does anyone has codes for smackdown vs raw?
2007-05-07 07:33:35 UTC
ps2 game with mr mcmahon face on the cover
Three answers:
2007-05-07 07:45:00 UTC
their isnt any codes but i think you could use a gameshark to get stuff on their.
2007-05-07 15:14:08 UTC
There are no cheat codes...... everything has to be unlocked by playing through season mode.
2007-05-07 14:48:38 UTC
I used to play that game, can't remember which one 'cause three Smackdown vs Raw I give u all of them:

Smackdown vs Raw:

Heat and Velocity arenas

Win the Amateur challenges to unlock the Heat and Velocity arenas.

HBK's and Kurt Angles' alternate costumes

Win the Rising Star challenges to unlock HBK's t-shirt and jeans and Kurt Angle's general manager suit.

Randy Orton's, HHH's, Batista's, and Flair's alternate costumes

Win the Superstar challenges to unlock Randy Orton's, HHH's, Batista's, and Flair's alternate costumes.

The Rock's alternate costume

Win all of the challenges to unlock The Rock's alternate costume.

WWE Legend movesets, 10,000 experience

Win the Legend challenges to unlock any remaining movesets and 10,000 experience.

Unlock Paul Heyman

Using Kane, defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania XX. You cannot play as him or against him; he can only be a manager.

Play as Paul Heyman

Select a single match with manager with player one being the manager. Then, select the CPU wrestler (for example, Chris Benoit). When asked to select a manager, above A-Train/Your CAWs, you will see Paul Heyman. Select him, and you will see him actually coming out with his "client" during the entrances. His finisher is a Bearhug.


Successfully complete season mode to unlock the "Credits" selection at the "Options" menu.

Legend challenges

Buy all the legends from the ShopZone to unlock the Legend challenges.

Alternate bra and panties costume

Play as Trish Stratus and defeat Victoria in any PPV arena to unlock more bra and panties to choose from.

Quick strip in Bra and Panties match

Use the following trick to get the girls to their underwear faster. Give any woman that is allowed to participate in the Bra and Panties match the Rock's signature "The People's Elbow" move as their special move. During the match, do the People's Elbow, and the wrestler will try to remove an elbow pad. However because there are none on a female model, she takes off her pants instead. Do this again and she will take off her shirt. Do not allow the CPU opponents to do this (do not select modified wrestlers for the CPU) or the game will freeze.

Kissing wrestlers in Bra and Panties match

In a match involving two divas, press Up + Circle to initiate a grapple, then Up + Circle to perform a spanking. Execute three "Excellent" spankings and the two divas will embrace each other and kiss. To get the three "Excellent" spankings, stop the arrow in the top on the red, then stop it again in the green box.

Steal opponent's finisher special move

To copy your opponent's finishing move, you need two SmackDown! specials ready. Then, get into your opponent's finishing move situation and press L1 while holding L2. You will then perform your opponent's finishing move.

Infinite experience

This trick requires two memory cards. First, save a large sum of money (for example, $20,000). Then, save the game on both memory cards. Next, buy the highest experience ShopZone item you can (for example, 3,000 experience points). Spend the points on the desired wrestler(s). Then, save the game on memory card one. Load the system data from memory card two. Then, copy the wrestler from memory card one. This will allow you to have a wrestler that has the experience spent and still have the money. You can keep doing this until you have maximum stats for each of the wrestlers you want. Note: If you do not spend the points before loading the system data from the memory card two, this will not work.

This trick requires two memory cards. Go to season mode and get about $25,000. To get money easily, go to the options menu at the main screen and turn DQs off. During your season matches, use a chair or sledgehammer to win easily. Also, use a good superstar such as HHH or used Randy Orton. Once you have the money, save your data on memory cards one and two. Buy the stats that cost about $20,000. Add those stats to your superstar. Save to memory card two. Go to the options, then to "System Data". Load from memory card one. Once that is done, copy your created superstar that you saved on memory card two (that you gave the stats to) to memory card one. Notice that you have your stats added to your superstar, and have all of your money back. Go to ShopZone and buy more stats. Repeat adding stats, saving, and copying, etc. until you are at the maximum. When your stats are full, save on memory card two. Load from memory card one. Copy your superstar from memory card two. You will now have a maxed stat CAW, and all of your money.

Create a Super Heavyweight wrestler. Play through season mode and earn until enough experience to max out Strength, Durability or both. Go to create mode and make a copy of your created wrestler. Edit the profile of the copied CAW and change the weight limit to "Diva". You will receive a notification stating that the CAW attribute points will be lost. Continue. By doing this, the CAW's lost attribute points will be converted back to experience points, and you can distribute it to other CAWs. Repeat this until you max out all your stats.

Create a superstar and build up his stats. Make sure your superstar is a heavyweight. Then, choose "Copy" at superstar creation screen. Copy him about five times. Then, choose "Edit Superstar". Choose the superstar you copied and choose "Profile". Then, choose "Classification" and change it to Diva weight. A message stating that some experience points will be lost will appear. Press X to accept, and you should be given a lot of experience points. Repeat this with all the copied superstars.

Once you have 3,000 points, spend them on your superstar but do not save it. Copy your superstar in create-a-superstar mode and change the classification to diva weight. Then, go back to the assign attributes screen and you should have more experience points. Also, the more times you copy and change classification, the more points you will get.

Get three diva managers in season mode

Use the following trick to get the Divas Torrie Wilson, Sable, and Stacy Keibler to "manage" you. Go through season mode as anyone. preferably a created wrestler because you will start low without any titles. Go through it and you cannot win any WWE titles or become heavily involved in a storyline, unless it is a diva one. For Torrie, by starting out with no titles you will reach a screen with Torrie Wilson and Tajiri when he says "What are you looking at?". Choose the first option to call him a loser and say that Torrie deserves better. From now on, win all your matches until you have Torrie. For Sable, play through season mode undefeated. After you win the Battle Royale, the next night on Raw you will go into the woman's locker room. Sable will say "Hey what are you doing? This is the woman's locker room!" Choose the first option to say "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention". From now on, win all your matches until you have Sable. For Stacy, play through season mode for awhile and keep winning all of your matches. Stacy will come to you with an offer. Agree to it and win all your matches to get her. Note: You will have to fight in a fifteen man Battle Royale to finally win her. After you have at least one diva, you will see an option at the screen when you decide to skip or play, and sometimes next to those two will be a lit up option saying Diva. Select it, and they will assist you at the right side. By using your Analog-stick you can command them by telling them to distract the ref or bring a weapon in for you. However, if you make them distract the ref too much, he will throw them out of the ring. Also, if your opponent falls out by them, they will attack them.

Get Trish Stratus as manager in season mode

Near the end of the year, Trish should come from the other show and talk to you, only to have the champ of the other brand take her away. You will then have a tag match with the champ. Lose this match and the superstar that came with the champ will make fun of you. Then, the Trish storyline will start.

Trish Stratus' thong in Ladder match

Play through season mode as usual. About the time of the Royal Rumble, get a championship and make sure that you lose your title on the night Trish hits on you saying "She came here just to meet you", which is No Way Out if on SmackDown! or about the fourth week for Raw. After this happens, you must win every match until you get to WrestleMania, where you will fight a Raw team, a SmackDown! team, and another team from one of those shows. The third team depends on which one you are on. For example, if you are on SmackDown!, there will be two SmackDown! teams. You will fight these two other tag teams in a Tornado 3 Team ladder match. Instead of a briefcase or title hanging from the ring, there will be Trish's thong. Note: You can do these things, and it will say that she is your Tag Team manager now. However, she cannot do this because this happens at WrestleMania 20 and it is the end of your season.

Automatically win title

Go for any title in the first week of August. When Mr. McMahon talks to you, reply by saying "I like your style, Mr. McMahon, and you've obviously got good taste. I'm interested, tell me more". When you select to start your match, select "Skip". You will automatically win the desired title. If you did not respond that way, then you will not win that week or get a fair match until Summerslam.

Easy wins with John Cena

Do the Five Knuckle Shuffle until your opponent's head is red. Then, hit him with the F-U. Note: To do the 5 Knuckle Shuffle press Left + Circle when he is on the floor groggy.

Easy wins in challenge mode

Use the following trick to win most challenges, especially timed ones, easily. When you have done the required move or requirement, go up the ramp and your opponent should follow. Just run or beat him up, then return to the ring at around "9", because the ref counts slow. You should have a lot easier time unlocking hidden attires and arenas doing things this way.

Select a very strong character (for example, The Undertaker). Fight against a very weak character (for example, Mark Jindrak). It should be very easy to finish challenge mode.

When the challenges requires you to take on any superstar, select a highly rated superstar as your character and a diva as you opponent. Even though it is a male vs. diva match, you can still win the challenge easily.

Easy wins in season mode

Select a strong character such as The Undertaker and make sure you have set the in game rules to no DQ. Then, get a weapon and beat up your opponent with it and use your finishing move.

Easy wins in Hell In A Cell match

Get everyone to go to the outside, then hang back from action interrupting pin falls and taunting. Next, grab the most beaten down opponent and lure him away from action. Do a finisher and pin him. Your other opponents will not get there in time to interrupt. Additionally, to easily win a Hell In A Cell match, repeatedly throw your opponent off the cell until their entire body is red. Then, do either a pin or a submission to win.

Easy wins in Ladder match

Beat down your opponent to where he or she is in the red or dark orange range. Then, grab the ladder (be on the outside of the ring). Press Up + X, then Circle after your opponent is on the ladder. You should grab your opponent and slam him on the ladder. Then, grab the ladder and go in the ring. Do not set it up yet. Then, leave the ring and go over to your opponent. Use your finisher (if it is a groggy one with a decent pin). If not, grab a chair and use the Up + X move (power chair hit). Drop the chair and go in the ring. Set up ladder and grab the belt, or cash and win. Note: This best done with a fast character that has a groggy special that can be done outside the ring, like Jon Cena.

Easy wins in Legends Cage match

To easily defeat Brett Hart with Brutus Beefcake, change Brutus's finisher to the Stone Cold Stunner and any one of his power moves to Stunner 5 or 4 to quickly weaken him.

Easy wins in RVD

Turn DQ off, or enter a no-DQ match. Get a chair from under the ring. Press Triangle + X to do the running chair move. The opponent will be hit, but the chair will remain in the ring. The chair never disappears from the ring. Do this until you have knocked the opponent out to win the match. Additionally, knock your opponent on the ground. Press Left + Circle to execute the flips. Stomp him twice. Press Left + Circle again to do the same move. Keep doing this until you get the desired result.

Easy wins in Tag or Triple Tag match

In a tag team match, if you have one opponent ready to be beaten, just before you execute a finishing move (as long as it is not a move that takes up a lot of time), press Left Analog-stick Up. This will cause your partner to run up and attack the opponent standing on the apron, which will keep him from coming in to break up the pin or submission.

Easy wins in Royal Rumble match

In your wrestler's moveset, change any of its moves to Powerbomb 07. During the match, get your opponent so that their back is towards the ropes. If the move is done correctly and in position, your opponent will go over the top rope without having a meter to use.

Easy eliminations in Royal Rumble match

When you are in the Royal Rumble match, you can toss out superstars with a small weight category. For example, ultra heavyweights can toss out heavyweights, light heavyweights, cruiserweights, and diva weights. Heavyweights can throw out light heavyweights, cruiserweights, and diva weights. Light heavyweights can throw out diva weights. Cruiserweights and diva weights cannot toss anyone over the rope. You can do this by pressing Left or Right + Down to toe kick the opponent to make them groggy. Then, press Up, Down, Left or Right + Circle to pick them up over your head. Next, walk over to the edge of the ring and press Circle. Note: Andre The Giant is the best person to do this with -- he can throw all weight classes over except super heavyweights.

