A PS3 or an Xbox 360? Decision time.?
2008-01-15 11:46:45 UTC
This weekend I am going to purchase a console. Do I get a 360 Elite or a PS3. Im more of an online gamer (sports, FPs and the like) so which machine is best. I already have a 360 core but am giving this to my nephew, so I have a good idea already of Xbox Live. What is this PS3 home all about and which machine has the best games out this year. Is GTA4 any different on each machine and when is Resident Evil 5 out and on which machine (far as I'm aware no RE's ever been on Xbox)
Twelve answers:
2008-01-15 11:58:43 UTC
PS3 !!!

1. BlueRay - Most movie producing companies are getting out of the HD-DVD formats (anyone remember BETA max).

2. Do not need a $175 add on to watch movies.

3. Does not over heat. 3 red lights what is that???

Yes the PSN is pretty basic, but it's free !!!

The XBOX 360 does have more titles (for children), but it also has the advantage of being out 1 extra year.

Buy the 80 Gb forget about the 40 it is not compatable with PS1 and PS2 titles.

The games of the year will be Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Unreal Tournament 3, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

EDIT: I also must add CRYSIS has plans for the PS3 .... sorry nothing for the Xbox
2016-05-25 11:06:56 UTC
You have pretty much answered your own question but i would say xbox 360. I have had both the 360 and the PS3. Although the PS3 is powerful the online isn't that great and if you dont have an HD TV the blueray is pretty much useless. Even if you do have an HD TV there are hardly any blue ray DVD's to buy anyway and if you think about it your paying an extra $150 just for the blue ray. The xbox 360 is great. I think the 360 console itself and the 360 controllers look so much more sexier than the ps3's. Also the xbox 360 has ditched its old dashboard user interface and now has the new NXB interface which is amazing. The exlusive games are good. Plus everyone has headsets so when your playing online its so much more fun coz you can shout at each other and order each other around. So overall i would say the 360. Oh and when you get one add me! Im racingcarrot EDIT: Somone answered your question saying not to get the 360 coz you will get the red ring of death. That's bull becuase all xbox 360's since at least November 2008 have new falcon chips installed which prevent the red ring of death.
2008-01-15 13:14:01 UTC
If i were you i would get an xbox. especially if you like to play online, the ps3 online may be free but there is a reason we pay £35 (about $70) for xbox live, its just better. GTA IV is the same on each machine but the Xbox is getting two extra downloadable packages after release with some extra add-ons and stuff (they havent said exactly what). Home on the ps3 imo is just something for a console that doesn't have any decent games. and if its FPS' your after then your spoilt for choice with the xbox. oh and im sure RE 5 is coming on xbox this time......but correct me if im wrong

Edit: oh and sinister you dont have to pay $175 to watch movies.....not everyone wants to buy HD-DVD's as like blu-ray they are more expensive. its also pointless for anyone that doesn't have a least we get the choice.
2008-01-15 11:57:37 UTC
1. Well since you've already tried out XBOX LIVE, why not

give PSN a shot.

2. Playstation Home hasen't been released yet. HOME is a

virtual world for you to communicate with other PS3 owners

3. GTAIV on the XBOX 360 will have some exclucive content.

RE-5 will be avalible on both consoles TBA 2009.
Richard ツ
2008-01-15 11:51:15 UTC
I'd say XBox360 Elite, to be honest.

I have a Playstation 3 aswell, and no. The PS3 has a few games to download (I guess you could call them arcade ones) but hardly ANY. And they're all awful lol. Wheras the the XBox, like you said, has a full list of Arcade Games.

The Playstation 3 Online Gaming. Well, it isn't all that good. Again. XBox owns with Online Playing lol.

Although either one is a bit expensive seeing as you said "I probably use what I have now about twice a week.".

The only PS3 Exclusive I can think of coming out this year is Final Fantasy XIII. And I CAN'T WAIT for this. So PS3 does have a better side there xD But I can bet XBox will be getting load on Exclusives out this year aswell.

All in all, I have an XBox360 Elite and a Playstation 3 and I must say that I do prefer my Xbox. So I would say get the shiny black XBox360 Elite console like I have xD
2016-05-16 01:44:25 UTC
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2008-01-15 11:56:46 UTC
ive been researching and i would have to say ps3 one big reason is free online and blue ray and game wise go to and check out the trailer for devil may cry 4 then theres metal gear solid 4, i had a 360 and the controls were smooth but im getting a ps 3 one reason is braggin rights remember how when you had a ps 2 and xboxs graphics pit some of its games to shame personally i like to be ahead and they will both cost about the same but check out the games coming out not just what is already out
2008-01-15 12:17:55 UTC
xbox 360

get aleats the 20gb there new chips in the 360s to prevent the overheat

more games for 360 for games just for the 360

gta being made for the 360 then copy ps3save thing for re5 so ya

i reather pay 50 for a year with lag obnly about 10 min a day compared to free online with lag all day so ya

go and ask thats where all gamers go

blue ray dvds cost like 10 bucks more then hd dvd any ways plus you can downl;oad movies off marketoplace most movies you buy you wont watch more then 2 times so no point wasteing 30 bucks so just pay the 2-4 bucks on xbox

hd dvds are stupid for the 360 because

games aqre on hddvd but it's hd on the hdtv so no point cuz the 360 converts the dvds

this the dude for the above post for my first one
2008-01-15 11:57:53 UTC
I would go with the xbox 360 elite, it was completely redesgined so you don't have to worry about the red ring. As for games, the 360 has a bigger libary and some good exclusies, such as Mass Effect and Halo 3 (those are just the two that come to mind). and you already know that xbox live is THE only choice for online console gaming.
2008-01-15 12:14:23 UTC
PS3 cost more but are just simply amazing.
2008-01-15 11:56:27 UTC

RE is coming out for the Box and for PS3.

360 is the best choice, for any gamer.

Buy it. Love it. And be quiet.
2008-01-15 12:59:27 UTC
PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system unleashes a brilliant, high-definition entertainment experience. As its digital soul, the Cell Broadband Engine™ represents a tour de force in parallel processing, which means a gaming experience that is beyond what you know today. Its built-in Blu-ray Disc™ drive delivers a whole new generation in high-definition gaming and unmatched digital media storage. Whether it's gaming, Blu-ray movies, music or online services, PLAYSTATION®3 invites you to Play Beyond.


PS3™ game library continues to grow almost every day


Blu-ray™ is the future for both sight and sound


The PS3™ plays MP3s, WAVs, WMAs, ATRAC3+ and MP4s


Store or display the history of you and yours in photographs


Free access to online gaming, friends and messaging, the PLAYSTATION®Store, and much more


There's a whole wide world to browse out there

Online gaming

It's through the PLAYSTATION®Network and it's free

Remote Play

Access your PLAYSTATION 3 remotely using your PSP and a hotspot

...and much more!

The PlayStation 3 (officially marketed PLAYSTATION 3,[5] commonly abbreviated PS3) is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and successor to the PlayStation 2 as part of the PlayStation series. The PlayStation 3 competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game systems.

A major feature that distinguishes the PlayStation 3 from its predecessors is its unified online gaming service, the PlayStation Network,[6] which contrasts with Sony's former policy of relying on games' developers for online play.[7] Other major features of the console include its robust multimedia capabilities,[8] connectivity with the PlayStation Portable,[9] and its use of a next-gen optical media, Blu-ray Disc, as its primary storage medium.[10]

The PlayStation 3 was first released on November 11, 2006, in Japan,[11] November 17, 2006 in North America,[12] and March 23, 2007 in Europe and Oceania[13][14] with two stock keeping units (SKUs); a basic version with a 20 GB hard disk drive (HDD), and a premium version with a 60 GB HDD and several other features.[15] (The 20 GB version was not released in Europe or Oceania.[16]) Since then, the console has had several revisions made to its available SKUs[17] and has faced stiff competition from the other seventh generation consoles.[17] As of December, 2007, the PS3 is in third place in sales for its generation.[18]

Contents [hide]

1 History

1.1 Launch

2 Retail configurations

2.1 Differences

3 Sales and production costs

4 Games

5 Software

5.1 Operating system

5.2 Graphical user interface

5.3 PlayStation Network

5.4 PlayStation Home

5.5 PlayStation Portable connectivity

6 PlayStation 3 cluster

7 Hardware

8 Reception

9 References

10 External links


Silver PlayStation 3 prototype (E3 2005 specs). Note the two additional USB ports, three Gigabit ethernet ports and two HDMI ports.Sony officially unveiled the PlayStation 3 to the public on May 16, 2005, during the E3 2005 conference.[19] A functional version of the system was not present there[20] nor at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005,[21] although demonstrations (such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots[20]) were held at both events on devkits and comparable PC hardware.[20][21] Video footage based on the predicted PlayStation 3 specifications was also shown (e.g. Mobile Suit Gundam).[22]

The system was initially planned to have two HDMI ports, three Ethernet ports and six USB ports,[23] though, as shown at E3 2006, this was later reduced to one HDMI port, one ethernet port and four USB ports, presumably to cut costs.[15][24] Also announced were two configurations of the console, a "60 GB" and "20 GB", for $599/€599 and $499/€499 respectively.[15] The 60 GB would be the only configuration to feature a HDMI port, Wi-Fi internet, and a chrome trim with the logo in silver.[15] It was announced for a global release date, November 11th for Japan and November 17th for North America and Europe.[25]

On September 6, 2006, Sony announced that the PAL region (Europe and Oceania) PlayStation 3 launch had been delayed until March 2007, due to a shortage of diodes used in the Blu-ray Disc drive.[26]

