here is a guide from runetips forum on how to start and run a clan that was posted by blizzard227:
A special note on Plagiarism: ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT if you plan on using part or the whole of this guide! Thank you.
Also, as a general reminder, I'd like to inform anyone reading this guide and seeking to create a clan that this guide will NOT teach you everything there is to know about leading a succesful clan. What I offer is the basics in getting started, and a few management tips.
So do not think that if you read this guide three times, you're automatically going to be able to create an awesome clan and know everything there is to know. Take the guide for what it is: help for your journey starting/leading a clan.
A Guide To Starting and Running A Clan
Before we go any further: Quote:
I find that too many people have started to create clans with no backing, they're simply people who want to be in a clan, but crave power, so they think that they’ll become a massive clan and control all of them, but about 80% of them never make it past the 10 member mark literally.
(Thanks to Guardian XI (From RuneVillage) Think about that. What is your motivation for starting a clan? If it's one of the following: Greed (Items from members, etc.) or power, then do NOT start a clan. It's okay to desire a little power; but that should NOT be your entire basis for starting a clan. A clan is a group of people coming together to have fun or achieve something in RuneScape. If you do not abide by this golden rule the best advice I can give you is to not start a clan (Don't kid yourself either).
Another quick note: While some may dismiss 90% of this guide as "common sense" or say that this guide is useless because leading is an inherent ability that cannot be taught, they're missing the point- this guide is here to help beginners who have no clue as to what they're doing. What may seem like "common sense" to us now may not be so apparent to someone who's starting a clan for the first time. Of course this guide also can't teach people how to lead but that's not what it was created for: it's here to help the newbies who need a plan, if you will, to get started.
Note: This is not a recreation of cspace's clans guide, but an entirely new one written by me.
Cspace's Guide: Here
Table of Contents:
I. The Cold Truth (Reputation)*
II. Introduction
III. Getting Started
IV. Early Members
V. Recruitment
VI. General Tips*
VII. Running Your Clan (Leadership)*
VIII. The Clan Bank (Economy)
X. Assuming Leadership Of A Clan
XI. Patience*
XII. Interview (With Sting, Leader Of Phoenix)
XIII. Interview (With Livinlarge21, Leader Of RSD)
XIV. User-Submitted Advice
*-Denotes a key section. While every section in this guide is important, these sections should be read a bit more carefully.
If you are starting a clan, don't just skim this guide in two minutes; take your time. You'll have plenty of time to recruit, but if you mess up it could make your clan look like another one that just walked in from Lumbridge. Same goes for people looking to improve various aspects of an already established clan.
I. The Cold Truth (Reputation)*
Now, in a perfect world, your RS/PKing skills shouldn't matter when people decide to join your clan. The fact is, however,if you have not lead a clan before, or do not have a good reputation (Good PKer, nice stats, etc.) your clan is VERY likely to fail; because few people will join/take your clan seriously .
So to prevent a disaster from happening, wasting your time and that of others, here are a few things you should do before you decide to start and lead a clan:
-First, ask yourself this question: Do I have a good reputation, am I a well known, liked member of RS and this community/forum (Depending on where you recruit)? Well, if you answered yes, then you're off to a good start; if no then you need to be able to say yes to the next question
-Do I have good stats for the type of clan I want to set up (ie. I want to set up a level 90+ PKing clan, so I should probably be a level 110+ PKer), or have led another clan before (One that didn't fail miserably)?
Now, if you've answered no to both of these questions, the best advice I can give you is to NOT start a clan. What I recommend you do instead is to join the best clan within your league, and watch what the leaders do within that clan. In the meantime also be sure to raise your stats. Once you feel confident that you have a good reputation and good stats, then you're a lot more likely to succeed at creating and running a clan.
I am not trying to scare anyone off with this section, and by all means, if you have a good idea of how to run a clan then good luck. Just be aware that it's a lot better to get a strong reputation or set of skills (ie. By joining another clan and staying in it for a while); and then start a clan, rather than the other way around.
II. Introduction
So, you want to start a clan ? Or you want a clan of yours to work better, attract more members, and in general be a feared and respected clan across the entire world of RuneScape? If so, get comfortable and pay attention; because if you're a newbie or intermediate in the clan world you'll (Hopefully) get some good tips to help you and your clan.
Well, some of you may be clamoring and waiting to criticize my "poor" advice (Remember, this is advice that worked in my own experiences, or knowledge I have gained from mistakes, and also general guidelines that EVERY one should follow), so on to the guide!
III. Getting Started
Nowadays, it seems like any half-wit with a keyboard can create a clan and attract one or two members, but if you're going to have a full functioning clan you'll need some general guidelines and help:
Clan Type:
Before you do ANYTHING, you need to first think of what kind of clan you want. Here are some types to consider:
1.) PKing. Pretty self-explanatory, PKing clans revolve around Player-Killing in RS.