Use Andre the Giant to quickly eliminate opponents by Irish Whipping them over the ropes and then grappling. Normally, he will elbow them off the apron regardless of their meters. The only opponents this does not always work for are the super heavyweights (Kane, Undertaker, Big Show, and Batista).

Easy money

To get $10,000 easily, wrestle through season mode. Soon after the Bad Blood PPV, they will give you a Triple Threat Ladder match for $10,000.

Go to season mode and choose someone (a champion or number one contender recommended). Then, win or lose the match. Start over and pick someone new. If you do this enough times, you should be able to unlock all the belts, attires, arenas, and superstars desired.

This trick requires two memory cards. First, create a belt. Then, create a PPV. Each player will be able to defend a belt (even if it is the same one). Whoever wins can cash in one of the belts repeatedly.

This trick requires two memory cards and at least enough SmackDown! money to make your own title. First, make a title on one of your memory cards and copy the data to the other memory card. Then, play a PPV against the second player (must be human). Next, have both players use a different memory card and have both of them put the title on the line. The winner will get both belts and more value. Then, save on the memory card with both belts and turn off the PlayStation 2. Delete the data on the memory card with no belts, then copy the data from the memory card with both belts. Keep repeating this to gain more money.

Multiple created wrestlers with same attributes

Create your wrestler and go through season mode to build your attribute points. Once they are filled, copy that wrestler and delete its attire. Then, make a new created wrestler with all the attributes already there. You will need to change the profile, of course.

Build up custom wrestler easily

You do not have to use your custom wrestler (from Create a Wrestler) in season mode to strengthen his stats. You can just use a regular WWE wrestler in the season to accumulate attribute points, then you can use those points later to edit your custom wrestler. This will save you the trouble of using a weak custom wrestler in the season mode.

Fight the opposite title holder

If you are the title holder and make it to the last month of the season, then you will fight the opposite title. For example, if you are the WWE Champion, you will fight the World Heavyweight Champion. If you are the WWE U.S. Champion, you will fight the Intercontinental Champion.

Keep championship

For this trick to work, you must be a title holder. Play until Vince tells you that you have a bounty on your head and go to the other show. At the PPV, lose the title to a superstar on the another show. For example, if you are playing as Booker T. defending the U.S. title, lose it to Christian. You will still be the champion.

Hidden weapons

When you fight at the Backstage area, you can Irish Whip your opponent to the big fence and make it collapse. There is a large yellow door marked "STOP - LIFT GATE DOWN - DOOR MUST BE OPEN". Once there, you can punish your opponents by using the gate. There are also hidden weapons inside that gate, such as tables and sledgehammers.

Hidden weapons in Parking Lot match

Go to the semi truck near the door and press Square. Your player will reach underneath and get a weapon.

Easier submissions

To make your opponent submit faster , damage the body part that the submission move will affect. For example, damage the legs before doing an Angle Lock, or the back before doing a Walls of Jericho. Additionally, for a 99% chance of making any wrestler tap out, keep doing the Surfboard Stretch until their chest is red, then use the Boston Crab; they will tap out.

Make your opponent's head turn red on his body meter next to his name. Once it is red, get your opponent on the floor and perform the Camel Clutch move. This will guarantee a tap out from the opponent.

Big Rock Bottom

First, grab a table and make sure you have at least one special. Press Down + Circle to set your opponent on the table. Press Circle again and your wrestler should get on top of the table and grapple the opponent. Press Down/Left + X button to do a toe kick. This will make your opponent groggy. Then, press L1 to do the Rock Bottom off the table from about three feet in the air.


Start a season with anyone. When you win matches you can give the experience points to someone else.

Reenact ECW matches

Go to create a PPV and name it ECW. Select a Judgment Day arena or one that looks suitable for the ECW. Have Tazz and Michael Cole announce. Tazz used to work for ECW and is more suitable. Set it for three matches. In the first match, put Eddie G vs. Chris Benoit. For the second match, make it a table match with the Dudley Boyz vs. Chris Jericho and Tajri. For the third match, make it TLC with RVD vs. Rhyno and use Vandams special with the chair.

Reenact Survivor Series' Elimination Chamber

To do the Elimination Chamber of Survivor Series 2002 put the following superstars in order: Triple H as #1, RVD as #2, Y2J as #3, Booker T as #4, and HBK as #6. The order of elimination is: RVD, Booker T, Kane, Y2J, and Triple H.

Reenact New Year's Revolution Elimination Chamber

To do the elimination chamber of New Year's Revolution, put the following superstars in order: Chris Benoit as #1, Y2J as #2, Triple H as #3, Edge as #4 Randy Orton as #5, and Batista as #6. The order of elimination is: Edge, Chris Benoit, Y2J, Batista, and Randy Orton.

Break table near the Raw stage

To slam your opponent through the announcement table near the stage, Irish Whip the opponent into the side of the table. You should get on top of it, do a suplex, then get off.

Blue into red opponent

Lure your opponent towards the area between the entrance stage and the barrier that protects the audience. Irish Whip your opponent into the barrier or the wall by the side of the entrance to damage them. Do this repeatedly to turn the "blue guy" into "red guy". Note: The "blue guy" will start flashing red after the head and body turns orange in color.

Easy Miss Jackie creation

Go to Create a WWE Superstar. Make sure you select "Female" under "Gender". Go to "Use Sample" and browse through the various women samples. The last one on the list is Miss Jackie (Sample 10).

Extra energy in Hardcore match

When fighting in a Hardcore match in the soda machine room, Irish Whip your opponent into the soda machine. A can of soda will appear. Drink it to refill your special bar.

Rub food in face in Hardcore match

There is a snack table in the back open space. Throw your opponent into the table. He will fall onto the table. Go over and grapple him. You will smash his face into the food. The camera will go to a close up of your wrestler rubbing a handful of food in your opponent's face.

Activate Kane's pyro backstage in Hardcore match

When the match starts, Irish Whip your opponent into the item with the police tape. Sirens will go off and the fire will explode. Do the same thing to the one on left and fireworks and confetti will explode.

Fight Vince Mcmahon at WrestleMania in Hell In A Cell match

Lose the Royal Rumble match in season mode. When Vince gives you a title shot, answer "No". As the weeks progress, you and Vince will get into a heated battle in which he suspends the GM's of the shows and takes over. At the last week before WrestleMania, the GM will return and takes his show. Vince gets suspended of power and will be placed in A Hell In A Cell match at WrestleMania. Note: If you use Triple H, after you win at the end of the match he will place Vince on the announcer's table, climb up the cage, and elbow dive Vince threw the table.

The Big Red Machine challenge

Defeating Kane in the Big Red Machine challenge is difficult. The easiest way is to take a wrestler who has submission moves for the legs and arms, power moves for the body, and a finisher that can damage the head. Get every body part to red or orange in color. When it looks like you have got him, go to the right side of the ring and get the sledgehammer. Bring it inside the ring and throw it down. If Kane is up, knock him back down, then go for the ref. Remember that you can only knock the ref down three times before being disqualified. After the ref is down, pick Kane up, stun him, then choke him with the sledgehammer (Down + X). When he goes down, put the sledgehammer down, pick him back up, then choke him with it again. Do this until the sledgehammer disappears. By that time the ref should be awake and ready to make the count. Kane should be completely red by this time. If needed, create a wrestler and use the strategy for unlimited experience on here, and build a created character that is maxed out on everything.

Brothers Of Destruction challenge

You must take on both Masked Kane and Legend Undertaker in a handicap match. Choose a strong superstar (Animal recommended). Make sure you have maximum specials and that they have none. Also make sure that you fight Legend Undertaker first. He is much stronger than Kane. Qucikly steal his special and get him to tag. Kane is easy to defeat. Beat him down, then steal his special (the Choke Slam). Then, knock Legend Undertaker off the ringside. Hurry back and pin Kane to win the challenge.

10 Strikes and Grapple Counter challenges

Set up the challenge. Use someone who is a face. Keep using high risk moves and build up your face meter. Use the face invincible special. You will reverse all strikes and grapples for a time. This can whip out both challenges at the same time.

Reverse 10 Strikes challenge

When attempting to complete the reverse 10 strike challenge, select Tajiri as your opponent. He constantly uses strike attacks.

Reverse 10 Strikes and Grapple Attack challenges

Fill the clean meter up. After instructed to do a taunt to activate the clean rush or something similar, do so. From that point on, do not attack your opponent. Look constantly to the clean letters, as they are going to be flashing. That indicates that you are in the invincibility rush. If you do not attack your opponent in that time, you are going to reverse all the moves that he tries to do, However, the invincibility rush wears off in about thirty seconds to one minute. But if you do it repeatedly, you can win the challenges in one match. To learn how to fill the clean meter, pause the game, then go to "Match Tactics". It can be read at the bottom.

Slobber Knocker challenge

Play as Batista. Once you are ready, grapple your opponent. Press Up/Left and Batista will do a Arm Clothesline. Your opponent's head will be red. Then, do your Powerbomb to knock him out. Note: Your opponent's head will turn orange if they are big (for example, Big Show or Triple H).

Spinaroonie challenge

Go in a single match with Booker T against a diva (Sable recommended). Beat her, and after every time you do a power grapple move when she are red in the body, do a Spinaroonie. Then, lift them up, give them another move, and do a Spinaroonie ten times to complete the challenge.

Super Heavyweight challenge

On this challenge you have to use Big Show. Press Down + Circle to get into a submission grapple, then press Down + Circle again. If done correctly, you will do a bearhug. Keep doing this until he gives up. It should take about two minutes before he gives up.

Defeating Andre The Giant in legend challenge

To defeat Andre The Giant with Rey Mysterio, set the difficulty to hard and the settings to default in order to compete in the challenge. In the match, go outside the ring, Irish Whip Andre into the barricades, and make a grappling move. This will allow Rey Mysterio to lift Andre and slam him on the barricade, damaging his head and body. Do this until he is red on both his head and body parts. You must do this a lot of times, and go in and out of the ring a lot of times. After he is in the red, hit him with the 619 and pin him.

To quickly defeat Andre the Giant with Rey Mysterio, lure Andre outside the ring, up the ramp, and near the entranceway. Keep running at him and doing the Spinning Heel Kick. By about count "8", he will start to walk back to the ring. Follow him and knock him down while he is still on the ramp. By count "9", run to the ring. You should win by a count out.

In the legend challenge where you play as Big Show and must defeat Andre The Giant, press Circle to initiate a submission grapple. Then, press Circle to do Big Show's Type-B submission bear hug. Continue to do this to defeat Andre within a minute and a half.

In the legend challenge where you play as Big Show and must defeat Andre The Giant, leave the ring and keep body slamming Andre. At about the "9" count, throw him to the barricade. He will be counted out. The challenge does not say you have to pin him or make him submit.

Defeat Mankind in a hardcore match in legend challenge

To defeat Mankind quickly, use a very strong superstar like Triple H. When the match starts, run towards Mankind and hit him with the knee. Then, grab the chair and beat Mankind with it until it disappears. Then, run quickly to the other chair. Use that one also until it disappears. You can then make a Pedigree or two on him. If he still kicks out, use the stairs and take out his legs. You must do the first damage to Mankind. If he hits you first, you are in trouble.

