PS3 Network Error? 8001050F?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
PS3 Network Error? 8001050F?
425 answers:
2010-02-28 16:14:54 UTC
Same in New york.

It's happening all over the world at the moment. I'll keep you guys posted.


Just received this email from PlayStation customer support:


We apologize for any inconvenience regarding this PlayStation(R)Network issue,

At this time we do not have any further information regarding this temporary network issue. It is

not related to your PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system our your internet connection.

It is being investigated at this time however we do not have an estimated time of resolution.

Please refer to out website, "" for further information.


Don K


Written by: Jordan Silverthorne @

Here’s what’s going on right now: something with the PS3’s internal clock has borked in some pre-slim models. This is not a PSN issue; it has to do with your PS3’s clock. This clock is NOT related to the OS clock. It seems to be a leap year bug. Setting your clock ahead will do nothing. All PS3s around the world were affected at the exact same time.

Does this affect me?

-If you have a Slim PS3, you’re good to go. Continue playing it as normal.

-If you have a “fat” PS3, you may be affected. Some fat PS3s have worked ok, but it seems a good majority have been bugged.

What does this bug mean?

-If affected, your date and time has been set to a random past date. This prevents you from signing into PSN, playing any PSN games, or using any DLC. Your trophies will also not display correctly or be able to sync.

How do I fix it?

-You can’t. Even if you don’t sign into PSN, it won’t help. This is a hardware issue.

So, what do I do?

-Wait 24 hours. Other products that have had similar bugs have corrected themselves after the “bugged” day. On Monday around 8pm central time, all PS3s will automatically correct themselves…maybe.

-If that doesn’t work, we’ll need a firmware update from Sony, which should be a pretty important priority for them right now.

Did I lose my data/themes/etc?

Your save data/games/dlc/themes are fine. They’ll be fixed when the PS3 is fixed. Trophies are uncertain right now, but they’ll be fine if you’ve synced them before the PS3 was bugged. Unsynced trophies are an unknown right now.

If I have a bugged PS3, can I still use it?

It’s probably not a good idea, as I have no idea what will happen to the trophies you earn during the bugged time. Movies/media will work fine.


Official word on the subject finally!!

Latest info on PlayStation Network Status

Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:

* The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.

* When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following

message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been

signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.

* When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears

on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install

trophies. Please exit your game.”

* When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the

Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date

and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”

* Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the

PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

For the latest status on this situation please continue to check either the PlayStation.Blog or
2010-02-28 17:32:09 UTC
Yep, I am having this problem too. I am getting fed up w/Sony. I had to pay $100 to replace my blue-ray drive in December since Sony would not help me, now this. I have been an outspoken supporter of the PS 3 since launch day but lately I am starting to feel like Sony does not care about us die-hards. Especially if it's true that only the fat PS3s are being affected seeing as most of us paid $500+ for our systems.
2010-02-28 17:24:15 UTC
same problem here nova odessa Brazil
2010-02-28 16:14:42 UTC
Thank God, I thought it was just me, I called Sony and their official response is "We are having technical difficulties, please be patient and things will be up an running as soon as possible, thank you"

I almost **** myself, I thought My PS3 just bricked itself.
2010-02-28 16:14:32 UTC
I'm having the same problem in Syracuse, NY - was freaking out... glad I'm not alone

Maybe the network's just down?
2010-02-28 16:14:32 UTC
This error usually means that you need to send your console to Sony for a replacement. I am hoping it is not true this time if we are all having the same problem at once. Toronto, Canada
2010-02-28 16:14:21 UTC
same here...just wanna play cod
2010-02-28 16:13:30 UTC
Skynet is becoming self-aware!! The T-1000 will probably show up at your door at dinner time...But seriously....Its just the PSN..They must be doing some patching and updating...or..Someone was like hey lets see how many people we can piss off today by cutting off the psn and watching everyone
Stig Lerus
2010-02-28 16:12:01 UTC
So many of us are having this problem right now. Maybe the psnetwork is down for maintenance or something?
2010-02-28 16:11:08 UTC
I am having the same thing trying to play a few games
2010-02-28 16:10:12 UTC
I'm glad I found that other people are having the same problem right now lol. Hopefully they fix it soon!
2016-02-29 11:19:46 UTC
Unfortunately the bug in the PHAT PS3 consoles is a lot more serious than originally thought (at least this is what I gather from the information I have read online). It appears the 'calendar bug' as they call it is causing the date on PS3 consoles to revert back to December 31, 1999 (Y2K anyone?). Essentially the hard-coded built-in date logic on the PS3 motherboard has a major bug and this potentially disastrous. If this ROM chip with the date logic is actually the source of the problem, the only way to fix the issue might be to re-flash or replace the chip altogether. Unfortunately this means (in the worst case scenario), Sony might have to recall the affected consoles to replace the ROM chip / logic on the chip (as this is not something that can be easily sent as a remote update or otherwise updated by home users). I do not suggest using the console in the meantime until we have further information. Any activity on the console could potentially cause problems in the future even if the date problem is fixed (for e.g. games might see that a game file was saved in 1999 and stop working because it is assumed the game or file has been corrupted, just as an example). Honestly, as a computer programmer, I do not expect there to be an easy fix if I'm right about the source of the problem. This could really be a bad PR hit to Sony and the PS if they have to isssue a recall. There is a remote possibility the problem could fix itself tomorrow but this is highly unlikely. Also we should know by now if the problem fixes itself since it is already March 2nd in Australia.
2010-03-01 03:41:51 UTC
I have read a lot about this now and the more time that goes by the more i am getting concerned! Now the latest I have on this is that it is a hardware issue and is not down to Sony working on the Network. Now i have also heard that this would require a firmware update which i hope they are working on now. I agree with a lot that has been said on this post! It feels like us lot that have been using PS3 the longest now loose out due to some hardware error which they must have known about as the new films do not have this, so why was a update not available before this point. i just hop this doesnt mean we are all packing up our PS3's and sending em off!
2010-02-28 16:52:07 UTC
Hey Guys im From New Zealand. The time is currently 1.00pm NZ Time. Just a few hours ago i was logged into the Playstation Network and could message friends,access the PS Store etc. But i took a break and logged out. But when i tried to log in again i was not able to and got the following error code (8001050F). Also i have lost my trophies for one of my games Ashes Cricket 09. Also i have a PS3 40Gig Fat Console. My brother signed in to the PS Network at 12.30pm NZ time and is currently still on on MW2. Please let me know if only the Old Fat consoles are having this problem. By the way my bro has a 120GB Slim model. The date is currently 1st of March 2010. Looking forward to hearing anything useful.
2010-02-28 20:35:29 UTC
I've been having the same problem. With the same exact errors. From what I've read on some forums, Sony did some maintenance on the PSN over the weekend and it is sort of screwed up right now is the best way to put it. The problem with the PSN seems to be worldwide, it's not just you so take some solace in that. The best bet is just to wait it out, I'm sure sony will have an update soon.
2010-02-28 18:44:33 UTC
I think it is more than just the PSN! remember a couple of months when some guy hacked the ps3? the first and only person ever! after reading this thread and thinking about what it could be, i say it is a virus that affects older model ps3's....... notice every time you restart the ps3 the time resets itself(unless you manually change it) and how you can't play certain games (e.g. Modern Warfare 2) because it won't sync the trophies? trophies aren't saved on the psn, they are saved on the hard drive of the system. That stuff doesn't require an internet connection to load/work properly! That is just my opinion. Take it or leave it.

fyi my fiance's ps3 slim works like a charm
2010-02-28 16:54:59 UTC
I just had the same problem today about 6pm. I was downloading some free stuff for rockband and when it was done, I couldnt sign in to the Playstation Network error (8001050F). Like you I can browse the web. I know this doesnt answer your question but it does makeme feel better knowing I'm not the only one. I am going to call Sony Monday before I try a restore cause I can't sync my trophies cause you have to be signed in to do so. Good luck to all and may God have mercy on our PS3.
2015-02-21 19:21:47 UTC
I think it is more than just the PSN! remember a couple of months when some guy hacked the ps3? the first and only person ever! after reading this thread and thinking about what it could be, i say it is a virus that affects older model ps3's....... notice every time you restart the ps3 the time resets itself(unless you manually change it) and how you can't play certain games (e.g. Modern Warfare 2) because it won't sync the trophies? trophies aren't saved on the psn, they are saved on the hard drive of the system. That stuff doesn't require an internet connection to load/work properly! That is just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
2015-10-27 06:03:41 UTC
remember a couple of months when some guy hacked the ps3? the first and only person ever! after reading this thread and thinking about what it could be, i say it is a virus that affects older model ps3's....... notice every time you restart the ps3 the time resets itself(unless you manually change it) and how you can't play certain games (e.g. Modern Warfare 2) because it won't sync the trophies? trophies aren't saved on the psn, they are saved on the hard drive of the system. That stuff doesn't require an internet connection to load/work properly! That is just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
2010-02-28 16:35:37 UTC
I'm having the same problem. I'm in Massachusetts. I have the 60GB version. I was going to show my parents something on the game Heavy Rain. I had every trophy except the last 2 which were "see all endings"and "completed all trophies". But now I don't see the trophy list at all. I hope it's not completely gone. The internet works, but can't log into the PSN network. I even tried Netflix disk since it's just internet, but said an error for that too. this really sucks.
2010-02-28 19:10:29 UTC
Seeing as how some people experienced this problem without even being connected to PSN makes be believe that this is more a firmware issue that may have corrupted the data on the hard drive. That being said means that this would be more a local issue and the fact that we can't connect to PSN means that they may not be able to fix this from their end. I don't think this will be fixed over night and we may need to bring the consoles in (can't imagine the back log on this with so many units) for a firmware update or if we're lucky they send us a CD through the mail. This is all speculation but the symptoms seem to be heading in this direction.
2010-02-28 19:43:41 UTC
I have the same problem, i was using cod mod and got the error, i went to, and when i did that there were 2 options and if the first one didnt work the other one you had to send in your ps3. There has to be an easier way though, I just havent found it yet. Or what im hopeing, since there are so many with the same problem, is that it is just ps network. Im over n wisconsin, so I dont think its a geographical thing; i saw some people typed that it might just be on the east coast.

if you find the answer let me know!
2010-02-28 20:19:31 UTC
Well I am here in Cincinnati and just bought MAG (which I recommend to every MW2 player, WAY BETTER) after have rented for the past 2 weeks, popped it in about 2 hours ago and got the same error message as everyone on this blog. Date changed to 12/31/2000 and had to update it several times. Just found this blog and a bit at ease to see that I am not alone. Good Luck and Go RAVEN!
2010-02-28 19:41:10 UTC
WHAT THE HELL! After a long day of yard work and other crap all I want to do is play some COD; so I sit and turn on the ps3 and what do I get "FU" or Error 8001050F same thing. Out of all the days of the week why on Sunday my day off!?! Why couldn't Sony wait for Monday 5 a.m. no one likes Mondays anyways...sheesh! Sony better get this fixed quick my sanity is hanging in the balance!

