Important please answer regarding world of warcraft new patch that just came out today?
2008-07-15 10:07:32 UTC
i logged on this morning after blizzard had updated wow with the new patch and discovered that my Questhelper AddOn was nonfuntional. does anyone know why? does anyone know if the maker of Questhelper will be updating it to fit the new patch or if there is a way i can fix it so Questhelper works with the new patch? please no non-informative answers.
Five answers:
2008-07-15 18:53:39 UTC
Sometimes an AddOn still works with a new patch, it's just that the version the AddOn tells WoW it is compatible with is lower than the latest patch version. So, if you're adventurous, you can try to just change the version the AddOn reports to match the new patch version and see if it still works.

Warning: These instructions may cause your WoW to crash or freeze or have some other unexpected problem so, be ready to remove the AddOn you're editing out of the Interface\AddOns\ directory, if you start having problems.

I will use QuestHelper as an example...

1. Look for your C:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\ directory (or the Interface\AddOns\ wherever you installed your WoW program, if a Mac).

2. Find the QuestHelper folder and make a backup of it.

3. Open the original QuestHelper folder and look for QuestHelper.toc file.

4. Open the QuestHelper.toc file in a text editor (Notepad, WordPad, Text Edit, etc.) and look for a line that looks like:

## Interface: 20400

Note: This example stands for patch version 2.4

5. Change the number (20400) to the new patch number (x0yz0; for example 2.4.3 would be 20430) and save the file.

6. Now the scary part. Launch WoW, login and choose a character to play.

7. Make sure your QuestHelper is not turned off in the AddOn control list. It should not appear as out of date.

8. See if QuestHelper still works okay. If not, quit WoW and remove it from the AddOns\ directory.

Anyway, this is usually what I do until an AddOn developer updates an AddOn. Most still work, but some don't.

Also for the record, I don't use QuestHelper because it freezes my WoW, so the steps above are based on how you would do it if you used QuestHelper.
2008-07-15 17:20:43 UTC
Google "wowmatrix" it is the best addon manager there is, meaning it will scan all of your addons, and click one button, it will update all of your addons. It also has a library of hundreds if not thousands of other addons you can choose from to use, so many different mods to help you with your gameplay. You choose what you want, and with the click of a button it will automatically download and install them, usually only takes a few seconds. it gets it from the original mod site. very helpful, very easy, free. Just keep checking your wowmatrix, the creators of the addonds will update them as necessary (almost every patch something like this happens) and wowmatrix will be able to see that, and download them. enjoy! :D
2016-05-24 19:14:58 UTC
You'll almost never get a solid date on content patches. Blizzard is famous for it's response of: Soon (tm) After it comes out on the PTR, it seems to be about a month or so, but don't hold your breath. The more in the patch, the longer it seems to stay in the PTR before going live.
Big DW
2008-07-15 10:13:33 UTC
This is why there are multiple versions of all add ons. When they patch it will make many add on features break. Fishing buddy quick cast is broke also just got to wait for a new version of add on to be released that is compatible with the current version.
2008-07-15 10:18:37 UTC
You might also try just to check it as "load out of date" on the add on screen. It might still work. However if it doesn't give it a few weeks to update if the creator of that add on updates it. Check curse gaming for update.

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