2010-10-30 00:32:32 UTC
2. When my sim is moonlighting sometimes when another sim orders a drink it appears on the action queue but then it disappears straight away, so it's like flashing a few times then the sim walks away.
3. My sim can't go to Eugi's because the elevator doesn't seem to work.
4. Now my sim can't go to work, she's an actress, career level 10. The carpool came to pick her up and the icon on the action queue just disappeared. When I click the "go to work" button on the career tab of the sim panel the icon disappears straight away on the action queue, same goes for when I click on the workplace and click "work".
Please help, somebody! She's celebrity level 5!
Actually, I only got it yesterday night so it didn't take that long... Should I just uninstall Late Night and then reinstall it?