I am going to give you 5 Ways of making money.
1 - This is by far the best way for F2P players to make cash without taking a lot of time, the only problem is that you would not gain any XP in any skill.
This way is Air Running. Go to World 16. You inventory should have the following Items:
- 1 Air Tailsman.
- 25 Rune Essence.
- 1 free space for money.
- Strange Fruit ( Optional, if you have any, it raises Running by 30% if low).
It is suggested that you do not wear anything energy. You can wear gloves, boots, cape and amulet to look cool, they wont lower your energy or increase you weight.
Now go to Falador, bank, the one closest to the party room. If you know where the Air Altar is then go there. If not, then it is in the woods you will find a stone, a really large one, it s like a space in the map under fally, where there is a space between trees.
Go to the Air Altar then use the Tailsman with it to go in. Trade with someone that is in need of Runes. You might wanna type that you are a runner to get someone, trade with people. Mostly People will give a min of 1.5K and your ess back. If they just offer the money and no ess then don't accept and never accept under 1.5K and your ess back.
The busier the world is, the more money you will get. Usually if it is a bit busy people will give you 2K! Even more. If the world is full, try to go for 3K! You can't gain more than 3K since the new trade limit is here. After you get your money and your ess back in a note. Run back to the bank, swap the notes with the ess then run back there, keep reapeating, the strange fruit comes in when your Energy is 0%, if you don't have it just walk. You can gain up to 50K - 350K per hour from this!
2 - This way is slow but you can go for 99 in a skill. You need 60 Woodcutting and a rune axe, nothing more. Cut Yew logs! Sell them at Max if you can, if 1 day passes at the excahge and they are still not sold, go for a lower price, maybe the Market Price or Market Price + 1 - 3. The more you sell the better.
3 - Fishing is another good way for money, fish Swordies, but it takes long, this way is a bad way for money, you wont get more than 50K per hour, it takes long to fish if your fishing is lower than 70.
4 - Merchanting, yes people say that this is a great way of making money, but it is slow, and takes a long time to find Buyers. Always remeber buy at min, sell at max! Now this is a problem because everyone does it! They all sell at max and buy at min. It would take a very long time to get money, but you might get a lot of profits, it depends on the people not on you or the stuff you have. Tip: Buy yew at min sell at max. Buy coal at Market Price - 5 sell at Max.
5 - This is probably the worst and slowest way of getting money, Cowhides, it already takes long enough to get a cow to kill, a while to pick it up, and longer to get it to the bank. By the time you do all that, you could have made 28K + by air running while you would have made 2.8K doing this, you would gain 10 - 20 times more money! Cowhides, worst way of making money, don't do it whatever people say, Merchanting them is better thang getting them. Noobs see this as a god in money making lol.
Good Luck in making money, hope the best for you!
Tip: Money Making takes time, if you feel your making alot of money from Air Running then do not change your way unless you want to, do what you want.
Never do these for money: Mining - Too slow these days. Smithing - Only if you have 95+ then its your call. Pking, really stupid, you don't know the drops or if a player will drop. Monster Killing, what will bones and some cheap random item get you.
Tip: Money Making takes time, have some patience and you will have 1000K in no time.
I answered this in another Question.