Server Name: Skellies PVP
Server Locale: Address/IP:
Server Address/IP: /
Version: 1.7.2 - 1.7.4
Game Play Type/s: /Factions, /Creative and Kitpvp coming soon
Additional Worlds:
Description: Skellies has been open to the public for about a month now and has flourished a community quickly but had diminished just as fast leaving only the mature teens and adults sticking it out; rage quits from harsh raids and brutal pvp. Many of the players and I have become friends and decided to have built more Attention Deficit Disorder games within the server (/Zombietown, /Creative and /Kitpvp) as I seem to understand that the younger crowd can't exactly enjoy the long drawn out gameplay of /Factions.
We take all player suggestions and opinions and we try our very best to appease players as many server owners/admins have either ignored or abused me in the past. Thank You, for taking the time to read this. -Sireture
Rules: Please, no "hack" Clients.
Plugins: -Casinoslots -CombatLog -Contagious Zombies -DisguiseCraft -Factions -FactionChat -floAuction -HeadDrops -mcMMO -MobArena -MonetaryDeath Penalty
Owner/Admins/Moderators: Sireture, elpibepiola, Skullsmasher, Actiondoctor