Is there any website where i can download or play the real original Outrun? That was my fav arcade game, but?
. .
2007-04-11 07:49:44 UTC
i cant find it anywhere. Ive seen sites where u can play pacman so there has to be Outrun somewhere? thank u if u know.
Six answers:
2007-04-14 08:00:52 UTC
OutRun the Original game Is avaliable on MAME

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Here is MAME's discription of Out Run:

Out Run (c) 11/1986 Sega.

Out Run puts the player behind the wheel of a red Ferrari Testarossa in this ground-breaking and hugely popular racing game. As with most games of the genre, players must reach the end-of-stage 'goal' before the tight time limit expires. Out Run's lush, colourful levels are all packed with civilian traffic that, in addition to the tracks themselves, must be carefully negotiated. Upon crashing, the player's car doesn't explode or come to a sudden halt as with other games of the time; it flips into the air before crashing to the ground and eventually rolling to a stop; throwing the driver and his female passenger from the car in the process.

As well as being able to choose which route to take through the game, players can also choose from one of three different catchy songs to listen to while driving. The three songs are; 'Magical Sound Shower', 'Passing Breeze' and 'Splash Wave'.


There were two arcade cabinet designs -- the usual upright machine, only with a steering wheel and stick shift (instead of a joystick and buttons) plus gas and brake pedals, and a sit-down version which looked roughly like a Testarossa. The sit-down cabinet itself came in two versions -- with hydraulics and without. The version with hydraulics turned and shook according to the action onscreen, much like Sega's Afterburner. The upright also came in two versions : normal and mini (neither with hydraulic feedback, naturally).

Main CPU : (2x) 68000 (@ 12.5 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), Sega (@ 4 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 320 x 224 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 12288

Players : 1

Control : Steering wheel

Pedals : 2 (Accelerator and break)

Gear shift : 2 (Low / High)


At the end of each stage, before the end-of-stage goal is reached, players are presented with a fork in the road; a unique innovation that, for the first time in the history of racing games, gave players a choice of which route they wished to take through the game. Out Run's gameplay was both tight and instinctive and, together with the superb stage design and wonderfully realised sprite-scaled graphics, would completely revolutionise not just racing games, but arcade games in general.

Out Run is still regarded as perhaps the finest arcade racer (and certainly the finest sprite-driven racer) of all time. This was especially true of the deluxe cabinet version, which featured a fully hydraulic tilting cabinet (resembling a red Ferrari Testorosa) and a powerful speaker system situated directly behind the player's head. The sublime music still captivates many fans today, although the sublime 'Magical Sound Shower' is generally regarded as the finest of the three in-game tunes on offer (the others being 'Passing Breeze' and 'Splash Wave'). The final tune, 'Last Wave', is only played when the high-score table is displayed.

At least part of Out Run's huge success was down to it capturing the fun-yet-superficial spirit of the 1980s. Previous racing games had concentrated on the more serious side of racing, with the action usually taking place in a Formula One racing car, over a series of competent but uninspiring racing tracks. Out Run was different; in a decade that celebrated style over content, the game offered players the ultimate boy racer experience by putting them behind the wheel of that eighties icon of cool, a red Ferrari Testarossa; replete with a 'blonde bimbo' in the passenger seat.

Sega didn't actually have (nor indeed ask for) permission from Ferrari to use one of their cars for the game. This inevitably led to a degree of bad feeling and threats of litigation between the two companies. They have since settled their differences, however, as Sega acquired an official licencse to use the Ferrari range in its 2003 sequel, "Out Run 2".

Opponent cars list:

* 1972 Volkswagen Beetle

* 1971 Chevrolet Corvette

* 1985 Porsche Carrera 911 Turbo

* 1985 BMW 325i Cabriolet E30

* Lorry

Richard Jackson holds the official record for this game with 52, 897, 690 points.

An Out Run machine is played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie 'Donnie Darko'.

An Out Run machine was shown at the 2003 classic arcade games show 'California Extreme' in San Jose, California.

Alfa Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Sega Taikan Game Special - 28XA-198) on 12/1987.

Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Outrun/SEGA S.S.T. - PCCB-00081) on 02/1992. Composition by SEGA Sound Team and arrangement by SEGA S.S.T. Band. The first 3 tracks are arranged versions.


In the Deluxe version, all the courses are in a different order.


* Fatest route : the fastest route for finishing the game is Right (Devil's Canyon), Left (Snowy Alps), Right (Wheatfield), Right (Autobahn).

* Secret credit message : right before the road forks, press and hold Start. When you choose one of the roads and the other one disappears from view, a secret credit message will come up on the screen.

* Instead of just pressing the accelerator all the way when you're about to start, you should instead try to keep the gas in 'the high greens' and just below red. The exact moment the green light goes on you should give it as much gas as possible thereby starting up much faster. Instead of shifting at app. 170mph you should change gears at about 120 mph to avoid slowdown. This hint earns you app. 1 second. This trick works every time you have to start from 0 mph but is difficult to time right when you don't have the green light for timing.

