Casual VS Hardcore Games/Gamer?
Jarrod K
2011-05-30 06:50:38 UTC
I want to argue once and for all, what makes a casual or hardcore game/gamer? To me, casual gamers will play games occasionally, and enjoy whatever sparks their interest, but hardcore gamers seek fine details in games, such as depth and quality interactivity.

Now here's where things get feisty. Do casual gamers just play casual games, and hardcore gamers play hardcore games? You decide.

I personally believe casual games are games that you can learn to play without too much thought or have a flat learning curve, whilst hardcore games tend to increase in relative difficulty, and have steep learning curves. They do not have to be shooters. Hardcore and casual gamers can play any kind of game, but how much they play, and what they seek in games vary.

Now what are your thoughts?
Six answers:
2011-05-30 07:18:58 UTC
Considering anything above a normal difficulty setting is pretty tough for me, I'm a hardcore gamer who knows his limits. You may say my gaming skills are weak sauce that's fine but what's the fun if it's no longer a challenge to you cause you're that good. My main goal is to say I've simply beaten the game plain and simple. I don't like to keep games cause I want the next best title at all times. Typically I trade a game in after I beat it cause I will probably no longer play it. I get asked why I don't keep the games for achieving the trophies and I say what's the point of trophies that aren't important enough to get with 1 time around. Who honestly cares about a platinum trophy? Maybe your buddy who works at Gamestop. I want to be the guy who brags that he's beaten every game, not the one who decides to get hung up on playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops for the next couple years. Don't get me wrong it's a cool game and if you're playing it in tournaments then that's cool. Simply not my style. If I wear Khaki's while playing does that make me more so casual?
2011-05-30 14:14:29 UTC
i consider myself to be a hard core gamer,i have been gaming for 35 years and when i play a game i go through every inch of it,locate every unique weapon,piece of armor and clothing,do every quest or mission possible.i don't just blow through a game in 20-30 hours just to say,i played that and think i know about the game.when i play a game for the first time through i will not and do not use any cheats or glitches because i want to get the complete experience of the game,after that i will try different cheats or glitches,but not before i play through at least once without them.i play all types of different games,racing,adventure,rpg,some types of shooters,it doesn't matter what the rating is from e-m,i will play them if it seems to be an interesting or fun game,but no matter what the game is i always have fun playing them.i think the only difference between a casual gamer and hard core gamer is just the amount of hours spent gaming,other than that i don't think there is really any difference.hope this helps.have fun gaming.
Tentacle Mayor
2011-05-30 14:04:01 UTC
I have some stereotypes in my head of players:

Casual - Drawn mainly to platformers, racing, sports, puzzlers, and some fighting games and shooters. Doesn't care about the finer points of the games, and just wants to have mindless fun.

Intermediate - Plays whatever genre interests them, and is more picky than the casual, having developed likes and dislikes of genres and gameplay styles over the years. Also goes deeper into the games with stats and strategies, and tries to create challenges because some games are too easy for such an experienced player.

Hardcore - Plays competitively with other players, tries to know every nook and cranny of their games and is constantly trying to improve their playstyle. They're also likely to eventually team up with other players and play cooperatively in a clan, looking for similarly skilled opponents to sharpen their skills. Drawn to shooters, strategy and fighting games, racing and multplayer RPGs, basically anything that can have complex gameplay, is challenging and/or allows skill to determine the winner.

So as I see it, there's a rough division based on the player's approach to gaming, and how much effort and attention they put into their games.
2011-05-30 13:54:37 UTC
Casual is an inconsistent gamer who just plays for fun

Hardcore is someone who takes his gaming serious
2011-05-30 13:52:06 UTC
Casual gamers play for fun, hoping to win.

Hardcore gamers play to win, hoping for fun.
2011-05-30 14:06:16 UTC
They are both different types.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.