i performed WoW for 3 years, through fact the commencing up. it became relaxing. you could play, chat, raid with people from around the worldwide (often the country although). there is over 20 servers and there are distinctive sort of servers: commonly used (combination of PvP and PvE), PvP realm, RP (roleplay). the money is honest, it isn't the main inexpensive factor interior the worldwide, besides the undeniable fact that it quite is extra low priced than another video games. it is going to run with a mac. you basically could desire to pay $20.00 each 60 days for a pre-paid playtime card or pay by potential of mastercard. truthfully, you initiate off as a "hero" you could %. and choose a race and sophistication, each and each with their very own particular know-how, some racial know-how. It relies upon on what you desire to do interior the sport. Rogue = on your face at as quickly as up melee dps (harm in line with 2nd) and contributing to the gang with your harm Warlock = Ranged caster dps, distinctive specs i.e. demonology the place you place self assurance in the puppy, disease burning down the opponent with your harm spells, destruction- huge shadow and hearth blasts. Mage = quite plenty comparable to warlock, could make water and nutrition, extra crowd administration warrior = known tank, could be dps if specced for it, often the chief Shaman = healer, dps, totems druid = healer, dps (melee or caster), tank, many buffs Paladin = appropriate as healer or tank, could be dps. Priest = often healer, each each now and then dps if specced for shadow. you could % to group with people or flow solo. in case you desire to speak and stuff like that, then dungeons are not rather mandatory. in case you desire to raid and be with a collection that has a similar objective, it quite is right to connect a guild that's a collection of people who form....a guild i assume (won't manage to think of of the different be conscious.