Get outside ring in Survival or Battle Royal

When playing a Survival or Battle Royal match (4, 5, or 6 Man, it does not matter), there is an odd glitch that makes it possible for you to be outside of the ring. Choose a superstar with a move that requires them to face the opposite direction while they are on the turnbuckle, instead of facing the ring. Then, get knocked off while on the turnbuckle. You will be outside the ring. Unfortunately you cannot bring weapons back into the ring (when you go to check, there are none there).

Paul Heyman's ring entry

Play a single match with manager. Go around the character choices and find Paul Heyman. Note: You can not fight with him against anyone. Be Paul Heyman as a manager and go in the ring. Notice that he goes over the top rope instead of a normal ring in move. Also, when you bring in a normal manager they walk in with you (for example, Torrrie Wilson). However, if you choose Paul Heyman as your manager, he will already be at his managing position.

DQ when hitting manager

Select a single match with manager and DQ. Select your opponent with the manager. When the bell rings, leave the ring and get a chair. Hit the manager with the chair. You will be disqualified.

No L2 Button challenge

Select Batista. Keep doing moves in the power grapple set until you get Batista's special, the Super Powerbomb. Use Batista's second special Powerbomb 14 (where he does not pin the opponent after the Powerbomb). John Cena should get knocked out. You can now climb out of the cage and successfully complete the challenge. Note: You should not use the Batista Bomb, as after you attempt to pin Cena he will just get back up.

Double RVD Air Kick with custom character

Create a character and set his running turnbuckle move to a clothesline and get on the turn buckle. Then, put on of his high fly moves as the RVD Kick. Once you have done this, start a match with your wrestler. When the match starts, whip him to one of the turnbuckles. Then, run at him and clothesline him. After the clothesline against the turnbuckle, you should be on top of it. Then, do RVD's Air Kick move. If done at the correct moment, he will kick him twice, increasing your special bar and clean bar (if available). Note: When you do the kick, you might go over your opponent's head often. If this happens, whip your opponent to a different turnbuckle, then repeat the process.

Missing announcers

Create a pay per view and set J.R and King as the announcers. Have a match with Shelton Benjamin vs. anyone. During Shelton's entrance to the ring, J.R and King will not be at their announcer table, but you will hear them talk during the match.

Wrong belt

When you play a title match on Raw (match for World Heavyweight Championship), instead of a World Title that could be used as a weapon it is the WWE title (SmackDown's Heavyweight title).

Wrong titleholder

Successfully complete season mode as the Intercontinental, World Heavyweight, and WWE champion. Save the game after you win all three titles in the unification match at WrestleMania 20 to hold all three titles. Start a new season as the same person then select the "View the title holders" section in your locker before you start the event. You should no longer be both the Intercontinental or WWE champion, and only be the World Heavyweight if you are on the Raw brand . If you are on SmackDown! and win the WWE, U.S., and World Heavyweight championships, go to the "View The title holders" section in your locker before the show. You should no longer be the U.S. or the World Heavyweight champion, and just be the WWE champion.

Wrong commentary

The voice overs often reefer to RVD as Bradshaw and JBL as Rob Van Dam. Additionally, go to exhibition mode, and choose any tag team match with entrances. Select Rico and Charlie Hass as one of the teams. Make sure you wrestle with the Raw announce team. Notice that during the entrances, Lillian Garcia will introduce "...Rico and Chuck Hass".

Classic wrestlers

The following classic wrestlers are available for purchase in the ShopZone for the following prices:

Andre the Giant: $20,000

Bret "Hitman" Hart: $20,000

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake: $20,000

Legend Undertaker: $18,000

Legion of Doom (Hawk and Animal): $35,000

Mankind: $20,000

Masked Kane: $18,000

The Rock: $20,000

Singular entrances

1: Stone Cold Steve Austin

2: Lita

3: Kevin Nash

4: Taunt in ring looking mean

5: Salute fans on the ramp / taunt on turnbuckle

6: Goldberg

7: Bushwacker

8: Taunt while standing on middle rope

9: Jeff Hardy

10: Talks trash to crowd on ring

11: Bubba Ray Dudley Mark 2

12: D-Von Dudley Mark 2

13: Eugene

14: Hulk Hogan

15: Scott Steiner

16: Party Animal

17: Chris Jericho Mark 2

Barricade moves

Corner Barricade Grapples: Irish Whip your opponent to the corner piece of the barricade.

Mudhole Stomps: Press Up or Down + Grapple.

Mudhole Strikes: Press Left or Right + Grapple.

Slam To Barricade: Irish Whip your opponent to the barricade, then grapple.

Tag Team moves

1: Normal Boring Entrance

2: Worlds Greatest Tag Team

3: Dudley Boyz

4: Evolution

5: Evolution Mark 2

6: Rico/Ms Jackie

7: Bushwackers

8: Hardy Boyz

9: Dudleys Mark 2

10: Leigon Of Doom

11: Too Cool

12: DX Generation

Trio Tag Team moves

1: Normal Boring Entrance

2: Evolution

3: FBI/Full Blooded Italians

4: Rico / Ms Jackie and Charlie Haas

5: Team Extreme

6: DX Generation

Move Sets

1: Ron Simmons/Farooq

2: Billy Gunn

3: Val Venis

4: William Regal

5: Scott Steiner

6: Test

7: The Hurricane

8: Spike Dudley

9: Billy Kidman

10: Funaki

11: Steven Richards

12: Sgt. Slaughter

13: Jerry "The King" Lawler

14: Tazz

15: Al Snow

16: Rodney Mack

17: Jazz

18: Lita

19: Vince Mcmahon

20: Shane Mcmahon

21: Stephanie Mcmahon

22: Eric Bischoff

23: "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan

24: Ultimate Warrior

25: Iron Shiek

26: Nicholai Volkoff

27: Hillbilly Jim

28: Hillbilly Jim

29: Dean Malenko

30: "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

31: Crash Holly

32: Mr. Perfect

33: Bob Backland

34: Lance Storm

35: Ultimo Dragon

36: Dean Malenko

37: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

38: Goldberg

39: Brock Lesnar

40: Jeff Hardy

41: X-Pac

42: DDP

43: Road Dogg

44: Kevin Nash/Diesel

45: Scott Hall/Razor Ramon

46: Sting

47: Jeff Jarrett

48: Goldust

49: Vader

50: Keiji Mutoh

51: Kendo Kashin

52: Toshiaki Kawada

53: Taka Michinoku

54: Genichiro Tenryu

55: Kensuke Sasake

56: Masahiro Chona

57: Hiroyoshi Tenzan

58: Manabu Nakanishi

59: Yugi Nagata

60: Jushin Lyger

61: Mitsuharu Misawa

62: Kenta Kobashi

63: Jun Akiyama

64: Jon Hidenreich

65: Naoya Ogawa

66: The Great Sasuke

67: Atsushi Onita

68: Fred Durst

69: Antonio Inoki

70: Shoot Set 1

71: Shoot Set 2

72: Joshi Set A

73: Joshi Set B

74: Lucha Set

Original Entrances


01: Steve Austin

02: Lita

03: Bradshaw (Face)

04: Rikishi

05: The Hurricane

06: Goldberg

07: Bushwhacker

08: X-Pac

09: Jeff Hardy

10: Booker T

11: Bubba Ray Dudley (Face)

12: D-Von Dudley (Face)

13: Eugene

14: Hulk Hogan

15: Scott Steiner

16: Ultimate Warrior

17: Chris Jericho (Face)


01: Generic

02: World's Greatest Tag Team

03: Dudley Boyz (Heel)

04: Evolution (Ric Flair and Batista)

05: Evolution (Ric Flair and Randy Orton)

06: Rico & Miss Jackie

07: Bushwhackers

08: Hardy Boyz

09: Dudley Boyz (Face)

10: The Legion of Doom

11: Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi)

12: D-Generation-X (Road Dogg and X-Pac)


01: Generic

02: Evolution (Batista, Ric Flair, and Randy Orton)

03: F.B.I.

04: Rico, Miss Jackie & Charlie Haas

05: Team X-Treme (Lita, Matt Hardy, and Jeff Hardy)

06: D-Generation-X (Road Dogg, X-Pac, and Tori)

Replacement moves

Akio: Corkscrew Body Pin.

Batista: Spine Buster 05 and Powerbomb 15 (Batista Bomb).

Billy Kidman: Spinebuster 02 (BK Bomb) and Shooting Star Press.

Brock Lesnar: Cyclone 01 (F-5) and Cyclone 02 (F-5).

Brock Lesnar: Cyclone 01 and 02 is the F-5 01 and 02; The Neck Breaker 03 and Death Valley Driver can be used as modified F-5's.

Brock Lensar: F-5 and Cyclone (same move as his in WWF: Here Comes The Pain)

CCC: His finisher should be Overdrive.

Charlie Haas: T-Bone Suplex 01 and Haas of Pain.

Chavo Guerrero: Gory Bomb and Frog Splash 01.

Chris Benoit: Crossface and Diving Head Butt.

Diamond Dallas Page: The Bubba Cutter and RKO can be used as Diamond Cutters; The Super RKO and Stunner 05 can be used as modified Diamond Cutters.

Dino: Bearhug 01 and 02.

Edge: Edgecution 02 and Spear 02.

Funaki: DDT 25 and 26 (Rising Sun).

Gene Snitski: Big Boot 03 (Test Running Big Boot) and Pumphandle Slam.

Goldberg: Suplex Pin 02 (Jackhammer) and Spear 05.

Heidenreich: Shoulderbreaker and Scrapbuster pin.

Hulk Hogan: Atomic Leg Drop 1 and 2.

Hurricane: Shining Wizard 10 and Neckbreaker 13 (Eye Of The Hurricane).

Jazz: STF 01 and Lifting.

Jeff Hardy: Extreme Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb 02.

John Cena: Power of the Punch can be used as his Chain Shot.

John Heidenreich: Shoulderbreaker and Scrapbuster.

Kane: Change his Powerbomb pin to a different Chokeslam.

Kenzo Suzuki: STO 02 and Big Shoulder Claw.

Lita: DDT 18 (Kiss of Death) and Diving Moonsault 03.

Mankind: Use Taunt Masked Man, and Taunt Socks as his two missing taunts. Use the Manible Claw, and the Iron Claw for Cactus Jack Double Arm DDT, and Piledriver 03.

Mark Jindrak: Mark of Excellence and Spinning Out Powerbomb.

Masked Kane: Change the Powerbomb move to Tombstone Piledriver Pin.

Maven: Bulldog 08 and Diving Moonsault 02.

Mordecai: Powerbomb 06 (Redemption) and Jawbreaker 02 (Sinner Shot).

Paul London: Shooting Star Press 01 (London Calling) and 450 Splash (Calling London).

Rene Dupree: Dupree Bomb and Michinoku Driver.

Rikishi: Rump Shaker 01 (Banzai Drop) and Fire Thunder (Rikishi Driver).

Rob Conway: Super Neckbreaker Pin (Au Revoir) and Neckbreaker 03.

Rob Van Dam: Keep one Five Star Frog Splash, the either give him Eddie G's Frog Splash or the Jumping Calf Kick (Vandamonator).

Rockin Boy: The F-U 01 can be used as The First and Last. The Shooting Star Press 02 can be used as his Gainer 04 the Painer.

Rosey: Sidewalk Slam 04 and Big Splash Pin.

Samson: The Alabama Slam can be used as the Samsonite. The Half Full Nelson Face Slam can be used as the Hair Cutter.

Scott Steiner: Complete Shot and Camel Clutch 03 (Steiner Recliner).

Shelton Benjamin: Super Kick and T-Bone Suplex 03.

Shelton Benjaman: Change seocnd finisher to Powerslam Pin 1 (closest to the Tbone Suplex into a pin he does).

