Am I too old to start playing video games?
2016-03-30 22:02:43 UTC
I am an 18 year old girl who has never played video games in her life. I was wondering if it s too old to get a 3Ds or any other gaming system. Everyone seems to have started so young.
100 answers:
2016-04-01 20:18:42 UTC
I'm 30. Funny enough, I gamed all my childhood, then STOPPED at age 18, only to start again at age 27. Let me say that everything Therese said about them is true, and you really need to have your long-term life and career goals stable and on track if you want to incorporate video games healthfully into an adult lifestyle. Personally, I am very disciplined now about only playing video games at certain times - while riding a stationary bike, when I'm in bed and my eyes are too tired to read a book, and at any other time when I have to just sit and wait somewhere. That said, I think they can be very worthwhile engagements, because they are such a rich vein of creativity and invention. A 3DS is a wonderful "starter" system for an 18 year-old girl, as the games are often bright, cheerful, and aimed at beginners.
2016-04-02 07:41:16 UTC
Lol, what? Girl no, I'm freaking 22 and I still play video games. I've been playing Pokemon since I was like 11 or 12, and before that, I was like 9 when I used to play Super Mario on my Gameboy Advance. You're never too old or too young to start gaming. Well, given you're not a baby and actually have functioning motor skills, but I digress. There are people who will tell you're too old, but that's a straight up lie. Just do whatever you like and play whatever you like, so long as it's not hurting anyone else. :)

Since you're sort of new, a good game to start with might be Animal Crossing. It's extremely fun, but fair warning, also very addictive.
2016-04-02 01:49:50 UTC
I agree with Therese as well, for the most part. However, the same can be said about other things such as movies or TV shows. I know people who show the same addictive attributes, but geared more towards TV shows/movies. Binge watching hours on end. And in a way I've always considered videos games to be just a movie or TV show where you are the main character of the story (or if you wanna look at it in an even broader way, the actor/actress). Cause that is generally who you are in control of. People are never too young or old to try out new things or pick up a new hobby. So as long as you are able to balance it into your life accordingly. Keep your priorities in sight. That goes for anything. On top of that the 3ds is a great starter, its small and compact and a good way to pass time if you're waiting on something or someone. I mean that is generally what people pull out to pass time these days. Some sort of handheld/mobile device. I mean even books are on mobile devices haha
2016-04-05 09:14:32 UTC
I agree with Therese as well, for the most part. However, the same can be said about other things such as movies or TV shows. I know people who show the same addictive attributes, but geared more towards TV shows/movies. Binge watching hours on end. And in a way I've always considered videos games to be just a movie or TV show where you are the main character of the story (or if you wanna look at it in an even broader way, the actor/actress). Cause that is generally who you are in control of. People are never too young or old to try out new things or pick up a new hobby. So as long as you are able to balance it into your life accordingly.
2016-04-07 05:13:07 UTC
Nooo go for it! I played games as a kid, had a couple gameboys and a GameCube. Played my cousins SNES and Nintendo 64 a lot too. And then had a ds when those came out, but then I kind of stopped. And now I am playing again and have a Xbox one, N3dsxl, PS3, ps2, ps1, gamecube, ds lite, and gameboy sp. I have tons of games and actually bring my 3ds or gameboy to classes with me so between them I can play. I'm 20. Tons of my friends love video games too, one just got into it recently and never really played as a kid. It's fun!