On September 22, 2006, at the 2006 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced that it would be including HDMI on the 20 GB system with a silver logo, but not the chrome trim or Wi-Fi.[27] Also, the launch price of the Japanese 20 GB models would be reduced by over 20%;[28] the 60 GB version of the system was announced for an open pricing scheme in Japan.[28] During the show, Sony demonstrated 27 playable PS3 titles running on final hardware.[29]


Main article: PlayStation 3 launch

The PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006, at 07:00.[11] There were reports that many of the systems were obtained by businessmen who paid mainly Chinese nationals to buy the systems to resell them on eBay.[30] According to Media Create, 81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan.[31]

Soon after its release in Japan, the PS3 was released in North America on November 17, 2006.[12] Reports of violence surrounding the release of the PS3 include a customer shot,[32] campers robbed at gunpoint,[33] customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns,[34] and 60 campers fighting over 10 systems.[35]

On January 24, 2007, Sony announced that the PlayStation 3 would go on sale on March 23, 2007 in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and New Zealand.[13][36] On March 7, 2007, the 60 GB PlayStation 3 launched in Singapore with a price of S$799.[37]

The PS3 was launched in Europe, Australia and New Zealand on March 23, 2007.[13] The system sold approximately 600,000 units in its first two days.[38]

The console was launched in South Korea on 16 June 2007 in a single version equipped with an 80 GB hard drive and IPTV.[39]

Retail configurations

For more details on this topic, see Timeline of PlayStation 3 SKUs.

There are four PlayStation 3 hardware models that are commonly referred to by the size of their included hard disk drive: "20", "40", "60", and "80" GB models.[15][40]

All retail packages include one or two Sixaxis controllers, one USB cable, one composite video/stereo audio output cable, one ethernet cable (20, 60, and 80 GB only) and one power cable.[40][41]

Feature 20 GB

(NTSC)[42] 40 GB

(PAL, NTSC)[43] 60 GB

(NTSC)[42] 60 GB

(PAL)[42] 80 GB


USB 2.0 ports 4 2 4 4 4

Colors Piano Black Piano Black, Ceramic White (Asia) Piano Black Piano Black Piano Black

802.11 b/g Wi-Fi No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Flash card readers No No Yes Yes Yes

Chrome trim No Yes Yes Yes Yes

SACD support Yes No Yes Yes Yes

PS2 compatibility Yes - Hardware (Emotion Engine) No Yes - Hardware (Emotion Engine) Yes - Software Emulation Yes - Software Emulation

First Availability Nov 2006 Oct 2007 Nov 2006 Mar 2007 Aug 2007

In Production No[44] Yes No No Yes

All models include: Blu-ray/DVD/CD drive, HDMI 1.3a,[45] Bluetooth 2.0,

Gigabit Ethernet, PlayStation backward compatibility[46] through software emulation[47] and a glossy finish[48]


In addition to all of the features of the 20 GB model, the 60 GB model has internal IEEE 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, multiple flash card readers (SD/MultiMedia Card, CompactFlash Type I/Type II, Microdrive[49], Memory Stick/PRO/Duo) and a chrome coloured trim.[42] In terms of hardware, the 80 GB model released in South Korea is identical to the 60 GB model released in Europe and Australia (European territories), except for the difference in hard drive size.[50] Like the South Korean and Europe models, the North American 80 GB model also excludes the PlayStation 2 "Emotion Engine" CPU chip. However, it still keeps the "Graphics Synthesizer" GPU [51]. Due to emulating of the "Emotion Engine", the level of compatibility was reduced[52] (see PlayStation 3 games - Removal of hardware support for more details). The 40 GB model has two USB ports instead of the four USB ports on other models, and does not include a multi memory card port, SACD support, or any backwards compatibility with PlayStation 2 titles.[52][17] This was due to the removal of "Graphics Synthesizer" GPU, which stripped the unit of all PlayStation 2 based hardware.[43]

No official Wi-Fi or flash memory card readers have yet been released by Sony for the 20 GB system, although plans for such add-ons are in place.[53] Nevertheless, as the model features four USB 2.0 ports, wireless networking and flash memory card support can already be obtained through the use of widely available external USB adapters.[52]

It was rumored that third-generation PS3s (40 GB) would be using Cell CPUs of 65nm [54][55], Sony has revealed that this is indeed correct after an initial denial. [56]

Sales and production costs

See also: PlayStation 3 launch - Release data and pricing

Region Units sold First available

Japan 1,341,000 as of November 23, 2007[57] 11 November 2006

North America 2,105,500 as of November 8, 2007[58] 17 November 2006

PAL territories 1,300,000 as of August 23, 2007[59] 23 March 2007 (more...)

Worldwide 5.59 million as of September 30, 2007[2]

The PlayStation 3's initial production cost is estimated to have been US$805.85 for the 20 GB model and US$840.35 for the 60 GB model;[60] however, they were priced at US$499 and US$599, respectively.[61] The high manufacturing costs meant that every unit was sold at a loss of approximately $250,[60] contributing to Sony's games division posting an operating loss of ¥232.3 billion (US$1.97 billion) in the fiscal year ending March 2007.[62] In April 2007, soon after these results were published, Ken Kutaragi, the head of gaming at Sony, announced plans to retire. Various news agencies, including The Times[63] and The Wall Street Journal[64] reported that this was due to poor sales, whilst SCEI maintains that Kutaragi had been planning his retirement for six months prior to the announcement.[64]

Since the system's launch, production costs have been reduced significantly as a result of phasing out the EE chip[65] and falling hardware costs.[66][67] The cost of manufacturing Cell microprocessors has fallen dramatically as a result of moving to the 65 nm production process[68][67] and Blu-ray diodes being cheaper to manufacture.[66][69] As of January 2008, each unit costs around $400 to manufacture. [70][71]

On January 7, 2007, Sony met its goal of shipping 1 million units to North America.[72] Just over a week later, on January 16, 2007, Sony confirmed they had shipped 1 million units in Japan, bringing the worldwide total to over 2 million shipped.[73] As of April 1, 2007, approximately 5.5 million units had been shipped worldwide.[62]

In the worldwide marketplace, the PlayStation 3 is currently behind its competitor systems, the Xbox 360 and the Wii, both overall and in monthly sales. In Japan, the Wii outsold the PS3 by 3 to 1 in August, 4 to 1 in July, 6.5 to 1 in June, 5.6 to 1 in May and 4 to 1 in April.[74][75][76][77] In Japan, 2,800,576 Wiis have been sold in total, compared to 1,143,798 PS3s; however the Xbox 360, which was released almost a year earlier than its competitors has sold only 380,131 units.[78][79]

In North America, the PS3 was outsold 4.4 to 1 by the Wii and 2.2 to 1 by the Xbox 360 in June 2007, and sold the least units of any seventh generation console in the period January through April.[80] Additionally, the PS3 saw the largest drop in sales of the three systems, selling 37% less in April than the previous month; Sony has attributed the poor sales in April to a lack of new software for the console.[80] In many cases, the system has been outsold by its predecessor, the PlayStation 2.

Sony has stated that the PS3 has been consistently outselling its competitors in Australia, although it still lags behind both in total units sold.[81]

From October 2007 to November 2007, sales of the PlayStation 3 went up by 285% in the United States.[82] Sony CEO Howard Stringer attributes the growth to a price cut and Nintendo's inability to manufacture the Wii system at a rate high enough to meet public demand.[83]


Main article: PlayStation 3 games

See also: List of PlayStation 3 games, Chronology of PlayStation 3 games, and List of PlayStation Network games

The PlayStation 3 launched in North America on November 17, 2006 with a total of twelve titles and another three were released before the end of the year.[84] After five days of sales it was confirmed that first person shooter Resistance: Fall of Man from Insomniac Games was the top-selling game, and was heavily praised by numerous video game websites, including GameSpot and IGN, both of whom awarded it with their PlayStation 3 Game of the Year award for 2006.[85][86] Some titles missed the launch window and were delayed until early 2007, such as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, F.E.A.R. and Sonic the Hedgehog. During the Japanese launch, Ridge Racer 7 was the top-selling launch title, while Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire also fared well in sales; both of which were offerings from Namco Bandai. The PlayStation 3 launched in Europe with twenty-four titles, including games that were not offered in the North American and Japanese launched, such as Formula One Championship Edition, MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm have been the most successful titles so far; each has sold over one million copies worldwide.[87] Subsequently both games are to receive sequels.[88][88]

At E3 2007, Sony was able to show off a number of their upcoming video games for the PlayStation 3, including Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, all of which have been released in the 4th quarter of 2007. They also showed off a number of titles set for a 2008 release; most notably Killzone 2, the highly-anticipated sequel to the 2004 first person shooter. LittleBigPlanet was also demonstrated during the event and subsequently won the award for 'Most Original' game of the show.[89]


Operating system

Main article: PlayStation 3 System Software

Sony has added the ability for the operating system, referred to as System Software, to be updated. The update process is similar to the firmware updates for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). The updates can be downloaded from the PlayStation Network directly to the PS3 and subsequently installed. Sony has also provided users with the ability to download system software updates from the Official PlayStation website to a computer and then storage media, from which the update can be installed to the system. Updates can also be installed from game discs that require the updates to be able to play the game.