2010-03-01 09:37:43 UTC
Here's the latest info on PlayStation Network's status:

Latest info on PlayStation Network Status

Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today. This problem affects the models other than the new slim PS3.

We believe we have identified that this problem is being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.

Errors include:

The date of the PS3 system may be re-set to Jan 1, 2000.

When the user tries to sign in to the PlayStation Network, the following

message appears on the screen; “An error has occurred. You have been

signed out of PlayStation Network (8001050F)”.

When the user tries to launch a game, the following error message appears

on the screen and the trophy data may disappear; “Failed to install

trophies. Please exit your game.”

When the user tries to set the time and date of the system via the

Internet, the following message appears on the screen; “The current date

and time could not be obtained. (8001050F)”

Users are not able to play back certain rental video downloaded from the

PlayStation Store before the expiration date.

We hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.

As mentioned above, please be advised that the new slim PS3 is not affected with this error. We are doing our best to resolve the issue and do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

For the latest status on this situation please continue to check either the PlayStation.Blog or
2010-02-28 16:49:01 UTC
Shouldn't we be able to play without playing online though? I keep getting an additional error message when I try to play split screen under special ops. It says, " Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. the game will quit (8001050F). I hit OK and the game quits. Uuuuuuuuugggggghhhhh!!
Chris W
2010-02-28 18:10:50 UTC
Hey everybody been looking at some different boards and blogs and it seems to be worldwide. I have talked to some friends in Canada, Germany, Sweden, and New Zealand they all are having the same problem. I'm not an IT guy but I would say this is just sony updating or patching or both combined with system maintenance. So lets all say a lil prayer that all of us don't have very expensive paper weights on our hands lol.
2010-02-28 17:01:46 UTC
Seems to be a PSN network error that has been going around for some time but today started happening to many players all over the world. If you understand Spanish, you can see that in this link: there are european players having the same issues about now (Their time says feb 1st due to the Time Zone) but in my case, the dynamic themes I bought can't be used nor anything that uses PSN for authentication and appears me as "Corrupted Data".

I really hope that this problem can be solved soon and also that my downloaded content remains intact or I will be really pissed at Sony -:-
2010-02-28 20:16:42 UTC
This might either be a network issue at Sony or an Operating System(OS) Error with the older fat PS3s. Now the OS error is a rumor but it might be very true, everyone who posts state which PS3 model you have and it will give us a better idea.

If all the PS3s with the error are the fat model the error might be in the OS.

If there are slim PS3s with the problem it signals a Network issue.

IF the error is in the OS I would expect that fat PS3 owners could redeem their old PS3 with a newer slim model. But the OS error is JUST a RUMOR.
2010-02-28 17:39:37 UTC
Same error on PS3 despite checking for update ("you have latest sotware") and password reset. I was able to log in via a PC browser to PSN but not on the PS3. I noticed spotty sign in status the past few days (get signed out in middle of use) and the auto sign-in feature stopped about a week ago. It would appear there is a systemic problem from all the reports.

I don't know how to notify Sony if they don't already know, and it appears to be across more than one game as direct sign in fails on the PS3 itself. A gradually worsening problem perhaps? There are more answers turned up by searching on the error # too, but not a peep from Sony yet as to resolution. Anybody?

2010-02-28 17:26:52 UTC
ok so apparently a lot people are having this problem so it doesn't seem to be a playstation 3 console problem. But it does seem to only be happening to older ps3s (not the slims). It also doesn't seem to be a internet problem. What I have been noticing from my research is that the people who have called Sony have said that Sony says its a system error and they need to send it in for repair. I think its a Sony problem they can't fix or some sort of scam to get everyone to switch to the slims. I'm just gonna wait and see what happens. I usually don't post, I leech info from I hope this was good info for some if not screw you. Peace.
2010-02-28 16:53:23 UTC
Hey, same Problem here in Hamburg, Germany! I've just played Heavy Rain and would like open the store. The result was that my system couldn't connect to the PSN for synchronizing my trophies. :( Some pages said that this error is an hard one. I hope that's not the true.
2010-03-02 08:21:38 UTC
Yh my mates went on about that. I heard on the 60 second news that there is something wrong with

the ps3 network that someone hacked into the system. So ps3 network closed it down and soon will be bring it back up.
2010-02-28 17:46:23 UTC
It's a Playstation Network issue - Sony has issued a statement via Twitter that they are aware of the problem and are working it. A few hundred million people innundating the Sony Support Site isn't helping matters much either.

While it might seem that is running well via PC, it isn't - aside from being abnormally slow, it's had multiple server interrupts since the PSN went down.

Chad Johnson
2010-03-01 13:55:12 UTC
The RROD equivelent for Actually what is happening is an internal clock error on "Fat" Ps3's. If you have a slim, then your not experiencing this. Sony is trying to update this immediately. They also recommend not using the console for at least 4 days. Dont worry everybody, it will be OK...
2010-02-28 19:02:31 UTC
Greetings from Ecuador ! the same thing happened its bull$&% hopefully it will start working in few days and as someone said before yeah my FIFA 10 isn´t working it indicates an error of trophies or something like that (its the same error 8001050F)
2010-02-28 18:36:02 UTC
It bites. First i download some DLC for Little Big Planet then I go to sleep.

Get up in the morning play a little White Knight Chronicles and Katamari Forever, log on to PS Home get a friend request from someone I don't know (Ignored it I wish I hadn't now) Got back on Katamari then go off cause of the hockey game.

When I get back on I try to play White Knight Chronicles and then it happens. Trophies failed to load and I've been signed off the network. I can play Little Big Planet but half the DLC I got last night is gone. And to make matters worse I have one of the older systems and my friend has a slim. He can get on and I cant. He hasn't been on line for three days so I don't know if I got something in the last day of two or if it's his system is newer but it bites.
2010-02-28 18:03:44 UTC
It is not a network issue. The error is from a bad code written into the date program for leap year (February 28th). It is a firmware error that will need to be updated. This error only effects older version PS3s (Fats, not the slim version). This error is caused even if your system is not connected to the internet. Hopefully sony will release an update soon.
2010-02-28 16:19:23 UTC
Hi there,

it is happening also to me, here in Italy, 01:17 AM while playing Dante's Inferno.

When i start the game, after 20 seconds appear the error.

I cannot also enter the plasystation network, i think that this is a general problem of PSN or something similar... i stay tuned.

2010-03-01 12:59:39 UTC
Hey guys I have the same problem. I checked Twitter for the update that tell us what's happening and I found out IT IS on Sony's end. Apperantly I found out that there was bug while trying to update the psn servers. Sony is telling is to keep our ps3 off for the next 24 hours and it will be fixed by tomorrow. So guys just be patient and don't do anything you would regret.
2010-03-01 09:13:33 UTC
You know i hear about problems with the PSN and some that state that its the leap year problem. He77 some even said its SKYNET taking over lol but MY PROBLEM IS (and i dont read too many discussions on this but) WHY WOULD SONY MAKE A SYSTEM THAT RELIED TOO HEAVILY ON ITS PSN. I dont understand with having to sync the trophies in order to start up a game. Why do we need the PSN to work in order for us to play our games. Fony relies on its network and syncing data that it stops us from playing our games. I've read other questions that said the gamers didnt even have internet or had not even got on it and still got the same error message. Even us that have internet and are on PSN and it wouldnt even let us on are still having problems. THE REAL QUESTION HERE IS: why would sony even make a gaming system that doesnt let you play a game if there networks are down. Yes of course i understand that some games that dont have trophy sync issues do still work but what about games that do. Why not fix that problem and let us play our games whenever we want to!!! Thats the real PROBLEM! whos with me?
2010-03-01 23:52:47 UTC
Here's the solution,

1> Disconnect all PS3 cables,

2> Put it on a flat, nonflammable surface

3> Soak with gasoline, oil etc..

4> Ignite,

5> Buy an X-Box 360

6> Problem solved
Brian H
2010-02-28 18:14:34 UTC
mine is coming up with an message saying that it can not update trophy collection data...or something to that extent, and that "the game will now quit" and the only option is to say OK....Is anyone else getting this message...???I had a power outage a few days back while I was playing, but I got power back last night and played the game fine. I switched to a different game and that worked fine, and then went back to the first game and have been getting the message???? sound familiar to Anyone???

2010-02-28 17:29:13 UTC
Happening to me here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Called the PSN support number (1-877-971-7669) and received a message saying the PSN is down for maintenance. They didn't give an eta for when it will be back up.
2010-02-28 17:25:59 UTC
Same here, the only thing is that im in England, Liverpool, right, PSN, it MUST be under maintenace, if everyones getting it, and i mean EVERYWHERE. ive been on a couple of sites now, and everyones just been scared bout loosing all their trophies and stuff, nah, i doubt it, i was on FIFA10 before, and it dosnt force you of the PSN, it just waits till you sign out, then you cant go back on, and ive losed all FIFA10 trophies too, got no idea why, but theres no sign of them, i do the sync with my trophies but it gets to bout 95% then throws an error at me, must have been because thats the game i was on when they started their maintanence?? wondering why, but i DO want them back. i dont think anyone will have to format their ps3 though, probably just maintanence guys, nothing to get pissed off about. Hope its on soon though cus it wont let me play FIFA without my trophies being there.
2010-02-28 16:50:38 UTC
Same thing happening in London so its a relief to know its not just me. Probably not one of the smarter questions I've ever asked, but does anybody know if this could have any effect on the trophy system? At the exact time I could not sign in to PSN, my trophies for Bioshock 2 also failed to load. Related or seperate issue?
2010-02-28 16:26:00 UTC
Same thing here in Ocala Fl. Was playing Metal Gear Online like an hour ago, and now cant login to PSN. Must be the network
2010-02-28 16:15:22 UTC


same thing is happening to me i was playing this afternoon and everything was fine now its 7pm and I'm trying and getting the same 8001050F error! but what i don't get is my roommate has a ps3 and he is on it with no problem the only difference is that mine is the older version 80gb the metal-gear solid package and his is pretty new i think he got it for x-mas. I'm wondering if it is just happening with the 80gigs? what systems do u guys have? I've read blogs before this one that put a bad feeling in my tummy saying that it happened to them also and they had to send it to get fixed and or replace it. my warranty is up so I'm very upset!! ughh... and about someone saying the problem is on the east coast i am on the east coast but i dont see that mattering since my roommates ps3 is working.
2010-02-28 18:07:45 UTC
My COD MW2 Trophy info was just there. Now it says, "Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will quit.


