Back in the days of the NES when i was a young teen, i would do errands for an older guy who was a friend of mine. He was about 65 or so and I would run to the store for him and things like that. When i wasnt helping him out we would sit and play NES all the time and he wasnt just doing it for my benefit, he was always playing. And he was just as good as any any kid. Remember this was the NES which came out in a time where video games were still considered a kids thing, when video games were just making a comeback after the atari crash. etc.
Entertainment is where you find it. And to those who say things like,....well you got to be responsible about it and not overdo it and blah blah blah. Thats just bs. You dont sit down and relax after work and watch 5 hours of tv and think, wow I should really cut down, im not being a responsible adult. You dont go out to the movies and think, well id like to go out to see more movies but im an adult and I should be more responsible. Entertainment is entertainment. If you enjoy it, do it. When your an adult and worrying about kids, rent, job, insurance, overtime, errands, school, take your enjoyments where you
and btw...this is coming from a 38 year old gamer.