Skyrim is all about "Choices" Choose your own path, here are some suggested Dark Elven character builds
Archer/Ranger "Sniper" build
Skills; Sneaking, One Handed weapon, Archery
START: Immediately go to Riverwood (carry everything sellable from Helgen use the bow in stealth mode to move faster then sell everything, except what you think you need).
ACCEPT: The Warrior Stone
-Talk to Sven, tell Camilla he's a liar, talk to Faendal take him as a follower (since he's your follower he can train you in Archery, this will level you up and you can take your money back, repeat this process over and over) NOTE: Put everything in your Archery Tree.
NEXT: Join the Companions do thier guest until you get Aela as a follower (She is and Archer Trainer to 75)
NEXT: Join the Thieves Guild and complete your Archer Training Master trainer in the Archery room to 100 if not there already.
BONUS: The game goes really fast almost like watching a movie; the bow shot cut scenes are amazing and you still get to sneak around and loot bodies.
Do a twist Dark Elven Destruction "Arcane Archer" "Firebolt, Ice Spike or Lightning Bolt"
NOTE: Same start-up with Faendal; just put all points in destruction, go to any court wizard and buy "Muffle, Firebolt, Ice Spike and Lightningbolt"
Skills; Sneaking, Destruction, Illusion
1. Sneak everywhere never ride a horse
2. Get the spell (right hand) any "Firebolt, Ice Spike, or Lightning Bolt"
3. Get the spell (left/off-hand) Muffle (cast it continually as soon as your magic increases, cast again I think its a "glitch" but it will give you massive exp boosts)
Back-up weapons (Staffs "Fireball, Flames, Sparks, etc...) NOTE: the higher your Destruction skill the greater the amount of staff damage. I think this counts for shout power also because I also use Fire or Frost Breath and a back -up when they find me and rush towards my position.
BONUS: sneaking around, similar cut scenes, and there's nothing quite as satisfying as sneaking around searching charred corpses who never had a chance; )