2013-12-20 08:56:58 UTC
These are some of my favorites:
(Then again, I don't think I can list any more than these, so it's more like a summary of all I've ever played)
Portal 2
Fallout 3
Fable 1 and 2
Kingdom Hearts series
Jak Trilogy
Ratchet Trilogy
Sly Trilogy
Spyro Trilogy (original)
And I also like games that are simply fun to mess around in, like GTA, but I'm looking more forward to playing games like those. I also have a pretty good PC and wouldn't mind trying PC games. I've played Runescape and WoW in the past, and they were good childhood games but I don't think I would be interested in games like that anymore.
(Note: I posted this already, but I don't think it was ever published)