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Well first of all, there really isn't a best way and you're not going to be able to massively upgrade until like chapter 11. But here's a few things and what weapons I think are best and why. 1. Always check an items value. There's tons of things that enemies drop that are actually worth selling more than upgrading. Credit chips that soldiers drop are a good example of this. 2. The best method is to buy Vibrant Ooze from the Creature Comforts shop and use 36 of them on an item. You will instantly get a x3 on the item and get 3 times the EXP. After that, use your items. 3. While you really can't do this until after you beat the game, it's best to farm Platinum Ingots from Adamantoise. Also, don't complete Mission 62 until you've done almost all of your upgrading cause then the Adamans disappear and it's a lot harder to get Platinum Ingots. Platinum Ingots are worth 150,000 gil a piece. 4. And finally, the weapons. A word to the wise, find a diagram on the internet that tells you all of the weapon's stuff. A weapon has an ability and a hidden ability. These hidden abilities are unlocked when you pair the weapon with certain accessories of the same type, but, the hidden ability is removed when you get you weapon to it's third tier. So Lightning's Axis Blade might seem like the best choice at first because it makes her so fast, but when you get it to tier 3, it loses it's speed and is actually Lightning's weakest weapon. So here's the weapons: *Lightning=Lionheart. It is her most powerful weapon that doesn't have a negative side-effect and the other two that do have negative side effects (Organyx and Hauteclaire) have side effects that don't work well with her (Organyx slows her down and Hauteclaire keeps her from Staggering, and since Lightning is the best Ravager, that doesn't work out well). Lionheart is found on the Grand-Prix race track in Chapter 12. Use Axis-Blade until then. *Snow=Power Circle, Paladin, or Rebel Heart. I name 3 for Snow because Snow can go 3 different ways. If you want him to be a very good Sentinel, then use Paladin, but if you want him to be a very good Commando, use Power Circle. Rebel Heart is kind of the balance in between. All of these can be found fairly early in the game, or at least fairly early when you get to play as Snow. *Sazh=Rigels or Spica Defenders. The disadvantage of the Rigels is that they have Stagger Lock, cause otherwise, they would be perfect since they are so strong. The Spica Defenders are slightly weaker than the Rigels, but they have Augmented Maintence (40% longer offensive buff duration and 80% with AM2) which would really help with Sazh's Synergist role, which is his best. The Spicas show up before the Rigels, but I don't remember when. The Rigels are in Chapter 12 in Eden Hall. *Vanille=Pearlwing Staff, Belladonna Wand, or Mistileteinn. The Pearlwing Staff has the highest magic, but doesn't have any positive or negative side effects. The Belladonna wand and Mistileteinn are about 100 weaker in Magic, but The Belladonna Wand has Improved Debuffing, which helps Vanille's Saboteur role (which is her best). and Mistileteinn features a ability unique to Vanille called Ally KO: Power Surge, which makes Vanille increasingly stronger when a party member dies. The Pearlwing staff appears first in Chapter 3, the Belladonna Wand in Chapter 6, and Mistilleteinn in Chapter 11 in Oerba. *Hope=Hawkeye, Otshirvani, or Vidofnir. Hawkeye has no added effects, but gives Hope the highest magic. Otshirvani is equal to Vidofnir in Magic, but has a higher Strength and features Siphon Boost, which ties in well with Hope's Ravager abilities and tie together with Fear Siphon (look at the ability in Hope's menu). Otshirvani also is in the Boost hidden-ability group, so Hope's ATB gauge can go very fast like Lightning's Axis Blade. Vidofnir has Defensive Maintenance which makes the defensive buff durations last longer (same as Sazh's Spica Defenders but with Defensive spells instead of offensive). Hawkeye is found in Chapter 5, Otshirvani in Chapter 11, and Vidofnir in Chapter 7. *Fang=Taming Pole, Gae Bolg, Pandoran Spear, Punisher. Taming Pole is the strongest, but it has Stagger Lock, which sucks. Gae Bolg is second strongest in Strength, but weakest in Magic, and it has Improved Counter, which helps Fang counterattack in her Sentinel role. Pandoran Spear works similar to Belladonna Wand, and it's stronger than Punisher, but Punisher has the Stagger: TP Charge, which slightly charges your TP gauge every time you Stagger someone. Taming Pole is found in Chapter 11, Gae Bolg in Chapter 7, Punisher in Chapter 11, Pandoran Spear in Chapter 9. I hope this all helps and sorry about how long it is :)