xbox 360 or ps3 which is better? please i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
2009-11-30 14:00:48 UTC
which is better
Nine answers:
2009-11-30 14:07:47 UTC
Yooh Dude

I own both a 360 and ps3 and I suggest you get a xbox360.

Ps3 slim has many of its good features being taken because of the price drop. Xbox has a high failure rate. I am a ps2 fanboy..the best system of all time.

Xbox has more exclusives and generally more appealing multiplayer games.

Ps3 has more single player games, which will get repetitive.

Xbox Good Exclusives:

Mass Effect

Fable 2

Shadow Complex

Splinter Cell Conviction-Not out yet

Alan Wake-Not out yet

Gears of War

Halo 3

Left 4 dead

Ninja Gaiden 2

Dead or Alive 4(one of the best fighting games ever)

Forza 3(Completely Destroyed GT5 Prologue)


GTA Lost and Damned

Fallout Expansion Packs

More Arcade and Xbox Original Downloadable games

Xbox also has a better online system. Way more enchanced than the ps3 online system. Don't worry, theres a way to get a web browser on the xbox :) The only thing that it is missing is a blue ray player. Ps3 being able to run 50 gb games does NOT make a difference. Everything will look the same infanct xbox has better graphics. Xbox also oftens has contest and special deals and giveways on its dashboard which is updated every couple of months. Who cares if Xbox live isn't free, playing those games local is really fun. Btw you get 3 month free when you get the system.

On the other hand

Ps3 has a very limited amount of good games but have really good quality.It has a blue ray player, but online system is not the best. Ps3 is not easy to hack and is costly. $299 for the slim? Damn thats still expensive.

Ps3 good exclusives:


Metal Gear Solid 4

Little Big Planet

Uncharted series

God of War 3(soon)

Killzone 2

Resistance(sucks compared to Gears)

Heavy rain-Not out yet

Although these games will get boring after a short period of time and will lay around. Killzone 2 doesn't have local multiplayer and resistance is just horrible. Most of these games are third person meaning single player except Uncharted 2 which will have co-op lol.

Blue ray is completely useless unless you have a hd tv. I do so thats Why i use it. But the online sucks. Ps3 home is really cool and its ability to stream youtube videos directly on the web browser.You can also connect your psp to your ps3 and do stuff. But Ps3 doesn't have a lot of DLC other than some arcade games and map packs.

In conclusion, I recommend the xbox 360 over the ps3 slim because it has better games, online and gameplay. My xbox has never broke down. It won't break down if you take care of it.Blue ray and Metal Gear solid are the only thing I bought my ps3 for. Don't bother buying Ratchet or Clank or GT5 for Ps3 slim if you get one. Out of these choices, I would stick with a ps2 because in a year or so, the new xbox or ps3 will probably come out. Ps2 has had the best exclusives ever.

You are buying a gaming system to play games. If you want a blue ray player just buy one, but Xbox 360 is a better gaming console. It will not break down, thats just people exaggerating. Think about it, your not gonna use the bluetooth and all those funky little addons.

Xbox also lets you stream music, videos and photos from your pc..

No offense, but ps3 barely has any good exclusives. You just basically listed all of its mediocre exclusives. They aren't good. Ratchet and Clank, killzone 2, and Resistance 2 are really bad games. Ratchet and Clank is repetitive, the ps2 versions are better, Killzone 2 has no LOCAL MULTIPLAYER...they spent there time on graphics just like Black which sucked, and Resistance 2 is just a bad version of gears which takes place in WW2 and has pretty bad weapons and enemy sprites. MGS4 is the game worth respecting, but The Raiden Version is coming the xbox. Little Big Planet is a ok game but not the best. Xbox on the other hand has a good...When I say good I mean Amazing games. Halo 3, Gears of War 2, and Left 4 Dead have the highest replay value. Trust me dude, you won't get tired of playing those games unline Resistance, which has a bad online multiplayer and MGS4 which only has a good Campaign. Ps3 has mostly single player games, but on the 360 there are more multiplayer games and better online. The best online game for ps3 is Call of Duty 4 which is also available on xbox 360 and has a better online multiplayer. What made me buy a 360 is when they announced that Tekken 6 will be coming onto a 360. All the good Sony Exclusives came/coming onto the xbox like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid and Tekken. Xbox also has more Downloadable Content. Such as more map packs and more game addons.

If you are a Fan of Grand Theft Auto 4, You should definently get xbox since they have a big new story addon called Lost and Damned and Coming out with a new one. Fallout 3 also has more Downloadable Content for Xbox.