* The second before going off road you can change very quickly to low gear and then high gear again. If done correctly you can drive off the road without any slowdown for about 1-2 seconds. If you time it right you can actually change to low then high again after the 1-2 seconds and not loose ANY speed whatsoever when driving offroad. This way you can keep going 292mph even though you're offroad.


1. Out Run (1986)

2. Out Run 3-D (1989, Sega Master System)

3. Battle Out Run (1989, Sega Master System)

4. Turbo Out Run (1989)

5. Out Run Europa (1991, Sega Game Gear)

6. Out Runners (1992)

7. Out Run 2019 (1993, Sega Mega Drive)

8. Out Run 2 (2003)

9. Out Run 2 SP - Special Tours (2004)


Designed by : Yu Suzuki (YU.)

Music by : Hiroshi Miyauchi (MIY)

From highscore table : (BIN), (KAG), (MAT), (IKA), (A.O)


* Consoles :

Sega Master System (1987)

NEC PC-Engine (1990)

Sega Mega Drive (1991)

Sega Game Gear (1991)

Sega Saturn (1996)

Sega Dreamcast (2001, "Yu Suzuki Game Works Vol. 1")

Sega Dreamcast (2001, "Shenmue II")

Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2003, "Sega Arcade Gallery")

Microsoft XBOX ("Shenmue II")

Microsoft XBOX (2004, "Out Run 2") : Hidden Content.

Sony PlayStation 2 (2004, "Sega Ages 2500 Vol. 13 : Out Run")

* Computers :

MSX1 (1986) : by US Gold. It was only released one a tape in Europe on a limited base.

Commodore C64 (1987)

Amstrad CPC (1987)

Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1987)

MSX2 (1988)

Commodore Amiga (1988)

Atari ST (1989)

PC [MS-DOS, 5.25''] (1989)

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (1999, "Sega Smash Pack")

* Others :

LCD tabletop (large) game (1989) released by Tiger Electronics : 5 different races.

Mobile phones (2002)


The SEGA Out Run FAQ by Chris White & Andrew W. Sharples.


0.36b2 [Andrew Prime]


- The sequel to Out Run is Turbo Out Run (Sega 1989)


- 0.97u4: David Haywood replaced old Outrun bootleg with a new dump that passes the ROM test and has proper rom names.

- 0.94u2: Aaron Giles disabled direct scanline mode for Outrun road, which doesn't support it. Correct the clock speed of the 2x 68000 to 12.5MHz.

- 10th March 2005: Aaron Giles - Been spending some time trying to figure out some remaining Out Run/X-Board/Y-Board details from schematics and PAL dumps. A special thanks to Colin Davies for digging up some Out Run schematics - these have been quite helpful in nailing down some details. For example, the priorities between the two roads in Out Run were not known, but thanks to the schematics I was able to identify the logic device that controls it. Once we got a dump of that, I was able to get things working correctly, fixing a few minor priority cases that weren't correct (though I was mostly right).

- 0.94u1: Aaron Giles fixed sound in Out Run.

- 0.92: Rename (outrun) to clone (outrun2), (outruna) to (outrun) and (outrundx) to (outrun1).

- 0.91: David Haywood changed Out Run (set 1 and 2) to use a better set of GFX2 roms.

- 0.90u1: Correct the clock speed of the 2x 68000 to 10MHz and palettesize to 12288 colors.

- 0.79u1: Santeri Saarimaa fixed Out Run (Deluxe?) sound (was checking for outrunp).

- 0.79: Rename clone (outrunp) to (outrundx) -> (Japan Prototype? to Deluxe?).

- 0.78u5: David Haywood added clone Out Run (Japan Prototype?).

- 0.61: Bryan McPhail fixed controls & gfx in Outrun and Space Harrier. Correct palettesize from 4096 to 8192 colors.

- 7th May 2002: Bryan McPhail fixed a few bugs in the Sega System 16 driver and added the shadows back to Outrun and others.

- 1st March 2001: Olivier Galibert fixed the second road in Outrun.

- 9th November 2000: Nicola Salmoria fixed the Outrun road graphics bugs.

- 16th August 1999: Andrew Prime sent in a nice System 16 update with Enduro Racer support and Outrun graphics problems fixed.

- 0.36b2: Added Out Run (set 1) and clones Out Run (set 2) and (set 3).

- 3rd August 1999: Andrew Prime sent in a huge System 16 driver update, with Hang-On graphics fixed and working drivers for Bay Route, Outrun, Space Harrier and Super Hang-On.