PKing clans are currently the most common type of RS clan because they're easy to set up, they revolve around the most interesting aspect of RS and they're fairly easy to run (A couple leaders, some active members who PK often and you're pretty much done).
Not everything, however, is great about PK clans. In general you'll often have to deal with other PK clans' insults, animosity and a higher amount of spies than with other clans.
Well, this is all my opinion but I do recommend that you go for making a PK clan if: A.) You love PKing and want to lead people in the wilderness, B.) You want to be reasonably or greatly involved with alliances, enemies, and war and C.) You don't mind the occasional or often insult (Depending on who you are, and if you incite other clans).
2.) Skills-based. This is the second most common type of RS clan. Please note that there are two types of skills-based clans: All-rounder, and clans that are devoted to two skills (Usually complimentary, such as mining/smithing, fishing/cooking, etc.)
Skills-based clans are harder to run in general. Unless you have fun skill-raising events (Which are harder to coordinate and setup compared to PK trips) it's hard to stay active in RS. Skills-based clans when run correctly and efficiently, however, can help everyone to gain experience in certain skills or have fun. They can also provide a great sense of accomplishment.
In general, skills-based clans are not meant for the glitz and glamour of winning wars and having lots of alliances. I recommend this type of clan if you're A.) Looking for a sense of great accomplishment, B.) Seeking to raise your RS skills or use your non-combat skills in a more social setting and C.) Not concerned with allies, enemies or war.
3.) The "We don't know exactly what we are" clan. This clan is usually a mix of skills-based/PKing clans, but it can be anything RS related. If there was a general description of this clan type it'd be, "We PK a bit, but we also have fun events or help each other raise skills". These can also be known as "fun" clans. "We're a group of friends who relax and have lots of special events."
I'd recommend this type of clan if: You want to combine certain aspects of PKing/Skills-based clans, and don't want to be bound to either type.
Nowadays most PKing clans have evolved into this type of clan; they have plenty of different events, although some hardcore PK-only clans remain.
4.) Fan-based. These clans are so rare, I've only seen one. Self-explanatory, these are clans focused on something non-RS related. They often aren't involved in RS (No events, PK trips, etc.) I would recommend this clan if: You really like something non-RS related (Such as skateboarding), and you want to talk about this with other RS players/RS forum members.
Well, that's it for the main types of RS clans. Before we move on I just want to say, however, if none of these types of clans really interests you don't be afraid to create another type of RS clan! Be creative- maybe you want a clan that thinks of new special events and then hosts them, or maybe you want a clan that helps new RS players. Whatever it is, be creative and think of a new clan type if said ones don't appeal to you.
The Name:
Once you're done choosing your clan type you should move onto naming the clan. So many promising clans are killed because of a poor or unoriginal name. While some may blow this process off you should take the time to pick a good name for your clan. Here are some steps you should follow for critiquing a possible name:
1.) Does everyone know the meaning of the name? (ie. Shimpu is a Japanese word that means "Divine Wind"; but it's not in common usage, and everyone does not know the meaning of it). If not, try a different name.
2.) Avoid usage of the word "l33t" or any “l33t” speak. Not only for clan names- this extends to recruitment posts and general descriptions of your clan.
3.) Is it original? If you have a bland, unoriginal name, such as "Bada55 Angels from Hell", that may keep away potential members. Be creative.
4.) Try and keep it short and simple. "Tsunami" is much better than "Tremendously Giant Waves Caused by Earthquakes". This should be obvious, but sometimes it’s forgotten.
5.) Avoid "Z". "Z" (Warriorz, etc.) is overused and cliché like "l33t", so try and avoid it.
6.) Does it have "zing"? You can have an original, short-and-sweet, non-cliché clan name, but it has to pass one final test: Is it interesting? Does it have that "zing", if you will? Don't worry, you'll eventually get it.
7.) Do not have your name in the clan's name! Nothing like "blizzard's warriors". First, it shows you have a big ego, and most people are likely to be deterred from joining your clan because of that. Second, what if you were to leave the clan? It’s a silly idea (Thanks to Phieta (RuneScape Community).
OK! By this point, I hope you have a name, because we're now moving on- so you’re one step closer to brib-er "inviting" people to your clan.
This is pretty straightforward, but how will your clan members communicate (Other than AIM/MSN)?
The most obvious, popular and best choice by far are message boards.
I recommend Invisionfree allows you to set up some boards and you can easily use google to find a large selection of skins, mods, hacks, etc.
You must have a website! Nah, just kidding. In my opinion, building a website for your clan in the beginning is time better spent doing something else.
