Ok, so I just got WoTLK for my birthday on the 24th, and I made a Death Knight, and it took me about 2 days to get to level 60. But I completely own Alliance in PvP, even when they have Death Knights of their own. I'm specced in Unholy, and when I DPS a mob, even if it's 2 or 3 levels higher than me, I kill it in about... 4 seconds. I had actually been attempted to have been ganked by two Alliance female Dranei, and I pwned both of them. Then they got two friends, a Gnome Mage, and like a Gnome Warrior, which I pwned 3 of the 4 of them and almost got the 4th one. I also was second in a DPS count in Hellfire Citadel (...to a Druid...). So what I'm asking is: do I own because Death Knights are overpowered, or am I just doing it right? And what spec is best for high DPS, since currently I am 60 and using Unholy? And what Rune Affixation is best for high DPS on a weapon? And can you enchant a weapon which is Rune Affixed? And what are good professions for a Death Knight?
Hellservant (Name)
Akama (Realm)
Death Knight
Level 60
Unholy spec
Weapon forged with Rune of Cinderglacier