How are video games educational?
A Little, A Lot
2013-12-05 18:42:21 UTC
I'm doing a persuasion speech on the topic "Video games are educational" and I can't think of ANYTHING.

Help please! :(
Twenty answers:
Kara Winters
2013-12-06 10:35:25 UTC
Video games are one of those mediums like books, movies and plays that you get as much out of it as you're willing to take away from a game.

Most people mention the historical aspect, especially with games like Assassin's Creed, however that's not quite accurate or even fully explains the potential of a video game.

Video games have the ability to enable learning. When we talk about enabling learning, we are talking about the ability to get the player to learn on their own terms, not because they have to, but because they want to.

Assassin's Creed for example is historic, but not necessarily accurate historically speaking, most mediums like movies and books (and video games) rarely are, but they can invoke what is known is tangential learning. Tangential learning is when a person hears, reads or watches something (like the Civil War in Assassin's Creed), and it gets them interested enough to look up more about the topic themselves. We've all done this, whether we are aware of it or not.

A more anecdotal example of how video games teach are players who talk about learning another language in order to play a game. A lot of players where English is not their first language, will talk about how they learned English by playing video games that could have only been found in English. There are probably Japanese learners as well for this same thing.

Beyond just learning facts, fans of video games (and really any fandom) have taught themselves new skills to create things for that fandom, or to be better at that game. Other examples include.

Any time a player has crunched numbers for Pokemon.

Any player who has made props or costumes

Any player who has taken time to write fanfiction or a song

Any player who has learned to play a song

Any player who has debated on a game's timeline with other players

Any player who has taught themselves to draw for fan art

And the list goes on, players who go beyond the game, a game they've played will communicate, make, produce, learn, read, write, draw and compose for that game they have come to love. All these activities are giving players skills that go beyond the game, which is why I said it depends on what you're willing to take away from it.

However, if you want more information on just educational learning in the traditional sense, my recommendation is also to check out Extra Creditz on Youtube, Their writer James, who is a video game developer and right now a video game consultant have done many videos in regards to education. In fact James is right now doing a campaign called Video Games for Good.

Also check out PBSIdeal Channel they did a short thing about education and Minecraft, and check out the episode after that one because a lot of responses to the Minecraft video included more source material about video games and education.
2014-05-27 11:35:11 UTC
Videogames have great positive potential in

addition to their entertainment value and there

has been considerable success when games are

designed to address a specific problem or to teach

a certain skill.

Love Nigeria
2016-08-29 21:26:09 UTC
In my opinion, video games are more than just addicting toys that keep people from being responsible, productive members of society. However, many people seem to disagree with me. A few days ago, I watched a show that covered the shootings by two eleven year-olds of students and teachers at a remote grade school in Arkansas.

There are various theories as to why these two students committed this unspeakable crime. The theory of too much influence on the part of video games was included in this hour-long documentary. Theories that pointed to music, the parents, and the social construct at large were included as well.

The emphasis of the theory that video games were the culprit was focused on the violent games that reward violence. The problem is that the analysts did not consider that the Middle Eastern countries have slaughtered each other in decade- and century-long battles even if these games virtually do not exist in those countries.

I think that the benefits of video games should also be addressed. Experts consider games that require dexterity, linear thinking, and that make other complex demands on coordination, eyes, and the brain as useful in the staving off of such progressive illnesses as Alzheimer's.

In this day and age, children can get video games in the classroom, as auxiliary materials, or in learning environments after school. These games are designed based on the rationale that video games can help with skills such as memorizing, remembering, inducing, deducing, recognizing patterns, solving problems, and mapping.

There are also other benefits that children can get out of video games. For example, these games also contribute to perseverance skills, socialization skill, and motor skills. These games have also been found to assist in assuaging the difficulties and challenges of attention deficit disorder. They are also useful for elevating the esteem and increasing the motivation and drive of children.
2013-12-05 21:12:38 UTC
You're using an Edward Kenway avatar and you seriously can't think of anything!? Not a one?

The AC franchise is chock full of true historical accounts. There's actually more history in those games than there are fiction.

I think you'd find it more fulfilling if you did your own homework. Just play some of your old games and see what you find.

The most common educational courses are:

Geography (many games include maps, and require navigation)

History (Some games are inspired by actual events and include others)

Language (A bit of a stretch, but online gaming can offer a multicultural experience)

Literacy (Specifically: reading. RPGs especially demand good reading skills)

Science (Some games include factual scientific knowledge)

Mathematics (99% of games require specific math skills)

Literature (Some games follow already fictitious stories from old books)

Sociology (Online gaming may not be the best example, but is, nonetheless)

Home Ec. (Some games, like the Tales series, actually have cooking in them)
2014-08-18 07:55:10 UTC
Video games can also be used for allegamy (allegory based on video games). There are many examples of how an idea or principle learned in a video game can then be applied to the real world.