If you do get a 3ds I suggest trying some Pokemon games, Mario of course, Zelda games are really fun, you should be able to play ocarina of time even if you know nothing about the series, even majoras mask but I can be a little more to take in. Kirby games are really fun too. A 3ds a good system because you cans take it places easily with you. To classes, the dmv, waiting rooms etc. I even take mine to work sometimes to play on my lunch.
2016-04-05 01:41:05 UTC
I m a girl and I started playing video games when I was like 6 when I played on my ps2 which I still have. Now since 11 years old I have had microsoft (xbox) which I enjoy very much and I would never get rid of it. i have the xbox one and the xbox 360 and they both good but the xbox one is better. I also have a ds lite. But no one is too old to play video games my dad is 55 and he goes on his xbox very rarely but plays it when he has time. But you are never too old. When it comes to buying games it it gets very fun because there is so many games to choose from. To honest you don't know how video games are so fun and annoying at times when you can't do something but that's part of the game is to challenge you rather then on easy difficulty. I love my gaming and I m sure you should get a xbox because I recommend them but playstation aren't that good the ps3 and ps4 because it's a Confusing lay out how xbox lay out is easy but if do get a xbox you have picked the better choice .
2016-04-04 17:19:51 UTC
You can never be too old to play video games. Casual or hardcore, video gaming is for all ages. Also, since you are a girl, if you get pretty serious with gaming you are going to get A LOT of attention.
2016-04-05 02:36:15 UTC
As many other people say, you are never too old to play video games.
The Kurosaki dude
2016-04-02 06:27:41 UTC
No.No. You are never too old to play video games. People who say if another person is too old to play games was very common back in the 1980s and 1990s. (Although I was born in 1990 but people told me about they're experiences). Adults started to adapt to games later around that time. And nowadays, the average age of gamers are around 30 years old. So try not to feel that you're too old for games. It's a hobby just like television, sports and reading. Also when it comes to purchasing games. Just like Koseil said. 5th gen consoles are one of the great consoles to start gaming on. Like the Nintendo 64 for example. When it comes to consoles today. I'd start out with the Nintendo 3ds and Playstation 4.
2016-03-31 22:06:22 UTC
Sorry if this is a repeat of others, but no one is too old to start playing any video games. Depending on your money situation, try exploring all platfourms to see what fits you best. A little hint is that PC gaming beats all consoles because you can always upgrade your PC as much as you want to have better graphics and things like that. But just see what platfourm(s) suit you best. I recommend the PS4.
2016-04-01 08:30:01 UTC
I'm 17, and I've never played either. There are a lot of people who are older than you that play video games, but there are a lot of people like you and I that have never played video games either. I have lots of friends who have never played. Really, I think we should be proud of it. Not that video games are necessarily bad, but b/c we were able to exercise our creativity in other ways and were able to be more productive. I really wouldn't recommend getting a video game for a number of reasons. 1) by the time you're this age, it's better to focus on higher education, jobs, or whatever you're interested in. Also, there are some negative effects to playing video games. They're kind of "addicting" so to speak. My cousins have it and they said that it's so easy to play hours on end w/o realizing it, then you realize that you haven't eaten dinner, haven't talked to anybody, haven't accomplished the tasks that you were supposed to accomplish, etc. Studies also show that people who play lots of video games tend to not be very focused in real life b/c their mind is so absorbed in an abstract thing. Then they go make stupid decisions later. So, lets just enjoy life in the real world and exercise our creativity elsewhere.
2016-04-02 00:37:44 UTC
You are never to old to start playing video games.
2016-04-04 13:03:33 UTC
You are never to old to start playing video games.
cheshire Katt
2016-03-31 02:45:51 UTC
your never too old. The trick is to find ones you like. For example I hate shooters of any sort. First person ( FPS) Third person(TPS) I do like fighting games like mortal kombat but I button mash ^^;. I would say try an RPG( Role playing game). It doesn't have to be online a few have been ported to the 3DS but I would go with console( PS4 cause microsoft sucks in my opinion of course you could always get a wiiu you too) you'll have more selection but there are cutsey games like animal crossing and harvest moon as well. But No you are nvere to old but if you go for a MMO ( Massive multi online) RPG I say go with Final Fantasy XIV you don;t have to by a console you can get it for your computer just check your specs and you have couse of what kinda of account whichiwill affect hwo much you pay a month one charatcer perserver is something liek 8 and 8 characters perserver is something like fifteen or 12. but you can be all classes instead of stuck at one class lik in WoW 9 World of Warcraft)
2016-04-04 08:32:10 UTC
You are never to old to play video games. I've been playing since I was a young lad. Now I'm turning 20 and still enjoy them the same as when I was a kid. The time you stop playing is when you don't find game enjoyable anymore l, you don't have time or you have other things to do.
2016-04-05 19:41:47 UTC
Never. I started play games when I was 9 or 10, and to this day I still play it.
2016-04-04 13:05:31 UTC
I'm 38 years old and right now im downloading an update for a game i just bought called Elder Scrolls are never to old to play video games it helps to deal with daily stresses and also takes your mind off of the bs going on out in this world trust me its worth it....if you ever want to try something cool and your into games like minecraft try a game called Creativerse on Steam its fun and you can build till your hearts content :)
2016-04-04 11:32:15 UTC
Your never too old to play video games.
2016-04-01 23:23:49 UTC
Back in the days of the NES when i was a young teen, i would do errands for an older guy who was a friend of mine. He was about 65 or so and I would run to the store for him and things like that. When i wasnt helping him out we would sit and play NES all the time and he wasnt just doing it for my benefit, he was always playing. And he was just as good as any any kid. Remember this was the NES which came out in a time where video games were still considered a kids thing, when video games were just making a comeback after the atari crash. etc.