The latest version of the software, 2.10, was released on December 18, 2007.[90] This update made the PS3 compatible with Blu-ray profile 1.1, added a new music visualization, added the ability to change voice pitch in the console’s chat function, and added support for DivX, XviD,[91] and VC-1 (WMV) codecs.[92]

Version 2.01 was released on November 19, 2007. That update fixed some of the stability issues with the PS3’s network connection and repaired some problems with Remote Start.[93]

Version 2.00, released on November 8, 2007, added the ability to customize the XMB using themes; support for the DualShock 3 controller; the ability to create custom playlists for music and photos; more options for grouping content under XMB tabs, and the ability to remotely turn the PS3 on and off from a PSP using Remote Play.[94]

Graphical user interface

Main article: XrossMediaBar - PlayStation 3 XMB

See also: Linux for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 3 System Software - Media playback features

The PlayStation 3 version of the XrossMediaBar (pronounced Cross Media Bar, or abbreviated XMB) includes 9 categories of options. These include: Users, Settings, Photo, Music, Video, Game, Network, PlayStation Network, and Friends (similar to the PlayStation Portable media bar). The PS3 includes the ability to store various master and secondary user profiles, manage and explore photos with or without a musical slideshow, play music and copy audio CD tracks to an attached storage device, play movies and video files from the hard disk drive, an optional USB mass storage or Flash card, or an optical disc (Blu-ray Disc or DVD-Video), compatibility for a USB keyboard and mouse, and a full web browser supporting in/compatible file download function.[95] The Friends menu allows mail with emoticon and attached picture features and video chat which requires an optional PlayStation Eye or Eyetoy webcam.[96] The Network menu allows online shopping through the PlayStation Store.[96] The PlayStation 3 also includes the ability to install other operating systems,[97] such as Linux.[98][99][100][101]

PlayStation Network

Main articles: PlayStation Network and PlayStation Store

Official logo of the PlayStation NetworkIn response to Microsoft's success on their Xbox Live network, Sony announced a unified online service for the PlayStation 3 system at the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing meeting in Tokyo. Sony has confirmed that the service will be always connected,[102] free and include multiplayer support; however, developers are permitted to charge a subscription fee, as is common with MMO games. Also, the registration interface can only be accessed through the PS3 system interface.[103]

At the Tokyo Game Show on September 21, 2006, it was revealed that users will be able to download some of the thousands of PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 titles from the PlayStation Network for about US$5–$15, starting with those with the smallest game data. The reason to allow this kind of functionality is that Sony will allow the users to choose the games of their preference. Ken Kutaragi also announced functionality with other systems, similar to Nintendo's Virtual Console, including confirmed Sega Genesis and TurboGrafx 16 functionality; however, Sega replied that Sony had been too hasty with calling it a fact, and that it was still "under examination".[104]

Credit cards and electronic money (via the Edy system) are two ways PlayStation 3 owners in Japan can purchase content through the Japanese PlayStation Store. On May 8, 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment announced PlayStation Network Cards,[105] a form of electronic money that can be used with the Store. PlayStation Network Tickets, available in units of 1,000, 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 yen, can be purchased at convenience stores throughout Japan. Each ticket contains a 12 alphanumeric code which can be inputted to the PlayStation Network to place credits in the virtual wallet.

The tickets are available through electronic kiosks at 26,000 convenience stores, including Lawsons, Family Mart, Daily Yamazaki, Ministop and Sunkus. There is also 26,000 post office ATM machines for use to pay for the tickets, although registration is required first via a special mobile website.

A similar PlayStation Network Card system based on actual cards instead of tickets has been introduced in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan in summer 2007.

PlayStation Home

Main article: PlayStation Home

The PlayStation Home logoDuring the 2007 Game Developers Conference, Sony announced PlayStation Home, a new free-to-download community based service for the PlayStation Network, which allows users to create an avatar character for their PlayStation 3 system.[106][107] This avatar will get its own apartment, which can be adorned by items players can receive in several achievements.[106] In the future the service will also expand, allowing players to have more sorts of clothing, as well as hold pets.[107] Home will be a Second Life-like experience and will allow gamers everywhere to interact in a virtual world.[108] Home will also act as a meeting place of sorts for players who want to play multiplayer games on the PlayStation 3.[108] During a video demonstration of Home, Sony said that a Home icon and options will be added to the Xross Media Bar (XMB), so it is expected to be available through a firmware update or separate download from within the PlayStation Store.[107][108] A closed beta was in progress in Europe in May, 2007,[109] and an open beta was scheduled to be available in North America in early Fall, 2007.[108] However, at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced that the final worldwide launch of Home, which had originally been scheduled for the fall of 2007, will now take place in the spring of 2008.[110] SCEI President and Group CEO Kaz Hirai later explained that the launch was delayed for further testing and feedback evaluation to provide the best possible experience upon launch.[111]

PlayStation Portable connectivity

Further information: PlayStation Store (PC) for PSP

The PlayStation Portable can connect with the PlayStation 3 in many ways, including in-game connectivity. For example, Formula One: Championship Edition, a racing game, was shown at E3 2006 using a PSP as a real-time rear-view mirror.[112] Although this feature did not make it in the final release, Sony confirmed that such connectivity between the two systems remains an option for the future.[113] In addition, it is possible to download PlayStation 1 games to the PlayStation 3 from the PlayStation Store. These games were not originally playable on the PS3; however, they could be sent to a PSP, and played using the PSP's PlayStation Emulator. Sony added support for playing downloaded PS titles on PS3 on April 18, 2007, with the update to firmware revision 1.70.[114][115]

Sony has also demonstrated the PSP playing back video content, including 1080p content from the PlayStation 3 hard disk across an ad-hoc wireless network. This feature is referred to as Remote Play located under the browser icon on both the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation Portable. Remote play has since expanded to allow remote access to the PS3 via PSP from any wireless access point in the world.[116]

PlayStation 3 cluster

Main article: Playstation 3 cluster

Given the computing capabilities of the machine, there is some interest in using PS3 to build supercomputers for high-performance computing,[117] as the NCSA has already built a cluster based on the PlayStation 2.[118] Terra Soft Solutions has a version of Yellow Dog Linux for the PlayStation 3,[119] and sells PS3s with Linux pre-installed,[120] in single units, and 6 and 32 node clusters.[121] In addition, RapidMind is pushing their stream programming package for the PS3.[122]

On January 3, 2007, Dr. Frank Mueller, Associate Professor of Computer Science at NCSU, clustered 8 PS3s. Mueller commented that the 512 MB of system RAM is a limitation for this particular application, and is considering attempting to retrofit more RAM. Software includes: Fedora Core 5 Linux ppc64, MPICH2, OpenMP v2.5, GNU Compiler Collection and CellSDK 1.1.[123][124][125]

On March 22, 2007, SCE and Stanford University released the Folding@home project for the PS3.[126] This program allows PS3 owners to lend the computing power of their consoles to help study the problem of improper protein folding.


Silver PlayStation 3 prototype at E3 2006Main article: PlayStation 3 hardware

The original unit is convex on its left side (when vertical; the top side is convex when horizontal) and has a sleek black finish, with the Playstation logo on the left side. Playstation designer Teiyu Goto stated that the Spider-Man-font-inspired "logo was one of the first elements [SCEI president Ken Kutaragi] decided on and the logo may have been the motivating force behind the shape of PS3."[127]

The Playstation 3 features a slot-loading 2x speed Blu-ray Disc drive for games, Blu-ray movies, DVDs, CDs, and other optical media.[128] It was originally available with hard drives of 20 and 60 GB[129] (only the 60 GB model was available in PAL regions[16]). An 80 GB model has since been introduced in NTSC regions[130] (see above), while a 40 GB model has been introduced in all regions.[131][132] All PS3 models have user-upgradeable 2.5" SATA hard drives.[133] The PlayStation 3 uses the IBM-designed Cell microprocessor as its CPU, utilizing seven of the eight "synergistic processing elements" (often shortened to SPE).[134] The eighth SPE is disabled to improve chip yields i.e. chips do not have to be discarded if one of the SPEs is defective.[135][136] Only six of the seven SPEs are accessible to developers as one is reserved by the OS.[136]

Graphics processing is handled by the NVIDIA RSX, which can output resolutions from 480i/576i SD up to 1080i/1080p full HD, the PlayStation 3 has 256 MB of XDR main memory and 256 MB of GDDR3 video memory for the RSX. [137]

Numerous accessories for the console have been developed for the system, including the wireless Sixaxis controller, the BD Remote controller, the PlayStation Eye camera and the upcoming PlayTV DVB-T tuner/digital video recorder accessory.[138][139]

The system has Bluetooth 2.0, Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.3a built in on all models.[128] Wi-Fi networking is also built-in on the 40, 60 and 80 GB models while a flash card reader (which is compatible with MemoryStick, SD/MMC, and CompactFlash/Microdrive media) is built-in on 60 and 80 GB models.[128][137]

At its press conference at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced the DualShock 3 (trademarked DUALSHOCK 3), a PlayStation 3 controller with the same function and design as the Sixaxis, but with vibration capability included.[140] Hands-on accounts describe the controller as being noticeably heavier than the standard Sixaxis controller, and capable of vibration forces comparable to the DualShock 2.[141] It was released in Japan on November 11, 2007,[142] while a Spring 2008 release date has been scheduled for Europe and North America.[143]


The PlayStation 3 received generally unfavorable reviews soon after its launch, with many websites and reviewers criticizing its high price and lack of top-quality games.[144][145] However, after a series of price drops and the release of several quality titles, the system has begun to receive better reviews.

