(Easy 10 points!!!) Resistance: Fall of Man PS3???????
2008-01-05 04:22:41 UTC
Can someone give me a list of all of the Resistance for PS3 Chimera species with detailed descriptions?
Four answers:
2008-01-05 05:23:28 UTC
Heres a list of all the types and how to take them down:


Hybrids are the foot soldiers of the Chimeran army. They are a savage enemy, but also keen and tenacious. Hybrids quickly learn the methods of their adversaries. They already display expertise in British Army tactics. Beyond their adaptive nature, the most obvious attribute of the Hybrids is their sheer numbers. Hybrids have overwhelmed humans on every battlefield since the Chimeran invasion first reached Britain.


Crawlers are small beetle-like creatures used to spread the Chimeran infection. Though capable of limited flight, they are most often delivered by Spire missiles. Upon finding victims, Crawlers penetrate their bodies, usually through the mouth and nose. They inject the Chimeran virus and quickly expire. The infected host falls into a coma as the virus begins the inexorable conversion of the host into a Chimeran creature.


Crawlers which fail to infect a host will eventually evolve into Leapers. They first seek out sustenance, such as human or animal corpses. Once they have gorged themselves, they develop a protective pupae, a Leaper Pod. They spawn from their pods upon maturation. The voratious young Leapers attack opponents with teeth and claws. They should be dealt with at range whenever possible. Easily handled individually, Leapers are lethal in large numbers.


Unlike other Chimera intended for combat, the Menial strain is bred to be a tool for basic labor. Menials will generally ignore other Chimera as they mindlessly handle their duties. Seldom encountered in combat, they are unarmed and appear sluggish and non-aggressive. However, like all Chimera, Menials are unpredictable. They should be considered dangerous, especially when cornered.


Once delivered to conversion centers, Chimera infection victims are enveloped in cocoons. Within each cocoon, a human body is broken down and recombined into a strain of Chimera. It is theorized that multiple human bodies are required for the larger strains. External measures must be taken to keep the cocoons from overheating. This outside intervention suggests the conversion process is not being performed in ideal circumstances. It is unknown if there is a more natural way for the Chimera to reproduce.


Carriers collect infected humans from the battlefield after a Crawler attack. They ferry their catch to the nearest conversion center. As those infected bodies are also the Carrier's food source, not all of them survive to be converted. Early in the Chimeran invasion of Britain, Carriers formed caravans hundreds of miles long. It is unknown if the Carriers have found a new role now that fewer victims are available for conversion.


Howlers are a large quadruped strain of Chimera. Their rudimentary vocalizations are believed to provide the beasts with some level of communication. Their calls can be heard for miles and have a chilling effect on those familiar with the source. Howlers have a leathery hide that shrugs off most light-arms fire. Combat shotguns at close range have proven highly effective.


Clever, calculating, and extremely powerful, Steelheads are a superior variant of the Hybrid strain. Their heavy armor is usually seen at the forefront of battle as they lead Hybrids and Hardfangs into combat. They willingly endure any punishment to advance the Chimeran invasion. Steelheads wield the Auger rifle, a weapon which tunnels through walls, making their relentless attacks virtually unstoppable.


The Titan strain represents the limit of Chimeran evolution of the human form. They are massively strong and wield weapons more commonly found on vehicles, such as Stalker heavy siege pods. Titans aren't known to wear any form of body armor. Their calloused hides are sufficiently thick to protect them in the fiercest firefights. While they have no known weaknesses, attacks to their head are believed most effective.


Slipskulls are cunning opportunists who prefer to take pot-shots and make blind-siding attacks rather than face their opponents. With their speed and stealth they excel as scouts and ambushers. the discovery of a Slipskull requires immediate engagement to prevent them from summoning Chimeran reinforcements. Explosives are the recommended response. Hybrid Bullseye rifles and the Slipskull's own Reaper carbines are also suitable.

Leaper Pod-

Leapers are spawned from membranous sacs known as Leaper Pods. It is believed these pods are deposited by other Chimeran strains, possibly Widowmakers. Spawning is triggered by local vibrations. The pods function as living mines. Caution should be observed in Chimeran-held territory as the early detection of Leaper Pods has the potential to save lives. Explosives such as grenades and rockets can destroy the pods before they release the Leapers within.

Gray Jack-

Gray Jacks are decrepit Hybrids which have nearly outgrown their bodies. As they approach death, their cooling units are over-taxed and their rampant metabolism steadily cooks them from the inside-out. The resulting necrosis gives Gray Jacks an odor of decaying flesh. Though unarmed and seemingly frail, the long reach of their wicked claws can be deadly. The wounds they cause are very difficult to clean and often fatal.


Hardfangs are similar to Hybrids, but tougher and crueler. Their conversion process has been skewed to heighten their aggressiveness and eliminate all self-preservation instinct. They rush deep into the fray to use the Arc Charger weapon where it can strike the most targets. Royal Marine Commandos often use a designated marksman to dispatch Hardfangs before they can get close enough to be a threat.


