Well, unless you have a severe mental disorder, this or Section 4 is probably
the part you came here to see. Basically, this is a souped-up version of the
in-game chip Library, with a list of the chip, then every possible chip code,
in this format:
(Chip Number, Chip name, Rarity, Element, Damage, then in-game description)
(Chip Name)(Chip Code): (How to get)
(Chip Name)(Chip Code): (How to get)
(Chip Name)(Chip Code): (How to get)
(Chip Name)(Chip Code): (How to get)
(Chip Name)(Chip Code): (How to get)
(Where Virus that you defeat to get chip is located)
There. That's about it...No...wait...I forgot the long paragraph. I'd just like
to note that the Navi customizer block collect was used to research most of
this, so you might have to use it to get some chips...And finally, just because
a chip says that it is only available to get in a 1-6 rank, it can still be
true for a 7 rank, but it holds quite rare. The same can be said if you get a
ten rank and get an S-rank chip. Also, when it says to S-rank an enemy in
custom style, you MUST kill the virus in less than 20 seconds, and without
using Navi chips or your buster. SO DON'T EMAIL ME SAYING THAT THE LIST IS
INACCURATE! Unless, of course, it was an inaccuracy in something other than
busting level. Then I appreciate your help. And one more thing: some codes are
white exclusive, you'll have to trade with a White version of the game to get
them. But for those, it says in white first, then the busting level in white
you have to get, so you needn't worry. And finally, this version of the FAQ
will say Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive when it is unavailable anywhere else,
but it doesn't tell which one. I will probably be adding a trader guide in a
later version, though, but `til then, sorry.
Oh ya, and if it has three exclamation marks after it (!!!), that means that it
can be bought through Higsby's chip order. And oh yeah, some of the
descriptions have been shortened to make them fit, so don't email me
And before you ask:
BMD: Blue Mystery Data.
GMD: Green Mystery Data.
PMD: Purple Mystery Data.
Table of Sub-contents:
I . Standard Chips
II . Mega Chips
III. Giga Chips
(Kinda unnecessary, but I had to put it in for completion. ^_^)
------I. Standard Chips-------
001. Cannon * No Element 40 damage Cannon to attack 1 enemy.
Cannon A: You start the game with it.
Cannon B: You start the game with it.
Cannon C: S Rank a Canodumb. !!!
Cannon D: 7-10 Rank a Canodumb.
Cannon E: 1-6 Rank a Canodumb.
Cannon *: S-rank a Canodumb while in Custom Style.
(Canodumbs can be found in ACDC area.)
002. HiCannon ** No Element 60 damage Cannon to attack one enemy.
HiCannon H: In White, 7-10 Rank a Canodumb2.
HiCannon I: 1-6 Rank a Canodumb2.
HiCannon J: S Rank a Canodumb2. !!!
HiCannon K: 7-10 Rank a Canodumb2.
HiCannon L: S Rank a Canodumb2 while in Custom style.
HiCannon *: Get from Numberman Machine with code: 21247895
(Canodumb2s can be found in Hospital Comp 3)
003. M-Cannon *** No Element 80 damage Cannon to attack one enemy.
M-Cannon O: In White, 7-10 Rank a Canodumb3.
M-Cannon P: 7-10 Rank a Canodumb3.
M-Cannon Q: 1-6 Rank a Canodumb3.
M-Cannon R: S Rank a Canodumb3.
M-Cannon S: S Rank a Canodumb3 in custom style.
(Canodumb3s can be found in ACDC Tank.)
004. Airshot1 * No Element 20 damage Knocks enemy back 1.
Airshot1 *: You start the game with it. !!!
005. Airshot2 ** No Element 30 damage Knocks enemy back 1. Beach 1 GMD.
Airshot2 *: Beach 1 GMD. !!!
006. Airshot3 ** No Element 40 damage Knocks enemy back 1.
Airshot3 *: Number Machine with code: 15789208, frequent in 10BFT. !!!
007. LavaCan1 * Heat/Fire 90 damage Fires lava fr. area.
LavaCan1 A: S Rank a Volcano.