Entertainment is where you find it. And to those who say things like,....well you got to be responsible about it and not overdo it and blah blah blah. Thats just bs. You dont sit down and relax after work and watch 5 hours of tv and think, wow I should really cut down, im not being a responsible adult. You dont go out to the movies and think, well id like to go out to see more movies but im an adult and I should be more responsible. Entertainment is entertainment. If you enjoy it, do it. When your an adult and worrying about kids, rent, job, insurance, overtime, errands, school, take your enjoyments where you

and btw...this is coming from a 38 year old gamer.
2016-04-01 18:14:03 UTC
I've started playing video games at the age of 6. Now i'm 17.
2016-04-03 19:44:50 UTC
You are never too old to play video games.
2016-04-04 19:07:30 UTC
you re never too old to start young.. I ve been gaming since I was 4 years old. I m an adult now and I love getting people who haven t played videos game at all hooked onto them.. start playing video games if you really want to. you ll enjoy it :)
2016-03-31 05:41:58 UTC
it's always good to start!...

But I suggest that you start with at least 5th gen console games to... understand why some games are good for newbies and awful for others and of course

See how the first ideas came out! Like the last of us copying manhunt or... how cool KONAMI was... or famitu Ueda's works... many things that we don't see these days...

And start playing with ... people who know about this stuff not just some people that a shame our community (maybe me!) to understand games the right way!
2016-11-07 10:46:51 UTC
you are never to old to start playing video games...
Kristina loriz
2016-04-01 11:22:08 UTC
No you're not too old to start! You just need to prioritize things but it's a good thing to start playing vid. games since it can relieve stress or such from the reality now that you're 18, well in fact you're still young, tbh. But if you're not into games really, don't force it.


My dad's now 50 and still plays so do my mom who's 47 so who's too old for games, no one!