The website is used to advertise your clan, right? Well, you advertise your website using a topic or private message. So, instead of spending hours creating a site in the beginning, type up an advertisement for your clan, save it (Using notepad, word, w/e) and copy and paste it to a PM or recruitment topic- updating the original advertisement whenever. You only really need a website once your clan grows large and stable.
It'd be quite a waste to spend time making a great website only to have your clan flop. Once you do have a stable clan, however, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get started with these freehosts (And later on you can upgrade if you have the money and you want to):
Please see a web development forum (Or ask someone who knows what they're doing) for more information on creating a website and hosting it.
(Added 6/5/04): When building a Runescape clan site, or any Runescape site, please obey the Runescape Copyright laws.
-The site should abide by the Terms of Service for RuneScape.
-The site should not promote any activity that is against our Rules of Conduct
- The site should not publish an article or text taken from the Jagex, or RuneScape website without permission. If you do use any text or images you must acknowledge as the source, and link back to our site.
- The site should not link to or promote any adult sites, or sites that conflict with Jagex interests.
- The site should not promote any sites or information that provide or support hacking, software piracy, or other illegal activities.
However, I was looking through Runescape FAQ I ran across this:
Inside the zip file, is a few Runescape pictures, including a Runescape link graphic.
We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that Jagex copyrights are protected. Protecting our copyright is something that Jagex Ltd takes very seriously. To help, we have prepared some FAQs and a collection of graphics that you may use.
Q. Can I use some of your graphics on my website?
A. We have prepared a collection of graphics that we are happy for you to use.
You may find the Zip file at FAQ (Thanks to Earl of March (RuneVillage)
Events and Beyond:
Now it's time to talk about events (PK trips, drop parties, etc.) First, let’s talk about general events.
You should also have some fun, special events (ie. Trawler fishing trips) to have variety. For now, plan the types of events you want your clan to have and how often you want to have them. In case you're a complete newbie to the RS clan world, here's a breakdown of the major RS events:
PK trip- Fairly straightforward- clan members get together and then head out to the wilderness for some good ol'-fashioned PKing.
Drop Party- Theoretically, clan members are supposed to bring decent or good items which they drop and everyone in turn runs around. They pick up items, chat and (Hopefully) have a good time.
Fun Wars- Grab some throwaway armor (Mithril, bronze, etc.) and set up two teams (Attackers vs. Defenders). Then, have fun bashing each other up.
Tournaments and Deathmatches- These are simply fighting contests between 2, 3, 4 or more people in the wilderness. (Thanks to Phieta (RuneScape Community)
Note: Try and have the same events regularly when you're first starting out (ie. "Every Friday at 8 pm EST there will be a PK trip. We will meet at the Edgeville Bank). After a while, however, members will set up their own PK trips and events. Also, it's a good idea to use the same server for all clan activities and same in-game meeting location.
OK, it's now time to move on to the next sleep-inducing section! You should probably take a quick break and let what has already been read sink in.
Stickies for your forums
Clan Member List- Include everyone's combat level and any contact info (AIM/MSN) for quick reference.
Allies and Enemies- Obvious.
You're almost ready to start up that recruitment topic! Just two last, quick sections.
Ranks can be both a blessing and a curse. For one, they help to organize your clan, and give everyone a specific purpose so no one's asking "What should I do? :huh: " However, they can also create jealousy and power struggles; so you'll have to keep a close eye on people who start getting a little too... ambitious. Of course, that's not to say everyone who's doing well in your clan is out for your throat or someone else's, but just be wary. Don't give too much power to anyone too soon.
Now, all clans should have at least a leader rank and regular member one, but you can add and create more as you see fit. Maybe you need someone who can organize events because you don't want to be overwhelmed, so you create an event organizer rank and give it to a trusted member. You can also come up with unique names for your ranks if you wish. For example, instead of calling someone a leader, how about an oracle or an elder? Be creative, and do what would fit the theme of your clan.
Here are some sample ranks, feel free to use the general idea:
New Recruit: Straightforward; someone who just joined the clan.
Member: Regular member.
Trusted Member: A bit higher up, has been in the clan longer.
Squad Leader: If you have squads in your clan (ie. PKing) you can have squad leaders to watch over people in their particular group. They make sure everything runs smoothly. You should also divide up ALL clan members into squads in times of war, and then make trusted members squad leaders (See the WAR! section for more information).
Event Organizer: A person who organizes and carries out events for clan members to come to (PK trips, etc.)
Co-Leader: Someone who has been in the clan for awhile, or helped found it or a very good friend who you put all your trust in. They help run the clan.
Leader: The big cheese.