The PS3 was given the number-eight spot on PC World magazine’s list of “The Top 21 Tech Screwups of 2006,” where it was criticized for being “Late, Expensive, and Incompatible.”[146] Also, GamesRadar ranked the PS3 as the top item in a feature about game-related PR disasters, asking how Sony managed to "take one of the most anticipated game systems of all time and — within the space of a year — turn it into a hate object reviled by the entire internet", but added that despite its problems the system had "untapped potential."[147]

In an interview with Electronic Gaming Monthly, SCEA Chief of Operations Jack Tretton scoffed at the assertion that PS3s were not flying off store shelves, telling the interviewers, "If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes, I'll give you 1,200 bucks for it."[148] Later, Penny Arcade's Gabe and Tycho demanded a reward of $13,200 after finding six PS3s in stores near their home town.[149]

Some journalists judged that the relative ease with which it was possible to buy a PlayStation 3 in stores in the U.S. and Japan soon after its launch, compared with the scarcity of the Wii, was evidence of lukewarm consumer demand for the system.[150] In addition, there were reports that some Japanese retailers discounted the system as early as January 2007 to stimulate demand.[151] Business Week summed up the general opinion by stating that it was "more impressed with what [the PlayStation 3] could do than with what it currently does."[152]

Despite all the bad press, several websites have given the system very good reviews. CNET United Kingdom praised the PlayStation 3 saying, "the PS3 is a versatile and impressive piece of home-entertainment equipment that lives up to the hype … the PS3 is well worth its hefty price tag."[153] CNET also awarded it a score of 8.8 out of a possible 10 and voted it as its number one "must-have" gadget,[154] praising its robust graphical capabilities and stylish exterior design while criticizing its limited selection of available games.[155]

In addition, both Home Theater Magazine and Ultimate AV have given the system's Blu-ray playback very favorable reviews, stating that the quality of playback exceeds that of many current standalone Blu-ray players.[156][157] European Imaging And Sound Association also awarded the PS3 top honors for its media center capabilities.[158]

Hexus Gaming reviewed the PAL version and summed the review up by saying, "…as the PlayStation 3 matures and developers start really pushing it, we’ll see the PlayStation 3 emerge as the console of choice for gaming."[159] At GDC 2007, Shiny Entertainment founder Dave Perry stated, "I think that Sony has made the best machine. It's the best piece of hardware, without question."[160]


^ Shilov, Anton (2006-07-18). Asustek Computer Ships PlayStation 3 Consoles. X-bit labs. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.

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^ Anoop Gantayat (2007-11-08). New PS3 Uses 65nm Process. ign. Retrieved on 2007-11-10.

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^ Alex Wollenschlaeger (2007-08-23). Sony Courts the Mainstream With PS3 Buzz. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.

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^ Brendan Sinclair (2006-05-09). E3 06: PS3 launches 11/17--$499 for 20 GB, $599 for 60 GB. Gamespot. Retrieved on 2007-07-06.

^ a b "PS3 launch hits Sony profits",, May 16, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-08-31.

^ Playstation boss pays the price of weak sales. Times Online (2007-04-27). Retrieved on 2007-04-27.

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^ Sony Set To Cut Playstation 3 Costs. (2007-02-06). Retrieved on 2007-07-15.

^ a b Sony cuts PS3 production costs. (2007-05-08). Retrieved on 2007-07-15.

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^ IBM Shrinks Cell Broadband Engine to 65nm Process. (2007-03-13). Retrieved on 2007-07-15.

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^ Sony Ships 1 Million PS3s in N. America. CBS News (2007-01-07). Retrieved on 2007-04-22.

^ PS3 Shipments Hit 2 Million Worldwide. Gamasutra (2007-01-07). Retrieved on 2007-04-22.

^ Sony's PS3 closes gap with the Wii. Times Online (2007-09-03). Retrieved on 2007-09-03.

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^ David Low (2007-07-02). Wii dominating home console sales in Japan. Retrieved on 2007-07-05.

^ a b Patrick Klepek (2007-05-18). NPD Fallout: Sony Blames April on Lack of Software. Retrieved on 2007-05-18.

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^ GameSpot Staff (2006-12-21). Best Games and Worst Games of 2006 at GameSpot - Best PlayStation 3 Game. GameSpot. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.

^ IGN Staff (2006-12-21). presents The Best of 2006 - PlayStation 3: Game of the Year. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.

^ Comments for PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) on the Video Game Prediction Market, the simExchange

^ a b Evolution Studios (2007). MotorStorm 2 sequel confirmed for PS3, in development at Evolution Studios. [1]. Retrieved on 2007-09-06.

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^ PS3 gets DivX/XviD playback. gizmag (2007-12-20). Retrieved on 2007-12-20.

^ Lempel, Eric (2007-12-17). Firmware Update (v2.10). Sony. Retrieved on 2007-12-20.

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^ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - How do I set up my PLAYSTATION®Network master account or sub account?. SCEA Regional Online Manual 1 of 4. Sony Computer Entertainment America. Retrieved on 2007-01-19.

^ SEGA Denies Genesis support for PS3 - WORTHPLAYING. Retrieved on 2006-09-23.

^ Huang, Eugene (2007-05-08). Sony introduces prepaid PlayStation Network cards (in Japan). Retrieved on 2007-08-08.

^ a b PlayStation Home unveiled. Engadget (2007-03-07). Retrieved on 2008-01-15.

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^ IGN: Europeans Go Home. IGN PlayStation 3 (2007-05-01). Retrieved on 2007-05-02.

^ Home delayed until Spring 08. Kotaku (2007-09-19). Retrieved on 2008-01-15.

^ Clements, Ryan. "TGS 2007: Home Launch Delayed", IGN PlayStation 3, 2007-09-19. Retrieved on 2007-09-28.

^ Haynes, Jeff (2006-05-08). E3 2006: Formula One 06 Resurfaces. IGN PlayStation 3. Retrieved on 2007-01-21.

^ Martijn Müller (March 1, 2007). PlayStation 3 launch interview. NG-Gamer.

^ Deleon, Nicholas (2006-12-07). Downloadable PS1 Games Hit The PSP (Provided You Have a PS3). Gizmodo. Retrieved on 2007-01-21.

^ Kennedy, Sam (2006-10-20). Phil Harrison Talks Downloadable PS1 Games on PS3. Retrieved on 2007-04-03.

^ Nix, Marc (2006-10-20). PSP and PS3 Play Together. IGN PSP. Retrieved on 2007-01-21.

^ Building Supercomputer Using Playstation 3. Console (2006-08-28). Retrieved on 2006-08-28.

^ Scientific Computing on the Sony PlayStation 2. NCSA.

^ Terra Soft to Provide Linux for PLAYSTATION 3. Terra Soft.

^ Linux pre-installed on PS3. Terra Soft.

^ Linux clusters. Terra Soft. Retrieved on 2007-06-05.

^ RapidMind and Terra Soft partner to unleash PlayStation 3 for Linux. RapidMind.

^ Engineer Creates First Academic Playstation 3 Computing Cluster.

^ NC State Engineer Creates First Academic Playstation 3 Computing Cluster. College of Engineering, North Carolina State University.

^ Sony PS3 Cluster (IBM Cell BE). Frank Mueller, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, North Carolina State University.

^ Folding@home. Sony Computer Entertainment. Retrieved on 2007-03-18.


^ a b c PlayStation 3 Technical Specifications. SCEA. Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ PS3 60 GB review. CNET (2006-11-13). Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ New 80GB PlayStation 3; New Price on Current 60GB Model. Sony Computer Entertainment (2007-07-09). Retrieved on 2007-07-11.

^ New PLAYSTATION®3 Model to Take Holiday Season by Storm. Sony Computer Entertainment (October 5, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-10-05.

^ Sony Computer Entertainment America Announces New 40GB PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) Configuration and Price Reduction of Current 80GB Model. Sony Computer Entertainment (October 18, 2007). Retrieved on 2007-10-18.

^ Rubenstein, Jeff (2007-12-28). PlayStation Blog - Upgrading the PS3's hard drive. Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ Cell Introduction. IBM. Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ Sony PlayStation 3 Cell Processor. North Carolina State University. Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ a b Martin Linklater. "Optimizing Cell Core", Game Developer Magazine, April 2007, pp. 15-18. (english) "To increase fabrication yelds, Sony ships PlayStation 3 Cell processors with only seven working SPEs. And from those seven, one SPE will be used by the operating system for various tasks, This leaves six SPEs for game programmer to use."

^ a b PS3 Specs. IGN (2005-05-16). Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

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^ Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (August 22, 2007). "PlayTV unlocks free Digital TV on PLAYSTATION 3". Press release.

^ DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless Controller With Rumble Feature To Be Introduced FOR PLAYSTATION®3. Sony Computer Entertainment (2007-09-20). Retrieved on 2007-09-20.

^ Staff (2007-09-19). TGS '07: Spot On - The Dual Shock 3. GameSpot. Retrieved on 2007-09-20.

^ DualShock 3 will launch on Nov. 11 in Japan. Kotaku (2007-10-08). Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ TGS 07: DualShock 3 announced. (2007-09-19). Retrieved on 2008-01-14.

^ Riyad Emeran (2007-03-23). Sony PlayStation 3. Retrieved on 2007-07-10.

^ Danny Allen (2007-03-01). First review: PlayStation 3. PC Advisor. Retrieved on 2007-07-10.

^ Tynan, Dan (2006-12-20). The Top 21 Tech Screwups of 2006. PC World. Retrieved on 2007-02-03.

^ Reparaz, Mikel (2007-03-21). The Top 7... PR disasters. GamesRadar. Retrieved on 2007-03-21.