Sylvain Grenier: Super Neckbreaker Pin (Au Revoir) and Neckbreaker 03.

Syvian Grenier/Rob Conway: Super Neckbreaker Pin (1 Man Au Revoir).

Test: Big Boot 03 and Pump Handle Slam.

The Undertaker (non legend): Change his Last Ride to a Chokeslam.

Ultimo Dragon: DDT 04 and Dragon Sleeper 02.

X-Pac: Facecrusher 1 (X-Factor), Bomb to Facecrusher (Modified X-Factor).

The 450 Pin can be used as Paul London's London Calling.

The 99 Crusher can be used for Chris Sabin's CradleShock.

The Atomic Leg Drop 1 and 2 can be used as Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop.

The Back Breaker 3 can be used as Farooqs Dominator.

The Book End can be used as Christopher Daniel's Standing Rock Bottom.

The Bubba Cutter can be used as the Diamond Cutter, or a better looking RKO.

The Camel Clutch 3 can be used as the Steiner Recliner.

The Chokeslam 6 can be used as the Hurrislam.

The Chokeslam 9 can be used as Another Mark Of Excellence.

The Cyclone 1 and 2 can be used as the F-5.

The DDT 4 can be used as Ultimo Dragon's Dragon DDT.

The DDT 7 can be used at Chris Sabin's Future Shock.

The DDT 9 can be used as the Raven Effect.

The DDT 30 can be used as Steven Richard's Stevie T.

The Diving Moonsault 2 can be used at The Fallen Angel's B.M.E.

The Diving Moonsault 3 can be used as Bill Demott's No Laughing Moonsault or Lita's Litasault.

The Dupree Bomb can be used as a Better Michinoku Driver.

The Edgecution 1 can also be used as the Raven Effect.

The Edgecution 2 Can be used as the Fallen Angel's Angel Wings.

The Emerald Fusion 2 can be used as Nova's Nova Buster.

The Facecrusher 1 can be used as the X-Factor.

The Facecrusher 2 can be used as Ivory's Poison Ivory.

The Fire Thunder can be used as the Rikishi Driver or the Inverted Piledriver.

The Frogsplash 1 can be used as D'lo Brown's Lo Down.

The Gory Bomb can be used as Chris Sabin's Fall Back Powerbomb.

The Landing Pin can be used as Aj Styles's Styles Clash.

The Landing Pin can also be used as Crash Holly's Bottom Feeder.

The Last Call can be used as the Fall Away Slam.

The Lift And Cutter can be used as Chris Sabin's Lift and DDT.

The Lifting can be used as the Jazz Stretch.

The Mexican Stretch Buster can be used as Ron Killing's K-Buster.

The Neckbreaker can be used as the Eye Of The Hurricane.

The Neckbreaker 3 can be used as the Test Driver.

The Neckbreaker 3 can also be used as Luther Reins' Suicide.

The Neckbreaker 10 can be used as the Regal Cutter.

The Overdrive can be used as Elix Skipper's Play Of The Day (P.O.D).

The Overdrive can also be used as Carlito's finishing move.

The Pedigree 1 can be used as the Fallen Angel's Angel's Wings.

The Pedigree 2 can also be used at The Fallen Angel's Angel's Wings.

The Piledriver 3 can be used as Jerry Lynn's Cradle Piledriver.

The Power Bomb 6 can be used as the Razors Edge or the Crucifix Powerbomb.

The Power Of The Punch can be used as Regal's finisher or John Cena's Knux Shot.

The Running Shoulder Attack 2 can be used as Monty Brown's The Pounce.

The Samoan Driver can be used as Scott Damore's the Damoreiliser.

The Scrapbuster Pin can be used as The Bossman Slam.

The Shooting Star Press 1 can be used as the London Calling.

The Shooting Star Press 1 can also be used as the Style's Splash .

The Sidewalk Slam 4 can be used as Chris Sabin's Bum Rush.

The Sidewalk Slam 4 can also be used as Rosey's Side Slam.

The Sidewalk Slam 4 can also be used as the Gunn Stinger.

The Spear 5 can be used as Goldberg's Spear.

The SpineBuster 2 can be used as the BK Bomb.

The Stunner 1 can be used as Mikey Whipwreck's Wippersnapper.

The Stunner 5 can be used as a Modified Diamond Cutter.

The Suplex 4 can be used as a Brainbuster.

The Suplex 12 can be used as a Brainbuster.

The Suplex Pin 2 can be used as the JackHammer.

2006 edition:

Infinite created wrestler points

Successfully complete a year in both SmackDown! and RAW Season modes to get unlimited experience points for all current and future created superstars. Note: The experience points cannot be used for Tag Team attributes.

All bonus moves

Unlock all legends and win the Tough Enough trophy to unlock all bonus moves.

Legend Steel Cage matches

Successfully complete the Superstar challenges to unlock the Legend Steel Cage matches.

ECW One Night Stand arena

Win the ECW One Night Stand event in Season mode to unlock the ECW One Night Stand arena.

WrestleMania 9 arena

Successfully complete the Superstar challenges to unlock the WrestleMania 9 arena.

WrestleMania 21 arena

Win WrestleMania 21 in Season mode to unlock the WrestleMania 21 arena.

Wrestle as Andre The Giant

Purchase for $28,000 at the WWE Shop.

Wrestle as Bret "Hit Man" Hart

Purchase for $28,000 at the WWE Shop.

Wrestle as British Bulldog "Davey Boy Smith"

Purchase for $28,000 at the WWE Shop.

Wrestle as Hollywood Hogan

Win the SmackDown! Season trophy to unlock Hollywood Hogan.

Wrestle as Hulk Hogan (80's)

Win the RAW Season trophy to unlock Hulk Hogan (80's).

Wrestle as Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Buy Jake "The Snake" Roberts in the PSP version of WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006, then transfer him through a USB cable link. Alternately, successfully complete year one in GM mode, then draft Jake "The Snake" Roberts in year two as one of your three choices.

Wrestle as Jimmy Hart

Win the Tough Enough trophy to unlock Jimmy Hart.

Wrestle as Junkyard Dog

Purchase for $28,000 at the WWE Shop.

Wrestle as Mankind

Purchase for $28,000 at the WWE Shop.

Wrestle as "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase

Win the Challenge Mode WWE Superstar trophy to unlock "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase.

Wrestle as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Successfully complete the RAW Season storyline to unlock "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Wrestle as The Rock

Successfully complete the SmackDown! Season storyline to unlock The Rock.

Torrie Wilson as a manager

Successfully complete the "Torrie's Contract" storyline to unlock Torrie Wilson as a selectable manager.

Trish Stratus as a manager

Successfully complete the "A Very Special Friend" RAW storyline to unlock Trish Stratus as a selectable manager.

Hardcore Championship Belt

Win the Challenge Mode Legend trophy to unlock the Hardcore Championship Belt.

Million Dollar Championship Belt

Win the Challenge Mode Legend trophy to unlock the Million Dollar Championship Belt.

World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode

Successfully complete the SmackDown! Season storyline and win at WrestleMania to unlock the World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode.

WWE Title in Exhibition mode

Successfully complete the RAW Season storyline and win at WrestleMania to unlock the WWE Title in Exhibition mode.

Alternate costume for JBL

Win the GM Of The Year award to unlock an alternate costume for JBL.

Alternate costume for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Successfully complete the Legend challenges to unlock an alternate costume for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Alternate costume for Triple H

Win the GM Of The Year award to unlock an alternate costume for Triple H.


Win the Bar Room Brawl trophy to unlock the Jukebox.

Diva loading screens

Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy to unlock the Diva loading screens.

Legend loading screens

Win the Legend Killer trophy to unlock the Legend loading screens.

Superstar loading screens

Win the Elimination Chamber trophy to unlock the Superstar loading screens.

Locker Room shop items

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item at the Locker Room shop for purchase:

Austin Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Barbie Weapon: Win the Bar Brawl trophy

Batista Figure: Win the 100 Wins trophy

Bret Hart Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Bret Hart Sunglasses: Unlock Bret Hart

British Bulldog's Bulldog: Unlock British Bulldog

Carlito Apple: Purchase for $1,500

Carlito T-shirt: Win the Amateur Challenge trophy

Casino Table: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Ceiling Fan: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Christy Poster 1: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Christy Poster 2: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

D-X Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

ECW T-Shirt: Win the Bar Brawl trophy

Eddie Lowrider: Purchase for $ 1,500

Eugene Stuffed Animal: Purchasefor $1,500

Evolution Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Fancy Component Stereo Set: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Furry Couch: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Glass Belt Case: Purchase for $4,000

Glass Coffee Table: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Glass Locker: Purchase for $ 4.,00

Glass Trophy Case: Purchase for $ 4,000

Guitar: Win the Bar Brawl trophy

Hall Of Fame Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Hogan Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Hulk Hogan Bobblehead: Unlock 80's Hulk Hogan

JBL $100 Bill: Purchase for $1,500

JBL Limousine: Purchase for $1,500

Jimmy Hart Megaphone: Unlock Jimmy Hart

John Cena Baseball Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble or Rising Star trophies

John Cena Figure: Win the 100 Wins trophy

John Cena Football Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble trophy

John Cena Lock Chain: Win the Elimination Chamber trophy

Kane Mask: Purchase for $1,500

Kurt Angle Gold Metal: Win the Elimination Chamber trophy

Lava Lamp: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Leather Couch: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Lita Poster: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Lowrider Couch: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Mankind Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Metal Belt Case: Purchase for $3,000

Metal Locker: Purchase for $3,000

Metal Trophy Case: Purchase for $3,000

Michelle Poster: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

n.W.o. Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Regal Brass Knuckles: Purchase for $1,500

Rey Mysterio Baseball Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble trophy

Rey Mysterio Basketball Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble trophy

RoyalRumble Steel Chair: Purchase for $ 1,500

Shane McMahon Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble trophy

Sledgehammer: Win the Bar Brawl trophy

Stacy Poster 1: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Stacy Poster 2: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Stacy Stand Cut-Out: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

SummerSlam Steel Chair: Purchase for $1,500

Survivor Series Steel Chair: Purchase for $1,500

The Rock Bobblehead: Unlock The Rock

The Rock Poster: Win the Legend Killer trophy

Tiger Skin Rug: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Torrie Poster 1: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Torrie Poster 2: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Training Machine 1: Win the Match Veteran trophy

Training Machine 2: Win the Match Veteran trophy

Trish Poster 1: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Trish Poster 2: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Trish Poster 3: Win the Collect-A-Diva trophy

Trish Stand Cut-Out: Win the Undertaker Urn trophy

Undertaker Motorbike: Purchase for $1,500

WrestleMania 21 Steel Chair: Purchase for $1,500

Y2J Hockey Jersey: Win the Royal Rumble trophy


Successfully complete the indicated task to win the corresponding trophy:

100 Wins trophy: Win 100 matches.

Amateur Challenge trophy: Successfully complete all Amateur Challenges.

Bar Room Brawl trophy: Win the Bar Room Brawl in Season mode.

Collect-A-Diva trophy: Win Trish's (on RAW) and Torrie's (on SmackDown!) contracts in Season mode.

Elimination Chamber trophy: Win an elimination chamber match on the Legend difficulty setting and eliminate all five superstars.

General Manager trophy: Successfully complete GM mode with a higher rating than SmackDown!/RAW.

Legend Killer trophy: Win the Legend Battle Royale in Season mode.

Match Veteran trophy: Play in every match type in Exhibition mode.

Rising Star trophy: Successfully complete all Rising Star challenges.

