How do you feel about the upcoming WoW expansion? Success or Fail?
2011-12-09 06:29:11 UTC
If you havent heard WoW is making a new expansion and its going to change WoW Forever...

New Class: Monk Class(mainly a hand to hand combat class),
Race: Panda..(its starting to seem like the latest movie Kung Fu Panda),
Talent Tree..They are completly changing the talent tree.
Level Cap.. You can now get to lvl 90..
Raids.. TBA

Pretty much for the old School WoW players (such as i) they are making this game ALOT easier for the rookie players..

Do any of you old school players have anything to say about this unfortunate expansion? Give me your opinion.
Five answers:
2011-12-09 07:16:55 UTC
I too believe they ran out of ideas. I mean yes Pandarens were in the series for a long time. But the horde and the alliance sharing a pathetic race such as Pandas is just sad.

I quit few months ago because of how terrible the game became. Kids started acting like tough guys and things just got out of hand, everyone is in heroic gear and it's just getting annoying.

I think WoW died with Arthas. They are adding bits of lore(I am a lore fanatic) that doesn't even ring a bell. They are releasing this new expansion pack and once again changing everything when they already have done that in Cataclysm.

WoW isn't the game it once was. Now the game is just another Call of Duty with levels to be honest. You kill you get gear and that's all that you can do. Raids weren't like before where once you managed to kill Nefarian with 40 man. It was once epic and it felt like Warcraft III since it was like a war between you and the bosses. Now it's just another noob casual game where you can get your gear in a week.
2011-12-09 07:17:47 UTC
Since you can only do melee or ranged combat anyway, the fact that monk is melee doesn't bother me. (I suck at melee, but that's just me!)

Pandaren have been around for a while; they are not trying to copy Kung Fu Panda.

The talent tree has been redone several times, so this isn't a big deal either.

Increasing the level cap -- not a surprise.

I am a very casual player; I have done maybe two raids in my life (back in vanilla) and it was just too much for me. I have a full time job and a family. I can't stay up until 3 in the morning and manage to function the next day; I'm too old for that crap, lol. So I wish they were doing a lot more for the casual/solo player.

The game has progressively gotten easier since the beginning. I think that makes it more accessible to everyone, which I like, but again I'd like to see some more for the casual/solo player. I will never be able to compete if I can't run raids or choose not to join a raiding guild or run heroics. So I'm hoping the new expansion adds some more content for people like me, but I doubt it will.
2011-12-09 06:33:19 UTC
Epic fail.

Why? Pandas.

Yes, pandas are good but it just doesn't fit WoW. They're only out of ideas and now they're just making random stuff up. Whats gonna be the next expansion? You will be able to roll a croakroach?

I played WoW since a few months before Burning Crusade and it was hard as **** back then. Now, you get everything on a golden plate. "Hurr Durr go to that guy that is 10 meters away from me and i will give you 100 gold". "Youre level 20! Here is your 50 Silver mount". Its just too easy now.
Tech Wizard
2011-12-09 06:52:33 UTC

Your typical uneducated answer made me laugh. They aren't "making random stuff up"... Pandas have been in Warcraft for years, even before World of Warcraft. Do you know anything about the Warcraft series?

Also, you should have tried playing World of Warcraft back in the day. 200g for your normal mount - at 40. 800g for your epic mount - at 60, if you had 200g you were rich. Burning Crusade made the game easier tenfold for complete braindead kids and, unfortunately, it's even easier now.
2017-01-20 11:00:17 UTC
From what I comprehend the identify is referencing the belief offered interior the action picture (smart layout) is "expelled" from the faculty gadget and not taught using fact it has no scientific foundation.

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