LavaCan1 G: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaCan1 S: 7-10 Rank a Volcano. !!!
LavaCan1 T: In White, 1-6 Rank a Volcano.
LavaCan1 V: 1-6 Rank a Volcano.
(Volcanos can be found in Undernet 3.)
008. LavaCan2 ** Heat/Fire 120 damage Fires lava fr. area.
LavaCan2 B: 1-6 rank a Volcaner.
LavaCan2 D: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaCan2 F: 7-10 Rank a Volcaner. !!!
LavaCan2 M: S Rank a Volcaner.
LavaCan2 O: In White, 1-6 Rank a Volcaner.
(Volcaners can be found in Secret 2.)
009. LavaCan3 *** Heat/Fire 150 damage Fires lava fr. area.
LavaCan3 E: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaCan3 H: 1-6 Rank a Volcanest.
LavaCan3 J: 7-10 Rank a Volcanest.!!!
LavaCan3 R: In White, 7-10 Rank a Volcanest.
LavaCan3 W: S Rank a Volcanest.
(Volcaners can be found in secret 3 with oilbody on.)
010. Volcano **** Heat/Fire 150 damage Fire lava from your area.
Volcano A: S rank a Volcanest while in Custom Style. !!!
Volcano G: In White, S rank a Volcaner while in Custom Style.
Volcano J: S rank a Volcaner while in Custom Style.
Volcano Y: In White, S rank a Volcano while in Custom Style.
Volcano Z: S rank a Volcano while in Custom Style.
(Volcanos can be found in Undernet 3.)
(Volcaners can be found in Secret 2.)
(Volcaners can be found in secret 3 while using oilbody.)
011. ShotGun * No Element 30 damage Explodes 1 square behind.
ShotGun B: SciLab 1 GMD
ShotGun F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
ShotGun J: Higsby's Chip order. !!!
ShotGun N: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
ShotGun T: ACDC 1 GMD.
ShotGun *: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
012. V-Gun * No Element 30 damage Explodes 2 diag. Squares.
V-Gun D: You start the game with it.
V-Gun G: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
V-Gun L: Higsby's Chip order. !!!
V-Gun P: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
V-Gun V: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
V-Gun *: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
013. SideGun * No Element 30 damage Explodes up, down on hit.
SideGun C: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
SideGun H: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
SideGun M: Higsby's chip order. !!!
SideGun S: BMD in Yai's Laptop.
SideGun Y: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
SideGun *: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
014. Spreader ** No Element 30 damage Creates a large explosion
Spreader M: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Spreader N: SciLab 1 GMD.
Spreader O: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
Spreader P: BMD in Principal's PC 2.
Spreader Q: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Spreader *: Number Machine Code: 31549798.
015. Bubbler * Aqua/Water 60 damage Explodes 1 square behind.
Bubbler A: In White, S Rank a Shrimpy while in Custom Style.
Bubbler C: S Rank a Shrimpy.
Bubbler D: 7-10 Rank a Shrimpy. !!!
Bubbler E: 1-6 Rank a Shrimpy.
Bubbler P: S Rank a Shrimpy while in Custom Style.
(Shrimpys can be found in Yai's phone.)
016. Bub-V ** Aqua/Water 60 damage Explodes 2 diag. Squares.
Bub-V D: 7-10 Rank a Shrimpy2.
Bub-V E: 1-6 Rank a Shrimpy2.
Bub-V F: S Rank a Shrimpy2. !!!
Bub-V S: In White, S rank a Shrimpy2 while in Custom Style.
Bub-V V: S rank a Shrimpy2 while in Custom Style.
(Shrimpy2s can be found in DNN's editing room comp.)
017. BubSide *** Aqua/Water 60 damage Explodes up, down on hit.
BubSide B: S rank a Shrimpy3 while in Custom Style.
BubSide E: 7-10 Rank a Shrimpy3.
BubSide F: 1-6 Rank a Shrimpy3. !!!
BubSide G: S Rank a Shrimpy3.
BubSide R: In White, S rank a Shrimpy3 while in Custom Style.