Royal Rumble trophy: Win the Royal Rumble match in Season mode.

Tough Enough trophy: Win ten matches with a created wrestler.

Undertaker's Urn trophy: Defeat The Undertake in the Buried Alive match in Season mode.

WWE Challenge trophy: Successfully complete all of the set challenges.

WWE Legend trophy: Successfully complete all WWE Legend challenges.

WWE Superstar trophy: Successfully complete all WWE Superstar challenges.

Tag team entrances

Tag 01: William Regal and Eugene (Eugene comes out clapping)

Tag 02: The Bashams

Tag 03: La Resistance

Tag 04: Regal and Tajiri

Tag 05: Muhammad Hassan and Davari

Tag 06: The Bushwhackers

Tag 07: Charlie Haas and Miss Jackie

Tag 08: The Bashams 2

Trio entrances

Trio 01: DX

Trio 02: nWo

Trio 03: Generic

Edit entrances

Edit 01: Matt Hardy V1

Edit 02: Dvon Dudley & Bubba Ray Dudley

Edit 03: Lance Cade

Edit 04: Miss Jackie

Edit 05: Brock Lesnar

Move sets

Move Set 1: Hardcore Holly (Alabama Slam x2)

Move Set 2: Val Venis (The Money Shot Pin, Leg Lock 11)

Move Set 3: Funaki (Bulldog 5, Lucha DDT)

Move Set 4: Maven (Backbreaker 12 x2)

Move Set 5: Rhyno (The Gore x2)

Move Set 6: Bubba Ray Dudley (Cutter, Full Nelson Bomb)

Move Set 7: D-Von Dudley (Saving Grace, Neckbreaker 13)

Move Set 8: Luther Reigns (Sidebuster 2, Reverse Neckbreaker)

Move Set 9: Lance Storm (Steven Kick, Single Leg Crab 2)

Move Set 10: Rikishi (Rump Shaker x2)

Move Set 11: Ultimo Dragon (DDT 5, Lionsault Pin)

Move Set 12: Kip James (FameAsser, Sidewalk Slam 4)

Move Set 13: Chuck Palumbo (Steven Kick, Torture Rack)

Move Set 14: Matt Hardy (Twist of Fate 2, Twist of Fate 1)

Move Set 15: Jeff Hardy (Swanton Bomb 2, Extreme Twist of Fate)

Move Set 16: Al Snow (Northern Lights Driver, Black Out Hold)

Move Set 17: Goldberg (Suplex Pin 2, Spear 5)

Move Set 18: Scott Steiner (Camel Clutch 4, Novacaine)

Move Set 19: Sting (Sharpshooter 1, DDT 9)

Move Set 20: Sean Waltman (Facecrusher 2, Edge'O Matic 2)

Move Set 21: Kevin Nash (Jackknife x2)

Move Set 22: Scott Hall (Powerbomb 5, Cross Powerbomb)

Move Set 23: Animal (Oklahoma Slam, Powerslam Pin 1)

Move Set 24: Hawk (Flying Clothesline 2, Neckbreaker 14)

Move Set 25: Ultimate Warrior (Amazing Slam and Splash, Clothesline Combination)

Steal opponent's taunt

Fill your momentum and store your finisher. Then, press L1 + Right Analog-stick in any direction.

Casket finisher

Store one finisher and get your momentum full so that the bar is flashing. When it is flashing, Irish Whip your opponent into the casket and press L1. This will result in a casket finisher and end the match without you having to close the casket lid.

Using the environment in Bar Brawl matches

Strong whip your opponent into the pool table, then press Up + Circle to grab a pool stick and hit your opponent with it. Press Left + Circle to put your opponent's face on the table, and someone will shoot a ball into your opponent's face. Drag your opponent by the hair then press Circle to lean your opponent against it, then climb on top of the pool table and ram their face into the ground with your knee.

Strong whip your opponent into the wine rack, then press Up + Circle to throw their back into it. Press Left + Circle to use them as a battering ram and knock lots of bottles off the rack; however you cannot pick them up and use them as weapons. Drag your opponent to the rack and press Circle to rub their face against the rack.

Strong whip your opponent into the wall with the television just above it, then press Up + Circle to whip them around and trip them so that their head hits on the baseboard of the wall. Press Left + Circle to whip them into it and cause the television to fall down (which you can use as a weapon). Drag your opponent by the hair to it to use their head as a battering ram into the wall.

Drag your opponent by the hair to the cocktail sign to smash their face through it.

Drag your opponent to the jukebox to lean them against it and ram into them.

In the upper left hand corner you will see a basketball game. Strong whip your opponent into it and you can do the following. Press Up + Circle or Down + Circle to do a dodgeball game, where you throw a basketball into their face; however you cannot bust them open with this. Press Left + Circle or Right + Circle to do a back drop into the goal. Drag your opponent by the hair to the goal and press Circle to throw them onto the goal then shoot a basketball on top of them.

Next to the rack full of liquor, you will see a display case with pool sticks in it. Strong whip your opponent into it, then press Up + Circle to put their face through the glass. Do it again, and you will grab a baseball bat out of the case. You can only get three bats out of the case.

On the bar, strong whip your opponent into it. Press Up + Circle to do a clothesline over the bar. Press Left + Circle to lean your opponent up against the bar. Your superstar will ask for a beer and the bartender will give you a beer bottle that you will smash over your opponent's head. Grab your opponent by the hair and pull them to the bar, then press Circle to put your opponent on the bar and slide them down it.

You can climb on both the pool table and the spinning table next to the TV set.

On one of the tables, you will see lots of beer bottles. Just walk over and press Square to pick up the bottles. It is an unlimited supply.

Using the environment in Backstage Brawl matches

Strong whip your opponent into the electrical box to give them a little shock. Drag your opponent by the hair to the electrical box, then press Circle to open the door and throw your opponent into it causing a huge electrical shock. This will also open the big door next to the box.

Strong whip your opponent into the speakers next the television rack to knock the top speaker over. Whip them into it again, then press Up + Circle to do a guillotine move on the speaker. Press Left + Circle to ram their back into it. Drag your opponent to it and press Circle to throw them into the speaker.

Strong whip your opponent into the soda machine, then press Up + Circle to throw them into it and ram them a few times. Press Left + Circle to ram their head through it. Drag your opponent to it and press Circle to use their head as a battering ram.

Whip your opponent into the stand with the television on top of it, then press Up + Circle to ram their face into the television. Press Left + Circle to throw your opponent into the stand and cause the television to fall. Drag your opponent to the rack then press Circle to DDT their head into the metal post.

Next to the speaker is a open trash dumpster. Strong whip your opponent into it, then press Up + Circle to throw them inside and slam the lid on their head. Press Left + Circle to put their head right on the edge of it and slam the lid down. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to throw them into it. Your superstar will hit them, then slam the lid on them.

After opening the garage door with the electrical box, strong whip your opponent into it. Press Up + Circle to do a guillotine, similar to the rope guillotine where you just slingshot your opponent's throat into the door. Press Left + Circle to put them underneath the door and slam it down on them. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to scrape their face against the door.

On the buffet table, strong whip your opponent into it. Press Up + Circle to ram their face into the food. Press Left + Circle to make your superstar pour a drink down their throats, then your superstar will take a drink and spit it into your opponent's face. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to suplex them through the table.

There are two other things you can use in the backstage area. The video camera can be found in the area. Also, if timed correctly, you will interact with the person who comes out to check things. You can knock him down at the electrical box, take a soda from him at the soda machine or on the buffet table, you will throw your opponent on top of it, or pick this person up and body slam him on top of your opponent and break the table.

Using the environment in Parking Lot Brawl matches

Strong whip your opponent into the trailer to knock it open. Inside you will find a tire iron.

Strong whip your opponent into the white car next to JBL's limo to open the hood. Throw them into it again and press Up + Circle to put them underneath the hood. Your superstar will climb on top and do a flying body press on the hood and on top of your opponent. Press Left + Circle to powerslam them underneath the hood, then slam the hood on top of them. Drag your opponent to it and press Circle to do a slingshot underneath the hood and slam the hood on top of them.

Whip them into the black car and press Up + Circle to bodyslam them on top of it and leg drop them off. Press Left + Circle to ram their back into it. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to throw them into it.

Whip your opponent into the blue truck next to the lowrider. They will slide on top of it and go through the windshield. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to piledrive them through the windshield.

Whip your opponent into the ambulance, then press Up + Circle to open the doors and put their head between them, then slam both doors on your opponent's head. Press Left + Circle to throw them into the ambulance. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to ram them into it and cause the door to open. Your superstar will grab some kind of spray and use it on your opponent's face.

Whip your opponent into the ladder on the trailer truck, then press Up + Circle to ram their head into the side of it.

Whip your opponent into JBL's limo (on the driver's side window), then press Up + Circle to ram their head through the window. Press Left + Circle to throw them into it, then put their leg inside the door and your superstar will kick the door. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to open the door, pick up your opponent, and ram their back into the door. If you are at the back window where JBL would be, whip your opponent into it then press Up + Circle to ram your opponent's head to the ground with a knee drop. Press Left + Circle to ram them into it and put their leg inside the door. Your superstar will kick the door onto their leg. If you drag your opponent to it then press Circle, you will ram them into it, then slam the door in their face. Also, if you have a stored finisher and your momentum meter is all the way up, drag your opponent by the hair to the back and press Circle. You will throw them into the back seat, then your superstar will go the blue truck and drive it into the limo causing an instant KO. You may have to do this several times before it works.

Eddie's lowrider is next to the white car. Whip your opponent into it, then press Up + Circle to bodyslam your opponent on top, causing it to rise and your superstar will do a neckbreaker off it. Press Left + Circle to slam them on top of it and cause it to go up and down several times. This will cause body damage to your opponent. Drag your opponent to it then press Circle to put them underneath it, and it will go up and down on top of them several times.

Easy created wrestler points

Create a Super Heavyweight wrestler. Play through Season mode and earn enough EXP to max out the strength, durability, or both. Then, go to Create mode and make a copy of your created wrestler. Edit the profile of the copied created wrestler and change the weight limit to Diva. A message will appear saying that the created wrestler points will be lost. Choose to continue. The lost attribute points will now be converted back to experience points, and you can distribute them to other created wrestlers. Keep copying your created wrestler and repeating this process to max out all your stats.

Easy money

Successfully complete the RAW and SmackDown seasons, then create a superstar. You should have unlimited experience points. Put the created superstar at 99 overall and begin Season mode with him. Choose to skip all the matches and you will win most of them and get $2,500 to $3,100.

Easy wins

Fight an opponent on the outside of the ring. Wait until the referee's count reaches "8", then Irish Whip him or her into the barricade. Run back into the ring and you will win the match by count out.

In Season mode, choose a superstar with a high rating (for example, Kurt Angle). Skip all of your matches and you should win most of them. You will only lose around two or three for the year. You should also win your handicap matches.

Easy wins in Ironman match

When your opponent's body is in the red, keep doing a Running Spear (Goldberg's) then pin. Just keep hitting a spear, then pin. You should get big numbers.

Easy win in Royal Rumble match

To easily win the Royal Rumble in Season mode, simply skip the match. It will cut to a scene of your wrestler celebrating the win. You will still get the money for winning the match. Additionally, to easily win the SmackDown! Royal Rumble in Season mode, you can just simply skip it. After you skip it, Kurt Angle usually will win, but after he wins Vince McMahon walks out and says that Kurt cheated and he will be disqualified. You will now only have to fight the last five people instead of waiting for all thirty to come out. If you defeat the last five people, then Season mode will continue as if you won the entire thirty man rumble.