Who cares if Ps3 has the wireless adapter pre installed into it. Just use a ethernet cable or a laptop. It'll work..You don't even need live..the games already have such a
2009-11-30 14:14:30 UTC
i have to say xbox 360, people say graphics on ps3 are higher but they are actually the same here are some pros and cons Ps3: Pros-free live, built in blue ray (probally the biggest pro), pretty fast processor. Cons-the online sucks, its very slow, they tend to overheat very easily, no halo Xbox 360: Pros- Very fast processor, a huge online community, very fast live even with a pretty crappy internet, the internal components are harder to damage. Cons-this rarely happens now because they fixed it the first 360s would sometimes get the ring of death, it usually doesn't cause damage but the first series usually made it stop working, you have to pay for live. That's pretty much all i can think of, i suggest you go with the 360, the operating system and the games makes it just an all around better system than the ps3 in my opinion. Hope that helped!
2009-11-30 14:06:18 UTC
Well of course a PS3 because better graphics and the Xbox 360 has the fat controlers not like the PS3. Hope you like it.
2016-05-25 07:44:43 UTC
It is all just opinion. 360's are genereally focused more towards jsut the hardcore gamer with titles like gears of war. It does not put much of an emphasis on multimedia. The ps3, while not the most popular in terms of games is capable of somethings that the 360 is not for instance the blu ray player. It all comes down to what you will be using it for.
Gary B
2009-11-30 14:12:24 UTC
It depends on your taste in games.

if you like 3rd person games and JRPG's, go with PS3

If you like FPS and WRPG's go with X360

Also, many people here are saying that PS3 is "better" but notice that the Wii and DS are pwning it in sales and have a lot more games.

So "better" is very subjective.

As a life long hardcore gamer, i just make a list of all the games i want to play on each platform then use THAT as a guide to decide what i should buy... then i pick up the other console a year or so later.
Napoleon Dynamite
2009-11-30 14:05:50 UTC
Price: This is obvious; the XBOX 360 core is only $299. The PS3 is around $499 for the 20GB version. It comes with a hard drive, but you don’t need a hard drive to enjoy a lot of great games on the 360 so I think it’s fair to compare both core systems.

Performance: On paper, the PS3 is more powerful. In reality, it’s quite inferior to the 360. Without getting into too many details, the three general-purpose CPU’s the xbox360 has are currently FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPU’s on the PS3. I suspect a few years down the road some high budget, first party PS3 exclusive titles will come out that really take advantage of the SPU’s and do things the XBOX 360 can’t, but I don’t think the console is worth buying based on this speculation (for some it will be though, we’ll have to wait and see how these games turn out).

Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex processing. I can’t get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality.

Game Selection: The XBOX 360 has a huge head start here. 1 year is an eternity in gaming. Almost all multi-platform developers have made the XBOX 360 their primary platform due to timing of release-to-market, this means the games will look and perform better on the 360. The PS3 versions will be ports of the 360 versions. (The opposite was true for XBOX 1 vs. PS2). The XBOX 360 is also far faster to develop for due to better development tools (massively popular Visual Studio .NET vs. proprietary, buggy PS3 compiler and debugger), better documentation, and easier architecture (3 general purpose CPU’s vs. 8 specialized processors that require DMA). Timing has also caused all next-gen middleware developers to make XBOX 360 their primary platform, and they will ‘add ps3 support’ as needed. This support will probably be inferior to the XBOX 360’s due to manpower and more importantly, demand. It’s this catch-22 now that will continue to drive the 360 forward and hold PS3 back.

The other obvious point here is that right now the Xbox360 already has a very impressive line-up of titles on store shelves; the ps3 just launched, and has virtually nothing of interest. Also, many 360 games are already discounted. PS3 games are all full price since it just launched.

Live: Microsoft’s online support with XBOX1 was phenomenal. They built in-house experience, user base, facilities, $$ commitment from executive level (since it proved successful), and most importantly, feedback from 100,000s of XBOX Live subscribers. Playstation 2’s online support sucked. They are now playing catch-up, trying to emulate Xbox’s model. But they had their hands tied just trying to make the PS3 work, it was incredibly ambitious (blu-ray etc.). I haven’t seen it yet, but I seriously doubt the quality will be anywhere to the level of XBOX 360.