^ Hsu, Dan (February 2007). "BattleStation! (page 3)". Electronic Gaming Monthly (214): 108.

^ Jack Tretton owes Penny Arcade $13,200. Kotaku (2007-02-11). Retrieved on 2008-01-15.

^ Shilov, Anton (2007-01-17). Sony PlayStation 3–Widely Available, Nintendo Wii – Out of Stock. X-bit Labs. Retrieved on 2007-02-04.

^ Reddish, Steve (2007-01-22). PS3 Price Cut by Japanese Retailers. DigitalBattle. Retrieved on 2007-02-04.

^ Cliff Edwards (2006-11-16). PS3: Soon to Be a Great System. Business Week. Retrieved on 2007-07-10.

^ Carnoy, Dave (March 2007). PS3 Reviewed. Retrieved on 2007-04-21.

^ CNET Staff (2006-11-21). Top 10 Must-haves. CNET. Retrieved on 2007-02-22.

^ Carnoy, David (2006-11-14). GB/4505-6464_7-31355103.html Sony PlayStation 3 (60 GB) Reviews. CNET. Retrieved on 2007-02-03.

^ Chiarella, Chris (December 2006). Sony PlayStation 3. Home Theater Magazine. Primedia Magazines, Inc.. Retrieved on 2007-02-22.

^ Buettner, Shane C. (December 2006). PlayStation3 Blu-ray Disc Player 4 of 6. Primedia Magazines, Inc.. Retrieved on 2007-02-22.


^ Haywood, Nick (2007-03-23). Review :: Sony PlayStation 3 6 of 6. HEXUS.gaming. Retrieved on 2007-04-25.

^ Gibson, Ellie (2007-03-07). GDC: What's Next for PS3?. Retrieved on 2007-04-25.

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Categories: Semi-protected | Sony Computer Entertainment | PlayStation | PlayStation 3 | Blu-ray Disc | Backward compatible video game consoles | 2006 introductions | Power Architecture

This is a list of the games for the Sony PlayStation 3 video game console, organized by name. Games are referred to by their titles when available. The column "Exclus." indicates whether the PlayStation 3 is the only console on which the game is available. So far the list contains 318 released titles.

The PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006, followed by a release in the USA on November 17, 2006. The PlayStation 3 was released on March 23, 2007 in all other territories. For more information on the PlayStation 3 release, see PlayStation 3 launch. See List of PlayStation Network games for a list of downloadable games.

[edit] Games

This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy certain standards for completeness.

Revisions and sourced additions are welcome.

Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z References External links

Title and Source Developer Publisher Exclus. Japan Europe North America

100 Bullets → TBA D3 Publisher No TBA TBA 2008

2 Days to Vegas → Steel Monkeys TBA No TBA TBA 2008

211 → Gaia Industries TBA No TBA TBA 2008

Afrika → Rhino Studios Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA TBA

The Agency → Sony Online Entertainment Sony Online Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 2008

Alive → Ubisoft Ubisoft No TBA TBA 2008

All-Pro Football 2K8 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No TBA TBA 02007-07-16 16 July 2007

Alliance: The Silent War → Windward Mark Interactive Atari No TBA 2008 2008

Alone in the Dark → Eden Studios Atari No TBA 02008-03 March 2008 02008-03 March 2008

Amphibian Man → KDV Games KDV Games Yes TBA TBA 2008

Angel Love Online → Q Entertainment TBA Yes 02007-12 December 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

Aqua → Artdink Artdink Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 TBA TBA

ArmA 2 → Bohemia Interactive Atari No TBA 2008 2008

Armored Core 4 → From Software Sega No 02006-12-21 21 December 2006 [1] 02007-06-22 22 June 2007 [2] 02007-03-20 20 March 2007 [3]

Armored Core: for Answer → From Software Sega No 02008-03 March 2008 TBA TBA

Army of Two → EA Montreal Electronic Arts No TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Assassin's Creed → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No 02007-11-29 29 November 2007 02007-11-16 16 November 2007 02007-11-13 13 November 2007

Avalon → Climax Studios TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Avatar → Ubisoft Ubisoft No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Backbreaker → TBA Natural Motion No TBA TBA 02008-09-32Q3 2008

Battlefield: Bad Company → Digital Illusions Electronic Arts No 02008-03 March 2008 2008 2008

Beach Volleyball Online → Radiance Digital Entertainment TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Beijing 2008 → TBA Sega No TBA TBA 02008-09-32Q3 2008

Beowulf: The Game → Ubisoft Shanghai Ubisoft No TBA November 2007 02007-11-13 13 November 2007

The Bigs → Blue Castle Games 2K Sports No TBA TBA 02007-06-25 25 June 2007

Big Time Revenge → Anygame Company TBA Yes TBA TBA 2008

Bionic Commando → GRIN Capcom No TBA TBA TBA

Black 2 → Criterion Games Electronic Arts No TBA TBA TBA

BlackSite: Area 51 → Midway Austin Midway Games No TBA 2007 02007-12-10 10 December 2007

Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War → Omega Force Koei No 02007-08-30 30 August 2007 [4] 02007-11-02 2 November 2007 [5] 02007-11-06 6 November 2007 [6]

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII → Ubisoft Romania Ubisoft No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [7] 02006-12-12 12 December 2006 [8]

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII → Ubisoft Romania Ubisoft No TBA 02007-11-23 23 November 2007 02007-11-06 6 November 2007

Blitz 2008 → Midway Games Midway Games No TBA 02008-12-33 02008-12-33

Borderlands → Gearbox Software 2K Games No TBA 02008-12-32Q4 2008 02008-12-32Q4 2008

Boku no Natsu Yasumi 3 → SCE Japan Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-07-05 5 July 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

The Bourne Conspiracy → High Moon Studios Sierra No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Brave Arms → Cellius Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA TBA

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway → Gearbox Software Ubisoft No TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008 [9]

Brütal Legend → Double Fine Productions Vivendi No TBA 2008 2008

Burnout Paradise → Criterion Games Electronic Arts No TBA 02008-01-22 22 January 2008 02008-01-22 22 January 2008

Buzz! Quiz TV → Relentless Software Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 2008 TBA

Call of Duty 3 → Treyarch Activision No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [10] 02006-11-14 14 November 2006 [11]

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare → Infinity Ward Activision No TBA 02007-11-09 9 November 2007 02007-11-05 5 November 2007

Cars Mater-National → Rainbow Studios THQ No TBA 02007-11 November 2007 02007-11 November 2007

Castle Wolfenstein → Raven Software Activision No TBA TBA TBA

Chain Limit → Cellius Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA TBA

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Prince Caspian → Traveller's Tales Buena Vista Games No TBA TBA 02008-05 May 2008

The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena → Starbreeze Studios Sierra No TBA TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Cipher Complex → Edge of Reality TBA No TBA TBA 2008

Civilization Revolution → Firaxis Games 2K Games No TBA TBA 2008

Clive Barker's Jericho → Mercury Steam Codemasters No TBA 02007-10-26 26 October 2007 02007-10-23 23 October 2007

Clown Combat → Eagle Claw Studios TBA No TBA TBA TBA

The Club → Bizarre Creations Sega No TBA March 2008 02008-02 February 2008

Coded Arms: Assault → Konami Konami Yes TBA TBA 2008 2008

Codename: Sengoku 23KU → Acquire TBA Yes TBA TBA TBA

Colin McRae: DiRT → Codemasters Codemasters No TBA 02007-09-14 14 September 2007 02007-09-11 11 September 2007

College Hoops 2K7 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No TBA TBA 02007-03-19 19 March 2007 [12]

College Hoops 2K8 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No TBA TBA 02007-11-19 19 November 2007

Conan → Nihilistic THQ No TBA TBA 02007-10-23 23 October 2007 [13]

Condemned 2: Bloodshot → Monolith Productions Sega No TBA 2008 02008-02 February 2008

Conflict: Denied Ops → Pivotal Games Eidos Interactive No TBA TBA 2008

CrimeCraft → Vogster Entertainment TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Dark Sector → Digital Extremes D3 Publisher No TBA 2008 Template:25

Dark Void → Airtight Studios Capcom No TBA 2008 2008

The Darkness → Starbreeze Studios 2K Games No TBA 02007-07-22 22 July 2007 [14] 02007-06-25 25 June 2007 [15]

Darksiders → Vigil Games THQ No TBA 2008 2008

Data-Fly → ORiGO Gaming Entertainment TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Daybreakers → Trilogy Studios TBA No TBA TBA 2008

DC Universe → Sony Online Entertainment Sony Online Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 2008

Dead Space → EA Redwood Shores Electronic Arts No TBA TBA TBA

Def Jam: Icon → EA Chicago Electronic Arts No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [16] 02007-03-06 6 March 2007 [17]

Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon → Sandblast Games THQ No TBA 02008-03 March 2008 2007

Deus Ex 3 → Eidos Montreal Eidos No TBA TBA TBA

Devil May Cry 4 → Capcom Capcom No 02008-01-31 31 January 2008 02008-02 February 2008 02008-02 February 2008

Disgaea 3 → Nippon Ichi Nippon Ichi Yes 02008-01-31 31 January 2008 TBA TBA

Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai No 02008-12-33 02008-12-33 TBA

Dreamers → Dreamgazers TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Driver → Reflections Interactive Ubisoft Yes TBA TBA TBA

Duke Nukem Forever → 3D Realms Take-Two Interactive No TBA TBA TBA

Dynasty Warriors 6 → Omega Force Koei No 02007-11-11 11 November 2007 TBA 02008-02-19 19 February 2008