Now only my MW2 Trophy collection is gone...Lovely.
2010-02-28 16:10:57 UTC
Same here about 20 min ago.Playstation is working on the prob now . You can get info at the PS Blog. Which can be entered at the default home page of the internet browser. There you can follow via twitter the status of the repairs.

Never fear PSN is here.
i need sfco codes and hacks!!!
2010-03-01 12:43:31 UTC
Same thing here in USA,CT, i tried signing on last night at 9:30pm and it gave me that error and now i tried sighing in today at 3:41 pm and it still doesn't work, I'm really pissed off since i pre-ordered Battlefield bad company 2 and it comes out tomorrow. BTW i have the phat ps3.
James Y
2010-02-28 19:59:20 UTC
I just turned on my PS3, and i get the error 8001050F... I played modern warfare 2 at 11 a.m.before going to work, but now when I tried to play i get errored. This happened about at 8 P.M. pacific time for me, since i just turned on my PS3.. This sux ...
2010-02-28 17:32:52 UTC
Had the same error here in Ohio around 6 and thought something was serious so rebooted from a backup that was old, should have looked on here first, sounds like the friggen network is down. Thanks sony, don't you think " psn is down due to maintenance " would be a little more help full :[
2010-02-28 17:06:01 UTC
i had to quit modern warfare 2 because i started lagging and couldnt connect to a game so i quit mw2 and started up again now i cant sign into playstation network nor can i even play the story mode it comes up with something about trophys and the game will now quit...all i know is that if i loose all my ranks im going to ******* kill someone and i know that battlefield bad company 2 comes out in 1 day and if the online isnt working buying and xbox because this is bullshit
2010-02-28 18:15:36 UTC
South Dakota's got it too. I checked the internet connection and it's just the psn failing, that's gotta be it. I know it's not an update, I tried to update my ps3 and there were no updates found. that also says that my ps3 can still get on the internet. It's gotta be the psn. Hopefully they fix this soon!!!
Daniel R
2010-02-28 17:26:37 UTC
Same here in TX. Apparently, this error code dates back to 2008. Most people that received the error code then, had to mail units to Sony for repair. Hopefully, it's just a network issue that Sony will resolve shortly. DO NOT REFORMAT your hard-drives yet. It doesn't help anything - I just tried it (had very little data on the HD). Best of luck! Tex.
Matthew S
2010-02-28 16:58:50 UTC
I don't know whats going on but its happening in Flint, Mi also. We should demand compensation from Sony for the inconvenience. Also if this is an older model thing that can't be fixed with a patch then Sony should be obligated to update our hardware or give us a new Ps3 for free.
2010-02-28 16:55:34 UTC
Yeah, same here in Long Island New York. But I just called my friend & asked him if he had the same problem, he said no & hes playing heavy rain right now. Could it be that is because I have one of the original models, that is backwards compatable, & he has a newer, slimer version? If that is the case, Sony had better give me a new version of the PS3 for free!
2010-02-28 16:51:43 UTC
Same here in NC, but now i cant play a game either. Its says "registration of trophy information could not be completed, the game will quit." im trying to play Heavy Rain, this sucks. It's gotta be on Sony's end though.
2010-03-03 12:22:10 UTC
Hey everyone! Obviously the systems are back on. Many game trophies were deleted, but now are back. The cause: system malfunctions. There was also a repeated trend that this only happened on the older versions of the system (all but the ps3 slim.) It went back on, on the 1st of March, around 5:00 for me.
2010-02-28 18:44:57 UTC
It happen to me here too. (St. Louis) I cant play games, or sign on. My trophies are deleted though. The themes i have downloaded from PSN are now corrupt data. Also my other stuff such as Life with playstation, playstation home, demos, and downloaded games arent working. Sony needs to fix this and quick.
2010-02-28 17:29:04 UTC
Same error here. I got an 80 gig and it keeps giving me the error. Reset the internet and everything. I really noticed the wrong date and 1999 Virus at sony? I am not sure but sure seems like it. Probably an update or something. Madison Wisconsin
Simon T
2010-02-28 17:27:28 UTC
HI there i am in Uk England having same error code. Im really P off have two ps3 cant use either working earlier 2 nite. My mate as older 80g one and his working so not just the phat ones. Playstation needs to sort their heads out with all these updates I hope they get it sorted soon. :0(
2010-02-28 17:06:51 UTC
The playstation network is down due to maintenance (1-877-971-7669) PSN Support line
2010-02-28 16:32:28 UTC
Harrisburg, PA

I turned on my PS3 about a half hour ago and was getting the same error message. Judging by the number of people experiencing the problem, it is the Sony servers.

FWIW ... I have an older model PS3 20GB.
2010-02-28 16:17:40 UTC
Saying it can't find my trophies for Assassins Creed II so it won't load. What worries me is the trophies list seems to be gone from the hard drive from when I saw them before. If the were somehow wiped out, am I f***ed in finishing the game now that I am 65% or the way through?
2010-02-28 16:44:46 UTC
Same thing happened to me, I just rented a movie on the PSN and it's giving me this error while trying to download it. I just downloaded a game demo fine not even an hour ago.
2010-02-28 20:17:27 UTC
i am from belgium and sony placed this on there twitter : PSN status update (part 2): Readers/followers are confirming that "slim" units (120/250 GB models) are connecting normally.

Il y a 25 minutes via web
2010-02-28 19:49:03 UTC
toyota is losing billions of dollars for sticky brakes, sony should lose even more for not letting us play MW2 for more than 5 hours, I mean MW2 is more important than cars.

i think sony should have it all fixed soon, i've had psn conection problems in the past but its the first time that sony has managed to send us a virus so bad that we cant even play the games offline, its as if they've put a bug on our hard disk.
2010-02-28 19:06:29 UTC
Mine is still doing it but I want to respond to Gary who said his is not and then mocked the rest of us. You must really be miserable if you took time out of your Sunday night to get on a blog trying to help people and respond with such foolishness. It is obvious you are very bored and alone and I kinda feel sorry for you. On the other hand Gary, get a life or a gf might help. If anyone who has this problem and it comes back on let us know.
2010-02-28 18:42:08 UTC
I'm in Houston,TX and I try to play for the first time at 08:39PM and I got they same error message. I look every where on google. I'm hoping the PSN Network is down. Someone else from Houston that I found on the web at Gamefaq Blog had the same problem I really hope I don't have to send it in. If your in Houston reply to this Post to easy my mind please LOL.....
2010-02-28 18:40:04 UTC
Know how we laughed in the faces of those 360 owners for there Red Rings Of Death?

Well now we got the evil 8001050F code of death.
2010-02-28 18:33:45 UTC
Im starting to get the shakes from lack of MW2 come on Playstation Network
2010-02-28 17:43:23 UTC
I'm having the same problem. Its definitely the playstation server. Only games with online content don't work

I am able to watch movies and play sonic. No call of duty or burnout or anything that has trophies as when it tries to find your trophies and can't it automatically kicks you. I hope this info is useful.
2010-02-28 19:21:45 UTC
I've been experiencing the issue for about 2hrs. now. I've been trying to sign on every 1/2 hour and watching the Twitter post from Sony!! B.S.!! I'm trying to play Killzone 2 in campaign mode and it won't even start the freaking game without dayam trophies!!
2010-02-28 19:18:42 UTC
same thing tampa florida all games that do no require to download trophy s work perfectly the ones that do require it "nba live 2010" fail at that part must be working on the network but what a hassle i just wanna play some basket ball
2010-02-28 16:56:33 UTC
Same problem in Chapel Hill, NC. My fiance was about to cry because all she's been playing for the last 4 months has been MW2. Hopefully this gets fixed.
2010-02-28 16:28:58 UTC
I have it going on in Florida too. Strange thing is my girlfriends ps3 is working fine. We live in the same house on the same internet connection. She has a newer ps3 though, don't know why that makes a difference but it seems to. Hope they fix it soon, kinda not cool when your gf gets to play MW2 but you don't.
2010-02-28 16:21:57 UTC
I Have Same Problem! It's Probably The PS Network thats down!

I want to play some MODERN WARFARE 2!

