how can i learn to play halo?
2010-02-24 23:35:36 UTC
i want to be able to play with my boyfriend rather than sit and watch......oh plus i want it to be a surprise when i bet
Nineteen answers:
2010-02-25 04:14:41 UTC
Just do what my girlfriend did. At first she liked watching.. then she decided to be devious like you and start playing.

First you can always sign in as a guest and play with him. Watch what he does and how he does it. Find out what guns are good for what and what guns you like to play with. ( she played with me for a while so i could "teach" her some tips on how to play... )

Then if/when he's gone go play the campaign for a few at normal or hard to get more used to guns etc. Also playing online helps alot.

She ( my girl ) decided to go and buy a 360, and halo 3, and started playing at her house secretly... then all of a sudden one day she said she wanted to play together.. and came up second ( below me ) at the end of the game! I was like... WTF???????.... lol it was cool.
2010-02-25 00:07:34 UTC
If you want to try to make it a secret you could make a new account for 1 month of gold for free and don't tell him your new gamertag. When you start playing do mostly games like Big Team Battle where you have a better win chance because in that size of a team a new player isn't as big of a difference.

Once you get better move into Team Slayer games and when you are feeling confident do the harder Double XP weekends and some Free-for-all matches.

Also, if you have other friends who are new/bad at Halo try doing some custom games with them for some practice with players your level.

If you find none of this is working try adjusting the controls to what makes you most comfortable, you can change settings such as the sensitivity, inverse the aim (down is up like flying a plane), etc.
2010-02-24 23:43:12 UTC
Halo is so simplistic and easy to learn, you should have no trouble. It really isn't an in-depth FPS. That's why you see so many kids able to play it so well. I guarantee if you play for an hour you will be able to go online and do perfectly well against other people.

Now, watch me get flamed by butthurt 13 year old halofans.
2010-02-24 23:41:06 UTC
1.Get used to the main menu which can be accessed as soon as the game disc loads.

2.Familiarize yourself with the game's Heads Up Display (shortened to HUD) which can be seen on your screen while playing in Halo 3

3.Learn Halo 3's controls which you will need to use in order to play the game:

4.Familiarize yourself with the style of play that Halo 3 uses.
2010-02-24 23:38:08 UTC
You just have to start playing somewhere else and get good at it. Try another friends house. But if he plays a lot you probably won't get as good for him. It takes a long time to get skilled at first person shooting games.

also note that halo is the most overrated game ever made... just had to get that out there
2010-02-24 23:37:37 UTC
Just join a tons of games at a friends house when he's not around, play with a different account so he won't recognize you, play team deathmatch games first to get some wins with team members then branch off to squads of 2, then finally free for all.
2010-02-24 23:42:26 UTC
Halo is one of the easiest, and stupidest games I have ever played. You run around, shoot someone while still running, (run and gun) do a few jumps, twirl around, get sniped in the face while someone is jumping and twirling, and repeat. It honestly does not take much SKILL to master Halo. Learn peoples movements, if your shooting where they are going to end up, your going to hit them.
2010-02-24 23:37:33 UTC
Find Its Instruction Book. It tells You everything you need, If you want to test it, When Youre BFs not looking, or gone out ETC, Play on the consol
2010-02-25 04:58:27 UTC
When you install Halo game on your pc, do read the instructions manual before you start playing the game.
2010-02-24 23:37:42 UTC
start practicing. Keep to social games rather than ranked, but make sure you disable voice communication because i guarentee that people will give you a hard time for being both a girl and a noob player.
2010-02-24 23:38:06 UTC
If you want to beat him, play on Xbox Live (if he doesn't, if he does, you're not likely to beat him). Also, just play it. Play the campaign first, get a feel for it, then start playing online if you can.
2010-02-24 23:46:03 UTC
Well for one its going to take more then 2 hours and you must like it if you dont like it if you dont like it then its going to take even longer. Try pasiing the game on normal. NEVER go on the first difficulty. Its just its not going to help
2010-02-24 23:37:42 UTC
It takes LONG hours 2 get good. So don't take it seriously b/c it's honestly a waste of time.
Just Breathe
2010-02-24 23:36:36 UTC
Simply by playing it more and more you will learn
2010-02-24 23:45:39 UTC
Just play it on easy.
2010-02-24 23:36:27 UTC
Just pick up the controller and just fiddle around with it.
2010-02-24 23:36:53 UTC
1. secretly buy the game

2. secretly play it till you're better than your bf

3. challenge him to a game

4. kick his butt!
Robert F
2010-02-25 09:18:34 UTC
practice practice practice
2010-02-25 07:30:08 UTC

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