Dynasty Warriors: Gundam → Omega Force Koei / Namco Bandai No 02007-03-01 1 March 2007 [18] TBA 02007-08-28 28 August 2007

Earth No More → Recoil Games 3D Realms No TBA TBA TBA

Eight Days → SCE London Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 2008

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion → Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks No TBA 02007-04-27 27 April 2007 [19] 02007-03-20 20 March 2007 [20]

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles → Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks No TBA 02007-12-32Q4 2007 02007-11-20 20 November 2007

Enchanted Arms → From Software Ubisoft No 02007-01-25 25 January 2007 [21] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [22] 02007-04-03 3 April 2007 [23]

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars → Z-Axis Activision No TBA TBA TBA

Eternal Sonata → tri-Crescendo Namco Bandai No 02008-06-32Q2 2008 2008 2008

Everybody's Golf 5 → Clap Hanz / SCEI Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-07-26 26 July 2007 02007-11 November 2007 02008 2008

The Eye of Judgment → SCE Japan Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-10-25 25 October 2007 02007-10-26 26 October 2007 02007-10-23 23 October 2007

Eyedentify → SCE Japan Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 TBA 2008

Fallout 3 → Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks No TBA TBA 02008-03 March 2008

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer → Visual Concepts Take-Two Interactive No TBA 02007-06-15 15 June 2007 02007-06-15 15 June 2007

Far Cry 2 → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No TBA TBA 02008-03 March 2008

F.E.A.R. → Day 1 Studios Vivendi No Unreleased 02007-04-20 20 April 2007 [24] 02007-04-24 24 April 2007 [25]

Fatal Inertia → Koei Canada Koei No 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 ? 02008-06-32Q2 2008 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Ferrari Challenge → Eutechnyx System 3 No TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

FIA World Touring Car Championship → TBA TBA Yes TBA TBA 2008

FIFA 08 → EA Canada Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-09-28 28 September 2007 02007-10-16 16 October 2007

FIFA Street 3 → EA Canada Electronic Arts No TBA 2008 02008-02 February 2008

Fifth Phantom Saga → Sonic Team Sega Yes 02007-12-30 30 December 2007 TBA 2008

Fight Night Round 3 → EA Canada / EA Chicago Electronic Arts No 02007-03-15 15 March 2007 [26] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [27] 02006-12-05 5 December 2006 [28]

Final Fantasy Versus XIII → Square Enix Square Enix Yes 02009-12-33 TBA 02009-12-33

Final Fantasy XIII → Square Enix Square Enix Yes 2008 TBA 2008

Folklore → Game Republic Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-06-21 21 June 2007 [29] 02007-10-12 12 October 2007 [30] 02007-10-09 9 October 2007 [31]

Formula One Championship Edition → SCE Studio Liverpool Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02006-12-28 28 December 2006 [32] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [33] 02007-02-27 27 February 2007 [34]

Fracture → Day 1 Studios LucasArts No TBA TBA 02008-09-32Q3 2008

Free Realms → Sony Online Entertainment Sony Online Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Frontlines: Fuel of War → Trauma Studios THQ No TBA 2008 02008-01 January 2008

Full Auto 2: Battlelines → Pseudo Interactive Sega No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [35] 02006-12-12 12 December 2006 [36]

Future GPX Cyber Formula → Sunrise Interactive Sunrise Interactive Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Genji: Days of the Blade → Game Republic Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02006-11-11 11 November 2006 [37] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [38] 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [39]

The Getaway → SCE London Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008 02008-06-32Q2 2008

The Godfather: The Don's Edition → EA Redwood Shores Electronic Arts Yes Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [40] 02007-03-21 21 March 2007 [41]

God of War III → SCE Studios Santa Monica Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 02009-12-33 02009-12-33

Golden Axe: Beast Rider → Secret Level Sega No 02008-12-33 02008-12-33 02008-12-33

The Golden Compass → Shiny Entertainment Sega No TBA 02007-12-05 5 December 2007 02007-12-07 7 December 2007

Gothic IV → Piranha Bytes JoWood No TBA 2008 2008

Gran Turismo 5 → Polyphony Digital Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 2008 2008 2008

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue → Polyphony Digital Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-10 October 2007 02008--32March 2008 02007-12-32Q4 2007

Grand Theft Auto IV → Rockstar North Rockstar Games No TBA 02008-04-25 25 April 2008 03--32March 3

Guillermo Del Toro's Sundown → Terminal Reality TBA No TBA 2008 2008

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock → Neversoft Entertainment Red Octane No TBA 02007-11-23 23 November 2007 02007-10-29 29 October 2007

Hail to the Chimp → Wideload Games Gamecock Media Group No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box → Valve Corporation Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-10-26 26 October 2007 02007-12-11 11 December 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix → EA UK Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-06-28 28 June 2007 02007-06-25 25 June 2007

Haze → Free Radical Design Ubisoft Yes TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-18 18 March 2008

Heat → Gearbox Software TBA No TBA TBA 2008

Heavenly Sword → Ninja Theory Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-12-32Q4 2007 [42] 02007-09-14 14 September 2007 [43] 02007-09-12 12 September 2007 [44]

Heavy Rain → Quantic Dream Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 02008-09-32Q3 2008

HEI$T → InXile Entertainment Codemasters No TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Hellboy: The Science of Evil → Krome Studios Konami No TBA TBA 02008-06 June 2008

Heroes Over Europe → IR Gurus Interactive Red Mile Entertainment No TBA TBA TBA

Highlander → Widescreen Games Eidos Interactive No TBA TBA 2008

Hitman 5 → IO Interactive Eidos Interactive No TBA TBA TBA

Hydrophobia → Blade Interactive Blade Interactive No TBA TBA TBA

Imabikisou → Chunsoft Sega Yes 02007-10-25 25 October 2007 TBA TBA

The Incredible Hulk → Edge of Reality Sega No TBA 2008 2008

Indiana Jones → LucasArts LucasArts No TBA 02008-12-33 02008-12-33

InFamous → Sucker Punch Productions Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 2008 2008

Interstellar Marines → Zero Point Software TBA No TBA 02008-12-33 02008-12-33

Iron Man → Secret Level Sega No TBA TBA 2008

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier → Naughty Dog Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 2008

Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball → Konami Konami Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

John Carpenter's Psychopath → Titan Productions TBA No TBA TBA 2008

John Woo Presents: Stranglehold → Midway Chicago Midway Games No Unreleased 02007-11-30 30 November 2007 02007-10-29 29 October 2007

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights → Juice Games THQ No TBA 02007-10-12 12 October 2007 02007-09-24 24 September 2007

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men → IO Interactive Eidos Interactive No TBA 02007-11-23 23 November 2007 02007-11-13 13 November 2007

Killzone 2 → Guerilla Games Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 2008

The King of Fighters XII → SNK Playmore SNK Playmore No 02009-12-33 TBA TBA

Kurayami → Grasshopper Manufacture TBA Yes TBA TBA TBA

L.A. Noire → Team Bondi Rockstar Games Yes TBA TBA 02009-12-33

Lair → Factor 5 Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-09-32Q3 2007 02007-09-28 28 September 2007 02007-09-04 4 September 2007

The Last Remnant → Square Enix Square Enix No 02008-06-32Q2 2008 TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Legendary: The Box → Spark Unlimited Gamecock Media Group No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Lego Batman → Traveller's Tales Warner Bros. Interactive No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Lego Indiana Jones → Traveller's Tales LucasArts No TBA TBA 02008-06-32Q2 2008

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga → Traveller's Tales LucasArts No TBA 02007-11-06 6 November 2007 02007-11-06 6 November 2007

LittleBigPlanet → Media Molecule Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 02008-02 February 2008

Lost → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition → Capcom Capcom No 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Madagascar 2: The Crate Escape → DreamWorks Animation Activision No TBA TBA 2008

Madden NFL 07 → EA Tiburon Electronic Arts No 02007-04-26 26 April 2007 02007-07-30 30 July 2007 02006-11-14 14 November 2006

Madden NFL 08 → EA Tiburon Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-08-31 31 August 2007 02007-08-14 14 August 2007

Mafia II → Illusion Softworks 2K Games No TBA TBA 2008

Mahjong Fight Club Online → Konami Konami Yes 02006-11-16 16 November 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Mahjong Taikai IV → Koei Koei Yes 02006-11-22 22 November 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Mahjong-Oh → Warashi TBA Yes 02006-12-31 31 December 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Major League Baseball 2K7 → Kush Games 2K Sports No Unreleased Unreleased 02007-02-27 27 February 2007 [45]

Major League Baseball 2K8 → Kush Games 2K Sports No TBA TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Makai Wars → Nippon Ichi Nippon Ichi Yes 02006-12-31 31 December 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Martial Art → TBA D3 Publisher Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance → Raven Software Activision No 02007-05-17 17 May 2007 [46] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [47] 02006-11-07 7 November 2006 [48]

Marvel Showdown → EA Chicago Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 2008

Medal of Honor: Airborne → EA Los Angeles Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-12-12 12 December 2007 02007-11-19 19 November 2007

Megazone 23: Blue Garland → Compile Heart Compile Heart Yes 02007-09-13 13 September 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames → Pandemic Studios Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 02008-04 April 2008

Metal Gear Online → Kojima Productions Konami Yes 2008 2008 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots → Kojima Productions Konami Yes 02008-06-32Q2 2008[1] 02008-06-32Q2 2008[2] 02008-06-32Q2 2008[3]