Also, on a special note: Never create a rank in your clan such as Slave or n00b. This hurts morale, and it also hurts people who have this rank in your clan. They will not be as kind to you, or loyal, most likely, if you treated them like crap when they first join your clan (Assuming they don’t leave on the spot). If you have trouble with a member boot them out, but do not use such ranks. Same goes for new members. (Thanks to Plipo (RuneScape Community)
IV. Early Members
If you can, try and get some of your friends or people you know and trust to join your clan. Only, however, if they're interested and enthusiastic in helping run a clan.
It's now time...
To create...
Drumroll please *cough*
The Recruitment Topic!*
V. Recruitment
Ok, now before you even click that "New Topic" button, READ THE RULES OF THE FORUM! Not only does it make you look foolish if you don't read the rules and have your topic locked, but you're already bringing down your clan. So please, READ THE RULES!
Now, it’s time for the recruitment topic. Here's how you should set it up:
-The name of your clan.
-What the clan does (PK, etc.)
-Include details on how to join and what information to provide.
-Links to forums, etc.
-Pictures of events.
One big thing: Try and make your clan "established" before you set up the recruitment topic, and make it so that the topic reflects the thought you have put into the clan. People won't join a clan if you just thought of the idea for five minutes and decided to make a recruitment topic. Also, avoid putting the word "New" as in "New Clan" into your topic- it turns off potential members because even though you may have a great idea for a clan they may think it's just another person looking for five minutes of fame. Also, referring back to early members: it really is important to try and get at least two people in your clan before setting up a recruitment topic. They can be the co-leaders as I said before. It also makes your clan seem better established than someone who just set up a recruitment topic with no members.
Here's a quick example:
"Tsunami is now recruiting!
We're a high level PKing clan with tons of interesting events.
Interested in joining?
Post below with your three highest stats, and combat level. Our requirements are the following:
80+ Hits
75+ Hits AND either 80 mage or 85 range
You can also check out our website here: (link)
Current Members:
Of course you can add whatever else you want to your recruitment topic. Just make sure it's interesting, follows the rules and gets across what your clan is about.
Recruiting by private message: This is a good idea if executed properly. Recruiting by PM does NOT mean mass-PMing every single member of the forum (That will get you banned ). Instead, PM anywhere from 5-10 people who you've seen around the community or RS and like. Give them a quick rundown as to what the clan's about and also tailor the PM to them. This is not the time to copy and paste the same generic message and fire it off. Instead explain to whoever you're PMing why the clan is good for them. For example, I decide to start a fishing and cooking clan, so I PM cooldude2. I tell him quickly the general idea of the clan and then explain to him why he should join the clan. "I noticed you have a high cooking, and if you join and help out with the clan you could gain more experience than you could by yourself". Whatever you do make sure you don't force anything upon people (ie. PMs containing "Join ___!"). And, as a final reminder, DO NOT mass PM every forum member.
*Do NOT forget also, to recruit on the other major RS forums, such as RS Village, tipit, Rune HQ, etc.
General Tips for Recruiting People:
-Try and include good pictures of your clan in your recruitment topic to entice people to join. To take pictures of clan events, do the following:
1. Log on RS, go to your clan’s event and press “Prt Scr” (Print Screen key, generally above “Insert” on your keyboard) when you see a good chance for a picture.
2. Open up paint and press “Ctrl” and “V” (Paste).
3. Crop the picture by clicking on the dotted rectangle in the paint toolbar and selecting just the RS in-game screen. Press “Ctrl” and “C” (Copy), create a new paint file and paste the picture.
4. Save the file (Make sure it’s in a directory you’ll remember. In this case, create a new folder for RS screenshots) in *.jpg or *.png format and upload it using an image uploader like
5. Copy the URL and paste it to the post you are creating on, for example, a general RS forum. Be sure to use image tags.
-DO NOT BEG PEOPLE TO JOIN YOUR CLAN! This tactic is just plain stupid. Offering free items will also get you into trouble.
-Do not mislead people with false topic titles so that they look in your recruitment topic. Example: OMG SOMETHING HAPPENED LOOK IN HERE! Yes this was an actual topic title for a clan’s recruitment post- I clicked it and what do you know? It was a thread for some new clan. Not only does this annoy people it's, to put it simply, really a newbish thing to do. Don't do it.
-If you have connections on RS and know a few people, use that to your advantage. PM your friends on RS about your clan and have them tell others they know about it also.
-Use requirements for your clan, don't let in everyone who just walked in from Lumbridge. Depending on the type of clan you have and who you're catering to you can have a variety of different requirements (ie. You have a PKing clan so the requirement is 100+ combat).
-Don't let your clan grow too big if you can't handle it. Well you can create new leaders; but if you're looking to have a smaller clan, set a member cap and then make the clan invitation only to prevent it from buckling under its own weight. Mass recruiting is almost always a bad idea (Possible enemies in the same clan and the tension between newer and older members can spell disaster).
-Once you reach a certain member cap don't be afraid to make your clan invitation only. Accept only those who will really add something to your clan.