ARCADE RELEASE: Out Run (Sega) - 1986/Sep/25


Other Emulators:

* Final Burn

* System 16

Category: Racing 3D

Recommended Games:

Turbo Out Run


Datsun 280 Zzzap

Night Driver

Speed Freak

Change Lanes

Buggy Challenge

Konami GT

Rad Racer

Rad Racer II

Hyper Crash

Top Speed

Hard Drivin'

Race Drivin'

Hard Drivin's Airborne

Street Drivin'

Power Drift

Big Run

Four Trax

Cisco Heat

Over Drive

Rad Mobile

Rad Rally

Road Riot 4WD

Road Riot's Revenge

Ridge Racer

Ridge Racer 2

Cruis'n USA

Cruis'n World

Driver's Edge

Rave Racer

Sega Rally Championship

Sega Rally 2

GTI Club

San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush: The Rock

Scud Race

Speed Up

Off Road Challenge

California Speed

Romset: 2016 kb / 31 files / 821 zip


epr10183.115 8000 cpu1 0

epr10261.130 8000 cpu1 1

epr10184.116 8000 cpu1 10000

epr10262.131 8000 cpu1 10001

epr10258.117 8000 cpu1 20000

epr10263.132 8000 cpu1 20001

epr10259.118 8000 cpu1 30000

epr10264.133 8000 cpu1 30001

epr10173.66 8000 cpu2 0

epr10178.86 8000 cpu2 1

epr10174.67 8000 cpu2 10000

epr10179.87 8000 cpu2 10001

epr10175.68 8000 cpu2 20000

epr10180.88 8000 cpu2 20001

epr10176.69 8000 cpu2 30000

epr10181.89 8000 cpu2 30001

opr10268.99 8000 gfx1 0

opr10232.102 8000 gfx1 8000

opr10267.100 8000 gfx1 10000

opr10231.103 8000 gfx1 18000

opr10266.101 8000 gfx1 20000

opr10230.104 8000 gfx1 28000

epr10194.26 8000 gfx2 0

epr10203.38 8000 gfx2 1

epr10212.52 8000 gfx2 2

epr10221.66 8000 gfx2 3

epr10195.27 8000 gfx2 20000

epr10204.39 8000 gfx2 20001

epr10213.53 8000 gfx2 20002

epr10222.67 8000 gfx2 20003

epr10196.28 8000 gfx2 40000

epr10205.40 8000 gfx2 40001

epr10214.54 8000 gfx2 40002

epr10223.68 8000 gfx2 40003

epr10197.29 8000 gfx2 60000

epr10206.41 8000 gfx2 60001

epr10215.55 8000 gfx2 60002

epr10224.69 8000 gfx2 60003

epr10198.30 8000 gfx2 80000

epr10207.42 8000 gfx2 80001

epr10216.56 8000 gfx2 80002

epr10225.70 8000 gfx2 80003

epr10199.31 8000 gfx2 a0000

epr10208.43 8000 gfx2 a0001

epr10217.57 8000 gfx2 a0002

epr10226.71 8000 gfx2 a0003

epr10200.32 8000 gfx2 c0000

epr10209.44 8000 gfx2 c0001

epr10218.58 8000 gfx2 c0002

epr10227.72 8000 gfx2 c0003

epr10201.33 8000 gfx2 e0000

epr10210.45 8000 gfx2 e0001

epr10219.59 8000 gfx2 e0002

epr10228.73 8000 gfx2 e0003

opr10186.47 8000 gfx3 0

opr10185.11 8000 gfx3 8000

epr10187.88 8000 cpu3 0

opr10193.66 8000 snd1 0

opr10192.67 8000 snd1 10000

opr10191.68 8000 snd1 20000

opr10190.69 8000 snd1 30000

opr10189.70 8000 snd1 40000

opr10188.71 8000 snd1 50000


Out Run (standard/upright, Rev B)


Out Run (standard/upright, Rev A)

Out Run (deluxe)

Out Run (bootleg)

SOURCE: segaorun.c

0.90u1 [Aaron Giles]


- LED connected to stop lights no longer working

- Verify memory test

- Verify inputs

- Verify DIP switches

- Verify protection

- Check playability


- 0.105: Aaron Giles fixed crash in System 16 games introduced by last update.

- 0.94u2: Aaron Giles connected some outputs via 8255 PPI, fixed IRQ handling to match schematics, hooked up watchdog, global mute, fixed IRQ2 timing (many tweaks based on schematics). Found missing 8th bit in Outrun/X-board sprite pitch. Implemented Outrun/X-board road priorities according to logic dump from Leopardcats. Hooked up road RAM double buffering that was missing for Outrun/X-board.

- 0.93: Added clock parameter to Sega_PCM sound (15625 Hz).

- 0.90u4: Aaron Giles updated YM2151 mixing volume. Note: The break LED no longer functions.

- 0.90u1: Aaron Giles unified all memory mapping code and moved it into machine/segaic16.c, unified all tilemap, sprite and road code and moved it into vidhrdw/segaic16.c and improved documentation on the various register layouts on the video side. Note that in the process, I broke the title screen animation for Laser Ghost, and there is now a 1-pixel column error on ddcrew's attract mode. These are known issues that I will try to address soon.
2007-04-11 08:02:37 UTC
here is a link for the 2006 pc game outrun;

Don't know if this is what you want but this is all I could find.
2007-04-11 08:12:36 UTC
hai friend

u can download games from the site there are many more nice and full version games u can download from that site.Enjoy it and replay how its.

bye have a nice day.................
2016-05-17 13:11:24 UTC
There are text twist on Addictinggames
2007-04-11 07:56:34 UTC
If its Oringinal and free, Then thats ILLEGAL
2007-04-11 07:55:28 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.