Metro 2033: The Last Refuge → 4A Games TBA Yes TBA 2008 2008

Midnight Club: Los Angeles → Rockstar San Diego Rockstar Games No TBA TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Mirror's Edge → Digital Illusions Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 2008

Mist of Chaos → Idea Factory Never-Land Company Yes 02007-03-22 22 March 2007 Unreleased Unreleased

MLB 07: The Show → SCE Studios San Diego Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 02007-05-15 15 May 2007 [49]

MLB 08: The Show → SCE Studios San Diego Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA 0TBA

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai Yes 02006-11-11 11 November 2006 [50] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [51] 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [52]

Monster Madness: EX → Immersion Games Southpeak Interactive No TBA 2008 2008

Mortal Kombat 8 → Midway Games Midway Games No TBA TBA TBA

MotorStorm → Evolution Studios Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02006-12-14 14 December 2006 [53] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [54] 02007-03-06 6 March 2007 [55]

MotorStorm 2 → Evolution Studios Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 2008 2008 2008

MX vs. ATV Untamed → Evolution Studios Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 2008 2008 2008

Naruto: PS3 Project → CyberConnect2, Namco Namco Bandai Yes 2008 2008 2008

NASCAR 08 → EA Tiburon EA Sports No TBA 02007-08-10 10 August 2007 02007-07-23 23 July 2007

NBA 07 → SCE Studios San Diego Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-01-11 11 January 2007 [56] Unreleased 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [57]

NBA 08 → SCE Studios San Diego Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 02007-10-05 5 October 2007 02007-10-02 2 October 2007

NBA 2K7 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No Unreleased 02007-04-27 27 April 2007 [58] 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [59]

NBA 2K8 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No TBA 02007-10 October 2007 02007-10-02 2 October 2007

NBA Live 08 → EA Canada Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-10-26 26 October 2007 02007-10-02 2 October 2007

NBA Street: Homecourt → EA Canada Electronic Arts No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [60] 02007-03-08 8 March 2007 [61]

NCAA Football 08 → EA Tiburon Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 02007-07-17 17 July 2007

NCAA March Madness 08 → EA Canada Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 02007-12-11 11 December 2007

Need For Speed: Carbon → Black Box Electronic Arts No 02006-12-21 21 December 2006 [62] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [63] 02006-11-14 14 November 2006 [64]

Need For Speed: ProStreet → Black Box Electronic Arts No TBA 2007 02007-11-13 13 November 2007

NFL Tour → EA Tiburon Electronic Arts No TBA TBA 02008--08 8 2008

NHL 08 → EA Canada Electronic Arts No TBA 02007-09-32Q3 2007 02007-09-11 11 September 2007

NHL 2K7 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [65] 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [66]

NHL 2K8 → Visual Concepts 2K Sports No TBA 02007-09-32Q3 2007 02007-09-11 11 September 2007

Ni-Oh → Koei Koei Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 TBA TBA

Ninja Gaiden Sigma → Team Ninja Tecmo Yes 02007-06-14 14 June 2007 [67] 02007-07-06 6 July 2007 [68] 02007-07-03 3 July 2007 [69]

Nobi Nobi Boy → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai Yes TBA TBA TBA

Omikron 2 → Quantic Dream TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising → Codemasters Codemasters No TBA 2008 2008

The Outsider → Frontier Developments TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Parabellum → ACONY Games TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End → Eurocom Disney Interactive Studios No TBA 02007-05-25 25 May 2007 [70] 02007-05-22 22 May 2007 [71]

Possession → Blitz Games / Volatile Games TBA No TBA Unreleased TBA

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 → Konami Konami No TBA 02007-10-26 26 October 2007 TBA

Project Delta → Playlogic International Playlogic International No TBA TBA TBA

Project Offset → Offset Software TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Project Origin → Monolith Productions Warner Bros. Interactive No TBA TBA 2008

Project Witches → Revistronic TBA No TBA 2008 2008

Prototype → Radical Entertainment Sierra No TBA 2008 02008-09-32Q3 2008

Race Driver: GRID → Codemasters Codemasters No TBA TBA TBA

Rage → id Software TBA No TBA 2008 2008

Railfan → Ongakukan Ongakukan Yes 02006-12-21 21 December 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Rainy Woods → Access Games Marvellous Entertainment No TBA 2008 2008

Ratatouille → Heavy Iron Studios THQ No TBA TBA 02007-10-23 23 October 2007 [72]

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction → Insomniac Games Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 02007-10-23 23 October 2007 02007-10-23 23 October 2007

Record of Agarest War → Idea Factory Compile Heart Yes 02007-09-27 27 September 2007 TBA TBA

Redwood Falls → Kuju Entertainment TBA Yes TBA TBA TBA

Red Dead Revolver 2 → Rockstar San Diego Rockstar Games Yes TBA TBA 2008

Rengoku: The End of the Century → Neverland Hudson Soft Yes TBA TBA TBA

Resident Evil 5 → Capcom Capcom No 02009-12-33 02009-12-33 02009-12-33

Resistance: Fall of Man → Insomniac Games Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02006-11-11 11 November 2006 [73] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [74] 02006-11-14 14 November 2006 [75]

Resistance 2 → Insomniac Games Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA TBA

Ridge Racer 7 → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai Yes 02006-11-11 11 November 2006 [76] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [77] 02006-11-13 13 November 2006 [78]

Rise of the Argonauts → Codemasters Codemasters No TBA TBA 02008-09-32Q3 2008

Rock Band → Harmonix Music Systems MTV Games No TBA 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02007-11-20 20 November 2007 [79]

Rogue Warrior: Black Razor → Zombie Studios Bethesda Softworks No Unreleased [80] Unreleased [81] 02008-04 April 2008 [82]

Saboteur → Pandemic Studios TBA No TBA 2008 2008

Saikyou Ginsei Shogi → Magnolia TBA Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Saints Row 2 → Volition THQ No TBA TBA 2008

Schwarzenberg → Radon Labs TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Second Season 01 → Cellius Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA TBA TBA

Section 8 → TimeGate TBA No TBA TBA TBA

Sega Golf Club → Sega Sega Yes 02006-11-11 11 November 2006 Unreleased Unreleased

Sega Rally Revo → Sega Driving Studio Sega No TBA 02007-09-28 28 September 2007 02007-10-09 9 October 2007

Sega Superstar Tennis → Sumo Digital Sega No 02008-03 March 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008 02008-03-32Q1 2008

Sekai Saikyou Ginsei Igo → TBA Magnolia Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Severity → Escalation Studios CPL No TBA 02009-12-33 02009-12-33

ShadowClan → Tiger Hill Entertainment TBA No TBA TBA 02008-12-33

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 → Atlus Atlus Yes TBA TBA TBA

Shogi World Champion GEKISASHI → TBA Mainichi Communications Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Silent Hill V → The Collective Konami No Template:TBA Template:TBA Template:TBA

The Simpsons Game → Electronic Arts Electronic Arts No TBA TBA Template:Dts

SingStar → SCE London Studio Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA Template:Dts Template:Dts

Skate. → EA Black Box Electronic Arts No TBA Template:Dts Template:Dts

Slotter Mania → Dorasu Dorasu Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

SOCOM: Confrontation → Slant Six Games Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA Template:TBA Template:TBA

Soldier of Fortune: Pay Back → Activision Value Activision No TBA TBA Template:Dts [83]

Sonic the Hedgehog → Sonic Team Sega No Template:Dts [84] Template:Dts [85] Template:Dts [86]

Soulcalibur IV → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai No 2008 2008 Template:Dts

Spider-Man 3 → Treyarch Activision No TBA Template:Dts [87] Template:Dts [88]

Star Ocean 4 → tri-Ace Square Enix Yes 2008 TBA TBA

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed → LucasArts LucasArts No TBA TBA Template:TBA

Steambot Chronicles 2 → Irem TBA Yes 2007 TBA TBA

Street Fighter IV → Capcom Capcom No TBA TBA TBA

Stuntman Ignition → Paradigm Entertainment THQ No TBA Template:Dts Template:Dts

Sunrise Eiyūtan → Sunrise Interactive Sunrise Interactive Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Super Robot Taisen → Banpresto Banpresto Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Surf's Up → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No TBA Template:Dts Template:Dts

Tears to Tiara: Earth's Wreath → Aqua Plus Aqua Plus Yes 2008 TBA TBA

Tekken 6 → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai Yes 2008 2008 2008

Terra: Formations → Star Cave Studios TBA No TBA TBA TBA

THEY → Metropolis Software TBA No TBA 2009 2009

Tiberium → EA Los Angeles Electronic Arts No TBA 2008 2008

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 → EA Redwood Shores Electronic Arts No TBA Template:Dts [89] Template:Dts [90]

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 → EA Redwood Shores Electronic Arts No TBA Template:Dts Template:Dts

Time Crisis 4 → Namco Bandai Namco Bandai Yes Template:TBA Template:TBA Template:Dts

TimeShift → Saber Interactive Sierra Entertainment No TBA Template:Dts 02007-11-19 19 November 2007

TimeSplitters 4 → Free Radical Design TBA No TBA TBA TBA

TNA Impact! → Midway Studios - Los Angeles Midway Games No TBA TBA 2008

To End All Wars → Chemistry Ghostlight No TBA TBA TBA

Tom Clancy's Air Combat → Ubisoft Romania Ubisoft No TBA 2008 02008-12-33 2008

Tom Clancy's EndWar → Ubisoft Shanghai Ubisoft No TBA 02008-06-32 Q2 2008 02008-03 March 2008

