Cheat: Unlock All Cheats
To unlock all cheats, enter the phrase "watch_me_xplode" at the Cheats menu.
Cheat: Play The Sons Of Tony
Go to the create-a-skater menu and enter one of the two names to play as Tony's sons: Spencer Hawk or Riley Hawk.
Cheat: All On Specials
Type DOASUPER on the cheats screen.
Cheat: Flawless Manuals
Type MULLENPOWER at the cheats screen.
Cheat: Flawless Railing
Type SSBSTS on the cheats screen.
Unlockable: Eddie From Iron Maiden
To unlock Eddie (Iron Maiden's mascot), AKA Metal Head, simply save up $9,000.00 and buy him in the Spend Cash section. Eddie has two special airs and one special grind.
Unlockable: Daisy
In order to unlock Daisy you must 100% the game (including finding all gaps) and have earned $100,000. Alternatively, you can enter "(o)(o)" as a password to unlock her.
Unlockable: Jango Fett
To unlock Jango Fett, AKA Star Warrior, simply save up $9,000.00 and buy him in the Spend Cash section. Jango has two special airs and one special grind.
Unlockable: Mike Vallely
To unlock Mike Vallely, AKA World's Toughest Pro Skater, simply save up $9,000.00 and buy him in the Spend Cash section. Mike has two special airs and one special grind.
Hint: Secret Created Skaters
Enter one of the names listed below to create a pre-made secret skater:
Aaron Skillman
Adam Lippman
Andrew Skates
Andy Marchal
Atiba Jefferson
Ben Scott Pye
Big Tex
Brian Jennings
Captain Liberty
Chauwa Steel
Chris Peacock
Dave Stohl
Fakes The Clown
Gary Jesdanun
Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jim Jagger
Joe Favazza
John Rosser
Kevin Mulhall
Lindsey Hayes
Lisa G Davies
Little Man
Marilena Rixfor
Mat Hoffman
Matt Mcpherson
Maya's Daddy
Meek West
Mike Day
Mike Lashever
Mike Ward
Mr. Brad
Nolan Nelson
Parking Guy
Pete Day
Rick Thorne
Stacey D
Stacey Ytuarte
Stealing Is Bad
Team Chicken
Ted Barber
Todd Wahoske
Top Bloke
Zac ZiG Drake
When I say "basics" I do not mean the X button (on PS2, at least) will make you ollie or that you have to put the game disc in your console to play it. For that I would need to write a guide for the guide. I am assuming a rudimentary knowledge of controls. Anything more basic than this material is covered in a small, stapled booklet Activision snuck into the game case.
These are small suggestions and tips that will up your scores and extend your combos. Consider it overall strategy. Learn it, love it, live it.
A Trick Set of One's Own
I hate to sound cocky, but people often ask how I pull off such big scores. The most important bit of advice I can share is that you should immediately reset all the skaters' special moves. After you clear them replace them with commands with which you are comfortable. And -- this is extremely important -- use the same commands for all your skaters. I find opposite directions the easiest, so most of my special moves involve up-down or side-side movements. There are, of course, more than eight special trick slots, and the game doesn't allow for double depressions in the same direction for special moves, but with this simple arrangement you'll eliminate the trouble of looking up each character's moves. You'll skate with the knowledge that up-down-grind will always get you a darkslide. Simple yet powerful.
Less is More
Nothing will crash your runs faster than a heavy thumb. Train yourself to balance with small, quick thumb movements. The game takes a fraction of the second to react. If you hold down the D-pad, or analog stick if you're insane, long enough to see the balance meter change, then the next thing you'll see is yourself bailing. A series of small adjustments will set you straight most of the time. And try not to panic when the meter is far to either side.
Set Spawn Points
One of the most convenient new features of the game is the custom spawn point. This is especially useful if you're gap hunting in a difficult area, i.e. tall rooftop. In the Start screen you'll see the Set Custom Start option. As soon as you select it, the game makes your current position your new spawn point. Simply return to the Start menu and select Go To Custom Start and you're back where you were. It's there, so use it.
You're Special!
The special meter, obviously, tells you when you pull special tricks. Moreover, when it's lit all of your abilities are slightly increased. You'll balance better, air higher, etc. In other words, trick often and don't bail. When you got it up, keep it up.
The Lay of the Land
Perhaps more then any other game in the series, THPS4 is full of valuable landmarks. For instance, each ride at the carnival has its own name. In order to make sense of parts of this guide, and to generally orient yourself, you should take note of named landmarks.
People Get Ready
I consider this tip somewhat advanced, but if you get this into your head early on you're bound for greatness. The balance meter, as you should know, doesn't reset during ollies. In other words, if you're about to bail, then ollie, and then land in another grind, you'll most likely eat it. However, you can anticipate this and start balancing slightly before you land. It takes precise timing, but it can greatly extend a grind/manual.
Correct Yourself
The most useful new control in THPS4 is the spine transfer function, which also acts as a bail recovery system. Just as you should always have the grind button held when you land even somewhat close to an obstacle, you should use this button frequently. It not only levels you out from a poorly executed air trick, but also often allows you to land grinding on an obstacle. This sort of midair redirection seemed to be a bug in earlier versions of the game, but you can take full advantage in THPS4.
Repeat Yourself for No Man
THPS4 does not like skaters who try to pull the same tricks over and over. Your point ward decreases with each repetition. That said, you have to learn to vary your repertoire. Try to change up flip tricks as much as possible, using double and triple tap tricks during big airs.
Keep Pressing
This should be in the game booklet but isn't. You can perform double kickflips and heelflips with two taps, but, more importantly, you can get triple flips with three quick presses. Likewise, additional air tricks are possible with multiple taps. To further confuse you, double directions before a grab, air, or grind will result in even more tricks. This an extremely easy way to maximize the point award for a long run. Double or triple button presses are relatively easy to throw in the mix and you'll be greatly rewarded.