-Just because someone passes the requirements doesn't mean you should immediately let them in. Usually you can tell what kind of person you have joining your clan by the way they post; so if for example someone named y32 makes a post like, "I pas the req can I join plz plz plz!!1 I need armor!" You should have the common sense not to let them in. Don't be afraid to decline applications- it's better to have a few active, loyal members than a group of begging, inactive ones. Later on when your clan grows in size, instead of having people apply and get accepted by the leaders alone, you could perhaps set up polls and get the opinions of other members.
-You may want to use special signatures and avatars for your clan. That way members can use the sigs for whichever forum they visit. This gives free advertising for your clan. Make sure your sigs and avatars don’t look newbish; and if you can't make the decision yourself, it's best to shell out some (RS) money to get a professional signature maker on a forum to make one for you and your clan to use.
VI. General Tips*
By now you should have a pretty good understanding of clans and how to start one up, so now I’ll provide some general tips for running your clan:
-Make sure the clan boards never slip into inactivity. It's great to be active in RS, but also make sure that the clan boards aren’t suffering from few people posting. Post new topics and stay active on the forum- set an example.
-Choose wars wisely. If someone tries starting a war and the basis for it has about as much weight as, "You smell!" Then it's probably not the smartest idea to accept that war declaration. Also make sure your members want the war; and don’t have too many in succession so they aren't drained (Or don’t have enough time to train).
Also, know your enemies. Know the average combat level of their clan members, the type of clan they are, etc. Spies are an option.
-Do not make stupid insults or incite other clans- Not only does it make you look stupid, but if you do it to enough clans over time everyone will cheer your clan’s downfall when a challenger arrives.
-Stay active in RS. Try and have at least one weekly activity because with inactivity in RS comes inactivity on clan boards (ie. No one has any clan related topics to bring up (Such as how the last drop party was, who PKed what on the wilderness trip, and so on).
-Allies are good, but don't have 50. Two or three strong allies should do it. The reason I say this is because if you have too many allies you may become caught in a web when one of your allies declares war on the other, etc.
-Choose allies carefully. Don't just go ally with the latest person to set up a recruitment topic; instead get to know another clan well before you propose an alliance offer.
General Tips (PKing Clans):
-Have at least one PK trip a week when you're first starting out- the more, the better. Also, make sure as many members come to the PK trip as possible. Put a little pressure on members at first to encourage them to come (If you want to be harsh, create a rule like, "Miss three PK trips and you're out of the clan unless you have a good reason for missing.”)
-If you continually get ambushed by other clans or creamed in general on PK trips, think about having non-wilderness events. Losing too much rune will make people want to quit your clan.
-Set up a poll to find out times that are convenient for everyone to come to PK trips. There isn't much of a point in scheduling a PK trip when everyone is at a religious service, a job, etc.
-Choose a cape color for your clan and have all members wear that cape so that they don't attack each other by accident.
General Tips (Skill Building Clans):
-Try and create fun events that help raise skills (ie. You're running a mining and smithing clan, so you decide to have mine-and-smith days. The miners mine and give the ores to the smithers who then make items all in one day-long event).
VII. Running Your Clan (Leadership)*
Anyone can create a clan, but you have to be a good leader for it to be successful. Leading a clan can be a difficult task- you have to take flak from members on a daily basis for enforcing the rules, you will have to accept full responsibility for whatever happens to the clan, and so on. If you run your clan correctly, however, you will receive praise, friends and, of course, a great sense of accomplishment. Now here are some tactics a leader might consider using (Ideas taken from Machiavelli's "The Prince"):
-The first rule: Don't be soft. It is better to be feared than loved. Why? If you are loved and considered soft, you might be taken advantage of by those who think you won't enforce the rules. If you are feared, people will think twice about disrespecting you or going against your decisions. This does NOT mean you should become a dictator (Take into consideration the advice of others), but that you should enforce the rules you have created. You should not be afraid to stand by the decisions you make (Don't be indecisive).
-Don't pay people off to be loyal. Why? If you pay members of your clan off to be loyal (Through services, money, etc.) if someone comes along with something more to offer, your "loyal" members are very likely to switch sides and go with the other person. Earn your members’ loyalty and trust through hard work. Make sure the clan stays active on RS and the clan boards, but not by paying them to stay in the clan.
-Don't be fooled by fancy talk and flattery. Simply put, if a member begins to suck up to you be cautious (And wary of their motives). This does not mean you should take compliments as a sign of someone trying to grab power. Just to be careful and do not be fooled into giving promotions due to some sweet talk.
-Be sure of yourself. Know your strengths (ie. Good leader in the wilderness) and your weaknesses (ie. Sometimes fall for flattery). Improve upon your weaknesses. Also, this does not mean you should be overconfident. Realize that you are not invincible, and don't underestimate your enemies (VERY IMPORTANT!). Yes, this is all a bit cliché but also sometimes forgotten advice.