(Shrimpy3s can be found in Undernet 7)
018. HeatShot * Heat/Fire 40 damage Explodes 1 square behind.
HeatShot B: In white, S rank a Spikey while in Custom Style.
HeatShot H: 1-6 Rank a Spikey.
HeatShot I: 7-10 Rank a Spikey. !!!
HeatShot J: S Rank a Spikey.
HeatShot P: S Rank a Spikey while in Custom Style.
(Spikeys can be found in Yoka Zoo's Giraffe Console.)
019. Heat-V ** Heat/Fire 40 damage Explodes 2 diag. Squares.
Heat-V F: S Rank a Spikey2.
Heat-V I: 7-10 Rank a Spikey2.
Heat-V J: 1-6 Rank a Spikey2. !!!
Heat-V K: S Rank a Spikey2 while in Custom Style.
Heat-V V: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
(Spikey2s can be found in Undernet 1.)
020. HeatSide *** Heat/Fire 40 damage Explodes up, down on hit.
HeatSide C: S Rank a Spikey3 while in Custom Style.
HeatSide J: 1-6 Rank a Spikey3.
HeatSide K: 7-10 Rank a Spikey3. !!!
HeatSide L: S Rank a Spikey3.
HeatSide T: In White, S Rank a Spikey3 while in Custom Style.
(Spikey3s can be found in ACDC tank while using oilbody.)
021. MiniBomb * No Element 50 damage Throws a bomb 3 squares.
MiniBomb B: You start the game with it.
MiniBomb G: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
MiniBomb L: Higsby's Chip order. !!!
MiniBomb O: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
MiniBomb S: You start the game with it. ACDC 1 GMD.
022. SnglBomb * No Element 50 damage Throw a big bomb 3 squares
SnglBomb D: S Rank a Beetle.
SnglBomb F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
SnglBomb H: 1-10 Rank a Beetle. !!!
SnglBomb J: In White, S Rank a Beetle.
SnglBomb T: In White, 1-10 Rank a Beetle.
SnglBomb *: S Rank a Beetle while in Custom Style.
(Beetles can be found in Zoo Computer 3.)
023. DublBomb ** No Element 50 damage Throw 2 b. bombs 3 squares
DublBomb A: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
DublBomb C: S Rank a Deetle.
DublBomb H: In White, S Rank a Deetle. !!!
DublBomb K: 1-10 Rank a Deetle.
DublBomb Q: In White, 1-10 Rank a Deetle.
DublBomb *: S Rank a Deetle while in Custom Style.
(Deetles can be found in DNN's 2nd floor security panel.)
024. TrplBomb *** No Element 50 damage Throw 3 b. Bombs 3 squares
TrplBomb E: S Rank a Geetle while in Custom Style.
TrplBomb I: S Rank a Geetle.
TrplBomb N: In White, S Rank a Geetle. !!!
TrplBomb P: 1-10 Rank a Geetle.
TrplBomb W: In White, 1-10 Rank a Geetle.
(Geetles can be found in Secret 1.)
025. CannBall *** No Element 160 damage Breaks 3rd panel ahead.
CannBall A: S Rank a HardHead while in Custom Style.
CannBall D: In White, Get any Rank on a Hardhead.
CannBall F: Higsby's Chip order. !!!
CannBall L: In White, S Rank a HardHead while in Custom Style.
CannBall P: Any Rank on a HardHead.
CannBall *: Secret 2 GMD.
(HardHeads can be found in Hosp. Comp. 1.)
026. IceBall *** Aqua/Water 120 damage Freezes 3rd sqr. ahea.
IceBall F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceBall I: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceBall M: Any Rank on a Coldhead.!!!
IceBall Q: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceBall S: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceBall *: S Rank a ColdHead while in Custom Style.
(ColdHeads can be found in Hades Isle net, with Fish equipped.)
027. LavaBall *** Heat/Fire 140 damage Shoot lava 3rd sqr. ahea.
LavaBall B: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaBall C: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaBall H: In White, get Any Rank on a LavaHead. !!!
LavaBall N: Any Rank on a LavaHead.
LavaBall W: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
LavaBall *: S Rank a LavaHead while in Custom Style.