Again and Again
This is more for you gap hunters, but will affect general play as well. I learned early on that collisions that trigger gaps and such are often very narrow. If you think you're doing the right thing, but you're not getting your goal, then give it another try. Try changing your timing by small amounts and run the run over.
On to the cast?
Each skater has his or her own Pro Challenge. After you reach 90 Pro Points -- they're tallied in the top right corner of your screen -- you have access to all of them. (This is a much better system than THPS3, where you had to finish the game with way too many skaters to really complete it.) When the Pro Challenges become available, you revisit the levels, with any skater, and test your skills at some seriously difficult goals.
Each of the skaters has his or her natural bent. Some are vert skaters, some flatland. However, you can compensate for natural ability with stat points, which you should allocate carefully. Each also has his or her preferred special move/s. Like I said in the introduction, you should immediately go through the options menu and reassign the combo moves for the specials. Keep the actual moves if you will, but make the commands something familiar.
While setting up for the Pro Challenges, you might get the message that your skater needs specific special tricks. (For example, you have to use the Indy 900 for Tony Hawk's Pro Challenge at the College.) If you haven't totally reassigned the actual special moves, then you won't see this little message. If you did, then simply add the requisite tricks to their repertoire in the options menu and get to skating.
Each Pro Challenge will earn you $1,250.00. In order of appearance?
Tony Hawk
Mr. Hawk's Pro Challenge is on the College level. The challenge is to pull three sets of three tricks off while gapping across the Fine Arts building. You don't have do the tricks in a combo, but it's still somewhat tricky. To add to the challenge, the ramps get farther apart with each set. Each set, naturally, is more difficult than the last. The only real hard one is set three, in which you have to pull off three special tricks (Indy 900, Barrel Roll, and Varial McTwist) while crossing an enormous gap.
The game tells you what to do, so there's no mystery. As for advice, it's simple to say but hard to do. Don't launch at too harsh an angle, even when you see such a huge gap. You need plenty of hang time to pull off the specials. Secondly, pull the tricks as quickly as you can. Don't wait to see how you're lined up for a landing before entering the commands for the Indy 900.
Bob Burnquist
Bob's Pro Challenge takes you to the Zoo. The challenge is based on the gapped loop that Bob actually made in real life. Take a loop, which is frightening enough, and then take away to top-most portion. You get to see this madness in the video. This challenge isn't very difficult, but it's still frustrating. Luckily, it's one of the faster and more entertaining goals in the game.
Like Hawks Pro Challenge, you must pull off three sets of tricks. Each set is more difficult than the last and the gap gets wider with each trio. Don't worry too much about clearing the gap, as with moderate speed you'll sail right across. Worry more about keeping a straight line and pulling tricks extremely early. As a general hint, anticipate the edge of the ramp and ollie before you're there. If you wait until the edge, you'll bail when you land. Also, pay attention to the Xs that mark the center of the ramp. Use them to line up for a successful transfer.
The first too sets are easy. The game tells you what you have to pull off and the tricks aren't very challenging. However, in the final set you have to nail two specials (Samba Flip and Sit Down Air) and don't have much time. Build up your special with the QPs on either end of the loop. Take a few practice runs before you try the specials, as the increased gap distance makes for somewhat tricky landings. After you know your line, hit the tricks. Again, ollie early and enter the commands as soon as you leave the ground. That's all there is to it.
Steve Caballero
Cab's Pro Challenge takes place in the Kona skatepark. The challenge involves pulling alternating high (air) and low (lip) tricks while running the ramp with a BMX rider. Again, this is based on Cab's real life antics.
This is one of the easiest challenges in the game, as it involves no particularly hard tricks and you have plenty of time and guidance. The key is to pull off the tricks in the right places. For the lip tricks you have to nail them very close to the orange arrow. Don?t just run around the ramp willy-nilly, as you'll get nothing for your trouble. Listen for audible cues from the rider as well. When you hear him tell you to go low or high, get ready to pull lip or air tricks, respectively.
Kareem Campbell
Kareems's Pro Challenge takes you to sunny San Francisco. One of the more frustrating challenges in the game, it involves three sets of tricks that must be pulled over the building gap where you spawn. The first set includes single tricks - very easy. The second set involves combos - still easy. The last challenge is a five-trick combo that is difficult.
It's important to know two things about this challenge. Firstly, you don't have to pull off all the called tricks. You simply have to keep up. After pulling off called tricks for a while, the game will automatically move to the next leg of the challenge. Often it pays to wait, as double tricks might be called out.
Secondly, you don't have to perform all the tricks in the combos while over the gap. You simply have to include one of the tricks over the gap. For instance, you can kickflip, then air the gap with a heelflip, then land and continue the chain. This makes it a lot easier, as you can pull of two flip tricks on each side of the gap and maintain enough speed to cross it.
Lastly, keep you special meter blinking for this one. Do some land tricks to build it up, because you'll need the extra speed and balance for the five-trick combo.
Rune Glifberg
I only hope Rune's life isn't as hard as this challenge. Just so you know: You will attempt this challenge, leave pissed off, attempt it again, leave pissed off, etc. The challenge takes you to Alcatraz, where you have five minutes too pull off eight individual tricks, all the while staying in the double pool area near the water tower. For this challenge you need to use the spine transfer, be able to launch enormous airs, air with precision, and keep lip balance. You also need three special moves: the Heelflip Handflip, the Backfoot Flip Nosegrab, and the On Foot Blunt. If you don't get the first two called tricks immediately, then restart. You will need plenty of time for the last couple.
First up is a Heelflip Handflip while spine transferring the pools. Build up your special as soon as you spawn -- a couple of nice air tricks from the start will get it -- and then pull the special. I find it easier to enter the special command and then hold the spine transfer button.
Keep your line straight and head for number two, which is a lip trick on the water tower. Pay attention to the required lip trick, as you don't want to waste time repeating such an easy leg of the challenge.