PS ID: Tostado_1188
2010-02-28 17:14:57 UTC
I get the same thing. When I call PS Support (1-800-345-7669) and PSN support (1-877-971-7669) I get a recording that pretty much says Too bad
Adrian Grootveld
2010-02-28 16:44:56 UTC
dude it happend to me its the network obiously its not our Playstations because i seen other posts from FEB 28 2010 at 4:20pm PST this is obiously a network error dont panick it should be on by tommorow it cant be that like 10 peoples playstations stopped working all at the same time but we still have network access.
2010-02-28 16:41:16 UTC
ight man im having the same exact problem like 30min ago i was playing modernwarfare 2 as happy as could be log off to go eat come back on and that crap starts happening im looking up how to fix it im flippin out about to **** my pants lol lets just say ive made it really far on mw2 but now i see tons of people are having the same problem so i think the network is just down im going to wait a few hours and check lets pray its fixed but ide say its prolly just down for abit cause every one is having same problem lets dont panic yet

Lastest info in! they say its down for maintenance on all Sony servers today until at least 10pm pacific time .

ill post more if i find out anything new ill let you guys know im searching all over the freaken place and making phone calls trying to get as much info for you guys and myself
2010-02-28 19:44:30 UTC
Va here, I think its only happening on the Phat PS3, I thought I'd add my two cents. I thought I was going to be playin' some MW2 but naw it didn't go down, I want a refund or something, I paid 59.99 for this game I should be able to play it everyday, they need to give something back..... holla
2010-02-28 19:19:55 UTC
Its been like this for effing 3 hours. SONY SUCKS. I prefer sony on top of the xbox but now I'm leaning to change my mind. The pSN network has really pissed me off lately and now this. I can't play ANY effing game cuz of that trophy crap.
2010-02-28 16:50:25 UTC
Same here Syracuse NY I was so scared my backround had a file error too I thought it was a hard drive problem till I noticed all u guys have the same issue and I can't play COD online now ... Hope they fix it soon
2010-02-28 16:39:49 UTC
Same thing with me, Panama City, Fl. SPRING BREAK SOON....YYEEEAAAA. But anyway, I checked out PS network on my desktop computer and it looks like none of my friends are online, and it's steady trying to load something. Plus, the date and time on my PS3 just changed on its own. Guess I have to break out the PS2 collection. Madden 10? It'll be messed up if it's only with the old systems. Do we have to invest in the new slim addition to avoid these problems in the future???
2010-02-28 16:26:32 UTC
Massive Phew! Sydney, Aus and same thing, which just means we're all logging into the same server. At home from work with a bung ankle, so was looking forward to some cheeky COD action.
2010-02-28 16:25:16 UTC
In Southern Cal. same thing about 40 minutes ago my boys switched games and now nothing works. Can't play any games whether saved on hard drive or on disc. We can still get a movie to play :)
2010-02-28 18:50:43 UTC
Hi its an OS Error Sony are saying they have no fix for this yet and will update when have a fix ure date and time will be showing 31 dec 2009 0000 summit like that hope they fix it
2010-02-28 17:41:26 UTC
I just did a default reset as suggested in the FAQ playstation network and it did nothing. Still having the same error code and cant log in the playstation network.
David D
2010-02-28 17:39:25 UTC
Same problem here in New Jersey.. last game i was playing was Call of Duty.. i turn on my ps3, now i cant log in my psn, AND i cant play Call of Duty anymore, not even campaign, it pops up to the same 8001050F error.. AND on top of that, i had 100% trophy completion for Call of Duty, NOW ITS

DELETED! Wtf. I think microsoft is to blame!
2010-02-28 17:27:27 UTC
Having the same problem here in Belfast, Ireland. This quote is on Sony's twitter page:

"We're aware that many of you are having problems connecting to PSN, and yes, we're looking into it. Stay tuned for updates."
2010-02-28 17:23:39 UTC
dont panic its a PlayStation network problem its not ur ps3 looks like everybody is having the problem so i would say its an maintainance update or something like that :) it will probably get fixed in an hour or 2 they usually have it it happend to me manytimes i dontknow why people keep making a big deal of it =P
2010-02-28 16:43:35 UTC
Omfg 6:45 in Houston TX and i can play all games... everything is up to date and nothing is erased

only problem is signing in

WTF man i hate ps3 they need to make it be payable because ppl hack 2 much ps3 doesnt have sucure network
2010-02-28 16:42:57 UTC
Same in Colorado on Comcast. 80GB CECHK01 model. Good thing it's widespread. Hopefully an update is in the works or even better, fix PSN so we dont all have to load a patch.
2010-02-28 16:29:35 UTC
im so glad i read all this cos i was worried my ps3 had gone wrong. my laptop worked ok online n went off half hour ago 2 play COD4 n kept getting the error 8001050F. im in england and its now 12.28am
2010-02-28 18:07:52 UTC
It also has happened to me, but I just called playstation network customer service and they said the server is currently down for maintnence, so NO REASON TO WORRY GUYS! =] give it a couple hours we'll all be able to go back to playing our games, also anyone add me that enjoys playing MAG =]

2010-02-28 17:19:34 UTC
Hey got the same problem in Alabama. Tried the format reset and system reset but all that did was delete all my data. Wasnt too far thankfully lol. also looked up anything that might help on sony's psnetwork site only too find it was down. hope this gets fixed soon
2010-02-28 16:32:31 UTC
The same thing just started happening to me.....glad I am not alone!!!! I have no idea what's going i keep getting error code 8001050F
2010-02-28 22:03:40 UTC
I'm having the same problem too. But it turns out that its only happening to the fat PS3's only not the new skinny ones. I can't even play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on "Campaign" cause its not able to receive any trophy so therefore it says "This Game Will Quit". After I select "ok" it kicks me out to the screen when you turn the system on. Ya know? Where you can hop online and setttings, music, etc.. WTF IZ GOING ON!!!????????? And why does this have to happen right b4 God Of War III iz fixing to come out?
2010-02-28 19:31:23 UTC
no there is no update the firmware is 3.15 i am also having this problem after up dating little big planet. seems after updating a game that these problems have some how occurred. i am formally formatting my hard drive as we speak. if there is a update then psn needs to post it as it should have been after 3.15 for that it will be psn's fault for not doing there job. and they should be liable if there is no post. however if this works to where i format my hard disk and all runs smooth then there is no issue to bring it up to psn. i would suggest to reformatting your hard drive and go from there.
Jimmy Buttons
2010-02-28 18:12:40 UTC
The Slim versions seem to be working, but the Fat ones are not? Anyone on here having issues and is also using a slim version?

I know my brother in Washington, DC is having no problems, he has a slim version. I'm in NYC and I'm having the same issues all of you. I have the fat older version.

Cmon Sony.....
2010-02-28 16:21:04 UTC
Same issue here. Considering the volume of people all reporting the same problem in just the last few minutes, I'm not too worried that it's a hardware problem.
2010-02-28 16:19:17 UTC
My PS3 is also doing the same thing and it is up to date on updates. It must be a Sony problem since all these other folks are having the same problems.
2010-02-28 20:54:14 UTC
Same problem here in Cali. This is ridiculous. Online network setting should not affect local play. If the stupid network goes down it shouldn't prevent us from playing the campaign.
2010-02-28 19:54:46 UTC
Same here in Los Angeles, CA.

I got it in the morning.

I'm sooo mad, I think i lost my mw2 trophies.

Even if i try to play mw2 by itself, it won't let me! due to some friggin trophie errors and such.

Then I can't play games i bought on psn like, Fat princess and Cod:Classic.
jennifer s
2010-02-28 18:27:21 UTC
my friend has the slim version and she signed in to my account and it works just fine, i'm formatting my drive and restoring it'll take a few hours but i'll post again to let you guys know if it worked but i think its an update and its not reading the older playstation 3's registration code so if reformatting works if not its a registration error and they will have to fix it on their end.
2010-02-28 17:02:15 UTC
Having the same problem in Nashville TN. Was kickin it with COD, stopped playing for like 30 min when my gf got home, now i have ****. Come on PSN!!! I keep defending you against xbox fans for this?
2010-02-28 16:35:32 UTC
I'm having the same problem. I never downloaded any CoD hacks, but my friend can log onto his fine. He has a 120g PS3, and I have a 40g. I wonder if older models are the ones being affected?
2010-02-28 20:11:23 UTC
i dont know alot about how this works but if slim ps3 is able to sign in(which means psn is not down) and fat ps3 owners have to download an update to make it work dont we have to be signed in to download the update which we wont be able to bcoz we cant sign in i think sony is just trying to screw us to make us buy a slim ps3 which they should give everybody a free1 because the fat 1s cost more in the 1st place and its sonys screw up not ours

40gb ps3
2010-02-28 19:40:45 UTC
Whats up yall. im having the same problem and im freaking mad at Sony for this. im calling them Right now to find out whats happening here. i come from the movies i get ready to play some CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 2 And i find this bullshit error. come on Sony you can do better. don't worry is a technical problem.
2010-02-28 19:19:40 UTC
Lol same here and mine is still not working even tho this happened to u guys 3 hours ago xDD

im still scared i cant play mgo online anymore until sony is done wit whatever its doin D:

well hope u guys luck
2010-02-28 18:18:41 UTC
got the same issue in Memphis, TN. So I guess its a Sony issue. Also, has anyone received the 80022902 error code when playing Batman AA.
2010-02-28 17:01:45 UTC
Same here in S. FL. Thanks everyone for posting. Had I not found this page first I would be very upset. Other sites and pages had people saying it was the firmware causing the BD disk to spin too fast and burn a part out. If that's the case we all did it at the same time. :)
2010-02-28 16:37:30 UTC
Ow I am so relieved to find out that I wasn't the only one with this problem.I was playing killzone 2 then all of a sudden it quit on me then I couldn't log in.

Los Angeles Californi

2010-02-28 16:15:19 UTC
Yep same thing happened here. Im in Vancouver BC Canada. Maybe someone at Sony was a huge team US hockey fan =P
2010-03-01 03:16:06 UTC
Same here in Bermuda.... Is this what we get for being loyal PS fans and buying one of the first PS3 models available????

BTW best response in this thread was the one about Skynet becoming self-aware... that cracked me up!
2010-02-28 16:45:00 UTC
It happened to me too...I shut it down to watch the hockey gold medal match, came back, and all of a sudden i cant log on, and if i try to play any ps3 game, it gives me some BS about trophies and kicks me off.

