2009-11-23 17:58:55 UTC
also check out our [url=]Recruitment Montage[/url]
Me and a few friends decided to create a clan that got everyone together to play fun customs on Halo 3 and other games are now involved such as MW2. Here is a taste of what we do at Sierra 259
Sierra 259 offers large player based custom games, tournaments for prizes, forge contests for prizes, playing in large groups of people such as squad battle and big team battle, screenshot challenges and contests, play campaign and firefight, pulling all nighters with friends, a Halo 2 night every once in a while or when requested, helping you get recon or any achievment that requires multiplayer to get we will offer assistance, a chance to vote on each poll that anyone posts in the forums (there aren't much but there are a few), and many other things that I just can't think of right now.
You can search for us by typing in Sierra 259. We're a rather new group so need new members and need some people that can be active in forums and would like to do custom games. My goal is to try and get more people so that when we do custom games they are full and fun and we can do a variety. We don't focus on doing just basic games like team slayer for customs. (anyone can go to matchmaking with that) we like to focus on doing fun and different games. Just ask any member about Halo on Halo (probably our main custom game that we have to get in every time). So if that interests you check us out. Post the forums see what you think. We dont require you to change anything about your Gamertag or your armor or symbol. Just want a place where people can all get together and have fun. It isnt like a huge contract. If you dont like it you can leave so no harm or anything in joining. Give us a try we will welcome you.
We accept free thinking players that can really contribute to the Sierra 259 community. Each weekend we will do a different group activity so we can get to know everyone in our community. We usually end up doing custom games like I stated earlier or doing dome game battles. We have a team and we need some good players for that :)
Sierra 259 is an open group so anyone can join dedicated to mulltiplayer games games such as Halo3, Modern Warfare 2, or any game you want to play that can have a few people in it. We are video game junkies so we (especially me) have plenty of video games so a good chance we both have the same game.
There are opportunities for both the competitive gamers and the casual players. Hosting our own tournaments with prizes is just one of many ways you can be involved with the group for hours of nonstop entertainment. We offer things like rank ups and if the group is successful we will even start offereing things like XBL trials, microsoft points or things of that nature.
With a steadily growing membership, there are openings for those wishing to have input into the direction of the groups focus while at the same time offering a place for those who wish to just be along for the ride. Team games, individual games, forum and article posting, montage creation, MLG/Gamebattle competitions and socializing are all available at this time. Our growing community also has room for new and fresh ideas for our members to bring to the table.
If you enjoy these types of activities or want to take the initiative to implement new activities to share with the other members, we want you as an asset to our group.
Everyone is welcome here as long as you bring your positive attitude and a love for the games. We do not discriminate by age, gender, race, or religion. At the moment, we are populated with male and female(? maybe never really asked about that) members. A wide age range (from what I know its 13 to about 26) also gives us a diverse outlook on every aspect of the group. From pre-teens to adults with children of their own, there is someone here for you to connect with, making your experience very enjoyable and fulfilling.
Feel free to browse the forum, read the pinned articles and check out our diverse group of members. If you have any questions, just send private message to one of our members so they may answer or forward to the appropriate person to get you the answers you need.
Ranking up is easy as well because I am not too strict on things like that. Just once we trust you or you play games and prove yourself active you will get an easy rank up.
Mythic Leader
Ibanez Gio