Land, spine transfer the pools, and then do the required air trick over the plank high up on the side of the prison, which is the third called trick. There's a kid standing on the plank. Launch at a very shallow angle, as you're going to air so high that the slightest angle will get you over the plank.
Number four is the first difficult section of the challenge. You have to pull an eggplant on the roof of the prison. Yes, the ROOF. There's really no secret to this one; it's simply hard. Keep a straight line back and forth in the pool where you landed from the plank air. Don't skate in the center, though; you'll just slam into the plank. Build up your special meter, pull some big airs, and boneless out of the pool toward the roof. Make sure you enter the right command, as you won't be hitting the roof lip very often. Most likely, you will not hit the lip and will thin you're doing something wrong. You aren't. Keep at it, boneless late, and you will eventually hit the roof.
For the fifth trick, head to the opposite end of the pools. You must spine transfer over the TOP of the water tower and land inside the empty tower. You can easily transfer the lower edge, but you get nothing for it. Coming off the roof trick, this is cake. Just build up speed, pull a boneless, and hold the spine transfer button.
You get a break with number six. Well, it will feel like a break after what you've done thus far. You simple have to pull a 50,000-point combo inside the water tower. Use you special airs and revert and you'll get it with a few tries. Do not, however, grind. The inside edge of the tower is very tight. It's very difficult to start grinding and then land it while staying inside the tower, which you must do.
The seventh trick isn't very hard in itself, but it's easy to launch poorly. You must spine transfer out of the tower and into the pool from whence you came while pulling off a Backfoot Flip Nosegrab. Skate back and forth through the center of the water tower and keep a straight run. Simply boneless out off the tank, enter the special, and then spine transfer. The trick is to keep a straight launch. It's very easy to launch sideways and end up in the bay or tumbling through the big pipes.
Lastly, you have to pull your special lip trick on the Grommet. What the hell is the Grommet? On the high bar above the water tower you will see a skater holding a skateboard above his head. It's relatively easy to hit the lip at his feet. You, however, have to pull your trick on top of the skateboard. Don't try to air directly to the Grommet Gap. Instead, pull a lip trick at his feet, then ollie, and then quickly enter the command for the special lip trick. If done correctly, you will hop up onto the skateboard above his head and land in your special. Hold it for a few seconds and you're done.
Now have a beer.
Eric Koston
You only need one ability for this challenge: grind balance. The challenge takes you to the Shipyard, where you must grind three incredibly long cables. There is no secret at all. Remember to tap the D-pad very gingerly to maintain balance, as dramatic shifts will get you nowhere. The second leg involves a slightly uphill grind, so you might have to throw in some ollies to keep speed, but that's cake compared to keeping balance. Do not ollie off the end of the cable. The game will automatically respawn you at the next cable at the end of your grind.
Bucky Lasek
Bucky's challenge takes place on a huge decaying double HP in the Shipyard. The goal is to get five progressively larger combos: 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, and 250,000 points. To make things harder, sections of the ramp break away after each combo is achieved. There's no secrets or tricks, per se, but there are some general guidelines that are helpful.
Firstly, do NOT use your special airs for the first couple combos. You'll need them later and don't want their values to be decreased. Secondly, you can use the railing that surrounds that platform for the combos. The best way to use it is to pull some big special airs and then manual over to it, jumping into a special grind when you're there.
Also, while you're there, grab three gaps so you don't have to revisit the challenge. Transfer between the spine ramps for the channel gap; transfer between the white ramps to grab the Big Hole Gap; lip trick on the lower roof; and lip trick on the upper roof. Right there you'll grab four useful gaps.
Bam Margera
Bam's Pro Challenge, naturally, takes you to Alcatraz. The challenge is called the Shopping Cart Slam and involves three shopping cart race heats, each more difficult than the last. Much like the slalom in Kona, you can't air or crash.
The first race is the easiest: Simply navigate the switchbacks from the cellblock to the starting point by the tourist ferry. Use this leg to get familiar with the general behavior of the shopping cart and the layout of the track. When you get the sewage HP near the power plant, hit the small ramp at the end straight on. With hope you'll air over the building and land near the end of the challenge.
The second race uses the same layout but involves hurdles. The trick is to take the ends of the switchbacks as widely as possible. This will slightly decrease your speed and give you a second to see what's coming. Keep in mind that there's a hurdle right at the power plant. You pretty much have to jump immediately after taking the turn.
The third is a slalom race. Additionally, it takes you through the power plant instead of through the sewage HP. Again, take the 180 switchback turns very wide and remember to go through the power plant. That's really all the guidance I can give you on this annoying, though admittedly hilarious, challenge.
Rodney Mullen
If you've ever seen Rodney Mullen skate, even if it was just previous THPS movies, then you could probably guess that this would be a pretty tricky Pro Challenge. The challenge takes place in Kona and involves three progressively larger combos. You need the Semi Flip and the Rusty Slide Manual for this challenge.
The first combo is comprised of three flip tricks and is very easy. The second combo includes air and flatland tricks, so keep your revert button at the ready. The simplest path is the straight line between the QPs and across the trick box. Keep your special meter up for the added balance. The last combo is a biggie, but isn't bad if you've mastered balance. Build up your special meter and follow the same line as you did for combo number two. Be ready to pull the special tricks. You don't want to reach the last called trick only to get caught reading the commands while trying to balance.
Chad Muska
This is the dumbest Pro Challenge of the game and involves no real strategy or forethought. It takes place in San Francisco and requires no specific special tricks. You are challenged to lay down tracks by a record producer. Pull tricks to keep up with the beat. Try not to repeat tricks and don't bail and you'll nail it the first try.
Andrew Reynolds
Another easy San Francisco Pro Challenge. You have 3:30 to pull of three tricks (ollie, double kickflip, and triple heelflip at each spot) over five big gaps. Kicker ramps have been set up in plain sight and you only have to nail one trick per launch. Incredibly straightforward, you simply gain speed and ollie or boneless off the ramps.