Cannot lose Royal Rumble match

If you lose the Royal Rumble in Season mode, Vince McMahon will come out and say that the winner cheated by switching numbers in front of a hidden camera. He will then order a restart of the Royal Rumble with six superstars, one of which will be whoever you chose for the season. If you lose again, you can rematch. Do this as many times needed until you win. If you lose and choose to exit, it will immediately end your season.

Easy wins in Tag match

Get your submission level up so that you can win matches with submissions. This is much easier than going for a pin fall.

Defend WWE and World title without completing Season mode

Enter GM mode. You can defend those titles whenever desired. For example, if you selected RAW, you can defend the WWE title, or World title if you chose SmackDown.

ECW title

In the SmackDown! Season mode, when RVD asks you to join ECW, accept his invitation. In the SmackDown! episode before WrestleMania, Vince McMahon will reveal that it was a set-up and that RVD is indeed a SmackDown! superstar. RVD will attack you and say that at WrestleMania he will defend the WWE (not ECW) title in a Hardcore match. Defeat RVD in the Hardcore match at WrestleMania and your superstar will spray paint "ECW" on the title and proceed to do the Van Terminator to RVD.

The Undertaker's Urn trophy

To get The Undertaker's Urn trophy, use either Hulk Hogan or Mankind and put them in SmackDown! Season mode. Skip the matches through the "Torrie's Contract" storyline. After the "Torrie's Contract" storyline is over, you will go to the "Urning Your Spot" storyline, which will end in a Buried Alive Casket match against The Undertaker for control of the Urn.

Wrestle a diva in Season mode

In the "Torrie's Contract" storyline (SmackDown! season), if you lose the match against RVD where you win the chance to face off against Orlando Jordan with JBL as manager, the next week you will be put in a match against a diva.

Raise Stable attribute points

In Create-A-Stable, to raise a team's attributes, place the team together in GM mode. After a few of matches (around seven), you can go back to Create-A-Stable and raise their attributes. You cannot fight in a tag team, but also do double team moves either by both wrestlers in a grapple, or double team moves in a tag match.

Buried Alive match in Survivor Series in GM mode

At Survivor Series in GM mode, a Buried Alive match is made between you and the rival brand. They will pick a superstar and you must select one of your own. The winner gets the #30 spot in Royal Rumble. If you do not get The Undertaker on you roster, you must face him in the Buried Alive match at the PPV. The #30 spot will go to a superstar of your brand.

Easy popularity boost in GM Mode

To easily increase a superstar's popularity, decide on a character you wish to bring up. If you have him already signed on your show, release him, then resign him for five weeks. If you do not have him, do the same (sign him for five weeks). Choose to promote him in one of your scheduled shows under promotion. You can also put him in a singles match and in a match with a manager. Make sure that he wins the singles match and the match with a manager. If you are low on money, use promo number 2 as it has a way of getting money by advertising. After that week's scheduled show, you should see that your chosen wrestler's popularity has increased significantly. You can repeat this as much as desired. Just release him again, pick him up from Free Agency for a five week contract, promote him on your show, have matches with him on that show, and win. Note: This has been tested in two player GM mode, and not in single player GM mode.

Have whoever you are promoting as a manager in a single match for every match on the card. For example, Stone Cold .vs The Rock with Triple H. Make sure that whoever has the manager wins. You can just get DQed with the other wrestler. The manager will raise their popularity and get a long win streak. The higher a superstar's popularity is, the slower it will raise. For example, a created superstar with a popularity of 20 can go up to 46 in one week with this trick; however, a superstar with a popularity of 90 will only go up about 2 in one week with this trick. Also, make sure to rest your superstar after that week or they will get injured. Try alternating between two superstars that you wish to increase in popularity.

Great trades in GM mode

Use the "Easy popularity boost in GM Mode" trick to push a diva to very high popularity (Lita, Torrie, Trish, etc.). Once they are very popular, you can trade them for a superstar of the same popularity on the other show. For example, if Trish has 100 popularity, you can trade her for The Undertaker who has 100 popularity. By doing this, not only are you taking one of their main eventers, but they cannot use Trish as a main eventer. Divas cannot compete for titles, or in "main event" type matches like Hell In A Cell or Last Man Standing. Keep promoting divas and trading them for the other shows' main eventers, and you should have a great roster, while at the same time hurting the opposition. To make sure you get the divas, just turn off the divas you are not using in free agency until you are ready to push them.

Heal injured superstars quickly in GM mode

When your superstar gets injured and is going to be out for awhile, release them from their contract. Then, go to "Free Agency", press Start, and remove or turn off that superstar from the roster list. Press X to confirm that choice, then press Start again. Turn that superstar back on and then in the next week you will be able to re-sign that person and use them immediately.

Better ratings in GM mode

Save after every week to be better safe than sorry. If a superstar is sidelined with an injury, just load the game again. They do not always get injured. It is better to repeat one week than to lose a main eventer for two months.

Get all the main eventers. Before you start the first week in GM mode, go to the Free Agents List. Press Start to add more superstars to the list. You will see Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Hollywood Hogan, Hogan 80's, Hulk Hogan, and all the other superstars you had to buy in ShopZone. After you add them, they will be available the next week. Go to the list and sign them all. Only go to the free agents list when you are going to sign them. If you leave and come back, the other brand will sign them. To be sure you can save GM a week in advance and just load again if they do. Note: During the drafting, only sign about ten to fifteen people on three month or less contracts. By doing this, you will have the money and the space to sign the main eventers off the free agents list. You can only sign twenty superstars total, so make sure you have enough room. After you sign the ShopZone superstars, the other brand will only have two or three main eventers and you will have about ten.

Choose RAW. It is easier to get ratings in RAW, because their women's division is easier to promote than SmackDown's Cruiserweight division.

Popularity matters. The higher a superstars popularity is, the higher ratings his or her match will be. This is just as important as what kind of match they are in, or what title its for.

Sign four Divas, no more and no less. That is all you will ever need for a successful Diva division. Any more and it would be too difficult to push Divas to higher ratings. A Fatal 4-way Diva match is the most you can put them in without doing tags or something similar.

No Diva matches. Although this contradicts the previous hint, it works. Putting them in matches against each other is pointless because they will just feed off each others' popularity. No one will ever get anywhere. Instead, build popularity through mangers. This is the perfect strategy. Put the Divas as managers for a superstar who will win the match. Not only will their popularity points go up, but it will count as a win. Ten of those matches and they will be on a winning streak, and have huge popularity. This also works for superstars who cannot compete due to high fatigue. Make sure it is a single vs. single with manager. Do not do two managers because you will just take from the other's popularity.

Tag champs with a Diva. Always get two of the least popular superstars to be the tag champs. Never give them the vacated titles. Have them win them. This will jump their popularity a few extra points. Have them retain the belts repeatedly with a Diva as a manager for each match. Every time they win, you will build the popularity for both tag champs, and their Diva manager. When they get to main event level status, give them belts to another two.

Decrease fatigue. If a superstar has a high fatigue level, they are more likely to get injured. To get your superstar to compete, not get injured, and still build popularity, either put them as a manager for someone else or compete in a singles match. Singles matches do not add to fatigue, but bring it down.

Disqualification. This is a great way to get a certain superstar to win. If someone starts complaining about their losing streak, put them in a match with someone else. For example, if Rock complains, put him in a match with Austin. Play as Austin, then just hit The Rock with a chair or hit the referee four times. The Rock will win and get his popularity up without you having to play the match.

No Disqualification. If there is a superstar that you want to retain a title, turn off the no DQ and beat up the other person with a chair or sledgehammer. Then, pin them. If you fight dirty, every weapon shot will increase momentum. If you fight clean, you will lose momentum. Do not worry; after their head or ribs are red just do a few lionsaults and top rope moves. You will have full momentum again.

Always hype the PPV; the last RAW/SmackDown before the PPV. Do not bother doing it weeks ahead of time, as you will just waste money. If you have the money, use your two promo spots to hype it up. This is your chance to steal more fans. You must go all out on PPVs, with at least three main event style matches. Make sure you supestars are well rested before the PPV a few weeks in advance. Make sure before booking the matches that their fatigue level is not high. A good PPV can get you an increase of one million fans and will skyrocket your fan support.

Advertise. If you follow these rules, you should not have to slander the promotion, interfere, or do anything similar. Use your promo time to advertise, not to promote merchandise. Ads are a guaranteed $150,000 where merchandise is an average of $60,000. Even if you do not need money at the time, you will eventually.

Maintain contracts. Check in every now and then to make sure that your superstars' contracts still have some time on them. To do this, check your roster, then press Right to see how much time is remaining on their contracts. Never let it get below four weeks. All you have to do is sign superstars with low contracts to five week contracts. This will keep them at about nine weeks remaining. You also will not go completely bankrupt signing them to five month contracts. Only renew a few contracts at a time. If you do too much at once you can still go bankrupt. Only renew contracts with little time remaining.

Draft pick in GM mode

At WrestleMania there will be a best of three series to help determine which general manger will win the GM Of The Year award. If you win the series, you will get one draft pick.

Unselectable screen effect options in Create-An-Entrance mode

In the Advanced Create-An-Entrance mode, you may find that the cinematic/wide versions of some screen effects become grayed out and unselectable. This is due to the Name Plate for your superstar being turned on for that part of the entrance. Simply turn the Name Plate off to make all of the screen effect options selectable.

John Cena's spinning WWE title belt

Win the SmackDown or RAW season to get the WWE Title. Go to Exhibition mode and select "Title Match". If John Cena is not the WWE champion, choose him. After you have won, you will get to choose the original WWE title belt or John Cena's Spinning WWE title belt.

Tazz singing

To hear Tazz sing, select a match with Shawn Michaels and perform Sweet Chin Music on your opponent. Note: It must be a match that has the SmackDown brand commentary.

Update finishers in Create-A-Move-Set mode for Kurt Angle

Enter Create-A-Move-Set mode and choose Kurt Angle to edit. Select Special, then Finishers. You will find an alternate version of both the Angle Slam (Angle Slam 1) and Angle Lock (Angle Lock 2) in the list, which were not assigned to him, yet are more updated in animation. Notably, the Angle Lock 2 moves a grapevine hold in the second part of the animation, which Angle has been known to use recently. The only drawback to these moves is that the announcers do not refer to them specifically, and the newer Angle Lock 2 does less damage to the leg. Also, for some reason Angle Slam 1 seems to have reversed head and body damage amounts from Angle Slam 2, making it damage the head instead of the body.

Daivari shouts in Farsi during match

Choose a singles match with a manager. Select a wrestler (for example, Muhammad Hassan), then choose Daivari as your manager. During the course of the match you will hear Daivari occasionally shout a sentence in Farsi in his trademark style.

Hassan and Daivari entrance music lengths

Muhammad Hassan and Daivari have the same entrance music, as they should. However, they have separate files in the Music menu - these are of a different length. The version listed as "Muhammad Hassan" runs for just over a minute, while the track listed as "Khosrow Daivari" is the same music, but runs longer. Should Hassan's entrance moves be lengthened through editing in Create-An-Entrance mode, you may want to switch his music to the one given to Daivari so that it is long enough to play through the entire entrance without ending and repeating itself.

Both wrestlers keep fighting out of the cage in Steel Cage match

Make sure your opponent climbs the side of the cage that is located at the very back end of the ring, facing your way. Wait until your opponent is almost at the very top of the cage, then just before he reaches the very top, get near the cage where your opponent is located and do a grapple hold. The move that you will see is like a modified German Suplex. When you both fall, both wrestlers will now be out of the cage and the match will still continue. There are no weapons or count outs. You can fight as long as desired, but there is nothing much to do. Once you get back in the ring the only way to get back out is to do the same thing.

