peter g
2012-11-09 01:59:15 UTC
At first I thought it was my T.V., but when I got Halo 4 and started playing it, it immediately became obvious that it was not. Everything's right where it's supposed to be and nothing is hanging off. I checked my Xbox Home(dashboard or whatever) and nothing hangs off there, and it'd be very obvious if anything was, as bad as it is in Skyrim.
I'm asking this question because Skyrim's not playable at all right now and I really want the Dragonborn DLC that's coming out on December 4th, but I will not buy it if I can't fix this. I know that there are other graphical problems with Skyrim that get worse or appear only when you've been playing for large amounts of time, so I'm hoping to hear that this is one of those and that it'll get better.