For the Fountain gap, use the two handrails in front of you to build speed. It looks like you're going to smash into the fountain itself, but you won't.
Just keep the special meter up and time your launches and you'll be through in no time.
Geoff Rowley
Geoff's Pro Challenge takes you to sunny London, where you'll be required to perform three progressively runs over three big-*** gaps. When you first get to the spots you'll be very discouraged, as they seem hard enough to simply gap, let alone gap with some flips, airs, and grinds thrown in. You need the Rowley Darkslide (naturally) and the Caspr Flip 360 Flip for the challenge.
The game will give you very specific instructions about what you have to do and where you have to do it, so there's no mystery to this one. The only guidance I can give you is that you should carefully consider what tricks you nave to do before taking off. The trick command line will be shown I the upper right corner of the screen. Keep it in mind and think about your run before you take it. Be ready to hit the diagonal commands, which can be more difficult than simple left/right/up/down moves.
Lastly, the for the first challenge, use the railing in front of you to build speed to launch over the street. This will also line you up perfectly with the rail you have to land on (while grinding) at the other side.
Elissa Steamer
Elissa's Pro Challenge is another huge gap test, this time in Alcatraz. There are three gaps with three runs at each gap. Each run involves a progressively more difficult trick/combo. The key to this challenge is speed, of which you need a lot to clear the gaps at all, let alone with tricks thrown in. Thankfully, there is at least one rail or ledge on which you can grind up your speed before hitting the ramp at the gap.
The first gap (Guard's Walk 2 Step Planks) takes you over the tall wall next to the exercise yard. You start up by the tower. Grind the small planter in front of you and then ollie onto a grind on the handrail leading toward the slope in front of the tall wall. Skate up the slope and then boneless just before the path levels off. You'll sail over the wall. You must land on the plywood planks on the steps to get the goal. The second run requires a triple kickflip and the third requires a Judo Madonna.
The second gap is the Massie Crumbling Stairset. Probably the easiest of the three, all you have to do is grind the railing next to you at the spawn point for some speed. Skate straight off the rail and then ollie or boneless down the stairs. The second run requires both a grab and flip trick linked together. The third requires a Judo Madonna.
The last gap is an enormous air from the top of the switchbacks to the sewer HP a few flights down. In reality, this would kill any skater. Heh. Anyway, skate straight from the spawn point and grind the metal handrail. Important: DO NOT OLLIE OFF THE END. That will send you sailing over the ramp you have to hit. Just grind off the edge of the railing and you'll pretty much hit the kicker ramp set up for you. You need your special meter full and you have to boneless as late as possible to make it all the way to the bottom of the level for the gap. The second run involves a grab and flip trick linked. The final run involves a triple heelflip and Judo Madonna. For the final run you really just need to start your tricks as soon as you launch.
Jamie Thomas
Jamie's Pro Challenge takes you back to the College for a mad dash of ten tricks. The idea is that you have one day to nail all of the photo spots. The game gives you plenty of direction and the tricks aren't hard, but you have little time. If you don't accomplish the first few on the first tries, then restart, as you'll surely run out of time for the last one. Follow the arrows and pull the single tricks for the first nine. They are all very easy. The only pain is the flip trick over the tennis net, simply because the game's detection is crappy here for some reason. You must pull the trick right at the arrow, not just over the net.
The only secret is getting to the roof quickly for the last trick, which is a Benihana across the QP gap from the Fine Arts building to the English building. (You should know which these are by now because you've no-doubt pulled grinds and/or lips tricks on the various edges. If you don't know which buildings they are, then take a minute to familiarize yourself with the layout. There are only a few buildings. It's not rocket science.) To get to the roof, enter the double glass doors of the Fine Arts building. The doors face the large courtyard area between the buildings. In the hallway you'll see an elevator. Take the lift to the roof and you'll see an arrow hanging over the gap between the ramps.
Now that you know how the pros skate, let's walk through the rest of the game...
Unlocked Goals
Get a High Score: 40,000 Points
Nothing to see here? Move along.
Collect the S-K-A-T-E- Letters
S: Above the awning of the elementary school door on the street next to the parking garage. Simply grind one of the handrails and ollie at the end and you'll sail into it.
K: Go to the second level of the garage. Line up facing the street heading toward the frat house. Ollie and grind the power line and you'll run into the K.
A: Get onto the second floor of the frat house using the garbage truck, the store next to the frat house, or the QP near the stadium. Simply ollie off the frat house into the A.
T: Hovering above the QP at the Fine Arts building. (Remember which building is which.)
E: Use the HP in front of the Engineering building to get onto the second floor. Either spine transfer or just grind the rail. Head right on the second floor and grab the E, which dangles between the handrails.
Collect the C-O-M-B-O Letters
This will be your first go at one of the best additions to the franchise. It's like gathering the S-K-A-T-E letters, but you need to do it in one combo. This one is hella easy. Skate forward from the goal spawn point. Ollie onto the railing and hold the grind. You'll grind right into the first four letters. Ollie over the break in the rail at the footbridge and grin into the last O and you're golden.
Race the Inline Skater
A dumb and incredibly easy challenge. Pay attention to the red arrow for general direction and keep between the flags on the run. You'll get it first try.
Nail the Tricks They Yell Out
Another new challenge for the series, this involves keeping up with the list of tricks the skaters call out. The list on screen grows and you'll eventually fail if you don't keep up. The trick is to nail two at once when possible. Also, you only have to nail a trick once to knock out any instances of it on the list. For instance, if heelflip pops up four times, you only need one to erase all four from the list. If you're having problems, keep restarting until tricks you like and/or multiples are listed right from the get go. It's cheap but it does the trick.