Irish Whip running

Sometimes when you Irish Whip your opponent, they will "slide" across the ring, not moving their legs. Note: This may only apply to the PAL version, which was released before the NTSC version of the game.

Do aerial moves on ground

Run up on the crowd guard rail with a superstar that has a diving finisher (for example, RVD). Run on the railing and perform the attack to warp directly to the ground. Note: The move will still proceed. This can be done with any superstar, created or original, as long as they have a diving finisher.

Get into the audience

Have the Diving Side Kick off the top rope move. Power Irish Whip your opponent onto the barricade. Get on the apron and do this move, and you should be in the audience. You can now move around the arena. This works in any arena.

Floating rope moves

When creating a character's moves, many times when you are scrolling through the "rope moves" (moves done when an opponent is leaning on the ropes), when you are watching them then moving to another one the game will show you the move, but your superstar will be out of the ring, off center, or floating. The move will still follow through, just many times while out of the ring.

Disappearing tables

When you win a match, try to see the announcers' tables. They will not be there anymore, and have disappeared.

Disappearing and reappearing belt

When using trio number one's entrance with two created characters and a diva, the belt on the person on the left disappears and reappears on the diva. When they enter the ring, it reappears on the original owner. Note: This has only been tested with the USA belt. If the diva has the women's championship belt, she will have two of them.

Censored commentary

Many times during the commentary, whenever there is a comment that puts down a superstar or a particular brand (SmackDown!), it is cut off. However, this is done frequently without anything to cut it off.

Wrong day

During a RAW match, the commentators will refer to SmackDown being on Thursdays. However, SmackDown's commentators will refer to SmackDown being on Fridays. Smackdown used to be on Thursdays, but is now on Fridays. Also, when in GM mode, Taboo Tuesday is on a Sunday instead of a Tuesday like the PPV should be.

Wrong gender

Choose a match with a special referee and make the referee a female superstar. The announcers will make references to the referee as if she were a male. Sometimes during a Fulfill Your Fantasy match (or other matches), the announcers will refer to female superstars as "he".

Wrong arena announcement

At the WrestleMania IX arena, the announcers will say that they are in Phoenix, Arizona; however, WrestleMania IX actually took place in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Wrong title announcement

If you are a title holder and are defending the belt, if you get counted out the announcer will say that your opponent is the new champ. However, when you go to save the game, it will say that you are still the champ.

Wrong GM mode announcement

Make a title match in GM mode and choose not to have the champion come in first. The announcer will still say "and is for the title".

Wrong belts in GM mode

Usually in Season mode, the WWE Champion Title remains on SmackDown! and the World Heavyweight Title remains on RAW; however in GM mode, it is the other way around.

Cristy Hemme mistake

While in a match with J.R. and King announcing, do Cristy Hemme's first finisher (Low Blow 5). J.R. and King will say that she did a DDT instead. Note: This was done in the PAL version of the game.

John Cena titles

John Cena has three entrances; with the WWE title, with the U.S. title, and with no title. If you look closely at them all you can see they are different. With the WWE title, it shows John Cena spinning the WWE sign. With the U.S. title, every time John Cena spins the title with the WWE title it shows his back. With no title it shows John Cena spinning the title, but with no belt its seems like he is grabbing his stomach.

John Cena mistakes

During Season mode, John Cena is on SmackDown. However, in real life he is on RAW. During Exhibition mode, his photo has a red background which indicates he is a RAW superstar. Also during matches with John Cena, King will sometimes say "I wish we had a superstar like John Cena on RAW", even though John Cena is already a superstar on RAW.

Lita mistake

In GM mode, look at Lita's biography. It will say that she is from Sanford, New York. However, she is actually from Sanford, North Carolina.

Rob Conway mistake

Rob Conway has his new music (Just Look At Me), but still has his clothes from La Resistance. Select any match where you can see Robert Conway's entrance. SmackDown's Ring Announcer Tony Chimel will call him Rob Conway, but RAW's Ring Announcer Lillian Garcia will call him Robert Conway.

Snitsky mistake

Choose any match where you can see Snitsky's entrance. RAW's ring announcer Lillian Garcia will call him Snitsky, but SmackDown's ring announcer Tony Chimmel will call him Gene Snitsky.

Sylvain Greiner mistake

Sylvain Greiner has his new music and Titantron in the game, but is wearing his old La Resistance clothes. Also, Sylvain Greiner is known as Sylvan now.

The Undertaker mistake

When you choose The Undertaker with your entrance on, the announcer will say "weighing in at 305 pounds" when the Undertaker is 328 pounds in real life.

Created wrestlers with The Undertaker's entrance move mistake

You will appear to be wearing a hat during the entrance, even if your wrestler does not wear a hat.

Frozen character

When a wrestler is pinning an opponent, get in the closest corner to the referee. Look at him and jump immediately after he counts "3". You will hit him and be inches off the ground in a certain pose, frozen, depending on what move you do. Note: This has only been tested with created characters.

2007 edition:


Win the indicated trophy in Season mode to unlock the corresponding arena:

Backlash arena: Win the Backlash trophy

ECW arena: Money In The Bank trophy

No Mercy arena: Win the No Mercy trophy

Saturday Night Main Event arena: Win the Superstar Challenge trophy

SummerSlam arena: Win the SummerSlam trophy

Unforgiven arena: Win the Unforgiven trophy

Vengeance arena: Win the Vengeance trophy

WrestleMania 22 arena: Win the WrestleMania trophy


Successfully complete the indicated task in Season mode to unlock the corresponding championship:

Hardcore Championship: Win the Superstar Challenge trophy.

Million Dollar Championship: Win the Legend Challenge.

n.W.o. Championship: Win the SummerSlam trophy to unlock the n.W.o. Championship in the WWE Shop for $3.500.

Smoking Skull Championship: Win the Royal Rumble trophy to unlock the Smoking Skull Championship in the WWE Shop for $5.000.


Win the indicated trophy in Season mode to unlock the corresponding legend for purchase at the WWE Shop for $12.000 (except for Jerry Lawler and Tazz, which cost $10.000):

Bam Bam Bigelow: Win the Unforgiven trophy

Bret "Hit Man" Hart: Win the Survivor Series trophy

Cactus Jack: Win the SummerSlam trophy

Dude Love: Win the SummerSlam trophy

Hulk Hogan: Win the WrestleMania trophy

Jerry "The King" Lawler: Win the No Way Out trophy

Mankind: Win the SummerSlam trophy

Mr. Perfect: Win the Backlash trophy

Shane McMahon: Win the Armageddon trophy

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin: Win the Royal Rumble trophy

Tazz: Win the No Way Out trophy

"The Anvil" Jim Neidhart: Win the Survivor Series trophy

The Rock: Win the WrestleMania trophy

Locker Room Shop items

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item in the Locker Room Shop:

Bret Hart Banner: Win the Survivor Series Trophy

Bret Hart Poster: Win the Survivor Series Trophy

Cactus Jack Poster: Win the SummerSlam Trophy

Candice Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Candice Cut-Out: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Candice Poster 1: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Candice Poster 2: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Chloe Figure: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Chris Masters Statue: Win the Backlash Trophy

Diva Clock: Win the No Mercy Trophy

D-X Banner: Win the Vengeance Trophy

D-X Figure: Win the Vengeance Trophy

D-X Poster: Win the Vengeance Trophy

Edge and Lita Figure: Win the Legend Challenge Trophy

Hogan Trashcan: Win the Wrestlemania Trophy

Hogan's Hanging Boas: Win the Wrestlemania Trophy

Hulk Hogan Banner: Win the Wrestlemania Trophy

HulkMania Poster: Win the WrestlemaniaTrophy

Jillian Poster: Win the No Mercy Trophy

King's Crown collectible: Win the No Way Out Trophy

Lita Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Lita Poster 1: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Lita Poster 2: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Mankind Poster: Win the SummerSlam Trophy

Melina Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Melina Poster: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Melina Splits Poster: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Mickie Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Mickie Cut-Out: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Mickie James Poster 1: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Mickie James Poster 2: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Pink Furry Couch: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Rock vs. Hogan Figure: Win the Wrestlemania Trophy

RVD's Money in the Bank collectible: Win the Money in the Bank Trophy

Shane O'Mac Jersey: Win the Armageddon Trophy

Steveweiser collectible: Win the Royal Rumble Trophy

Stone Cold 1 Poster: Win the Royal Rumble Trophy

Stone Cold 2 Poster: Win the Royal Rumble Trophy

Stone Cold Banner: Win the Royal Rumble Trophy

The Rock Banner: Win the Wrestlemania Trophy

The Rock Poster: Win the WrestlemaniaTrophy

Torrie Cut-Out: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Torrie Poster 1: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Torrie Poster 2: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Torrie Wilson Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Trish Banner: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Trish Cut-Out: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Trish Poster 1: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Trish Poster 2: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Trucker Girl Rug: Win the No Mercy Trophy

Infinite CAW experience points

Win the GM Of The Year trophy to get unlimited created wrestler experience points.

Extra GM mode options

Win the GM Of The Year trophy to unlock additional GM mode options.

Diva loading screens

Win the No Mercy trophy to unlock the Diva loading screens for purchase at the WWE Shop.

DX tag entrance

Win the Vengeance trophy to unlock the DX tag entrance for purchase at the WWE Shop.

SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 Tester challenge

Successfully complete all fifteen Superstar and fifteen Legend challenges to unlock the SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007 Tester challenge.

World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode

Win the Royal Rumble, defeat JBL at No Way Out, and defeat the Undertaker and Kane at WrestleMania to unlock the World Heavyweight Title in Exhibition mode.

WWE Championship in Exhibition mode

To unlock the WWE Championship in Exhibition mode, you must have the title until after Unforgiven. If you are a SmackDown superstar and have the World Heavyweight Title, after WrestleMania or slightly after the Royal Rumble, Teddy Long will trade you to RAW. Your World Heavyweight Title will then change into the WWE Championship.

Money In The Bank song

Go to Exhibition mode and start a Money In The Bank match. You will eventually hear the Money In The Bank song by LiL Scrappy and Young Buck.

Easy money

Start Season mode with any wrestler. When in the locker room, press Circle to go to the menu with the limos scene and the "Begin Week", "Difficulty", "Locker Room", etc. options. Change the difficulty to "Legend", select "Begin Week", but do not start the match. Go all the way to the right to where it reads "Multiplayer". You will now see a screen that allows you to add the slots with empty controllers. Insert another controller and you will have a player controlled CPU wrestler. After finishing here, the match should automatically start. Just clothesline and pin and you will win in under ten seconds.

Easy GM Of The Year trophy

Start GM mode with two players. Enable the option that allows you to preset the matches automatically, then go to the schedule and confirm the match card. Do the same for the other show. When you are about to do the matches, just simulate all of them. You will then see the news. After that all the matches will automatically be set. Simulate all of them again. Note: You do not need a full roster to do it, because this is being done only for getting the point. Only hire about seven people for three months so your do not waste a lot of money. Continue doing this until the end of the year. At the end Vince will fire the loser and you will get the GM Of The Year trophy.

When selecting your brand in GM mode (SmackDown or RAW), press Square to chose who you will be able to pick. Set off all the good people (popularity 80 or higher) then choose your brand . Then, go to the "Roster" option on menu and put them back on and select them. The fans should now start pouring in.

Create a superstar and put them on your show. Look at you calendar and check to see where you are in the next week. Change your created hometown to where ever you will be at to get higher ratings.