Ideas like persistence, collaboration, achieving a goal that is larger than ourselves, overcoming fear and self doubt, are all lessons that video games can be used to teach. Even being an effective manager or leader can be gleaned from good video games.

Video game simulators are also an effective application of video games.
2013-12-05 18:49:12 UTC
Improves motor skills, puzzle solving, enhanced comprehension?. I know there are many ways games can be educational but atm I can't think of the right wording.

Problem solving

Historical (like civilization games/ac series etc)

Strategical thinking (command and conquer and any game of that sort)

Planning out situations ( Games that involve preperation and thought on how to handle a level or anything)

I hope this atleast somewhat helps :P
2013-12-07 11:24:07 UTC
It really depends on what kind of games. Games like GTA2 only improve motor/sensory skills, if any, however there is a type of games made for this exact purpose: to educate. See for some examples of such games. You can easily deduce a few words on what causes most these games to differ from the rest and the mainstream...
2014-02-20 05:30:46 UTC
Children love to play video games and playing video games is very vital for their mental growth. There are many educational video games that can help child improve their learning skills and reading skills.
Gh0st KIA
2014-03-06 12:29:35 UTC
Games can be very educational according to my 7th grade social studies teacher Mr. Avant. Minecraft for example is very educational because it can teach kids about building skills. Also, Assassin's Creed is too because of the revolutionary war, roman times, and all kinds of stuff.
2016-04-13 21:52:40 UTC
We're always manifesting. Each idea we have creates an energy circulation within and around our physical beings. This energy attracts its similarity. So if you're thinking, "I draw," then your energy type of, well, sucks- and you bring in draws experiences and this is just among the things that this book Manifestation Miracle will discover you. The favorable affirmations, when you impress a brand-new thought, concept or image into your subconscious, it eventually ends up being rooted in the soil of your subconscious.

Manifestation Miracle is very comprehensive and the best non fluff overview of the law of attraction and ways to utilize it to its maximum potential. If you are looking for a life changing inspirational read then this guide from start to finish! You most absolutely will not regret it.
2014-01-14 20:51:49 UTC
Some games like strategy and role playing games actually require you to think and make intelligent decisions (assuming you don't cheat) in order to progress and advance on in the game. For example, the Zelda games have various puzzles throughout the game that you have to solve in order to unlock a new weapon for instance.
2014-04-09 14:18:05 UTC
Video games can help you think strategically and help keep your mind healthy. People usually say that games rot your brain, but they do quit the opposite they can help feed a child's imagination, help with a persons hand eye coordination, and evoc emotions such as heart ache joy or anger in a healthy way.
2016-05-15 21:42:47 UTC
When attempting to manifest, many individuals focus excessive on the outside kind instead of the internal condition. Exactly what' crucial is our internal experience: whether we pick to experience love or fear. When we dedicate to our internal experience of love we begin to bring in more love. Numerous individuals approach Manifestation from a place of "How can I get something to feel much better?" Rather, the focus should be: "How can I feel much better and therefore be an energetic match for drawing in more greatness into my life?"- and this is simply a part of what you are be getting with this guide , Manifestation Miracle works to make your life much better without the preoccupation of tomorrow day.

Your intents create your fact. There is no need to beat yourself up: merely recognizing how your low-level ideas adversely influence your life is the very first effective step toward changing your experiences. Begin this procedure you will accept the sincerity concerning your low-level ideas, energy and feelings of shock block you from getting exactly what you want. Once you get clear about the blocks, you can start to clean them as much as clear area for positive manifestations take place.
2013-12-05 18:50:51 UTC
Call of Duty 2 (2005) and World at War are great WWll history lessons.
2014-07-22 19:34:21 UTC
Playing video games, including violent shooter games, may boost children’s learning, health and social skills, according to a review of research on the positive effects of video game play to be published by the American Psychological Association. The study comes out as debate continues among psychologists and other health professionals regarding the effects of violent media on youth. An APA task force is conducting a comprehensive review of research on violence in video games and interactive media. You can now sell all your used media in once place. No need to list all your items individually on EBAY. Sell all your items in bulk. We pay competitive prices for all your used DVDs, Blu Rays, Video Games, CDs and Books. Give us a try and we are sure that you will not be disappointed in our service.
Sebastián López Lima
2013-12-05 18:44:54 UTC
Well Im doing one, All is made around a principal history and had the contents hiden on the game.
2014-01-05 12:06:35 UTC
they can be for simulation for air planes going into space being in the woods ect or science simulation like steve jobs said in the video below
2013-12-23 00:52:23 UTC
They stimulate your brain in many ways. Not necessarily educational but very healthy for your brain.
2016-08-03 16:24:44 UTC
Well in tons of ways of course. They teach you historic events, real time puzzle solving, hand eye coordination, and much more
2013-12-05 20:03:23 UTC
moral lessons and what yumi said! XD

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.