Get Back at the Five Frat Boys
Between the handrails in front of the stadium is a poor sap who was stuffed into a garbage can by frat boys. You're job is vengeance. All you have to do is make contact with the five frat rats. Two are atop the tall banner wall across from the frat house. Get them both in one grind. The last three are on the frat house balcony. Get up there using the QP near the stadium or the store awning next to the frat house. Just skate into them when you get to the balcony.
Spine Transfer Over the Wall
This little photo session requires spine transferring the tall wall between the garage and the tennis courts. You have to make three progressively harder transfers. First it's a straight transfer; second is a flip trick; third is a grab trick. Pull your tricks and then hit the spine transfer button and you're set.
Warn the Other Skaters
Another speed challenge, this involves warning four of your skater buddies that the fuzz is on the way. Just follow the arrows and don't crash and you'll easily beat the heat. The only tricky one is number three, who's hanging about in the QP inside the stadium.
Skitch the Professor's Car
On the second floor of the parking garage you'll find a professor who's car has been swiped. All you have to do is skitch the stolen car (hold up to grab the skitch) and balance while it drives around the campus. Like grinds and manuals, delicate taps to the D-pad beat prolonged depressions.
Grind Down Officer Tom's Banners
Get your ollie-wallride-ollie-grind skills up for this one. If you can do that, which you really have to learn to master the game, then this goal is cake. The seven banners hang on the tall wall running along the street. Starting by the frat house, grind the top of the wall toward the parking garage to take out the first four. Ollie off, turn right, and get back onto the wall to grind down the last three.
Locked Goals
Get a Pro Score: 75,000 Points
Nothing to see here? Move along.
Stop All the Pink Elephants
Ollie the bum is back in action, this time hallucinating like a left wing coed on bad tabs. The elephants are in one run from the woods to the footbridge. You only have nine seconds, but a combo at the end will render the time limit irrelevant. Start grinding at the spawn point. Continue into the ditch staying along the right side. Now it gets tricky because you're at the end of the line and time is running out. Spine transfer over the valve, stay straight, and then spine transfer over the second valve. As you land, revert into a manual and then ollie onto the last log. Grind the log to get the last pachyderm.
You'll probably have to try this one several times, as you're dead if you don't maintain the combo at the end. If you're special meter is maxed, you can also air from the first valve onto the footbridge and then ollie down onto the last elephant. It's more difficult but faster.
Medal the High-Combo Competition
You have ten seconds to rock the combos in a fairly small area with large QPs on either end. The trick is to hit the first QP, revert the landing, manual toward the low rail in the middle, grind, gap to the second rail, grind, ollie off, manual toward the QP, and then pull a nice air combo. It sounds difficult, but the area you cover is pretty small, so balance is easy. Using the above description, you can continue the run back toward the original QP. Don't repeat your tricks within the run. However, you can use the same tricks in the second and third runs without penalty.
Nail a 360 Varial McTwist
The trick to this is remembering the button combo. Two QPs are set close to one another to help you build your special meter and maintain speed. Simply nail the trick off either QP and you're done.
Clock Five Jocks in One Combo
This goal takes place in stadium and is a pain in the ***. You have to clobber five jocks in one combo. If you skate by them without tricking they will level your ***. The easiest run uses the QPs on either end of the corridor and the rails in the center. Use the rails to build speed. When you have speed and a maxed special meter, get ready for a big combo. Air off one of the QPs, revert the landing, manual if you have to, and then ollie onto a grind on the rail. Ollie the gaps between the rails and continue grinding; you should hit three jocks. Ollie off the last rail into a manual and then air off the QP. Revert the landing, manual, and then grind the rails in the direction from which you just came. Nail a couple more jocks and you're done. Keep in mind that the jock counter can go higher than five and that the game does not signal you when five are down. Keep an eye on the counter and stop your trick as soon as you get five. You don't want to bail and then have to repeat the combo.
Gap Between Floats Ten Times
This does not mean find ten gaps. There are only a couple; you simply have to hit them ten times. This is very easy because each float is a HP, one with a spine in the middle. Just skate back and forth, gapping between the floats. Don't worry about falling off the float. You can just hop back on and gather your gaps.
Pro Goals
Combo the Benches, Stairs, and Flag Pole
This goal actually has nothing to do with a combo that includes the named locations. All you have to is nail a 50,000 combo in the area. You start facing the benches that curve back toward the fountain. Grind the benches, ollie into a grind down the ledge at the stairs, ollie onto the fountain for a nice long grind on the rim, and then ollie toward the QP. Manual and then pull a nice air off the QP. Land in another manual back toward the fountain. Grind the rim again until you have the combo. Sounds difficult, but the area is pretty small, so balance is a snap. If you can pull a special grind or air then you might be able to skip the second fountain grind.
Get All Four Master's Lip Gaps
I've no idea why this is a pro goal. You simply have to pull a lip trick on the roof edges of the four main buildings: Philosophy, Engineering, English, and Fine Arts. All four are in the same area, near the spawn point. Make sure you hit the roof lip. The lower lips give you the bachelor's lip gaps, which mean nothing.
Collect Pro C-O-M-B-O Letters
The Pro C-O-M-B-O goals are all extremely difficult. Get used to this kind of madness. Before you attempt to collect the letters, it?s a good idea to skate around and see where each is and possible approaches.
Start with a wallride to grind atop the tall wall. Grind through the C and the O. As soon as you grab the O, ollie toward the right to make the 90-degree turn and continue atop the wall. Grind through the M and the B. At the end of the wall, ollie and hold grind. You'll land atop the wall and miraculously change directions. Grind through the last O. That last ollie might place you on the high wire across the street, which also leads the to O. It might also send you to the ground be the benches in front of the O wall, in which case you should simply grind the backs of the benches and then up to a grind on the O wall.
If you're missing the first O, you're probably not lined up on the correct side of the wall. If this is the case, then throw an extra ollie-to-grind when you're getting the C. The idea is the grind across the middle of the teal raised sections of the grind, which will put you on to the correct side of the wall for the O.