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 → Red Storm Entertainment Ubisoft No 02007-12-33 2007 [91] 02007-09-31 Q3 2007 [92] 02007-08-31 31 August 2007 [93]

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No 02007-12-33 2007 [94] 02007-06-29 29 June 2007 [95] 02007-06-26 26 June 2007 [96]

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 → Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft No TBA Template:TBA Template:TBA

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent → Ubisoft Shanghai Ubisoft No TBA 02007-03-30 30 March 2007 [97] 02007-03-27 27 March 2007 [98]

Tomb Raider: Underworld → Crystal Dynamics Eidos Interactive No TBA 2008 2008

Tony Hawk's Project 8 → Neversoft Activision No TBA 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [99] 02006-11-17 17 November 2006 [100]

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground → Neversoft Activision No TBA 02007-10-31 31 October 2007 02007-10-15 15 October 2007

Top Spin 3 → Indie Built 2K Sports No TBA 02008-03-32 Q1 2008 02008-03-32 Q1 2008

Transformers → Traveller's Tales Activision No TBA 02008-03-32 July 20, 2007 02008-03-32 June 26, 2007

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty → Spark Unlimited Codemasters No TBA 02007-12-32 Q4 2007 02008-01 January 2008

Turok → Propaganda Games Touchstone Studios No TBA 02008-02-05 5 February 2008 02008-02-05 5 February 2008

UEFA Euro 2008 → TBA Electronic Arts No TBA 02008-6-18 Q2 2008 TBA

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune → Naughty Dog Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-12-06 6 December 2007 02007-12-07 7 December 2007 02007-11-19 19 November 2007

Unreal Tournament 3 → Epic Games Midway Games Timed TBA 02008-2-15 Q1 2008 02007-11 10 December 2007

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom → Sony Online Entertainment Sony Online Entertainment Yes 02007-02-22 22 February 2007 [101] 02007-05-04 4 May 2007 [102] 02006-11-15 15 November 2006 [103]

Urban Mysteries → Zeitguyz TBA No TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Valkyrie of the Battlefield: Gallian Chronicles → Sega Sega Yes TBA TBA TBA

Value 2000 Igo → Magnolia TBA Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Value 2000 Shougi → Magnolia TBA Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

Vampire Rain: Altered Species → Artoon AQ Interactive No 02007-12-32 Q4 2007 TBA TBA

Viking: Battle for Asgard → Creative Assembly Sega No TBA TBA 02008-03-32 Q1 2008

Virtua Fighter 5 → Sega-AM2 Sega No 02007-02-08 8 February 2007 [104] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [105] 02007-02-20 20 February 2007 [106]

Virtua Tennis 3 → Hitmaker Sega No 02007-03-08 8 March 2007 [107] 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [108] 02007-03-20 20 March 2007 [109]

Voltage → IBA Lexicon Entertainment No TBA TBA 02008-11-17 Q4 2008

The Wall → World Forge Play Ten Interactive No TBA 02008-03-32 Q1 2008 02008-03-32 Q1 2008

Wangan Midnight → Genki Genki Yes TBA Unreleased Unreleased

WarDevil - Unleash The Beast Within → Digi-Guys Ignition Entertainment Yes 02008-12-33 2008 02008-12-33 2008 02008-12-33 2008

Warhawk → Incognito Entertainment Sony Computer Entertainment Yes TBA 02007-09-21 21 September 2007 02007-08-28 28 August 2007

Way of the Samurai 3 → Spike Spike Yes 02008-12-33 2008 Unreleased Unreleased

WET → A2M Sierra No TBA 02008-12-33 2008 02008-12-33 2008

White Knight Chronicles → Level-5 Sony Computer Entertainment Yes 02007-12-31 31 December 2007 TBA 02008-12-33 2008

The Wheelman → Midway Games / Tigon Midway Games No TBA 02007-12-14 14 December 2007 02008-02 February 2008

World Series of Poker: Battle for the Bracelets → Left Field Productions, Inc. Activision No TBA TBA 02007-9-25 25 September 2007

World Snooker Championship 2007 → Blade Interactive Sega No Unreleased 02007-03-23 23 March 2007 [110] Unreleased

WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 → YUKE's Future Media Creators THQ No TBA 02007-11-15 15 November 2007 02007-11-13 13 November 2007

X Quest → Spectrum MediaWorks TBA No TBA TBA 02008-12-33 2008

Yakuza: Kenzan! → Sega Sega Yes 02008-06-32 March 6, 2008 TBA TBA


[edit] Untitled / Working title Games

Title Developer Publisher

ActiveDogs → MTO MTO

Airtight Project → Airtight Games

Akari P.J. → Takuyo Takuyo

Alien FPS Project → Gearbox Software Sega

Alien RPG Project → Obsidian Entertainment Sega

Angel Rings → Sony Computer Entertainment Sony Computer Entertainment

AQ Interactive PS3 Project → AQ Interactive

BB → Ark System Works Ark System Works

Big Huge Games RPG → Big Huge Games THQ

Bipedal Movement Simulation → Artdink Artdink

Bizarre Creations Racing Project → Bizarre Creations Activision Blizzard

Capcom PS3 Action Project → Capcom Capcom

Cavia PS3 Action-RPG → cavia, inc.

Codename: Panzers Next-Gen → StormRegion

Cryptic Studios MMO Project → Cryptic Studios

Crytek Project → Crytek

CyberFront PS3 Puzzle Project → CyberFront Corporation

CyberFront PS3 Simulation #1 → CyberFront Corporation

CyberFront PS3 Simulation #2 → CyberFront Corporation

Datam PS3 Adventure → Datam Polystar

Derby Stallion → Enterbrain

Destineer Spy Project → Destineer

Epic Next-Gen Project #1 → Epic Games

Epic Next-Gen Project #2 → Epic Games

Ertain PS3 Action Project → Ertain

ESP PS3 Action Project → Entertainment Software Publishing

Factor 5 Project #2 → Factor 5

Fantasy Lab Project → Fantasy Lab

Game Arts Project → Game Arts

Genki PS3 Samurai Action Project → Genki

Global A PS3 Comical Action Project → Global A Entertainment

Global A PS3 Comical Simulation Project → Global A Entertainment

Goodnavigate Mystery Adventure → Goodnavigate

Gretzky NHL → Page 44 Studios Sony Computer Entertainment

Gust PS3 RPG Project → Gust

Hackberry Pachinko Simulator → Hackberry

Hamster PS3 Management Simulation → Hamster Corporation

Hudson Soft PS3 RPG Project → Hudson Soft

Illusion Softworks Project → Illusion Softworks

InExile Project → InExile

Interchannel PS3 Adventure → Interchannel

Irem PS3 Action-Adventure → Irem

Iron Lore Project → Iron Lore

James Bond 007 → Treyarch Activision

Konami PS3 Action Project → Konami Konami

Konami PS3 RPG → Konami Konami

Little House in the Plateau → Success

LMNO Project → EA Los Angeles Electronic Arts

LucasArts/Free Radical Project → Free Radical Design LucasArts

Luxoflux Next-Gen Project → Luxoflux Activision

Marionette PS3 War Simulation → Marionette

Marvelous PS3 Action Project → Marvelous Interactive

Master P.J. → Takuyo Kougyo

Media-mix Game Project Featuring Anime → Namco Bandai

MediaWorks PS3 New Type Adventure → MediaWorks

Namco PS3 RPG → Namco Bandai

Namco PS3 Sports Project → Namco Bandai

Naruto: PS3 Project → CyberConnect2 Namco Bandai

Naxat Plan → Digital Gain

Nikitova Project → Nikitova

Now Production New Style Action Project → Now Production

Prince of Persia: Ghosts of the Past → Ubisoft Ubisoft

Project New Jersey → Obsidian Entertainment

Project Strike Team → Codemasters

Pterodon FPS Project → Pterodon Software

Relic Strategy Project → Relic THQ

Returning Alive → Astroll

Rockstar PS3 Exclusive Project → Rockstar Games

Sarugechu PS3 Project → SCE Japan Studio Sony Computer Entertainment

The Scourge Project → Tragnarion Studios

Shaun White Snowboarding → Ubisoft

Silicon Knights Next-Gen Project → Silicon Knights Sega

Square Enix Next-Gen MMORPG → Square Enix Square Enix

Starbreeze Next-Gen Project → Starbreeze Studios Vivendi

Success PS3 RPG → Success

Sunsoft PS3 Simulation → Sunsoft

Surreal Software Project → Midway Games

Team ICO PS3 Project → Team ICO Sony Computer Entertainment

Team Siren Project → SCE Japan Studio Sony Computer Entertainment

Terminator (working title) → Halcyon Games

thatgamecompany PS3 Project #2 → thatgamecompany

thatgamecompany PS3 Project #3 → thatgamecompany

tri-Crescendo PS3 Project → tri-Crescendo

Twisted Metal 6 → Incognito

Vigil Games Project → THQ

Vision Racing Driving Simulator → Sony Online Entertainment

Wipeout PS3 Project → SCE London Studio Sony Computer Entertainment

World Tour Soccer PS3 Project → SCE London Studio Sony Computer Entertainment

Xtreme → Taito

Yamasa DigiWorld DX → Sony Online Entertainment Sony Online Entertainment

Zipper Interactive PS3 Project → Zipper Interactive

Zombie FPS Project → Zombie Studios

[edit] References




[edit] External links

Retrieved from ""

Categories: Articles to be merged since May 2007 | Dynamic lists | PlayStation 3 games | Video game lists by platform



SO, GET THE PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.