(LavaHeads can be found in Scilab doorframe, with Oilbody equipped.)
028. BlkBomb1 ** Heat/Fire 120 damage Bomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
BlkBomb1 F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb1 L: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb1 N: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
BlkBomb1 P: BMD in Hades Isle Net.
BlkBomb1 Z: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
029. BlkBomb2 *** Heat/Fire 170 damage Bomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
BlkBomb2 D: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb2 I: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb2 K: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
BlkBomb2 Q: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb2 S: Undernet 2, just past Flashman's security cube.
030. BlkBomb3 *** Heat/Fire 220 damage Bomb hits 3rd sq ahead!
BlkBomb3 C: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb3 G: For 90 Bugfrags, at the Yoka 1 Bugfrag trader.
BlkBomb3 L: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
BlkBomb3 U: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BlkBomb3 Y: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
031. Sword * No Element 80 damage Cuts enemy in front.
Sword E: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Sword H: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Sword L: You Start the game with it.
Sword S: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
Sword Y: SciLab 1 GMD.
032. WideSwrd ** No Element 80 damage Cuts enemy in front.
WideSwrd C: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
WideSwrd E: Job 22.
WideSwrd L: You Start the game with it.
WideSwrd Q: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
WideSwrd Y: Scilab 1 GMD.
033. LongSwrd *** No Element 80 damage Cuts enemy in front.
LongSwrd E: S Rank a Swordy.
LongSwrd I: 1-6 Rank a Swordy.
LongSwrd L: 7-10 Rank a Swordy.
LongSwrd R: S Rank a Swordy while in Custom Style.
LongSwrd Y: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
(Swordys can be found in SciLab area.)
034. FireSwrd *** Heat/Fire 130 damage Fire: Cuts fwd 3 squares.
FireSwrd F: S Rank a Swordy2 while in Custom Style.
FireSwrd N: 1-10 Rank on a Swordy2. !!!
FireSwrd P: S Rank a Swordy2.
FireSwrd R: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
FireSwrd U: In White, 1-6 Rank a Swordy2.
(Swordy2s can be found in Beach 1.)
035. AquaSwrd *** Aqua/Water 150 damage Aqua: Cuts fwd 3 squares.
AquaSwrd A: S Rank a Swordy3.
AquaSwrd H: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
AquaSwrd N: 1-10 Rank a Swordy3. !!!
AquaSwrd P: S Rank a Swordy3 while in Custom Style.
AquaSwrd Y: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
(Swordy3s can be found in Secret 1.)
036. ElecSwrd *** Electric 130 damage Elec: Cuts fwd 3 squares.
ElecSwrd E: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
ElecSwrd K: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
ElecSwrd N: ACDC Square Chip Merchant. !!!
ElecSwrd P: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
ElecSwrd V: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
037. BambSwrd *** Wood/Earth 140 damage Wood: Cuts fwd 3 squares.
BambSwrd B: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BambSwrd L: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BambSwrd N: PMD in Dad's lab Comp. !!!
BambSwrd P: Yoka Square Chip Merchant.
BambSwrd W: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
038. CustSwrd *** No Element ??? damage Cust Gauge = Atk Str.
(Damage varies based on the custom gauge.)
CustSwrd B: ACDC Square Chip Merchant. !!!
CustSwrd F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
CustSwrd R: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
CustSwrd V: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
CustSwrd Z: Scilab 1, behind WWW gate.
039. VarSword **** No Element 160 damage A magical shifting sword.
VarSword B: Yoka 1 Bugfrag Trader. !!!
VarSword C: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
VarSword D: Beach Square Chip Merchant.
VarSword E: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
VarSword F: NumberMan Machine with Code: 63997824.
040. AirSword *** No Element 100 damage Wide swrd with air attack
AirSword C: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
AirSword E: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
AirSword H: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
AirSword J: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
AirSword R: Higsby's Normal Stock in White.
AirSword *: UnderSquare Chip Merchant.
041. StepSwrd **** No Element 130 damage 2 steps, then wide swrd.
StepSwrd L: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
StepSwrd M: Past Beastman's Security Cube, in Undernet 4.
