What? Are you amish turned modern? Sorry, but in this day and age women are everywhere doing everything a man can. Hell, some are even better than men at certain things. Including video games.
I have to say you should get out more. Idc what kind of environment you grew up in. You should know the world and how it is. Also, you should know that women help make the games you play. Also, are girls not to enjoy themselves? Only men can? That is closed-minded. You should get used to it as well. Women are some of the most (If not the most, lol) powerful people in the world.
That mindset is what creates conflict in this world. Believing certain people, whether it be gender or race, cannot do or say certain things. I should probably stop now though because out of all the questions I have read so far this one makes me the angriest, and I get off subject when I'm angry, cause one thing leads to the next.
ANYWAYS, I will restate what I said in the beginning. I don't care what environment you grew up in or what kind of place you grew up in. This is now, today, this year, and in this year women can do anything they want (Mostly, because there are still people who think as you do in this world who don't let them, and so we fall back into the days before we became civilized).
I'm out, peace. And for all you women out there, ignore those like that. After all, where would we be today if everyone was like that? We probably wouldn't have half the stuff we have right now.