HD Content: The PS3 comes with one built in (blu-ray). The XBOX 360 offers HD-DVD as an add-on for $200. You probably don’t care about HD-DVD right now. But you will soon (The quality between DVD and HD is comparable to VHS vs DVD, if you have the right TV) so I suggest paying attention to the war that’s begun. There are two formats: HD-DVD and BLU-RAY. Basically if you rent a BLU-RAY DVD from Blockbuster, it won’t play in your XBOX 360 HD-DVD, and vice versa with the PS3. The implications of this format war would require another article on its own. But as far as the consoles are concerned, the XBOX 360 wins because the DVD player is a separate unit. Playing movies is very taxing on the DVD reader, and let’s face it. In 3 years when your PS3 DVD drive goes out due to playing lots of movies (PS2 was notoriously bad about this) you will have to go buy another PS3. With the 360, you’ll just chuck your HD-DVD player, and go buy another one at the store. In 3 years standalone units wlil probably only cost about $99-150. Another point for the XBOX 360, is that I don’t know who will win the format-war, so I would rather wait with purchase of a HD player. The PS3 doesn’t give you this option.
2009-12-01 15:32:04 UTC
This message is coming from a guy who owns and plays both systems as well as 27 other ones and been playing for 30 years. I am a fanboy of no system so I’m telling you straight because I play games for the games themselves, I don’t play because of a name on the system itself.

Sony recently dropped the ps3 price to 299. I will compare it to a 360 elite since its microsofts highest end 360 system and is priced the same as the ps3.

Ps3 has built in included wifi connection for wireless internet, the 360 does not. It will cost you another 100 bucks to buy an addon for the 360 to get wifi. (do note ps3 also includes ethernet for a wired internet connection also so you get both).

Ps3 has bluetooth and usb ports for flash drives, keyboard, mice, microphones, headsets, earpieces and so on, the 360 has neither nor can you add them on.

Ps3 has 100% free online gaming, the 360 charges you a annual fee to play any game online or even have a friends list. Ps3 also has something called Home which is 100% free and optional to use where you make a character and run through a virtual world with other people, chat, check out themed areas like a resident evil 5 area with mini games, trailers playing on big screens, an apartment you get to own and decorate and its constantly being added onto. Think of Home as kind of like The Sims only it a city about games only it has alot of other people in it also with you. I also prefer to ps3 community, 90% of the time I get on xbox live all I hear are a bunch of immature brats cursing and yelling. Both can also stream Netflix movies but on the ps3 all you need to pay for is a Netflix account fee, on the 360 you have to be a subscriber to xbox live and pay the Netflix fee. Also kind of annoys me free things to others cost Microsoft points which you have to pay real money for. Like on left 4 dead, developers released a free map and new game mode to the game that pc users could get for free but 360 users had to spend money to download it on top of already having to subscribe to xbox live just to play the game.

Ps3 can play blu ray high def movies and has a really good upconvert on dvds, 360 can only play normal dvds and doesnt improve their picture any. Its also kind of cool I can take a movie I download on my pc, stick it on a usb flash drive, plug it into my ps3 and watch it on my bigger tv right off the flash drive. Can pause, fast forward, frame rate change, zoom in and out and use other options like you can on a dvd from the ps3 video menu.

Not to mention the ps3 runs dead quiet vs a 360 which is quite loud. And ps3 is known for being a pretty problem free machine while 360 even to this day still suffers from hardware problems, hell gamestop stopped taking extended warranties on them (don’t know if they do again now or not) because so many people were bringing them back with problems.

Far as games go both systems have 90% of the exact same games. All big names games like megaman 9, wolfenstein, bioshock 1 & 2, dead rising 2, beatles rock band, ghostbusters, bayonetta, call of duty 4, fallout 3, rock band 5, grand theft auto 4, modern warfare 2, brutal legend, marvel vs capcom 2, batman arkahm asylum, madden 10, assassins creed 2 and so on are on both systems and will continue to be on both.

Each year the list of exclusive games gets smaller. But personally the games on the ps3 that are exclusive I like better and have more of a variety to them. Killzone 2, MAG, final fantasy 13 versus, demons souls, uncharted 1 and 2, little big planet, flower, god of war 3, gran turismo 5, super stardust hd, metal gear solid 4, resistance 1 and 2, ratchet and clank a crack in time and tools of destruction, infamous, heavy rain among another dozen titles coming out in the next year that are ps3 only I like better. If you like MMO type games ps3 is only system to announce ones coming out for it, the two being DC universe online and Final Fantasy 14 online. But all big name big production games will be on both systems.

And well, I personally like the ps3 controllers better. They feel more comfortable in my hands, the D-Pad is more precise because the 360 d-pad is just a disc and sometimes pushing up registers as left or right, and the batteries are rechargeable in it I that like so when it gets low I just plug in a usb to mini-usb cable in the front of the ps3 and it charges while I play so I don’t have to buy batteries for it, after 2 years of use my controller still holds its charge like it did new.

I’m not anti 360, I just prefer my ps3 more, and more or less just get games for my 360 when it’s a exclusive for the 360.
2009-11-30 14:04:50 UTC
2009-11-30 14:03:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.