I am a little disappointed in the next expansion. For those who aren't aware, WOW's next expansion is a class of martial art pandas. It's not as much as a selfish thing for me, as much as a bad business move in my opinion. The game for me, offers a very Lord of the Rings type of game. The entire game since day one, has been this idea and lore. Many people would argue that the panda expansion was an idea long before the hit dreamworks movie, but either way, the idea is not bad for a game idea, but it certainly is not fit for the theme of WOW. I think that this whole idea is going to really hurt blizzard's business. Not only have they lost many customers to Skyrim, but it blows my mind that they would go through with this idea when it is so clear that they will lose more. Many people I have asked agree with me and I just want to know if anyone else agrees. Pandas???