StepSwrd N: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive. !!!
StepSwrd O: Reward for Job 8.
StepSwrd P: Yoka Square Chip Merchant.
042. StepCros **** No Element 130 damage 2 steps, then cross atk.
StepCros P: Undernet 4 Chip Merchant.
StepCros Q: Reward for Job 24.
StepCros R: Past 4-Quiz-Guy door in Secret Area. !!!
StepCros S: NumberMan Machine with code: 76889120.
StepCros T: Yoka 1 Bugfrag Merchant.
043. Slasher *** No Element 240 damage Cuts while A is held.
Slasher B: Reward for Job 5. !!!
Slasher D: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Slasher G: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Slasher R: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Slasher S: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
044. ShockWav * No Element 60 damage Shock through enemies.
ShockWav D: 7-10 Rank a Mettaur.
ShockWav H: In White, 7-10 Rank a Mettaur.
ShockWav J: S Rank a Mettaur. !!!
ShockWav L: In White, S Rank a Mettaur while in Custom Style.
ShockWav R: S Rank a Mettaur while in Custom Style.
(If you need to know where to find a Mettaur, you have problems...)
(...Or haven't played the game. One of those.)
045. SonicWav ** No Element 80 damage Shock through enemies.
SonicWav G: S Rank a Mettaur2 while in Custom Style.
SonicWav I: 7-10 Rank a Mettaur2.
SonicWav M: In White, S Rank a Mettaur2. !!!
SonicWav S: S Rank a Mettaur2.
SonicWav W: In White, 1-10 Rank a Mettaur2.
(Mettaur2s can be found in Ura Inn's samurai armor.)
046. DynaWave *** No Element 100 damage Shock through enemies.
DynaWave E: In White, S Rank a Mettaur3.
DynaWave N: In White, 7-10 Rank a Mettaur3.
DynaWave Q: S Rank a Mettaur3.
DynaWave T: 7-10 Rank a Mettaur3.
DynaWave V: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
(Mettaur3s can be found in the Drillman WWW tank.)
047. BigWave **** No Element 190 damage Shck wave cracks panels.
BigWave E: S Rank a Mettaur3 while in Custom Style.
BigWave J: Secret 2 Chip Trader. !!!
BigWave M: In White, S Rank a Mettaur3 while in Custom Style.
BigWave P: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
BigWave Y: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
048. GutPunch * No Element 80 damage Punch pushes one square.
GutPunch B: Dex's PC BMD. !!!
GutPunch C: Yoka 2 GMD.
GutPunch D: Yoka 2 GMD.
GutPunch E: Reward for Job 21. Yoka 2 GMD.
GutPunch F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
049. GutStrgt ** No Element 100 damage Punch 2 square range.
GutStrgt O: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
GutStrgt P: Yoka 1 Bugfrag Trader.
GutStrgt Q: Hosp Comp 1 BMD.
GutStrgt R: Beach 2 GMD.
GutStrgt S: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
050. GutImpct *** No Element 160 damage Punch pushes one square.
GutImpct G: Secret Area 2 Chip Merchant. !!!
GutImpct H: Reward from Job 21.
GutImpct I: Yoka 1 Bugfrag Trader.
GutImpct J: BMD in Undernet 7, Past DrillMan's Security Cube.
GutImpct K: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
051. DashAtk * No Element 90 damage Dash through enemies!
DashAtk C: 7-10 Rank a Fishy.
DashAtk D: In White, 1-6 Rank a Fishy.
DashAtk G: S Rank a Fishy. !!!
DashAtk J: In White, 7-10 Rank a Fishy.
DashAtk Z: 1-6 Rank a Fishy.
DashAtk *: S Rank a Fishy while in Custom Style.
(Fishys can be found in Scilab Area.)
052. Burner *** Heat/Fire 130 damage Envelops you in flame!
Burner B: S Rank a Fishy2.
Burner F: In White, 1-6 Rank a Fishy2.
Burner Q: 1-6 Rank a Fishy2. !!!
Burner S: 7-10 Rank a Fishy2.
Burner W: In White, 7-10 Rank a Fishy2.
