they are:
bulbasaur: grass starter for kanto (you cant go wrong with the only grass-poison starter)
charmander: fire starter for kanto ( My favourite shiny and also my first starter in pokemon)
squirtle: water starter for kanto (isnt this everyones favourite turtle?)
chikorita: grass starter for johto (isnt this pokemon a popular shiny being more brighter?)
cyndaquil: fire starter for johto (everyones favourite echidna)
totodile: water starter for johto (who wouldnt like this cute dinosaur?)
treecko: grass starter for hoenn (this pokemon will teach you how to climb up big branches)
torchic: fire starter for hoenn (who wouldnt wanna have the bird as a pet it keeps you warm)
mudkip: water starter for hoenn ( really dirty with mud but it evolves to one of the strongest starters which is immune to electric. I heard you like mudkipz)
turtwig: grass starter for sinnoh (oh.. another turtle?? its cute!)
chimchar: fire starter for sinnoh (everyones favourite cute monkey)
piplup: water starter for sinnoh (who doesnt like penguinz?)
snivy: grass starter for unova (being my favourite grass type starter and looks cool)
tepig: fire starter for unova (oh cute... but once it evolves its a beast!)
oshawott: water starter for unova (this pokemon has a weird name but its as cute as piplup. Maybe another challenge?)
I listed the starter pokemons name
so my question here is what is your fave SHINY starter pokemon. Mine was charmander and always was charmanderr but when i saw the shiny snivy it amazed me. Now shiny charmander has a rival which is the shiny snivy.<< so thats were my fave shinies whats urs??