Cheats By the Book
These cheats are definitely correct because they came from the official game guide.
To open cheat window: ctrl + Shift + C ...but you already knew that right?!
1.) AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off]: With this cheat activated you can Shift + left click on an NPC to add one to the current household. This won't work on service NPCs engaged in their jobs, like the maid cleaning and what not, but it will work if that same NPC is visiting socially or hanging out after work. You can even add sims in excess of the customary 8 sim limit on families. This cheat doesn't work on NPCs like the Grim Reaper or Mrs. Crumplebottom.
2.) Forcetwins: With a pregnant sim selected, using this cheat transforms the pregnancy into a twin birth. (unlike twinsr2cute/twinzr2cute which, in my expirience, rarely works)
3.) Plumbobtoggle [on/off]: Makes the overhead plumb bob (the diamond thingy above their heads) invisible.
PS: Typing exit into the cheat window doesn't actually exit the game, it simply exits the cheat window.
PSS: The creator of the Sims is named Will Wright (sp?) and you can see a picture of him in sim form at the back of the create a sim room...ish place where you first make a family.
Submitted By: Madame Sims Simmer (my last name is Sims
Cheat Code Instructions
To open the cheat box, hold down Ctrl, SHIFT and C and press Enter. When on/off is specified only use one at a time.
Submitted By: johnson
Adds 1,000 simoleons to your bank accoun
Submitted By: johnson
Adds 50,000 simoleons
Submitted By: johnson
Autopatch on/off
This allows the game to automatically look for game patches.
Submitted By: johnson
Move Objects
Moveobjects on/off
Submitted By: johnson
aging on/off
Submitted By: johnson
Improve Graphics
Vsync on/off
Turning it off improves game performance but with graphical errors.
Submitted By: johnson
Delete Neighborhood
Submitted By: johnson
Show Cheat Help
Submitted By: johnson
Exit Game
Submitted By: johnson
Expand Console Window
Submitted By: johnson
Get Twins
Entry Location:
Type in while giving birth to get twins
twinzr2cute or twinsr2cute
Submitted By: johnson
Tall Sims
StretchSkeleton [number]
Stretch sim size to number. 1.0 is normal size
Submitted By: johnson
Change Terrain
Entry Location:
This can only be used in neighborhood view and toggles between 2 terrain types.
terraintype desert/temperate
Submitted By: johnson
Filmmaking Help
boolprop enablepostprocessing true/false
Must be true for all filmic cheats to function.
Submitted By: johnson
Slow Motion
Slowmotion [0-8]
0 is normal speed and 8 is slowest.
Submitted By: johnson
Bloom Effect
bloom (r g b x)
Computers video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which everything's so bright it blurs together (a la sitcom flashbacks) "r" "g" and "b" are color values (0-255) and "x" is the amount of blooming from 0 to 255.
Submitted By: johnson
Alter Focus
vignette (centerx centery X)
Computers video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a filmic look in which a focal point is clear but everything around it is blurry. Must first enter "boolprop enablepostprocessing true" cheat.
Submitted By: johnson
Film Grain
filmgrain (0-1)
Computers video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a film graininess. Must first enter "boolprop enablepostprocessing true" cheat.
Submitted By: johnson
letterbox (0.0-0.4)
Computers video card must be able to handle pixel shaders. Creates a letterbox view of size specified. Must first enter "boolprop enablepostprocessing true."
Submitted By: johnson
Display information about indicated chea
help [cheat command]
Submitted By: johnson
No censor
intprop censorgridsize 0
Set to 8 to return to normal.
Submitted By: johnson
Remove all Sims
Entry Location:
Use in neighborhood view.
Submitted By: johnson
Turn off DNA Blending
BlendLimits on/off
Submitted By: johnson
Max Party Invites
Entry Location:
Use in neighborhood screen to invite more guests with a party
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number]
Submitted By: johnson
Snap to Grid
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true or false]
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Props
Entry Location:
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood
boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true or false]
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Roads
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true or false]
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Plants
boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true or false]
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Water
boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true or false]
Set to false to remove water from neighborhood.
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Houses
boolprop displayLotImposters [true or false]
Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood.
Submitted By: johnson
Neighborhood Bridges
boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true or false]
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.
Submitted By: johnson
Lot Lighting
boolprop lotTerrainLighting [true or false]
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood.
Submitted By: johnson
Lot Water
boolprop lotWater [true or false]
Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots.
Submitted By: johnson
Lot Terrain Paints
boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true or false]
Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot.
Submitted By: johnson
Buy the expensive telescope (FarStar E3 Telescope), and make your male adult sim stargaze in it every night until they turn into an elder. There's a 4% chance that your sim will get abucted and become alien pregnant!
Submitted By: SimStar
Unlock Clothes
Each time you raise a relationship to 100, you will unlock a new item of clothing.
Submitted By: princess mel
Unlock HMS Amore
Fulfill Betty's Wants until she is Platinum. Then she will tell you where the next location is. One of her wants is to marry Captain Nelson.
Submitted By: Snakeye
Golden Egg
To get the golden egg buy "Prof. Feathers Chicken Checkers" in the "Skill" category and beat Professor Feathers.
Submitted By: Abby C
Cool Car
When you get to level 7 on your sim job you can ride in a limo when you get to level 9 you get to ride in a helicopter
Submitted By: tori the cheat master
To Kill Sims
There are many ways sims die, and also there are many ways to kill them on purpose. Here are two ways to kill them. One way is to have a small room with nothig inside. Make sure there is one door. Instruct the sims or sims that you want to kill to "go here" inside the room. If you are waiting for alot of sims to get in the room, and some of them try to leave, keep telling them to go here, and X off what they are going to do. Once they are all inside, and the door is closed, go into build mode and delete the door. Another way to kill sims is to make a pool with only one ladder, and nothing else. Tell a sim to get in the pool, and once they are all the way in, delete the ladder!
Submitted By: Anna B.
Twins Secret
if you want to have twins get one of the female sims pregnet, once she is pregnet... have her "try for a baby" or "woohoo" again with her husband. once she is about to have her baby(/babies), it will tell you if the cheat worked or not by saying "two babies are on the way..."
Submitted By: Sims luver
Easter Egg
Switch Text
Entry Location:
While Loading game
Hold *alt and tap rapidly *F4* and it will say *Preparing A Tasty Grilled Cheese Sandwich*