(Fishy2s can be found in Hades Isle comp.)
053. Condor **** No Element 180 damage Chrge atk pierces enemies
Condor B: S Rank a Fishy3 while in Custom Style.
Condor I: 1-10 Rank a Fishy3. !!!
Condor L: In White, S Rank a Fishy3.
Condor S: S Rank a Fishy3.
Condor Z: In White, 1-10 Rank a Fishy3.
(Fishy3s can be found in Hades Isle Gargoyle.)
054. Burning **** Heat/Fire 150 damage Fire atk in cross shape!
Burning A: S Rank a Fishy2 while in Custom Style.
Burning F: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Burning L: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
Burning R: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Burning S: In White, S Rank a Fishy2 while in Custom Style.
(Fishy2s can be found in Hades Isle comp.)
055. ZapRing1 * Electric 20 damage Pralyzing elec. ring atk!
ZapRing1 A: S Rank a Bunny.
ZapRing1 M: 7-10 Rank a Bunny.
ZapRing1 P: S Rank a Bunny while in Custom Style.
ZapRing1 Q: In White, 1-6 Rank a Bunny.
ZapRing1 S: 1-6 Rank a Bunny. !!!
ZapRing1 *: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
(Bunnys can be found in the Principal's PC)
056. Zapring2 ** Electric 40 damage Pralyzing elec. ring atk!
Zapring2 B: 7-10 Rank a TuffBunny.
Zapring2 G: S Rank a TuffBunny while in Custom Style.
Zapring2 N: In White, 7-10 Rank a TuffBunny.
Zapring2 R: S Rank a TuffBunny.
Zapring2 W: 1-6 Rank a TuffBunny. !!!
(TuffBunnys can be found in DNN's second floor security panel.)
057. ZapRing3 *** Electric 60 damage Pralyzing elec. ring atk!
ZapRing3 C: S Rank a MegaBunny while in Custom Style.
ZapRing3 E: S Rank a MegaBunny.
ZapRing3 O: 7-10 Rank a MegaBunny.
ZapRing3 T: 1-6 Rank a MegaBunny
ZapRing3 Z: In White, 1-6 Rank a MegaBunny. !!!
(MegaBunnys can be found in WWW Comp 1.)
058. IceWave1 * Aqua/Water 80 damage A 2 sq wide ice wave!
IceWave1 A: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
IceWave1 K: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceWave1 M: In White, S Rank a Pengi.
IceWave1 Q: 1-10 Rank a Pengi.
IceWave1 W: S Rank a Pengi.
IceWave1 *: S Rank a Pengi while in Custom Style.
(Pengis can be found in SciLab vending machine.)
059. IceWave2 ** Aqua/Water 100 damage A 2 sq wide ice wave!
IceWave2 D: S Rank a Penga. !!!
IceWave2 H: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
IceWave2 L: In White, S Rank a Penga.
IceWave2 P: 1-10 Rank a Penga.
IceWave2 R: In White, 1-10 Rank a Penga.
IceWave2 *: S Rank a Penga while in Custom Style.
(Pengas can be found in SciLab vending machine.)
060. IceWave3 *** Aqua/Water 140 damage A 2 sq wide ice wave!
IceWave3 C: In White, S Rank a Pengon. !!!
IceWave3 D: S Rank a Pengon.
IceWave3 J: 1-10 Rank a Pengon.
IceWave3 R: S Rank a Pengon while in Custom Style.
IceWave3 V: In White, 1-10 Rank a Pengon.
(Pengons can be found in Hospital 5 with Fish equipped.)
061. Yo-Yo1 * No Element 40 damage 3-square yo-yo attack!
Yo-Yo1 C: In White, S Rank a Yort while in Custom Style.
Yo-Yo1 D: S Rank a Yort while in Custom Style.
Yo-Yo1 E: In White, 1-6 Rank a Yort. !!!
Yo-Yo1 F: 1-6 Rank a Yort.
Yo-Yo1 G: 7-S Rank a Yort.
Yo-Yo1 *: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
(Yorts can be found in Beach area.)
