I've got fable 1, 2, and 3 and have completed it five times I'm seventh best player in England so if you need any help with it put your gamer tag in your answer and I'll help ya out sometime (for Xbox 360 only). I've also got both mass effects and have completed the first one twice and am also playing number two through for the second time so yeah I'm not too bad at that either. And then there's skyrim I'm not great at that I'll admit it lol. But yeah which of the three do you prefer (and why do you prefer it)? And do you know any good role playin games that have at least as good graphics as fable three and is fun to play, cus I'm looking for a new one to play. So yeah if you've got Xbox live and want some help with fable or wanna get in touch leave your gamer tag... Or send me a friend request: my gamer tag is JACK Alderman. (no lol I am not a pedo) ;)