Xbox One:
Pros - There are great games confirmed for the Xbox One.
- The Xbox one comes with cable, making TV possible.
- Virtually no lag.
- You CAN play Xbox 360 games you've purchased.
Cons - The size of the Xbox One is large.
- Must pay $40-60$ per year for Xbox Online.
- Kinect must be on for periods of time.
Pros - Can share games.
- Many new Indie games surfaced.
- Backwards compatible
- Price is attractive ($399)
- Can link up to PSP VITA.
Cons - Must pay to play online ($50/year)
- Will still have noticeable lag.
- Not immune to overheating
- Cloud Functionality is not reliable.
Wii U:
Pros - Nintendo Exclusives
- Family Friendly
Cons - Not many games
- Price is high (considering the prices of next-gen consoles in comparison).