BTW, I have one of the original 60 gig FAT ps3's and live in southern California.

its beyond stupid that this is only happening to the owners of fat ps3's.
2010-02-28 16:53:04 UTC
Hey guys, dont worry, psn network is down i think something to do with the leap year prob lol, my one did it just b4 12am uk london time.. and then it reseted its date to 01 01 2000 and the time stopped working... iv tryed with different accounts but it wont work... so maybe just leave it to tomoz, dammit no nukes for me tonight on cod. .. bah and i think alot of ppl wont be abble to join tonight .... the server will go into overload... everyone trying to sign in at the same time gl peeps
2010-02-28 16:38:25 UTC
Got it here in central Missouri. Wanted to play me some White Knight Chronicles ><
2010-02-28 16:34:35 UTC
Samething going on here went to play some MW2 said it couldnt load my trophies, hope they fix it soon! Suffield CT PSN: TMW-Rocket
2010-02-28 16:34:14 UTC
Happening to me to west coast, i was playing darksiders and things were fine. then i switched to Assassins Creed 2 and updated it then i watched the lineage video on the game itself! then i pressed downloadable content and it said the error message then i turned it off. then AC2 wont play but the others will and PSN wont connect either. whew
Annmarie E
2010-02-28 18:11:43 UTC
Thank Goodness this is happening to everyone and Im not alone!!! I think my 10 year old was about to flip out, because he cant get on COD!!!! I thought maybe I was gonna have to have to put him on some meds or something LMAO!!! So for everyones info, we are in Michigan and cant play either.
2010-02-28 17:58:19 UTC
Same here. I think the Servers Crashed in the past few hours because i was playing COD earlyier with no problem
2010-02-28 16:56:07 UTC
Me too! I jus tried to sign in to play some COD modern II and I get the same error message! This SUCKS!
mr b
2010-02-28 16:17:07 UTC
same thing happened to me..i signed in prolly an hour scared i lost all of my Heavy Rain trophies and the game won't play cause it needs to register the im just formatting my ps3 at the moment hopefully it works!
Nick B
2010-03-01 13:34:56 UTC


2010-02-28 18:29:55 UTC
Same **** here Miami, Florida... Should be the PSN doing some bullshits or may they **** some on the last update lol... too many updates = too mane patches = too many ******* problems..... hope they fix this faster cose i can't be without play...
2010-02-28 16:57:07 UTC
Dude the same thing is happending to me im all the way down in Australia..

it says i lost all my sacred 2 trophies aswelll????????? wtf!????

Is it only the older ps3's because my cousin is on the newer slim ones and having no trouble at all??
2010-02-28 16:30:23 UTC
yeea man same thing happened to me like 10 mins ago, i went to play MW2 and it said tht it couldnt load my trophies, so i tryed again, same thing then i turned my system off then back on and i couldnt sign into psn :S its probably just an update....rlly nothing we can do about it, sucks, oh btw Ontario Canada
2010-02-28 16:16:23 UTC
yea this is happening to me to i was just trying to get back on and kept getting this was reading reviews about this error code people said they had to send back there system but i am hoping they fix it because i have already had to do that once and being without a station for 2 to 4 weeks is almost imposible
2010-02-28 16:10:58 UTC
Mine is doing this as well. Doesn't let me play games either. I tried the system update and I already had the most current software. Most be something at Sony.
2010-02-28 16:08:44 UTC
I'm having this problem too... I'm in Argentina 9.06 pm -3 GMT plus I've lost all my FALLOUT 3 Trophies... watta f... ?!?!

EDIT: Just tried "connection test" feature on my PS3... the only thing failing is PSN so... must be it!
2010-02-28 18:52:35 UTC
I live in colton, ny same error message. Still have my trophy's and am able to get online. Its just network maintenance, I hope it gets done soon I want to play!
2010-02-28 18:42:46 UTC
Getting the same thing here in Chicago. It's 8:40 C.T. and it's been like this for about half an hour. God Help them if it damaged my consule!
King 301
2010-02-28 17:52:19 UTC
I Was playing nba 2k10 and it happend to me i tried to sign back in and it wouldnt let me i dont no what to do i hope my ps3 is ok some of my trophies been deleted and my game froze ?????someone please email me and help me PLEASE!!

im so worried

21 minutes ago

Some of my games has completly wiped there trophies off...idk what to do ..:(:(:(:(:(

20 minutes ago

im in la plata maryland

F U C K this imma smoke a blunt!im pissed off i just got this ps3 network **** hook up the other day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:14:31 UTC
It's happening here in Calgary Alberta Canada too,just tried to start COD and got this same error code,anyone know what or when it will be fixed?
2010-02-28 18:39:37 UTC
i have 2 ps3 the newer 160gig works but the older 80 has got the error
2010-02-28 18:09:03 UTC
yeh im England, Europe and the exact same thing happened here about 2 hours ago. It must be Sony making updates to their servers or something. I wouldn't worry about it.
2010-02-28 16:53:12 UTC
i was on my last night playing MW2 and now it is the next day and it is giving me that code right when i try to sign in i tried to update my system but i already have all the updates what is another thing i can do to try and fix it im running off wireless with 60% connection let me know please!
2010-02-28 16:48:24 UTC
Same Problem here (Germany)

Seems like it only happened to older "fat" PS3 models. Anybody out there with a newer slim model having the same problem?
2010-02-28 16:46:59 UTC
the same here, Muriae-Brazil... when I`ve tried a new actualization the answer was that my system had the last one. So the problem must be with the PSN.
2010-02-28 16:42:17 UTC
it happened to my pal few days ago now its doin the sme to me

he said he couldnt get on it for about 2-3 hours

dont need to send ps3 off or anything


go an have a **** an a cup of tea *** bk an try it

2010-02-28 16:32:46 UTC
Star Ocean won't start, all I get is "Failed to install trophy data"......I think this error has something to do with trophies I've read a couple of posts about trophies being lost.
2010-02-28 16:21:00 UTC
I going through the same thing and I got 2 PS3 one connects and the other one doesn't what is going on?
2010-02-28 16:12:38 UTC
I have the same problem when trying to play games. Happened 20 minutes ago and I'm also in NY
2010-02-28 22:12:43 UTC
Per Sony via the PS Network blog site, they are experiencing technical difficulties! Ha - Just confirmed via the forums and Sony engineers posting the status online.

Looks like it is all the "fat" console systems; slim systems are not reporting the problem.

Sony fix your ****!
2010-02-28 20:25:13 UTC
PlayStation is working on a new update which might be big this year ,Which concern ,PlayStation home,Store,and your online account, It will be back on tomorrow,Starting off a new month with new PlayStation Possibility.
2010-02-28 19:20:36 UTC
I don't think that it really answers any thing but i got the same problem about 2 and half hrs ago
2010-02-28 18:47:59 UTC
I am relieved but disturbed that so many people are having the same problem. I actually cannot play ANY games, not just online game. This is a major problem.
2010-02-28 17:32:33 UTC
ya the PSN is down for maintenance b/c there way a power surge at the main headcorders for the PSN so it crashed the network so they gota reboot it and reformat it should be up abot 10PM EST mostlikely
2010-02-28 17:02:08 UTC
same here in central tx. cant log on. my cousin is playin on his new ps3 in jersey. i have an older 80 gig backwards comp and cant log on. not sure if its the older systems havin problems or a psn prob. hopefully its a psn prob because im not goin to a new one thats not backwards comp
2010-02-28 16:17:52 UTC
Same here - west coast. Also on Fallout 3 - I'm hoping not to lose all the additional content I've purchased.
2010-02-28 16:17:14 UTC
System must be down because same issue tried to update my system and says there is no need to update at this time already have the latest verison available.
2010-02-28 17:41:29 UTC
Same here in Ottawa Canada. Was workin fine 30,mins ago.
2010-02-28 17:08:14 UTC
yea ive got the same problem (Fredonia, NY). sometimes, if you turn off your ps3 and then unplug the power cable for 5-10 minutes it'll reset the system and usually works. im trying that right now.
2010-02-28 16:08:32 UTC
Whoa this just happened to me too, like I was playing Fallout, turned it off and came back to play again and I got this error, maybe it's something on their end and not ours?

EDIT: Whoa....I lost all my Fallout 3 trophies too? This is weird
Bima P
2010-02-28 17:21:16 UTC
yes, it happened here also, I'm from Indonesia... FYI, the date of my PS3 is set to 1/1/2000 wtf ?

edit :

I forgot that, from Friday until now, I didn't plug in my ethernet cable, since I have to use it for other thing, and I can play it just fine. until this morning when I woke up, and everything is screwed... it is irrational if the problem occurs from the web, I think it has been set up for 1st of March 2010...
Matt M
2010-02-28 16:52:36 UTC
Everybody's trophies are failing to load, but you'll probably get them back. Same thing is happening here in Chicago too.
2010-03-01 16:07:19 UTC
It's been fixed, 7:05 pm, Toronto, Canada
2010-02-28 19:38:58 UTC
I my goddddddd I can't play call of duty modern warfare 2 since my last shut off , I got the problem whit the network somebody knows sometink ?????
2010-02-28 19:34:05 UTC
wow thought it was only me i was about to get my 12th platinum from heavy rain it was workin fine then in like 15 minutes i just stopped gettin trophies and i turned it off and the heavy rain trophies were gone i mad plz someone answer how do i fix this problem
Joe A
2010-02-28 18:18:20 UTC
(st. Louis, MO) i got the same problem as everyone else. I have the 80gig MGS4 edition. I hope this is not something to do with that, because i am not giving up my backwards compatibility. and i need to play my bioshock 2!!!
2010-02-28 17:39:55 UTC
This is happening to me as well.

But i live all the way in Grand Cayman : /

So i believe this is a problem on Sony's part and an inconvenience on ours.
2010-02-28 16:17:49 UTC
Same Here, Winnipeg, Canada
2010-02-28 19:48:00 UTC
Still down here (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). Haven't lost any of my trophies yet! To think I left work early today to chill and play games all night. Thanks Sony! Now my girlfriend has claimed to television to watch The Hills...on dvd....all the seasons....****.
2010-02-28 18:38:24 UTC
Is it just happening the older and larger ps3's? because i have the newer slim one and it works fine for me. if so about a month ago i had a older ps3 and it got the yellow light of death.
2010-02-28 18:06:35 UTC
sheeeeeit same thing in nebraska.

hopefully none of my trophies got deleted

i was attempting to play CODMOD2 just a little bit ago and got all the same **** you guys did

i even tried to play without getting online (both special ops and campaign), and it said it couldn't find my trophies

2010-02-28 16:54:54 UTC
I got the same problem. I don't know what's going on but let's just wait for a while. From Vancouver. BC
Doesn't have a nickname
2010-02-28 16:34:27 UTC
I've got the same problem as you, and must have got it at exactly the same time.

