xbox 360- if you you love first person action games then this is the console for you and also its xbox live is far better than psn.There is a new dashboard coming soon and it has HD gaming.Bad thing is its quite noisy and you have a chance of getting the red rings of death.
ps3 -Blu-ray
- A great selection of games to choose from and the PS3 has now gotten a highly anticipated game title (MGS4) so there isn't any reason not to get a PS3
- Good reliability
- Built in WiFi with all models currently in production (40GB and 80GB currently in production, the 60GB had WiFi built in as well but it's no longer in production)
- Advanced and Powerful hardware (Cell Processor)
- 10 year life span.
-Web Browser
-Free Online
Bad Things about the PS3
- Well, I wouldn't call it "Bad", but according to most of the gaming media PS3's Online service isn't as good as Xbox Live "currently", but Sony is adding new content to the Playstation Network and there's a lot of new features for the Playstation Store/Network on the way ( Video Store, HOME, In-Game XMB, etc...) But, the Playstation Network already has some of the same features that Xbox Live has.
The best family console out there if you looking for for a console for the whole of the family to play or your just a casual gamer then this is the console for you.There is loads of fun games like wii sports Mario kart, wii fit and loads for but the only bad thing is;is that
you can hurt other people (or yourself) while playing multi-player. All you really need is a decent amount of space to play it. Besides that though there really isn't anything BAD about it.
xbox 360 premium pack and elite -£163.97 to 269.99 Free Delivery (
ps3-£289.99 to £370.00 free Delivery (
wii-£179.99 free Delivery (
Tip- If one of your relatives have a eBay account then ask them could you get one of the three consoles of there.
But if you have no access to eBay etc then the cheapest place is a cash converters and gamestation.