Best Bob's Three Best Combos
There are infinite runs to get these relatively low combos. I can only tell you to pull special tricks as often as possible.
Get a Sick Score: 250,000
Again, there are no secrets to the high scores and combo challenges. Don't repeat tricks; don't bail; don't repeat your tricks.
Unlocked Goals
Get a High Score: 50,000 Points
No mystery here: special tricks, no bails, and variety.
Collect the S-K-A-T-E Letters
S: Straight ahead. Gap from the QP to the QP down below and you'll grab the S.
K: Continue straight and pass the fountain. Veer left and the K hovers above the stair set toward the street.
A: Dangling above the QP on the far right garage door at Pier 18.
T: Use the QP near the garage doors to get on the Pier 18 roof. Gap to the roof toward the central wharf. Line up with the lamppost and boneless to the wire spanning between the lampposts. The T sits halfway across.
E: From the T grind, continue and the jump onto the edge of the brown building. Ollie off the end of the grind and you'll grab the E.
Collect the C-O-M-B-O Letters
The EMB ledge is the long edge of the planter that runs along the street. The letters are sitting along this. Simply ollie and grind and ollie and grind the whole thing. To get the final O you might have to land in the street in a manual and head left and then jump back onto the grind. You can also ollie out of the EMB grind before the very end and air left over the gap and onto another grind. Either way, it's an easy combo.
Find the Messenger's Five Missing Packages
Another easy challenge. The packages are peppered over gaps along the left edge of the street from one end of the level to the other. You'll see the first one as soon as you spawn. The second one hovers above the walkway with the red sides toward the shopping area. Continue along the street and you'll see the third package in the gap between the ledges near the bus stop. The fourth is placed similarly to the third, but on the Pier 18 side. The final package is near the last garage door at Pier 18. See? They gave you two minutes and you needed 30 seconds.
Lip Trick the Three Pier Signs
Photo time! The first lip is straight ahead of the spawn point. Just get the trick right. For the second two you have to skate around the fishermen and then back down to the end of the piers. If you turn from the spawn point you can see one of them, but the route is indirect. The second and third signs are across from one another. Simply pull the tricks and you're done.
Feed the Four Angry Sea Lions
This one is easy to perform but hard to figure out. Notice the four fishermen around the sea lion area. Each has a tackle box behind them. Grind the tackle box bench to distract them and then grind the rail where they were fishing. The hanging fish will drop into the bay and the sea lion will go for it. You'll wreck if you try to grind the fishermen spots without distracting them.
Manual the Overhead Walkway
This is the first of the many difficult manual tests in the game. You must manual the walkway between the start and finish cones. The trick is speed. Use the walkway railing to grind and get some speed before ollieing into the manual. Simply keep it going across the walkway. Ollie out of it after the second set of cones and you're golden.
Beat Muska's Three Best Combos
Have fun with these three easy-to-beat combos. No bailing!
Darkslide the Waterside Railing
Head behind the Pier 18 warehouses to the area with the bus repairs. A tourist will ask you to perform a Drakslide on the long rail at the edge of the area. Use the four-section curved pipeline to build speed and your special meter, and getting the 3rd n Army Hop n Grind gap in the process, and then Darkslide the long rail. It's easiest to ollie into a normal grind and then pull the special.
Medal the Competition
Skate your *** off and pull a few special grinds and you'll get the gold. No secrets here.
Locked Goals
Get a Pro Score: 100,000
Fast as the wind and crazy like a monkey. (You should be hitting more than twice this amount of points by now, anyway.)
Save Painter Neal
First get to the small pier in the center of the level, where you'll see a painter hard at work. Simply grind the railing and up around the sign. When you finish your grind at the other side, the whole pier will collapse.
Now you have to save him from the shark below. Go across the street to the EMB ledge, where you'll see a huge concrete ball held in place by two dinky ropes. Just ollie onto the ropes from either side of the ball. You'll immediately grind around the ball -- don't worry about balance, as the whole thing happens in a blink -- and set it rolling toward Jaws.
Race the Bike Messenger
You have to beat the pokey messenger from the starting point to the opposite end of the board and back. You'll see an orange arrow at the turnaround point. Skitch a car from the beginning and skitch one back. Simple. You'll beat the pants off him with some skitching.
Race to Get the Camera
A simple four-stop run. Starting from the pier near the plaza, race to the garage doors near Pier 18. You'll see a guy with an orange arrow over his head (stop one). Skitch a car if your special meter is not maxed already. Next head back to the bus stop, where you'll snag the camera (stop two). To get the film (stop three), get to the camera shop near the curved stairways by the fountain shopping area. Now that you have all the pieces of the puzzle, head back to the pier where you started (stop four). Atiba has his loaded camera back and you're a hero.
Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup
Eric Koston has set up a very tricky challenge near the central pier. You must manual the plywood sections, pop the gap, and then manual off the end. The trick is that the plywood sections aren't straight and are sloped upward. For some reason it is much easier to perform this challenge starting from the far end. It doesn't seem like you have enough time, but you do. Skate to the opposite end of the plywood near the bus stop. Keep your speed up, turn around, and ollie onto the plywood. Manual and then ollie the gap toward the other plywood area. Land in a manual and hold it to the end and you're good. This will take several attempts, but you need to build your manual skills for some seriously hard challenges in the rest of the game.
Nail the Tricks They Yell Out
Chad will challenge you to perform tricks on the EMB ledge. You have to nail sixteen ordered tricks in one minute. Make sure you take advantage of the ledge's long length and keep your special meter up. The game says you have to perform them while ollieing on and off the ledge, but they also count id you grin-ollie-grind while staying on the ledge. When you reach the end just turn around and hop back on. It's tricky because of the diagonal grinds requested, but you'll get it after a few tries. If you bail, then restart. There's no way you can afford to crash and succeed within the time limit.
Pro Goals
Get a Sick Score: 300,000
It's starting to get a little tricky by this point, but there are still no secrets.