That's a funny coincidence. I'm in the UK and tried playing COD: WAW, but to no avail
2010-02-28 16:08:11 UTC
Its not just you in this case... Not sure yet if its east coast only but the issue is popping up with quite a few people, myself included. So hang in there, i will do the same.
2010-02-28 23:48:27 UTC
All my Fallout 3 DLC upgrades are missing. I'm assuming it's because of this issue?
2010-02-28 17:48:06 UTC
Im in mn and im over at my brothers house and hes playing cod4 and socom with no problems i tryed to hook up my ps3 and it wont let me on so i dont know whats going on
2010-02-28 16:40:45 UTC
Same here in London UK , i'm experiencing the same problem , i think its just a fault from the Playstation server and they will fix it soon
2010-02-28 16:19:25 UTC
same problem here Columbus, OH. ive researched a little bit and people in the past say you have to send in your playstation and they will send you another one. i really hope this isnt the case, since a lot of us are having the same problem.
2010-02-28 20:38:14 UTC
Yea same here, I read that sony is doing something weird or trying to fix something. I hope that all our systems arent shutting down or something that would be horrid. I need to play cod.
2010-02-28 19:34:50 UTC
Same here in Philly. I was freakin' out! Glad to see we're all in the same boat. 10:34 Eastern time.
2010-02-28 16:54:53 UTC
Having the same issue in Chicago, IL. This sucks
Bret Z
2010-02-28 20:13:39 UTC
same thing man about 30 min ago anybodys ps3 up n running yet if so how long did it take hit me up wit a email kingklick99
2010-02-28 20:13:37 UTC
Im down under here in New Zealand and im getting this error code to... i just want to play fifa
Jesse D
2010-02-28 19:18:46 UTC
Same prob in Boston,MA I heard they are weeding out hacked god of war 3 games and hacked systems ,this might take a while
2010-02-28 18:54:12 UTC
Same here im in derry ireland, recon its the networks down for a bit, happpens time to time
2010-02-28 17:06:39 UTC
2010-02-28 16:45:00 UTC
yes samething in Florida to ugh sucks just got new surround sound in my living room was going to try it out now cant get on COD MW2

add me any one on modern warefare 2 lets play when this is all over with (if it ever will)
2010-02-28 16:29:39 UTC
Same here in ft Collins Colorado... :( I have a frond coming over to kill some bitches on cod 2 pen I'd animated00 MSG me if u find a fix!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:24:48 UTC
I hate this. I was going to play some Mw2

Add me for RB and MW2- golong18
2010-02-28 16:21:59 UTC
its happening in England too. Was hoping for some late night COD but i don't think its gonna happen now. Atleast i am not the only one with this problem
Dr Riddles
2010-02-28 19:19:41 UTC
The Same thing is happining To Me! I thought it was just me untill I searched it up. add me wen it gets fixed, if you have Fifa 10 or call of Duty, CR9Kid
2010-02-28 18:25:38 UTC
ya samme here SAn ANtonio Tx, still down tried about everything, was working fine playin MG() perfectly then ZLILCH!! heard it had something to do with the cpu? might want to try restarting your tower but im feinding!
2010-02-28 18:01:49 UTC
Same Thing In Brampton, Ontario and oh yeah......

Canada Rocked the States!!!
2010-02-28 17:54:58 UTC
same problem, but a think is a problem with the playstation network so wait a little and check again
2010-03-01 16:11:34 UTC
Hi everyone!! I live in England and my PSN just came back online, since its past midnight on March 2nd 2010. YAY! :) Hope everyone else's comes back too! :) x
2010-02-28 21:51:04 UTC
Just tried to log in a minute ago still no luck. A lot of people are ticked-off right now.
Amy R
2010-02-28 19:07:39 UTC
Same here , just got done playing Darksiders about 4 hours ago, and NOW(10:05PM) BOOM, DAMN ERROR crap, this is BS but at least i"m not the only one :)
2010-02-28 16:23:05 UTC
Me also.. Eastern North Carolina
2010-02-28 20:42:57 UTC
Just called Sony and They have informed me that the server is down for maintenance..... A little bullshit that it is taking so long but that is the issue.
2010-02-28 19:43:10 UTC
If it's "server maintenance", why is the clock on the unit screwed up, and why can't offline games be played? ANSWER: "server maintenance" is a lie until they can think of a better answer.
2010-02-28 18:33:01 UTC
NO WAY. I was looking this up online, and everyone was telling me OHH YOUR PS3 harddrive failure blahblah, send it in. and I found this, and a bunch of people are having this problem too. OMG cuz im talking to my friends and their on their ps3 fine.. OH WOWWWWWW. THANK GOD.
2010-02-28 17:09:12 UTC
had the same problem before its something wrong on their side last time this happened to me i had to wait till next day for them to fix but it came back but now i have the same problem again it was workin fine today it'll be back just hang in there
2010-02-28 16:40:03 UTC
I'm having the same problem in arizona called my brother in illinois he sais he is still signed on
2010-02-28 16:15:03 UTC
Same thing in the Pacific NW (Whidbey Island, WA)
2010-03-03 17:43:12 UTC
My friend told me bout this and how a hacker hacked the system? And that Sony is tryna get it back and updated and stuff :P but yea anyways, good luck :)
2010-02-28 21:01:21 UTC
I want to download the God of War demo! Come on Sony! Light a fire under someones butt and get this fixed!!!
2010-02-28 17:06:44 UTC
Same problem in the Pittsburgh area
2010-02-28 16:35:54 UTC
it just happened to me i signed out and tried to sign back in and the error popped up ... seems like people are still in the network signed in
Matthew B
2010-02-28 16:29:32 UTC
im tenth prestige in mw2 no hack with only 6 days of play... how S&D BEAST my best game 34 kills 0 deaths 2 bomb plants and 0 defuses lol i rok
2010-02-28 16:10:01 UTC
Having the same issue in Dallas, TX.
Christian C
2010-02-28 20:45:49 UTC
same here man, i played at 2 pm this afternoon and no problem, then i tried playing fifa again just now and had the dumb error message
2010-02-28 19:27:52 UTC
Got the same crap Erro, *sighs* Why did this BS happen on my days off from work -_-

I got 60gig from San Diego, CA
2010-02-28 18:30:04 UTC
Same here, signed out, can't find trophies etc

Just hope I don't lose any accomplishments on my FIFA 10 VP?!!
2010-02-28 18:10:27 UTC
Can't log in too. My Tekken 6 trophies got deleted as well :/
Mike Johnson
2010-02-28 18:09:43 UTC
Same down in Syracuse new York. But for my friends around me it's working.
2010-02-28 16:34:55 UTC
Well, I have to be the most pissed.

I've been wanting to get Bioshock 2 forever and i JUST got it.

Guess what i come home to?

I want to play it so bad.
2010-02-28 16:19:04 UTC
same thing here in SF Bay Area. Got the same error. Glad to hear its not just me.
2010-02-28 16:06:56 UTC
Me too I am really scared but since it happened to you that must mean that Sony is doing!?!?!? Thanks dude you relieved me but I am still scared. This is happening to my friend right now. Pray that is the only way. Add me if Sony is doing it my PSN ID : Zeveneer
2010-02-28 20:14:45 UTC
funny how everybody was playing Modern Warfare 2 at the same time.
2010-02-28 18:01:58 UTC
mine did the same **** too, i was trippin but now that i found so many other people with the same connection error i feel a bit better, hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

it also says it on twitter :

by the way, my gmaes still work too
2010-03-01 02:03:20 UTC
dis is bullshit tryn 2 play mw2 but gettin same error crap(cant even play campaign) its startin to fry my head at dis stage!! the time nd date is reset to 1st jan 2000 wts dat all about?? huggy15 from ireland add me if ya want!!
2010-02-28 19:24:30 UTC
The psn is down and sony is aware of it here is the official twitter page reply.
Patrick Gurtz
2010-02-28 16:59:18 UTC
I'm having the same thing happening to me here in Ohio
2010-02-28 16:56:04 UTC
im hearing its a virus n if ur under warranty its fine. but people like me mite have to get a new 1 hope they solve it or else im sure people will take them 2 court
2010-02-28 16:25:14 UTC
Same problem in UK (London). Kinda happy that lots of people have this. Means my system may not have vrapped out after all.
2010-02-28 20:56:32 UTC
Ya just wait it out watch a movie or something o,o **** go out somewhere lol it will be up soon its been 6 hours but ya lol soon
2010-02-28 20:13:24 UTC
i just hooked up my other ps3 that i just got back from being repaired it had ylod and i am now playing online mw2 so sony is full of crap cuz my other ps3 works
2010-02-28 17:31:33 UTC
The newer models work its only the old ones having this problem.
2010-02-28 16:47:18 UTC
same thing happening to me and im getting pist especially if i need a new ps3 i want to know what is wrong and how to fix plz post answer
2010-02-28 16:33:57 UTC
did enyone on here done any mw2 hacks?,that might have something to do with it?my two bros hasnt done this but they havnt done the hack,but i did the hack and mine has the same problem,just a thought
2010-02-28 16:25:38 UTC
I´m in germany, wanna play pes 2010.. doesn´t start, look at my pes 2010 trophies...all clear,

wth is going onnnn???
Matt K
2010-02-28 16:19:14 UTC
Skynet has taken over. Prepare for the worst. Remember canines can sense the terminator!
2010-02-28 20:07:36 UTC
thank goodness, i'm not alone with this.....even all the way here in the Philippines, m experiencing this problem....even with games i had no plans playing online were not loading.....please keep everyone posted if anything comes up...thanks appreciate it
2010-02-28 18:58:47 UTC
Same problem in Puerto Rico.
2010-02-28 16:52:19 UTC
same thing here and wen i go to play a game it says sumtin abou trophies let me no if the same with urs
2010-02-28 16:10:50 UTC
I had the same error message and my system is up to date. I'm thinking it may be sony.
2010-02-28 17:29:16 UTC
I got the exact same thing. My guess is PSN is down.
2010-02-28 18:59:59 UTC
ya i was playing codmw2 about an hour ago had dinner then went to play again and got the same problem... tucson, arizona here
2010-02-28 18:43:30 UTC
mannnn im right outside of pittsburgh, PA... same issue.. i was online at about 6... signed off an tried to get back on at about 730 and it wouldnt let me in... has anybody heard anything about it yet???
2010-02-28 18:39:19 UTC
im in the UK got this error bout an hour ago cant play no games at all not gooood
2010-02-28 18:30:38 UTC
same here but I think theres something wrong with Playstation's server I need cod mw 2
Cameron C
2010-02-28 16:38:40 UTC
same problem in NY i run test conection and the only thing that falls is playstation network
2010-02-28 16:16:57 UTC
Happened to me to, thought id chime in. F!@$ the police! Troy NY
2010-02-28 16:15:36 UTC
ok well changed my answer to a question :P

i was going to go play mwf2

so if ur any good send a invite to stoneman144

im not tha best but im not to bad :P
2010-02-28 21:06:47 UTC
**** u sony if u don't fix it by tomorrow i'll ******* buy a 360 with better online content F U C K YOU SONY F U C K U
2010-02-28 20:55:12 UTC
same here. I just turned my ps3 on and i cant sing into psn. LA, CA.
2010-02-28 19:27:05 UTC
d00d i hate psn.