My advice:
-Be in one clan and one clan only.
-Don't be a dictator. Enforcing rules and making sure they are followed is one thing, but changing the clan in any major way (ie. Name change, declaration of war, etc.) without the consent of clan members will lead to serious trouble. Whenever you are faced with a serious decision a good idea is to work from the bottom up. First, get the opinion of the clan members (Using polls, reading responses to your ideas). Then based on this, make a decision with the other leaders of the clan. Whatever you do, NEVER change any major aspect of the clan without a majority of the members approval. Also chat with the other leaders of your clan often. If you are using message boards (Most likely), set up a leader-only forum- also get together to chat online (AIM, MSN, etc.) about how the clan is doing.
-Have a one-clan only rule for members to ensure loyalty (For most clans nowadays this is implied when joining).
VIII. The Clan Bank (Economy)
Note: Depending on the size of your clan and the group of players you are catering to- if people can supply their own items, weapons and armor- then don't bother creating a clan bank. For example, if you are running a high-level PKing clan then a clan bank is pretty much useless. In general, running a clan bank if you're not a skills-based clan is not something I'd recommend. Members should be self sufficient.
So, you've got your clan set up and everything's been running fairly smoothly. You've already successfully completed a few events (PK Trips, drop parties, etc.) Well perhaps it's time to start thinking about a clan bank. With a clan bank (A.K.A. A RuneScape mule character) you can keep supplies for your clan (For whatever reason). Now, the main way clan banks are kept alive and stocked with supplies is through donations, but if that's the way you intend to run your bank make sure you donate some items yourself. Also, be sure to include a credits or rewards system so that members have more of an incentive to donate (ie. Say someone donates 30k to the clan bank. In return, they will get 30 credits which can be used for X, where X is money, items, etc.)
Here are some general tips for running your clan bank:
-Have regular donation times for when the clan banker will be logged into by those who have access to it to receive items (ie. "Every Thursday at 8:00 PM Est, Server 16, Edgeville Bank, the clan banker will log on for ten minutes.")
So, you got your clan involved in a war (Or are fairly close to it), but you’re still uneasy about what to do. The first thing you should do before anything else is think about the reason for the war. Is it worth it? What will your clan gain if it wins? Also make SURE a clear majority of your clan members want a war.
Now if you think your clan’s up to it it's time to get into planning and preparation. First, try and get a close estimate of the average hits level of all the people in your clan. Post this in the Leaders discussion forum. Next, think about getting one or two people you trust (They should NOT have been members of your clan, at least not recently) to join and spy on the enemy clan. Have them get the average combat and hits level of the enemy clan’s members and whatever useful information (ie. PK trip times). Only the leaders should know who the spies are, NO ONE else.
Be paranoid. Assume that your enemy can see everything that you post on your clan board. Talk only to clan leaders or higher-ups about war plans, information about the enemy gained by spies, etc. You may be wondering, "But then the members will be left out and not know what to do during the war!" Not so. You have to be smart and nearing the date of the war let certain trusted members know the full strategy and what's going on (This is why there should be multiple ranks in your clan). Very close to the date of the war, the trusted members can tell each member of their little group or squad what exactly THEY are supposed to do, but not necessarily the entire combat strategy. This way, even if there is an enemy spy they will only know what their squad is doing.
Now set up AIM or MSN leader chats and begin to discuss war plans.
Make sure to include specific squad strategies to give to your trusted members (ie. Archery squad will be defending the left side of a box formation). Set up positions and general locations for where each squad should be (Where they should be at the meeting location and when the clan reaches the war site).
About allies: Almost all clans have 1v1 wars, but if the enemy clan and your’s agree upon allies, choose the best allies (ie. Number of members, average hits level). Also, even if you are fighting a 1v1 war it’s always a good idea to have an allied clan or two waiting on another server in case the war is crashed or the enemy cheats.
Lastly, do NOT accept a war declaration if you know you're going to get destroyed. It's better to decline, there's no shame in it. This, however, really depends on your opinion. If you did, however, severely flame the enemy clan and incite them, then you really have no choice other than to show up at the war or be humiliated. This is why it's a bad idea to insult other clans if you DON'T want a war with them or can't win it. I view it as not being worth it to go to a war that I know I'm going to lose (If I didn't incite the enemy clan). Your clan may as well spend time doing something more useful. If your clan’s really gun-garden tool about it, go to the war- it's all what your leadership views as best for your clan.