Collect Pro C-O-M-B-O Letters
As daunting as it looks, this combo isn't bad at all. The only special skill you really need is the ability to ollie out of grinds sideways in order to jump from wire to wire. Anyway, hit the concrete kicker and grind the top of the bus stop near the spawn point. You'll grab the C. Quickly ollie onto the power line above. Jump across to the parallel wire on your right and grind into the O. Jump back to the first power line and continue your grind to grab the M. Ollie off the end of the line and land in a manual. Quickly turn right and hit the QP to the right of the sloped walkway to grab the B hovering above the QP. Revert when you land and manual toward the warehouse to your right. The O hangs in the air above the QP. A simple air will get the letter and you'll be done.
Manual the Pad in Both Directions
This is a tricky one. You have to manual the long pad near the four-section pipe behind the warehouses. Additionally, you can't boneless to the halway point and land in a manual. You really have to manual the majority of the platform. Ollie onto the platform from the spawn point and manual across it. You'll hear a camera shutter release sound when the first leg is done. If you don't hear the click, then start over. Ollie off and manual toward the QP. Get what little air you can and then revert when you land. Quickly manual to maintain the combo and then ollie into a manual on the platform. Make your way across and you'll get credit.
If you're having trouble keeping your speed up, then turn around at the spawn point and head toward the far QP. Use this to gain speed and then approach the platform. However, if you try this approach, be sure to ollie onto the platform early enough. You'll be moving quickly and it's easy to start the manual too late for full credit.
Do the Spine Transfer-Transfer
The cake of the Pro Goals, this one involves a simple air with a spine transfer thrown in. You start where you did to get the S-K-A-T-E letters. Simply gap from the QP ahead down to the lower QP. In front of you is a wooden QP. You have to air from this QP to the one to its left while pulling a spine transfer. Just pull a boneless with a good amount of speed. Hold the spine transfer button as soon as you launch and you'll get the goal. Simple.
Grind the Blockers off the Ledges
This is one of the goals for which you need a guide. Not only is it hard to perform, but also hard to figure out. The little intro movie shows you where the blockers are. However, if you try to approach them the guard will slug you. In order to distract the guard, you have to activate the fire bell under the stairway with the blockers. Simply wallride over the bell to set it off. The guard will leave the scene and you can pop the blockers. Get to action as soon as you can, as this will only distract him for a few seconds. Don't try to pop all the blockers at once either. Ring the bell, grind down one side, then ring the bell a second time for the second half.
Unlocked Goals
Get a High Score: 55,000
You know what to do.
Collect the S-K-A-T-E Letters
S: The S is visible from the starting point. Hit the ramp in front of it and you'll easily grab it.
K: When you land after the huge drop from the S, turn right and you'll see the K near the elevator at the top of the first switchback. When you get the K, stop.
A: From the A point, look down and to your right toward the crumbling building and tower. You'll see the A at the far end of the toppled tower. Skate down from the K and hit the small ramp with medium speed to snag the A.
T: You probably bailed while getting the T. You'll spawn near the K point. The T is to your right, sitting on the railing between the bay and the power plant. Ollie onto the rail to grab it.
E: Continue the T rail and hop onto edge of the building to your right and grind. Ollie off the end of the grind and into the E. If you miss the letter or bail, you can also approach it easily from below. Simply skate up the long staircase and start grinding near the top. Ollie off the rail and you'll get the E.
Collect the C-O-M-B-O Letters
The warden's first C-O-M-B-O challenge starts in the trench next to the power plant and ends at the short QP near the beginning of the course. It's pretty much a straight shoot through the letters. Skate up the side of the trench HP and start grinding the edge to grab the C. At the very, very end of the grind, ollie straight forward into a grind on the pipe on the big white building. Quickly ollie into a grind on the tin roof on the back of the building for the M. Ollie off the end of the grind and you'll air into the B. Land in a manual and head straight toward the short QP. Hit the PQ and you'll sail into the final O.
Take the Alcatraz Tour
One of the more entertaining goals on Alcatraz, Ranger Ron will recruit your help in performing three relatively easy tasks. Your transportation? Skitch from point to point behind his little cart. At the top of the first switchback he will ask you to scare away the bird pooping on his turf. Simply press down to release the skitch and hit the QP below the group of birds on the ledge. Land and skate back over and skitch to point two.
At the second stop he will ask you to clean up after the boozers. When you release, skate straight ahead and grind the ledge where the empty kegs are lined up. After you hit the kegs return for another skitch. When you get to the cellblock he will ask you to get rid of the evil Ranger Bob. Release from the skitch and head around the flagpole. You'll see Bob on the edge of the area preaching to some tourists. Simply grind the ledge where he stands and you'll knock him off. It might not seem like you hit him, but when you finish your trick you'll get credit.
Revert Madness
Time to revisit your revert skills for a very easy challenge. You'll have top pull off three tricks with a revert in each. The first is simply a revert. The second is a revert to manual. The third is a lip trick to revert to manual. Strange that the designers chose to put this goal here, as you almost certainly have already mastered this trick if you've been hitting the high, pro, and sick point challenges.
Dunk 30 Tourists
In the prankster spirit of Bam, you have to send 30 tourists around the ferry and docks into the bay. Simply grind the railings back and forth. Tourists reappear, so you needn't worry about hunting for new faces.
Distract the Guards
In order to help the plotting inmate's escape, you have to distract the guards by knocking over twelve trash bins. (Alcatraz was eventually closed because the state of California deemed this too loose a grip on the inmates.) There are actually only eleven cans and a foghorn grind, but never mind that. There's a lot to this goal, but it is very easy, thanks to precise guidance in the form of the red arrow on your screen. Unlike the S-K-A-T-E letters, the cans are pretty much set in a continuous line. Grind the edges near the cans and you're good. When you get to the foghorn, grind the railing encircling it to finish the goal.