seems to be happening all over the world. people in jap and in the uk

it seems to be a network issue. happend to me too i just bought heavy rain!!1:[
2010-02-28 18:20:09 UTC
Same BS In B-More Md
2010-02-28 16:53:50 UTC
thats crazy...this same thing happened to my finance's ps3 an older 60 gb....but not mine and she literally plays right next to me in the same room lol....anyone know the cause-solution to for this??
2010-02-28 16:25:57 UTC
I'm haviving the Same problem when it's back up add me Jeff2795
2010-02-28 21:28:05 UTC
I just want to play Heavy Rain!
2010-02-28 19:00:38 UTC
just got the same error. am able to play games but not online.
2010-02-28 17:30:12 UTC
same thing happened to me 5 min ago cincy ohio this is crazy y cant a kid just play cod
2010-02-28 17:10:49 UTC
same goes for me in Montgomery, AL. i´m sure they´ll fix it with a patch or justr connecting the network again. hang in there, brothers!!!
2010-02-28 16:24:08 UTC
Is this just happening with the slim models or the classic models to? Cause it just happened to me to and I have a older model.
2010-02-28 16:21:21 UTC
Yeah I am having the same issue in CA. Good to know we are not alone!
2010-02-28 18:28:34 UTC
yea here in ca its happening too its going around every where all thou i got a game to load my mw2 just no online :( i might cry
2010-02-28 17:25:31 UTC
I called PSN and they have a msg up that says that there is maintenance and they will have it working shortly.
2010-02-28 17:05:47 UTC
Mark down another one for Chicago, IL, USA.
Raymond C
2010-02-28 16:12:27 UTC
Happening to me too right now :P (San Antonio, TX) it was fine like 30 minutes ago
2010-03-01 16:50:12 UTC
Yes, it just came back. Awesome

2010-02-28 18:40:40 UTC
i am from minnesota and it is doing the same thing to me it worked just fine eariler today and now its being stupid i hope it dont last long or sony fixes it soon.
2010-02-28 18:19:08 UTC
playstation have updated there twitter page saying they are having problems and looking into now, no need to reformat like some people are saying
2010-02-28 17:33:32 UTC
Same here (Tampa, FL) can't even play the game b/c it can't find the trophies!
2010-02-28 16:36:46 UTC
Same problem here...possibly with the PSN?????

I have the fat 40g PS3
2010-02-28 16:32:29 UTC
im here in fl same problem. my roommates is working fine though his is a slim model mine though is the older model . is this only happening to ppl with older model
2010-02-28 16:31:57 UTC
Still down in Atlanta, GA.
2010-02-28 16:29:22 UTC
henry h
2010-02-28 16:28:17 UTC
same here at 6:25. pm. Dallas TX
2010-02-28 16:20:46 UTC
Same here in Lawrence KS.. must be a server issue on their end.
Erick M
2010-03-01 10:23:22 UTC
Same here. wanted to play call of duty but couldnt. I live in New mexico
2010-02-28 18:04:29 UTC
Destined Traveller
2010-02-28 16:48:06 UTC
This blows! Same thing here in South Bend, IN. My buddies is working fine, mine, not so much....
2010-02-28 16:41:31 UTC
Same thing is happening in Hawaii...this sux. Is there any news from sony PS?
Rupert S
2010-02-28 16:33:09 UTC

Baltimore, Maryland
Matt V
2010-02-28 16:21:03 UTC
Yeah, I'm in Australia, happening here too
2010-02-28 16:22:21 UTC
Damn, me too, trying to play Dante's Inferno or Darksiders! I hate this crap. Now what the hell am I supposed to do? Crap, now I am going to have to spend time with my family.
2010-02-28 22:11:30 UTC
I have the same error in Toronto. Also, my date got reset to Dec 31....wth????
2010-02-28 21:20:58 UTC
Happening in Australia too - very annoying
2010-02-28 19:36:49 UTC
no its not just u in the east coast im in Oklahoma and lots of my friends are having the same problem here i hope we get something out of this or maybe its just a flaw..... lets hope...... lets just hope its not some stupid hacker or something
2010-02-28 18:39:03 UTC
Same thing here, seems like a nationwide problem
2010-02-28 18:03:19 UTC
OMG my ps3 has the same problem

I live on the westcoast.
2010-02-28 17:06:40 UTC
AHHH! Well at least we know we're not alone! Also have the same error and problems as everyone on here... SEATTLE, WASHINGTON here.
2010-02-28 19:49:32 UTC
i just tried to log in and i have that error,however my friend(in the same city) is playing at the moment,what is wrong?
2010-02-28 18:49:30 UTC
Sons of bitchs better fix this or im going to go A-wall on everyones ***.
Luis F
2010-02-28 17:31:55 UTC
I have the same issue, here in Phoenix az
2010-02-28 20:49:35 UTC
this happens all the time its when their are to many people online so the psn crashers
2010-02-28 18:23:22 UTC
Same here in Indiana all my codmw2 trofies are gone
2010-02-28 16:07:40 UTC
Same thing here man..... I'm HOPING it's a network issue however, games aren't working on mine..... same thing with you?
2010-02-28 21:45:37 UTC















2010-02-28 19:54:49 UTC
I called ps3 and they say that the network is down for maintenance and should be up shortly.........
2010-02-28 19:39:51 UTC
Same problem, lost my MW2 trophies

Cant get on my PSN

Perdido na PSN!
2010-02-28 18:03:07 UTC
Just the same here in Brasil.

What happened ?!
Ryan S
2010-02-28 18:02:58 UTC
i am having this problem too did u hack your call of duty account because im thinking if u did this might be the problem and there erasing it
2010-02-28 17:01:19 UTC
same here in Virginia Beach, VA, let's just sit tight and it should be fixed in a few hours i'm sure..
Scott K
2010-02-28 16:19:40 UTC
Same thing happened to me in long islAnd, ny
Im just tired geez
2010-02-28 23:21:47 UTC
PSN is having problems worldwide
2010-02-28 19:12:33 UTC
Just bought MAG. An online only game. And i get this error message. Thanks for the lack of notification SONY. You Suck SONY.
2010-02-28 18:28:29 UTC
YESS!!!! sorrry to be so happy but im on east coast and its doing same thing for me!! I guess we just wait it out
2010-02-28 17:57:31 UTC
i cant get on either but all my friends that live within 10 miles of me can
2010-02-28 16:39:56 UTC
Shut down in South Jersey!!1 AAAGGHH -MAG Withdrawl, setting in... cant.. see... need controller.....
2010-02-28 16:04:04 UTC
You probably have to upgrade the system. So go to settings, system update at the very top and you can update it there.
2010-02-28 20:34:21 UTC
hi there people,

it's not the console, it is from psnetwork. you can check it in twitter. my problem is that i modified the date format, and some users sugget do nothing please try to find out a little more and comment it. thanx
Peter k
2010-02-28 19:17:48 UTC

2010-02-28 18:37:58 UTC
same problem in jersey....went on website and was hard to connect too,,,i think they are completely down right now
2010-02-28 17:57:59 UTC
Same here, in Spain
2010-02-28 17:39:02 UTC
hey its doing the same sh*t to me too in missouri.i think its just ps network.well i hope it gets fixed if in of u guys.find out whats up wit it let me
2010-02-28 17:36:59 UTC
Same thing is happening to me too right now. (San Francisco, CA)
2010-02-28 17:17:54 UTC
same in Charlotte NC

this sucks
2010-02-28 16:20:19 UTC
Demon's Souls trophies come back!!! Where have you gone?
matthew b
2010-02-28 16:15:19 UTC
samething here in good old pittsburgh (yeah to crosby boo to canada) it must be a sony thing
2010-02-28 18:37:53 UTC
hahaha i knew PS3 would eventually aquire a defect
2010-02-28 17:04:04 UTC
Same thing in Augusta Ga...
2010-02-28 17:02:06 UTC
same thing happened 2 me just now if eveyrone is having this problem then i guess its sony
2010-02-28 16:34:18 UTC
yeah ive just got this aswell in UK (London) got it like 10 mins ago now still cant log on thank god im not alone :)
mike k
2010-02-28 16:34:12 UTC
same thing here in winnipeg manitoba

i think that it is bull that we are allgoing to need to send our systems to sony for a repair.
2010-02-28 16:27:32 UTC
I have the same problem in New Hampshire.
2010-02-28 16:20:10 UTC
Jacksonville, FL same issue... Im glad we are all having the same problem because i just read this post ( ) and just about @(#* my pants.