(Added 6/4/04) Before I end the "WAR!" section, there is one last thing you should know about: raids and ambushes. Now these can be a double-edged sword depending on how you use them. Basically, a raid is when you crash another enemy clan's PK trip or event in the wilderness. If you have a spy on the enemy clan's forums, you can find out their PK trip times or when they're next having an event in the wilderness. There are a few things, however, that you should know about raids:
-Never raid another clan's PK trip if they are neutral. This will only create more enemies for you. Only raid another clan's PK trip if your clan absolutely DESPISES them. This also depends a lot on the circumstances. If you raid a clan's PK trip (A clan which has been doing a lot of trash-talking, etc.) and are your enemies, and then proceed to post the results on a forum, for example, this may work to your advantage. If, however, you decide to raid a neutral clan's PK trip, especially one that is relatively well-liked, you will only annoy people and get your clan into trouble. So use your best judgment and take raids SERIOUSLY, like spies. They can either get you out of a ditch or make one deeper. Also, if you are going to do raids, make SURE you get as many members to attend as possible. This way you aren't beaten back by the clan you're trying to ambush. It would be quite embarrassing if a clan with no prior knowledge of an ambush manages to beat your clan back. So always post raids in advance on your forums so that the maximum number of members possible know about it (And hopefully the enemy clan won’t have spies on your forum).
(Added 6/4/04) RS2 update- With the new multi-combat zones in RS2, wars are much more of a numbers game. The bigger your army, the better. Mages also play a much bigger role, along with archers (Although not so much on F2P, since rangers are pretty weak on it). It would be wise to create special divisions in your clan, so that each member has a different role come wartime (ie. Setting up a Melee Division, Mage Division, Range Division, etc.)
X. Assuming Leadership Of A Clan
Well, you just assumed leadership of a clan, or have been promoted to a leader, for better or worse. Now what?
What's the situation like? If everyone thinks you kissed butt to get a promotion to leader then it's best to wait and decline outright leadership. Otherwise you'll be fighting an uphill battle against many people. Instead, work hard to get a leadership position. Prove that you're right for the job instead of kissing up to leaders for ranks. Organize PK trips, get involved in the clan, host events, stay active and post a lot (Don’t spam though). Most importantly, make friends. With friends to support you, it will be a lot easier to get a leadership position. Try and refrain from insulting others, not only while working to become a leader, but also while you are a leader. The support of the members is what really counts. It wouldn't help much if you are supposedly a leader but no listens to you, right? This is all common sense, but some people forget this and get into serious trouble.
Once you assume power, don't go changing everything in site. If something works well, let it be.
XI. Patience*
The best advice I can give you in this guide is to never give up. If you're going to start a clan make sure you have PLENTY of time, experience and, most importantly, patience. There is no such thing as instant gratification when running a clan; it will take time to get anywhere, but if you don't leave your clan when things get messy you'll eventually gain respect (Also including the fact that you don't insult others, spam, act like a 6-year old, and so on). Unfortunately, I learned this lesson very late and if I had to start over again, I would have never left my first clan. Always be patient- you're not going to have an awesome PK clan with 50 high-level members on the first day no matter how good you are. Just try your best, stay active (Both on forums and RS), and you should be fine.
XII. Interview (With Thestinger44, Leader Of Phoenix) [SPECIAL NOTE: This interview was conducted before the release of RS2 therefore some terms are out of date and some pieces of advice don't apply to RS2. Also, Phoenix has disbanded since the clan decided to stay on RS Classic.]
How many PK trips a week do you think a PK clan should have in order to stay active and successful in RS?
Just 1 to 2 is fine.
What would you do if members weren't showing up to PK trips, and generally being lazy?
Well, we usually go through weekly swipes, and kick out people extremely inactive.
How long should clan PK trips generally last (for higher level clans level-60+)?
Well, probably 1 to 3 hours, whenever people go they go I suppose. Some of our trips last up to 5 hours or so.
What would you recommend clans do in order to prepare for war?
There is not much you can do, just everyone train to become stronger maybe listen to war strategies, ect.
Would you ever back down from a war, depending on the circumstances?
If they were extremely unfair yes, but a simple 1 on 1 clan war with any clan, No I would not back down.
Is it necessary to have a clan bank (for a PK clan), especially if all the members are level-60+?
No, everyone should provide for themselves, I dont like people joinin clans for stuff, so there is no stuff. we just pk together.
What other activities could you recommend for PK clans in order to work on teamwork?
Catching practice, getting aquainted with each other, ect.
How do you prevent spies from entering your clan(s)?
Not much you can do except, I look everyone that applys for phoenix up in the hiscores, if they are lying, chances are they are spies. Also I get suspicious when I check the clan site logins and find a person logs on alot but never posts or goes to pks, might be reportin info -.-
Does a leader of a PK clan need to be well over the combat requirements, or is it negligible if he/she is a good PKer?
Well, i certainly am, but no he does not, a leader is most known for his leading skills, not fighting. We need good responsible leaders to run clans.