062. Yo-Yo2 ** No Element 50 damage 3-square yo-yo attack!
Yo-Yo2 H: S Rank a Yurt while in Custom Style.
Yo-Yo2 I: 1-10 Rank a Yurt.
Yo-Yo2 J: S Rank a Yurt.!!!
Yo-Yo2 K: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Yo-Yo2 L: In White, S Rank a Yurt while in Custom Style.
(Yurts can be found in Undernet 3.)
063. Yo-Yo3 *** No Element 60 damage 3-square yo-yo attack!
Yo-Yo3 M: S Rank a Yart.
Yo-Yo3 N: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Yo-Yo3 O: 1-10 Rank a Yart. !!!
Yo-Yo3 P: In White, S Rank a Yart while in Custom Style.
Yo-Yo3 Q: S Rank a Yart while in Custom Style.
(Yarts can be found in Secret 1.)
064. AirStrm1 * No Element 50 damage Creates 3 whrlwinds.
Comes in A (!!!), F, H, O, & S.
The Snowblows are an oddity. I believe you can get their non custom
chips at any busting level, and it is random what you get. The only
defined ones is the custom drops, which is S. I'm not sure of this, and
I believe there are two non-custom chips you can get in each version,
but I haven't got a chance to test it. If someone could, they get a
cookie...and a spot in the thanx section.
(SnowBlows can be found in Beach Area.)
065. AirStrm2 ** No Element 60 damage Creates 3 whrlwinds.
Comes in C (!!!), G, H, M, & W.
The Lowblows are an oddity. I believe you can get their non custom
chips at any busting level, and it is random what you get. The only
defined ones is the custom drops, which is G (C in White). I'm not sure
of this, and I believe there are two non-custom chips you can get in
each version, but I haven't got a chance to test it. If someone could,
they get a cookie...and a spot in the thanx section.
(LowBlows can be found in Undernet 6.)
066. AirStrm3 *** No Element 70 damage Creates 3 whrlwinds.
Comes in A (!!!), G, I, N, & V.
The Moblows are an oddity. I believe you can get their non custom chips
at any busting level, and it is random what you get. The only defined
ones is the custom drops, which is A. I'm not sure of this, and I
believe there are two non-custom chips you can get in each version, but
I haven't got a chance to test it. If someone could, they get a
cookie...and a spot in the thanx section.
(MoBlows can be found in Secret 2.)
067. Arrow1 * Electric 100 damage Bee fly diagonal paths.
Arrow1 B: S Rank an Elebee while in Custom Style. !!!
Arrow1 E: S Rank an Elebee.
Arrow1 M: In White, S Rank an Elebee.
Arrow1 Q: 1-6 Rank an Elebee.
Arrow1 T: 7-10 Rank an Elebee.
(Elebees can be found in WWW Comp 1.)
068. Arrow2 ** Electric 130 damage Bee fly diagonal paths.
Arrow2 F: S Rank an Elewasp while in Custom Style. !!!
Arrow2 R: In White, S Rank an Elewasp.
Arrow2 S: S Rank an Elewasp.
Arrow2 U: 7-10 Rank an Elewasp.
Arrow2 Z: 1-6 Rank an Elewasp.
(Elewasps can be found in Secret 2.)
069. Arrow3 *** Electric 160 damage Bee fly diagonal paths.
Arrow3 A: 1-6 Rank an Elehornet. !!!
Arrow3 H: S Rank an Elehornet.
Arrow3 J: In White, S Rank an Elehornet.
Arrow3 N: 7-10 Rank an Elehornet.
Arrow3 P: S Rank an Elehornet while in Custom Style.
(Elehornets can be found in the School server with battery equipped.)
070. Ratton1 * No Element 80 damage Crawling rat, turns once.
Ratton1 A: S Rank a Ratty while in Custom Style.
Ratton1 C: S Rank a Ratty.
Ratton1 F: 1-6 Rank a Ratty. !!!
Ratton1 H: 7-10 Rank a Ratty.
Ratton1 J: In White, 1-6 Rank a Ratty.
(Rattys can be found in the Zoo ticket console.)