Gogogo hahaha :)!
2016-03-30 23:35:03 UTC
Even if you are old (18 year old in your matter) you can still start playing video games. Maybe you will like them!
2016-03-31 17:14:02 UTC
no way! i went trick or treating until i was 16 lol, age doesn't effect your right to have fun doing something you enjoy, if you find a activity that interests you then go for it i guarantee no one will judge you because you just found something you enjoy doing i know 50 year old gamers that have just started playing and are now huge and avid fans of the hobby so that should tell you something, also my 70 year old grand father, i let him play fallout 4 and the next time i went to visit him i had found out he had bought a ps4 and fallout 4 so that should answer your question i hope!
2016-03-30 23:04:39 UTC
Everything comes or started first time in life, any time any day .Don't make any space for these silly questions ,enjoy every moment of live neglect every boring thing . Never late for something but wait for the good time,It is video game or life nothing matters .
2016-04-01 08:40:28 UTC
I think that you should start off with pc gaming if you have a decent computer or laptop set up a steam account and you will find a variety of games which go on sale all the time. I'm around the same age as you and game all the time eventhough my parents think that I should have grown out of it. I can't help its a hobby of mine.
2016-04-02 11:07:29 UTC
I'm a girl and started playing when I was 4 or 5. I play on my xbox one most of the time but i have 2 ds's, a 360 and a wii as well. You'll definitely be worse to the majority of gamers online but its never to late to start lol. I've met some of my best friends on xbox, some better that friends irl. So go ahead.
2016-03-30 22:05:56 UTC
Age doesn't matter with video games or any entertainment for that matter. Do what you're interested in. Video games offer thousands of new worlds to explore. I highly recommend it. Have fun!
Creed Cruel
2016-04-02 00:03:35 UTC
Never too old to play. Its a part of life the good part. So game on
jeremy f
2016-04-02 07:20:47 UTC
No you're super young....ive played since I was 5 starting with Atari 2600. Now at 40 I really have better things to do. But that's just my mentality. Who knows maybe at 50 ill start again lol.
2016-04-05 00:00:09 UTC
Nah your not too old! Its your choice if you want to start playing games and my son says there are people who are 20 and older in tournaments and never played before.
Salvatore T
2016-04-04 00:11:08 UTC
Never too old. I'm 21 years old and my favorite video game involves a team of a raccoon, a turtle and a hippo. Whatever you enjoy, just do it. Who cares what people think. You just be yourself and embrace it.
2016-04-01 10:56:19 UTC
you are never to old to play video games. It will take some practice and much needed patience, but find a game that peaks your interest and run with it
2016-04-01 21:58:31 UTC
Try a Xbox one or PlayStation 4

That's gaming at its core

If you want to dig deeper

Go for a gaming computer

The 3ds is for toddlers
2016-03-30 22:09:38 UTC
If 18 was too old for someone to play videogames, they wouldn't make games rated M for mature.
2016-03-30 22:37:22 UTC
No, you're never too young! Go for it! I used to play when I was younger, and I stopped at one point, but I'm getting back into it. Slowly, but surely. But, go! Get a 3DS! Live your gaming life!
2016-04-03 14:21:35 UTC
Hahaha you're a girl trying to play video games?!
2016-04-03 01:26:46 UTC
Pretty stupid question, in my old guild on an mmorpg i had a guildmate she was 75 years old, she's still playing to this day. In the mmorpg i currently play my friend's ages range from 27 to 56 no lie.
2016-04-03 06:15:57 UTC
I'm 34 and I still play, I recently got my wife into playing, she's almost 40, she started with a Wii and then moved to a DS.
2016-04-04 16:06:06 UTC
If tomorrow had been your 18th birthday, you could keep playing. But since you are now 18, yes, it's time to stop playing.

Games are for children. Adults have to go to work.
2016-04-05 15:55:56 UTC
Go ahead. I've seen people way older than you who play video games
2016-04-05 01:24:37 UTC
you are never too old to play video games. its a fun hobby that everyone can enjoy
2016-04-04 20:26:58 UTC
Anyone can play video games despite age. We can play anytime we want.
2016-04-06 03:21:24 UTC
Nope. No such thing on age. If your entertained, the video games are working. Beware the bad ones that be out there. Most important is to just have fun.
2016-04-01 15:36:15 UTC
People who start playing young are people who are not very sociable, and have dificulties in many aspects in life. I start playing at 12. And i wasted many years to my game adiction. Just dont play. Do other things which they may help you like sports, study, girlscout, languages, etc.
2016-04-04 04:38:14 UTC
Short answer: Of course you're not too old.