How long would you recommend someone should stay in a decent-good PK clan before they decide to make/lead their own?
As long as it takes for them to get a sense of clan reality and the ability to make good judgements. I was in Exercitum for 3 months about before releasing Phoenix.
Do you consider reputation essential for leading/starting a PKing clan?
Most definetly.
How should someone go about gathering a reputation before deciding to lead?
well, for example if you are running a pking clan, a person should be post alot of kills for a few months, sound pretty mature, have plenty of friends, win respect in the pking inudstry.
I myself posted at rsc for nearly a year or so before making Phoenix public.
Special thanks to Sting, co-leader of Phoenix.
EDIT: RSD has come back during the month of May, 2005]
How many events (PK trips, tournaments, etc) does RSD have on a weekly basis?
Recently I have scheduled 4 Pk trips per week, also 1 or 2 other events.
So 6
What sorts of events does RSD have other than PK trips?
Tournaments, Drop Parties, KBD Trips, Olympics. Anything our little minds can think of.
Why doesn't RSD have official allies?
RSD is not a protection agency, I know if we had allies, we would be fighting our allies fights. Instead of them cleaning up their own mess.
What is your opinion on the number of giant 'Alliances' around nowadays ('THE Alliance', 'Golden Alliance', etc)?
Honestly I think the clans within may have been crumbling and this was there solution, or possibly they knew they didn't have a chance to survive in the wild with the likes of RSD and DI. So they decided to merge.
Do you think it's wise to join up with one of these alliances (if you ran a medium-sized clan)?
Sure, if they feel they can't continue leading there clan on its own.
What's your advice for newer clans on dealing with alliances?
There is no clear cut way to deal with 200+ members against a newer clan, it will take a lot of time building to get to that point.
Do you believe a strong reputation is necessary (or very good stats) to start a high level skills/PKing clan?
If your sole purpose is to start a pking clan then yes reputation and stats are a plus. For a skills clan, reputation would be the most important.
When RSD first began, how did you go about recruiting new members?
Wow, history lesson? Well I am not the orginal leader. RSD was created by Justie B, Dravenstormn and Remoxing. Drave and Remo took over. But back then, recruiting was simply, you'd just simply ask someone if they wanted to join. Then the leader would contact them and ask them a series of questions, and base there decision on there answers. Never had to worry about spies back then. How things have changed.
What is the maximum number of members a PK-based/skills clan should have, in order to be run efficiently?
80+ should work
How does RSD deal with troublemakers in the clan?
All really is based on what they did.
But I would first give them a warning. If they break a clan rule, then they will earn a strike(3 strikes and your removed) and a fine(they must pay). Then if they continue with the behavior they will be removed from clan.
Do you think it's a very good idea for a clan to have a website?
Yes very, but if you are a new clan. Dont spend the time or money buying a domain and forums. Best bet would be to use a free site, such as
If so, around when should a clan create a website?
Immediately, It is good to have a place for new members to check out, so they can stay active.
Special thanks to Livinlarge21, leader of RSD.
XIV. User-Submitted Advice
A clan is very similar to running a guild. I have led a guild for over 3 years on another site. My guild on that other site has to do with merchanting, or buying and selling, something that is common on Runescape as well.
My advice to anyone running a clan or guild:
Set up some core values. Let others know what you stand for and will not stand for. Don't boss people around, the greatest leaders are those who are willing to do the menial tasks and help others with answering questions or showing how to do things, or basically help others get to the level you are at now, or at least take some steps toward achieving some things you already have done. A leader also knows when to let others teach them something, or let others help with some responsibilities. Leaders don't have to be the best at all things or even anything, but they do have to be good listeners, good at answering questions, be able to recognize abilities in others, and have infinite patience and tolerance of noobishness, never forgetting what it was like being new themselves.
Thanks to Transcendent of!
Quite a good effort on that guide, I'd agree in principle with many things, however how you go about setting up and organising your clan depends entirely on what type of clan you intend to run.
For example, when I was running CIARS, it had an extremely unique organisation and running system based on what it did.
My other piece of advice is delegate delegate delegate, if you have clan members, use them, dont put too much pressure on yourself or you can and probably will burn out.
Warm Cow
Director, CIARS
Ex Intelligence Advisor to 'The'
Ex Intelligence Advisor to RN
Thanks to Warm Cow of!
Well, it's the end of the guide. I know I've probably left out a million other details, but you're going to have to learn some stuff on your own. I know it'll be hard at first but eventually, if you have a natural leading ability (Or someone else has it in your clan), you'll do just fine.
Final Note: If anyone finds any spelling errors or otherwise blatant faults in my guide, please PM me. Credit will be given, thanks. Also, this is not the final version of my guide. Over time I'll add more, so don't worry.