First of all, for the settings go to the menu bar in flight, settings>display and move the sliders up, but make sure your computer can handle it, or your game will be slow.
Second of all, when you start fsx pick the glider and go to a gate at an airport. Shut down the engines and turn off everything. Then save the flight and when your saving it, click "make this the default flight" then save.
Close fsx and restart.
When you start fsx again you will see that the glider is loaded in the menu, along with the gate you picked at whatever airport and time and weather.
Now pick your plane you want (like the 737).
Start the flight and everything will be loaded at the airport you picked. If you shut down the engine on the glider properly and turn everything off, then the engines will be turned off in the (737) so you can start them yourself.
To set fuel go to the in fligh menu, aircraft>fuel and payload and you can select your fuel.
Good luck, I know its a long answer but its it.