Long answer: Of course you're not too old, video gamescan be fun for anyone regardless of age.
2016-04-01 12:25:22 UTC
No. I started with commodore 64 in 1986. and still playing new games.
2016-04-03 08:53:17 UTC
I would suggest an xbox,but If you would like to play with friends across internet, get a Play Station
2016-04-03 09:55:24 UTC
Ugh no it's a video game I don't think there's any age requirements or pre reqs
2016-04-01 21:27:30 UTC
My grandpa started playing videogames in his upper 70s. He's not too great at them, but he he seems to enjoy them. It's mostly flight sims too, which aren't too straightforward.
2016-03-30 22:04:35 UTC
your never to old to game unless your in your 50 s but even old people play games for a living but you should aim for the ps4 off Xbox one they have a variety of games
2016-04-01 11:14:52 UTC
2016-04-02 01:25:47 UTC
We need more girl gamers!!! Jk gender shouldn't matter and its never too late to start playing games. :D who cares what other people think.
2016-04-03 17:37:47 UTC
Absolutely not, start playing games right now. You won't regret it.
2016-04-03 21:45:03 UTC
No, you're never too old. That goes for lots of other things too.
2016-04-02 11:01:38 UTC
I believe you are too old. The cut off age for girls is 17 and 15 for boys. Its in the handbook
Standard Human
2016-04-01 20:51:59 UTC
Video games accepts all. 'nuff said.
2016-04-04 05:39:10 UTC
My dad started when he was 52 so 18 is young to start :D
2016-03-31 21:03:32 UTC
Age does not effect your right to have fun doing something you enjoy, if you find a activity that interests you then go and no one will judge you. because you found some matter you enjoy doing.
2016-04-01 10:43:37 UTC
You re never too old! Also, a 3DS is a great choice, one of the best systems out there.
2016-04-03 13:27:03 UTC
No. Some people were your age when the NES came out and what do you think they did xD? Also if you just get a 3ds no one will know.
2016-03-30 22:05:03 UTC
No. It's just a game, what would age matter?
2016-04-02 23:58:59 UTC
You are never too old. Just like you are never too old to enjoy arthur,finding nemo,toy story,etc
2016-04-02 04:13:41 UTC
The Great Big No
2016-04-01 16:49:50 UTC
Of course not, you're only just beginning at that age :)
2016-04-02 20:53:02 UTC
Never too old
2016-03-31 20:08:33 UTC
Never to old you can do what ever you want just as long as it makes you happ and never let any say otherwise (:
Joseph hola
2016-03-31 12:17:20 UTC
no, play station is good or in my cases computer games
2016-04-02 12:01:00 UTC
That is absolutely absurd. You are clearly not too old for this
2016-04-04 15:19:28 UTC
You're never too old.
2016-03-31 23:40:15 UTC
No, never too old
2016-03-31 19:12:42 UTC
Nope your age doesn't matter
2016-03-30 22:59:22 UTC
Never too old.
2016-04-05 12:33:51 UTC
No ill be a gamer for my whole life
2016-04-04 07:30:47 UTC
I don't know why you would think you are, but you aren't
2016-04-02 03:33:29 UTC
You play when you feel like it :)
2016-04-02 15:27:13 UTC
no .... even when you get older and played some 30plus years pick it up again quickly
2016-04-03 11:20:10 UTC
no. you should get a gaming pc too
2016-03-30 22:03:28 UTC
You never old to be a gamer.😈
2016-03-31 22:43:57 UTC
age dose not matter u can start from any age and ur young
2016-04-03 10:34:22 UTC
you are never to old player
2016-04-02 16:23:58 UTC
I mean, it's not like it's illegal so why not?
2016-04-03 07:31:55 UTC
Not at all
2016-04-02 06:29:44 UTC
langledemsao 90
2016-04-05 20:58:07 UTC
2016-04-06 16:18:27 UTC
as many other
2016-04-03 15:38:56 UTC
2016-04-03 16:23:46 UTC
2016-04-01 09:47:46 UTC
2016-04-03 09:39:33 UTC
2016-04-04 12:35:34 UTC
no you arent
2016-04-04 05:08:08 UTC
Yeah, sure you are....
2016-04-04 00:34:07 UTC
2016-04-02 21:18:15 UTC
2016-04-01 05:56:46 UTC
2016-04-03 16:20:14 UTC
2016-04-02 13:40:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.