hello everyone! well you see i am not the richest player in runescape and i need runescape money, however i can get membership free when ever i want! because my dads work phone is funded by his work, therefore i can do it whenever i want, but cant get ingame money too easily... so i am selling 1 month membership for 10m each. I am aiming at players who don't have the opportunity to buy membership with real money, but are relativly rich in game. I tried doing this on runescape but i got 2 accounts muted, and not one person... (apparantly i was 'scamming', pfft) but i can assure you i am legit. i can't see why no one gives me a shot!! and i get really sick of people calling me a scammer so if thats all you wanna do, take your posts and post them on, idk maybe the club penguin forum or something. well, some people might say geez! 10m thats heaps. well no if you think about it, this is cheap because i come from aus and the asutralian dollar is approximatly equal to the american and over here it costs $16 via sms so... i can't do it much cheaper. and another thing, i havn't made my pure account a member yet so i can only supply one other person with membership otherwise my dads phone bill will be too high for the month and he will risk being fired, or something along those lines. so i wanna lay low. and if i happen to get heaps of people asking for membership, and i choose one don't worry most people say they will buy it and then call me scammer so i will most likely be back for more answerers. And my last condition is money first, and then membership!! just to make sure you don't run off with the mems without paying, and i will definatly make you a mem if you pay so no problems about that. and the bonus to it... since it is through sms i don't need your password :D so if you are interested message me through my hotmail grossmate@hotmail.com or my yahoo. thankyou for your time :P