2010-08-04 11:18:40 UTC
Anyway, so I suppose here are the games I need:
Final Fantasy Origins (so I get both I and II - that's right, right?)
Final Fantasy III (I think this is only for the DS, but my niece has a DS, so hopefulllly I could borrow hers while I play it)
Final Fantasy IV (this would be for the DS)
Final Fantasy Anthology (this has V and VI in it, right? And I know this was released in the U.S., so hopefully I'd be able to find it)
Final Fantasy VII (I CAN'T FIND THIS CHEAP ANYWHERE. It's more expensive than FFXIII)
Final Fantasy VIII (Haven't looked for this one yet, but I'm sure it'll be just as expensive as VII)
Final Fantasy IX
And then X, X-2, XII, and XIII are all at Wal-mart, and the first three are used, and they're cheap. So yeah. This was a really long post, and I don't even know if anyone will really reply to this. But yeah, thank you in advance.