*** Update My friend who is also in Jacksonville is logged on and playing and he has new skinny model.... WTF... I need my fix....
The choosen One
2010-03-01 04:34:33 UTC
Psn will be back at 8pm tonight
2010-02-28 18:24:19 UTC
I have also the same problem (Jerez, SPAIN) i hope that my FIFA10 ULTIMATE TEAM player's selection stills okey!! xD
cod man
2010-02-28 17:55:34 UTC
that happening to me to in Michigan,USA 8:54 pm east coast time glad to see that its just not me though
2010-02-28 16:21:18 UTC
same issue playing mw2 jackson, nj
2010-02-28 16:19:44 UTC
yep. dam tings wreckin me buzz. and i cant even play offline cod coz it wants ta sync trophies. ireland
the grimm reaper
2010-03-02 21:00:36 UTC
same here in california but my **** wont play my games any more! like in 5 mins my **** freezes nd it shuts my system down
2010-02-28 17:32:02 UTC
2010-02-28 17:03:18 UTC
2010-02-28 17:00:44 UTC
same thing here in jonesboro, arkansas, i think it's the prophecy of 2012
2010-02-28 16:58:25 UTC
I'm from brazil, and mine is doing the same thing
Mister b
2010-02-28 19:15:49 UTC
smae im long has it been like this? i just turned mine on about 10 mins ago
2010-02-28 18:23:13 UTC
Same in Portsmouth, VA...
2010-02-28 18:22:35 UTC
same problem... I'm in St.Louis MO. this sucks. trying to play Dante's Inferno. can't.
2010-02-28 18:11:15 UTC
wow thank god it happend to other people.. i was scared... yeah they will probably put an update really soon since it happend to lots of people... PS: i wanna play cod mw2!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 18:11:11 UTC
same problem in chicago il just got my p3 fixed 3 days ago. now this crap. i thought it was broke again. sony better fix this crap
marty r
2010-02-28 17:33:20 UTC
same thing here in ireland, i can't even play downloaded games. didn't know you had to be online to play them. it sucks man
2010-02-28 16:16:33 UTC
Same for me in nj USA
2010-02-28 18:55:39 UTC
In Tennessee and mine seems to be the only one that is still WORKING FINE., all I can say is: " IN YO FACE:P"
2010-02-28 18:15:41 UTC
i have an answer! ........................... not lol j/k we all got to wait all i can say is that i was getting really frustrated! i tried every thing and i was just about to format the system! glad to hear we are all on the same boat!! Naples FL
2010-02-28 17:48:15 UTC
Still not working, anyone got info?
2010-02-28 17:46:33 UTC
this stinks! i want to play madden 10 online! fix this sony!
robert n
2010-02-28 17:22:32 UTC
yeah i got the same prob 2 out in south carolina and it sucks i was playing fine not to long ago now it just wont work wtf is going on with it
2010-02-28 16:44:20 UTC
same here! this suxz!!! hopefully its a PSN problem! happening here in PHX, AZ
2010-02-28 16:30:14 UTC
all the same here in...France!!! 1,15 am !

do you all guys have the "fat" model? (i've one myself)

what the f$%!! going on ?

By the way, did your systems reseted date to 01/01/2000 too?
2010-02-28 16:09:17 UTC
It is happening to me too right now. Have no idea what it is though..
2010-02-28 21:31:12 UTC
the bug is already on your hard drive because you cant even play offline
2010-02-28 18:03:47 UTC
WTEFF! same thing just happen to me right now what the hell's going on....?
2010-02-28 17:41:47 UTC
same problem here (Turkiye), 40gb fat ps3

I hope this is not any the trick to solve Geohot thing.
2010-02-28 17:32:37 UTC
this is happening to me too i was playing b4 the gold medal hockey game and after it i tried to log in and it wont let me...**** YOU SONYY!!!
alecks d
2010-02-28 16:21:28 UTC
dude. i was playing cod and it signed out. its not signing back on.. im happy i found others like me too..
juan p
2010-02-28 18:21:07 UTC
2010-02-28 16:19:07 UTC
just happened to me too mann , SAN Antonio, TX
2010-02-28 21:10:24 UTC
the network is not down! my psp can still get on
hi hi
2010-02-28 17:34:10 UTC
heyy i think it happend to everyone. it just happend to me 2. less than 1 hour ago.who just killed sony? i thinked they bombed sony
2010-02-28 17:30:40 UTC
wooo.. well im not going to sleep untill its up and running!!! and a couple hours of COD!
2010-02-28 17:00:59 UTC
mine is messed up to dose the update work?
2010-02-28 16:10:47 UTC
same problem in Buffalo, NY
2010-02-28 16:47:40 UTC
getting same problem hopefully its sony is any one else gettting this problem in the uk
2010-02-28 16:22:15 UTC
i wonder.. have any of you baught heavy rain. and or started to pay it today. seem to happen when i put that game in
peter d
2010-02-28 17:46:43 UTC
Same crap here. Dallas, Tx
2010-02-28 16:42:46 UTC
same problem in philadelphia @ 7:44pm
jose m
2010-02-28 18:33:50 UTC
i got the same thing here in sacramento
2010-02-28 18:09:10 UTC
Same in Cleveland, OH. Go S.V.E.R!
2010-02-28 17:39:58 UTC
the same thing happened to me, i want to play CoD! :O
2010-02-28 16:34:26 UTC
it just happened to me. CALIFORNIA, SAN JOSE 2010 AT ~1:00PM
2010-02-28 16:46:24 UTC
Another one down in PHX, AZ...
2010-02-28 16:23:19 UTC
i got the same problem know
Gadget Guy
2010-03-01 11:15:34 UTC
I fixed my 2 that have the problem.
2010-02-28 19:56:43 UTC
another thing 360 fans have to say against the ps3.....
Aqua Vitae 0
2010-02-28 16:58:03 UTC
They are having maintenance.
2010-02-28 16:20:20 UTC
the website is screwed up too
2010-02-28 16:14:41 UTC
I cant log in either same message!
2010-02-28 17:28:50 UTC
happening here in mesa az also
2010-02-28 17:25:44 UTC
yeah im out and im in NI new zealand
2010-02-28 17:09:31 UTC
same here in cleveland ohio
2010-02-28 16:59:15 UTC
OMG same here i'm scared
2010-02-28 17:28:47 UTC
same thing here in milwaukee wi
Shotgun Shawty
2010-02-28 18:34:02 UTC
2010-02-28 17:45:32 UTC
How long do y'all think it's ganna last?
bardo c
2010-02-28 16:26:11 UTC
Me too! I was playing killzone and it failed
2010-02-28 17:41:11 UTC
same here... not working at all, very frustrating!

ryan in glasgow
Lisa S
2010-02-28 16:48:20 UTC
2010-02-28 19:27:42 UTC
Oh my god! HEELLPPP!

Need smart guy/geek to please make my PS3 to work!!

West coast; Cali. PS3 down. Can't play MW2. :[
jay LV
2010-02-28 18:22:48 UTC
same here in las vegas nevada. i need my MW2!!!!
2010-02-28 16:35:29 UTC
SAME PROBLEM! this is making me mad, someone tell me whats up.
2010-02-28 16:27:33 UTC
its happening to me to, so who knows whats wrong
2010-03-01 11:34:57 UTC
same thing here by chicago
2010-02-28 17:25:23 UTC
Sh*t aint workin here either (OBX NC)
2010-02-28 17:22:01 UTC
ps-network isdown.
josh h
2010-02-28 16:26:38 UTC
same here omaha ne
ray k
2010-02-28 16:09:09 UTC
thank god i found this question mine just did it to so i guess it ain't my ps3 hopefully....keep posting to see how to fix this please i have no idea on how to fix it
2010-03-02 15:45:45 UTC
whoa, almost everyone has this problem, i dont no the solution

try upgrading it
2010-02-28 18:00:23 UTC
2010-02-28 16:44:08 UTC
happened to me 2

2010-02-28 16:17:20 UTC
same here while playin nazi zombies newcastle, pa
2010-02-28 19:33:23 UTC
2010-02-28 18:37:28 UTC
it's down here in alabama as well.
2010-02-28 16:47:17 UTC
WTF, mine isn't working either. My brother lives 8 miles down the road and his is working fine! This is some BS.
2010-02-28 18:47:13 UTC they are down they are having issues and are trying to fix it.
2010-02-28 17:42:56 UTC
same in philly
2010-02-28 16:18:50 UTC
mine to bud hope its there end not my system
2010-02-28 16:09:57 UTC
2010-02-28 20:17:35 UTC
LONDON U.K... this is happneing to me here tooo!!!!! nooooooooooooo
2010-02-28 17:23:53 UTC
Same in St.Louis MO. Its stupid.....
2010-02-28 16:38:15 UTC
Same in Syracuse NY........WTF!!!!
2010-02-28 16:12:11 UTC
Same thing happened to me today.... anybody know????
2010-03-01 00:18:04 UTC
Same here on Saudi Arabia >>>>>>>...
2010-02-28 16:29:42 UTC
Renata Diamante
2010-02-28 16:20:50 UTC
same here, im in rio de janeiro,brazil!!!
2010-02-28 20:02:44 UTC
dude ugh me too same **** idk what to do i have tried reseting it and everything but nothing works what model ps3 do you have?
2010-02-28 17:00:09 UTC
Having the same problem in a small community in Newfoundland. Is there any solution ? PLEASE keep me posted , thanks !
2010-02-28 16:44:07 UTC
2010-02-28 17:35:12 UTC
Just happen to me im in Lexington, KY. Been working all day until like 30 mins ago. WTF
Sandeep L
2010-02-28 17:06:56 UTC
anyone know how long it'll be?
2010-02-28 16:47:57 UTC
2010-02-28 17:41:16 UTC
look at this
2010-02-28 16:37:15 UTC
same prob (Toledo, OH)
2010-02-28 16:19:55 UTC
i have the same problem right now........ wtf ......i changed 4 games and still not working .. plz somebody tell me how to solve this **** ??!!!
2010-02-28 16:16:14 UTC
yea im in nevada and im otta comission too.... wtf mudda fuker summ-mma bitsh..... i swear to f'ing god i dont know what to do.... i want me psn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is worse than when my car got stolen... and my wife left me for my mom.
2010-02-28 19:47:35 UTC
Pumpkin Girl
2010-02-28 16:34:32 UTC
OMG..... THEY CUT THE HARD LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:15:18 UTC
same here..!! (Fresno, CA)
2010-02-28 17:19:41 UTC
we're screwed...
2010-02-28 16:22:43 UTC
oh no... i've soiled myself...
2010-02-28 16:37:38 UTC
same thing here haha i thought mine broke too! thanks!
Shawn H
2010-02-28 16:23:33 UTC
I live in FL and mines doing it to whats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-28 16:18:29 UTC
ufff mee too!!!!! just now!!!!
2010-02-28 17:42:24 UTC
wtf here too (NYC)
Dixon Butts
2010-02-28 16:43:41 UTC
wtf mine too?
2010-02-28 16:17:02 UTC
this sucks i wanna play mw2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.