Semi Flip the Bulldozer
Mr. Mullen will challenge you to pull this special over the bulldozer fiddling around in the yard. The trick to this goal is watching the path of the dozer. After you build up your special meter with some decent air tricks, line up with any side of the dozer and pull the trick. Holding the Spine transfer button will ensure that you don't bail on top of the dozer itself.
Find the Guard's Keys
You have one minute to collect sixteen of the guard's keys. Though that might sound challenging, they're all in a straight run that stretches from the flagpole to the double pools by the water tower. From the spawn point, grab the first key and then grind the ledge around the flagpole area, where Ranger Bob was preaching to the tourists. Hop off when you grab the key on the ledge and skate down the path on the right of the cellblock. Ollie and wallride the long wall next to the block to grab a few more keys. You end up at the double pools. If you keep dunking, then empty the second pool by grinding the side of the first pool by the cellblock. The rest of the keys are all around the pools.
Medal in the Competition
Time to help raise revenue on the rock. The warden throws down the gauntlet and you have to rock the comp. No tricks here. Nail specials; don't bail; don't repeat.
Locked Goals
Get a Pro Score: 100,000
A breeze.
Pull off Mullen's Tech Trick
This one is easy, but it's always nice to see smiley Rodney Mullen. You don't need special tricks or even a maxed special meter for this one. Approach the ramp with some speed, pull the basic flip, manual the roof, and then flip out and land. I don't know why this one is locked, seeing that it's cake.
Ranger Ron's Skitch Launch
Timeformorefunwithyourfavoritefasttalkingranger? The idea is to launch two huge airs off the ramps across the yard - one for distance, one for height. Skitch Ron's cart up the switchback and release just before the ground levels out. You'll hit the big ramp straight ahead and soar down to the yard. In front of you are two ramps. The left is a mini QP for the height air; the right one is a kicker for the distance air. Try to hit them as straight as possible, especially the QP for height. It's very easy to launch crookedly and bail. This goal is easy, but it's so fast that it's really fun.
Escape from Alcatraz
Remember the prisoner for whom you distracted the guards? Well, now you have to help him with the final escape by gathering 33 tools from around the level. The problem is that you have only one minute and they're spread across most of the level. You've been on missions like this before, but none are as difficult as this. Luckily, all items are in one logical run and you can always see the next one. It's hard, but not mysterious.
You start atop the flagpole. Immediately ollie onto a grind leading down to the roof of the cellblock. Continue the grind when you land on the skylight. At the end of that grind ollie to your left and grind the pipe for another tool.
At the end, stop and look at the items at the corner of the building to your right. Don't grind up, as you'll only get one tool and then fall off the building. You have to air at an angle so you soar into the tool. The idea is to gap down to the pools below, grabbing three tools in midair. If you miss any of the three tools, then restart, as this is the only way to get them.
When you land in the pool, grind clockwise around the edge until you grab all the tools. Leap out of the pool and head down the walkway along the cellblock, wallriding the side of the cellblock to get another tool along the way. Straight ahead you'll see a tool near the stairs. Ollie on to the railing to grab it and then grind along the rail as it bends right. Quickly ollie the gap in the railing and grind to the end. Skate on the right of the tall wall and toward the small yard with baseball diamond, picking up a couple plain-sight tools. There are three tools near the baseball diamond. One is below the QP on the left side of the hole in the wall; one is above the gap in the broken wall; one is on the pitching mound.
Stop and look toward the water tower. You'll see a tool on one of the pipes. Grind the pipe with medium speed and then jump off before it runs to the right. If you stay on, you'll miss the jump for the tools down below. You'll probably miss it the first time, but at least get a feel where you have to go. You'll grab a couple on the air down. Land in another grind on the downward sloping pipe. Ollie just before the kicker where you land so that you don't sail into the bay.
Grind the ledge in front of the crumbling building and then ollie through the broken wall into the next broken down building. Grind the edge as it turns rightward and ollie onto the handrail next to the power plant. Stay on this grind until it drops you off at the end of the power plant. Ollie back into a grind where the tourists are hanging around. Grind and jump off just in front of the kicker, which you will hit to launch toward the ferry. You'll get the 32nd tool in the air. The last tool is on the second floor of the ferry. You'll air up to it if you hit the kicker correctly. If not, then simply skate to the far end of the ship and then up the inclines to the second floor. Easy, right?
This will take more restarts than most goals. Don't get discouraged, though. Keep an eye on the next tool and enjoy the music.
Nail the Tricks They Yell Out
This is a vacation after the Escape from Alcatraz fiasco. You have to nail 17 tricks in one minute. Luckily, the QPs are close together and there's no obstacles, so it's smooth sailing. You can easily pull off two flip tricks in one air. Don't waste time on the easy ones.
Bullseye Launch
Bam's second Alcatraz challenge is seriously frustrating. Worse yet, you're not learning new skills that will help you in the rest of the game. There are a couple things to keep in mind. Firstly, keep lined up in the middle of the ramp. Get used to adjusting for the slight curve of the loop and compensate accordingly. Secondly, don't hold the ollie button the whole time. You will build up too much speed and overshoot your goal. Lastly, don't jump at the end of the ramp. You'll overshoot your goal. It will take a little trial and error to adjust for your skater's speed and ollie ability. Just try to remember your launch points. If you don't get at least 200 points in the first four launches then restart. You need 400 and you should knock most out in the beginning.
Pro Goals
Get a Sick Score: 400,000
Have fun.
Collect Pro C-O-M-B-O Letters
The warden will now challenge you to one of the more difficult C-O-M-B-O combos in the game. Thankfully you have this guide to help you along, because this one is as hard to figure out as it is to pull off.
From the start point, ollie onto the railing and grind into the C. As soon as the rail turns left, ollie off toward the left, manual for a second, and then wallride onto the ledge and grind. The end of the ledge turns into a creaky light post. Ollie forward just as you get to it and land in a grind on the peak of the power plant to grab the O. Hop over the little peak and continue the grind and