For good superstars and the opposing show to not have any the second time through, turn on "Cost" but turn off "Trades". In the draft turn on only 25, 5 unpopular and 20 popular. The CPU will take the best. Do not take any wrestlers, then go to trade and take them all. Then, go to the "Edit Draft" section and turn off all the free agents. The opposing show will not have any wrestlers, therefore they cannot book any matches.

Easy Money In The Bank trophy

Take the ladders to the entrance where the superstars come out. Wait with them there until the five other wrestlers come up. Attack them with one, then bring it down to the ring and get the briefcase. If you get knocked off by a superstar, repeat it until you win the match.

To get the case you must set up one ladder under it. Next, take the other ladder and set it up like you would to clothesline someone off the other ladder. Then, run up the slanted one. Once at the top instead of clotheslining, use the Analog-sticks as if you are grabbing the case (press them Up). Once you have the case the ladders will be down. Usually they will only set the ladders up and fight it out at the top of them.

Easy No Way Out trophy

In order to win the No Way Out trophy you must win the Royal Rumble in order to go to No Way Out. Do not challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship if you are on SmackDown at the start of the season or you will not enter the Royal Rumble (even if you lose the title at The Rumble), unless you can lose it by Survivor Series. To get the extra $100,000 to spend on items, you must win the Royal Rumble. You will then begin a story line where JBL has a bounty on you for $100,000 to get your #1 contendership at WrestleMania. You will then challenge JBL to a Steel Cage match that puts your #1 contendership on the line if he puts his $100,000 bounty on the line. Booker T will also challenge for it. Ignore his challenge and face JBL in a Steel Cage match. If you win, you will get $100,000 to spend in the locker room and the No Way Out trophy.

Easy wins

If the referee's rules are ring out count 10, Strong Irish Whip your opponent out of the ring. Perform a strong grapple (i.e. Choke Slam), then Strong Irish Whip your opponent into the audience and perform another strong grapple. Let the count reach about 8 or 9 then get back in to the ring. By the time your opponent gets back inside of the ring it will be a ring out and you will win. Additionally, if you are having trouble with the special challenge, go to the custom A.I settings and set everything for the COM to nothing.

Easy wins in Table match

Store a finisher. Get their head yellow and their body red. Put them on the announcers table and use your finisher. You should win the match if done correctly.

Easy win in Tester challenge

The Tester challenge is Mickie James defeating the Great Khali. You cannot leave the ring. The easiest way to win this match is to change their moves. Then, just do high flying moves and quick grapples. Get your finishing move and use it.

Maxed out clone

Create a character and take them through Season mode until they are at 99 overall. Then, select "Options" at the main menu. Choose "Copy A Wrestler", then select your superstar. Copy him or her as many times as desired. Then, go to the CAW screen and choose "Edit". Select one of your copied superstars and make them into another superstar.

Picking up heavy opponents

You can pick up any weight class higher than you by having full momentum. For example, you can give an FU to Great Khali with John Cena if you have full momentum. Note: This cannot be done without momentum.

Steal the ref's finisher

It is possible to steal the ref's finisher by storing two finishers and targeting the ref. Then, do a kick to stun him and press L1 + L2 to steal the finisher.


During an interactive hot spot like the steel steps, instead of using the Right Analog-stick to slam the CPU's head against them, use the Left Analog-stick to taunt. Note: This works in almost all of the hot spots such as the ropes, tables, etc.

Avoid getting legs grabbed

Use the following trick to prevent your legs from being grabbed on the outside of ring by opponents when playing in Multiplayer mode. When they go to grab your legs, press R2 to reverse.

Choke Slam someone into the announcers table

Make sure your interactive grapple move is a Choke Slam. Play as someone like The Undertaker or Kane. Take the monitors off the table and climb the cell. Grapple your opponent and lift them up to Choke Slam them. Walk into the cell corner and keep walking. Hold the Right and press Right Analog-stick Down. You will throw your opponent into the table and it will break.

Beer can stunner with Stone Cold

While playing as Stone Cold, store a finisher with full momentum. Drag your opponent up to the counter, then perform your finisher. If done correctly, you will slam a can of beer on your opponent's head and give him a stunner.

Choke Slam through a table in Hell In A Cell match

Make sure your interactive grapple move is a Choke Slam. Take the monitors off the table, then get on the cell and do your interactive grapple. Center your opponent with the table and you should Choke Slam off the cell through the table.

HBK Diving elbow through announcers table

Note: This move only works while playing as "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. Have a finisher stored, then remove the monitors and the cover for any of the announcer tables. Do this by dragging your opponent in a grapple hold toward a table. If you wish to choke your opponent, do so. Once the announcers table is exposed, Irish Whip your opponent onto the table. Run onto the announcers table with your opponent laying down on it. You should see the "Press L1 For Finisher" message. Press L1, and HBK will go back into the ring, climb the turnbuckle, then perform his Diving Elbow into your opponent on the table. This will not start a pin after he has performed the move, as expected. This move works good for "Last Man Standing" matches. Note: Other superstars may have special moves for the announce tables.

Bar Brawl finisher

When a finisher is stored and one is blinking, Irish Whip your opponent into the big screen television then use your finisher. You will slam them into the television and onto the floor. Then a gold statue of Hulk Hogan will fall on top of him, giving you the K.O.

Hidden weapons in Parking Lot Brawl

There is a shovel that you can get in the parking lot. Make sure the back of the trash truck is open. Go by it and press the button to pick up a weapon when near to get a shovel.

You can use a tire as a weapon. At the bottom of the screen you will see tires. Walk up to them and press X to grab the tire.

Fire truck in Parking Lot Brawl

Irish Whip your opponent to the fire truck's operation console located at the front end of the truck. Press the Right Analog-stick Up to slam your opponent's head against the console, causing the ladder to extend over the fighting area. Move to the ladder on the back of the fire truck and press Triangle + Left Analog-stick Up to climb it. You can jump here if you wish, or if you have extended the ladder, press Triangle + Left Analog-stick Up to climb the extended ladder where you can perform a diving move from the bucket.

Parking Lot Brawl finishers

When a finisher is stored and one is blinking, throw your opponent into the hearse then use your finisher. You will pull out the casket, put your opponent inside, then put it back in the hearse. The hearse will drive out of the arena, giving you a win by K.O.

When a finisher is stored and one is blinking, Irish Whip your opponent into the garbage truck then use your finisher. You will throw him into the truck, hit him, then the truck will close up and drive off, giving you the K.O.

When a finisher is stored and one is blinking, extend the ladder by bashing their head into the operating console. Stun your opponent and go to the base of the ladder and press your SmackDown. Your wrestler will begin to climb the ladder and the other one directly behind him. Your wrestler will push his or her opponent off of the extended ladder, in Wile E Coyote fashion.

Play as RVD. When a finisher is stored and one is blinking, Irish Whip your opponent into the green car (closest to the tires) and press your SmackDown. RVD will slam the opponent and get on the hood of the car and do a Rolling Thunder off of it.

More time in Season mode

Use the following trick to get five to six months out of Season mode. Play on RAW as anybody except Viscera or Kurt Angle. You might be able to use a created superstar. On your first week, Jonathan Coachman will tell you that if you win the next four matches, you will get a title shot. In the storyline, "Taking On The Show", join Big Show as an alliance and win your next four matches. Jonathan Coachman will ask you for a title shot. Answer "No". Then, four weeks away from WrestleMania, you will be in the storyline, "Cleaning Up RAW".

Spin belt in WWE Championship

During entrances or celebrations that have the WWE title in it, a small icon will appear in the corner of the screen. Press the button indicated and you will see the WWE title belt's center plate spin.

Walk in crowd

Select Two Player mode and no count outs. When you get your opponent on the announcer table, press L1 (when you have a finisher). You smash will them through it. Then, use controller two. When you stand up, walk towards the crowd immediately as you get up and you should be able to walk around in the crowd.

Boogeyman appearances

At the Bar Brawl, Irish Whip your opponent to the television monitors and perform a regular grapple. If your grapple is successful, a picture of a Diva will appear on every screen and distract your opponent. If the grapple is reversed, the Boogeyman will appear on every monitor, scaring you, and your opponent will perform a grapple on you.

At the Parking Lot Brawl, Irish Whip your opponent to the hearse at the lower left corner of the stage. When your opponent slumps onto the hearse, perform a Quick Grapple. The Boogeyman will appear inside the hearse, scaring you and allowing your opponent a free shot at you.

Incorrect announcer comment

Sometimes when you hit your opponent with a chair in a Money In The Bank match, the announcers will say "Here it comes, the Stone Cold Stunner!", even if Stone Cold is not in the match.

At the Savior Series in Exhibition mode, when you are coming out from your entrance you will see Tony Chimel but will not hear him talk. You will instead hear Lillian.

Set a created wrestler's hometown and state to Newark, NJ (the only city available under New Jersey). The announcer will announce him as being from Newark, New Jersey (as usual), but will then say, "From New Jersey". Thus, the announcer will say, "From Newark, New Jersey. From New Jersey".

Set a created wrestler's hometown and state to New York, NY . The announcer will announce him as being from "New York, New York. From New York".

In a Divas match or in a match with a diva as a special guest referee, the announcers will talk as if men are fighting or attacking. For example, "These two men will fight until neither can continue" and "I don't think this guy has enough to kick out here".

Incorrect entrance

When using Superstar 17's entrance (Y2J Chris Jericho), the announcer and opponent(s) that came out before will be in the center in the ring together. Note: This was done only with created superstars.


After you win back your WWE Championship on RAW at Unforgiven, go to your computer and check the news. It should explain all the things you have gone through to get your title back. In the third paragraph it explains how Big Show tried to make your life hell, followed by the phrase "nterfering in his match against..." with the word "Interfering" misspelled.

Preset entrances

Superstar 01: British Bulldog

Superstar 02: Hollywood Hulk Hogan (nWo)

Superstar 03: The Hurricane

Superstar 04: Doug Basham

Superstar 05: Danny Basham

Superstar 06: Ted DiBiasi

Superstar 07: Scotty 2 Hotty

Superstar 08: Muhammad Hassan

Superstar 09: Andre The Giant

Superstar 10: Jimmy Hart

Superstar 11: Paul London/Brian Kendrick

Superstar 12: Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Superstar 13: Brock Lesnar

Superstar 14: Stacey Keibler

Superstar 15: Christy Hemme

Superstar 16: Eugene

Superstar 17: Chris Jericho

Superstar 18: Christian

Superstar 19: Orlando Jordan

Preset movesets

Moveset 1: Eugene

Moveset 2: Sylvan or Dupree

Moveset 3: Charlie Haas

Moveset 4: Brian Kendrick or London

Moveset 5: Hurricane

Moveset 6: Orlando Jordan

Moveset 7: Taijri

Moveset 8: Chris Jericho

Moveset 9: Rhyno

Moveset 10: Dreamer

Moveset 11: Bubba Ray Dudley

Moveset 12: D-Von Dudley

Moveset 13: Spike Dudley

Moveset 14: Jeff Hardy

Moveset 15: Christian

Moveset 16: AJ Styles

Moveset 17: Goldberg

Moveset 18: Scott Stiener

Moveset 19: Sting

Moveset 20: X-Pac

Moveset 21: Kevin Nash

Moveset 22: Double Axe Handle from Turnbuckle

Moveset 23: British Bulldog or Animal

Moveset 24: Hawk

Moveset 25: Ultimate Warrior

I hope I help......

Good luck...

Not all of them are cheats, some of them are just hints, but it's still good. LOL

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.