071. Ratton2 ** No Element 100 damage Crawling rat, turns once.
Ratton2 A: S Rank a Ratty2 while in Custom Style.
Ratton2 C: S Rank a Ratty2.
Ratton2 F: 7-10 Rank a Ratty2. !!!
Ratton2 N: In White, 7-10 Rank a Ratty2.
Ratton2 O: 1-6 Rank a Ratty2.
(Ratty2s can be found in the DNN Van.)
072. Ratton3 *** No Element 120 damage Crawling rat, turns once.
Ratton3 A: S Rank a Ratty3 while in Custom Style.
Ratton3 C: In White, S Rank a Ratty3.
Ratton3 F: S Rank a Ratty3. !!!
Ratton3 R: 1-6 Rank a Ratty3.
Ratton3 S: 7-10 Rank a Ratty3.
(Ratty3s can be found in Secret 1.)
073. FireRatn *** Heat/Fire 230 damage Active when hit w/ fire!
FireRatn B: Undernet 4 Chip Merchant.
FireRatn F: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
FireRatn H: DNN Battle Console BMD.
FireRatn M: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
FireRatn Y: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
074. Wave *** Aqua/Water 80 damage Wave that moves 3 squares
Wave E: S Rank a Jelly while in Custom Style.
Wave I: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Wave L: Any Rank on a Jelly. !!!
Wave S: In White, S Rank a Jelly while in Custom Style.
Wave T: In White, get Any Rank on a Jelly.
(Jellys can be found in WWW Comp 2.)
075. RedWave *** Heat/Fire 90 damage Makes a 3sq wave of lava.
RedWave B: In White, S Rank a HeatJelly while in Custom Style.
RedWave F: Any Rank on a HeatJelly.
RedWave J: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
RedWave R: S Rank a HeatJelly while in Custom Style.
RedWave U: In White, get any Rank on a HeatJelly.
(HeatJellys can be found in WWW Comp 3.)
076. MudWave *** Wood/Earth 100 damage Mud wave advances 3 sq.
MudWave D: S Rank a ErthJelly while in Custom Style.
MudWave G: In White, S Rank a ErthJelly while in Custom Style.
MudWave M: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
MudWave V: Any Rank on a ErthJelly.
MudWave Z: In White, get Any Rank on a ErthJelly.
(ErthJellys can be found in Secret 2.)
077. Tornado ** No Element 20 damage 8-hit tornado 2 sq ahead.
Tornado C: Scilab Square Chip Merchant.
Tornado L: Yoka 1 PMD.
Tornado R: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Tornado T: Chip/Bugfrag Trader Exclusive.
Tornado U: Higsby's Chip Order. !!!
078. Spice1 * Wood/Earth 80 damage Powder on all grass.
Spice1 B: S Rank a Mushy.
Spice1 D: In White, S Rank a Mushy.
Spice1 I: 1-6 Rank a Mushy.
Spice1 S: 7-10 Rank a Mushy. !!!
Spice1 Z: In White, 1-6 Rank a Mushy.
Spice1 *: S Rank a Mushy while in Custom Style.
(Mushys can be found in the Hospital Bed.)
079. Spice2 ** Wood/Earth 110 damage Powder on all grass.
Spice2 C: S Rank a Mashy.
Spice2 F: In White, S Rank a Mashy.
Spice2 I: 7-10 Rank a Mashy.
Spice2 K: 1-6 Rank a Mashy. !!!
Spice2 R: S Rank a Mashy while in Custom Style.
(Mashys can be found in the Hospital Bed with Jungle equipped.)
080. Spice3 *** Wood/Earth 140 damage Powder on all grass.
Spice3 D: S Rank a Moshy while in Custom Style.
Spice3 F: S Rank a Moshy.
Spice3 J: 7-10 Rank a Moshy.
Spice3 O: 1-6 Rank a Moshy. !!!
Spice3 Q: In White, 1-6 Rank a Moshy.
(Moshys can be found in Zoo Comp 3 with Jungle equipped.)
hope this helps! i haven't played bn3, so if it's the wrong version (i shouldn't think that the standard chips change from version to version) just say so and i'll look for the other one.