Rollers are adult Leapers which have developed a faster, trundling locomotion. As they near the end of their life-cycle, internal decomposition results in venting of a corrosive spray. Rollers use this as an opening attack, blinding their prey before closing in to strike with claws and teeth. When attacking in swarms, Rollers have been known to wipe out sizable troop deployments in a matter of seconds.



The appearance of a Widowmaker on the battlefield requires immediate engagement by all soldiers. Widowmakers attack with their barbed fore-talons or by spewing explosive globules. In addition to causing tremendous casualties, Widowmakers have a rallying effect on other Chimeran strains. They have been known to irreversibly turn the tide of battle. Attacks with high-explosives or vehicle-mounted weapons should focus on the creature's face or body.

Advanced Hybrid-

Advanced Hybrids are the fanatical defenders of the Chimeran Towers. Every aspect of their physiology had been tuned to grant them extreme levels of performance. They must be outfitted with specialized cooling units to ensure their core body temperature doesn't climb uncontrollably during the heat of combat. Incredibly tough, Advanced Hybrids are capable of tearing apart any intruders they encounter.


Angels have only recently been confirmed. They are believed to be the most advanced Chimeran strain currently operating in Britain. Angels are usually found near Chimeran strongholds, though there have been some battlefield sightings. Initial observations indicate Angels exert a command influence over other Chimeran strains. The extent of this connection is unclear. As leadership units, Angels don't directly participate in combat. The extent of their offensive capabilities is not known.
2008-01-05 04:54:58 UTC
In Resistance: Fall of Man, the U.S. and Britain band together in a last-ditch effort to save Europe and Asia from a horrific scourge. In mere decades, the Chimera – a species of unknown origin propagating a virus that converts other life forms into more Chimera – has overrun Russia and all of Europe. Humanity’s hope for survival is slim, and the tide of the battle rests on the shoulders of U.S. Army Ranger, Sgt. Nathan Hale.

Players dive into a deep frightening story that rewrites the 20th century and pits the United States and Britain against a horrific species of unknown origin.

Encounter a wide variety of fluidly moving characters and creatures that exhibit more sophisticated behaviors and interact with their environments more realistically.

Greater processing power on PLAYSTATION 3 and Blu-ray Disc technology enables more immersive visual and sound effects that heighten the chaos of large-scale warfare.

A powerful rendering engine allows a greater variety of highly detailed and interactive environments for a console FPS experience, including large battlefields and sprawling military command centers.

Engaging single player campaign, a co-operative mode and one of the most complete multiplayer offerings in a console game.

Insomniac Games has combined its passion for creating exotic weapons and vehicles with a proprietary physics system to create a unique human and alien arsenal.
2016-05-29 09:56:08 UTC
High Velocity Bowling, Warhawk, Resistance Fall of Man, Call Of Duty 3, Ratchet and Clank: Tools Of Destruction, Motorstorm, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Lair, NBA 2k8, NFL Tour, to name a few. I believe most PS3 games use motion sensor control in some form or other !
Martin L
2008-01-05 06:02:18 UTC
In Resistance: Fall of Man, the U.S. and Britain band together in a last-ditch effort to save Europe and Asia from a horrific scourge. In mere decades, the Chimera – a species of unknown origin propagating a virus that converts other life forms into more Chimera – has overrun Russia and all of Europe. Humanity’s hope for survival is slim, and the tide of the battle rests on the shoulders of U.S. Army Ranger, Sgt. Nathan Hale.

Players dive into a deep frightening story that rewrites the 20th century and pits the United States and Britain against a horrific species of unknown origin.

Encounter a wide variety of fluidly moving characters and creatures that exhibit more sophisticated behaviors and interact with their environments more realistically.

Greater processing power on PLAYSTATION 3 and Blu-ray Disc technology enables more immersive visual and sound effects that heighten the chaos of large-scale warfare.

A powerful rendering engine allows a greater variety of highly detailed and interactive environments for a console FPS experience, including large battlefields and sprawling military command centers.

Engaging single player campaign, a co-operative mode and one of the most complete multiplayer offerings in a console game.

Insomniac Games has combined its passion for creating exotic weapons and vehicles with a proprietary physics system to create a unique human and alien arsenal.Hybrid-

Hybrids are the foot soldiers of the Chimeran army. They are a savage enemy, but also keen and tenacious. Hybrids quickly learn the methods of their adversaries. They already display expertise in British Army tactics. Beyond their adaptive nature, the most obvious attribute of the Hybrids is their sheer numbers. Hybrids have overwhelmed humans on every battlefield since the Chimeran invasion first reached Britain.


Crawlers are small beetle-like creatures used to spread the Chimeran infection. Though capable of limited flight, they are most often delivered by Spire missiles. Upon finding victims, Crawlers penetrate their bodies, usually through the mouth and nose. They inject the Chimeran virus and quickly expire. The infected host falls into a coma as the virus begins the inexorable conversion of the host into a Chimeran creature.


Crawlers which fail to infect a host will eventually evolve into Leapers. They first seek out sustenance, such as human or animal corpses. Once they have gorged themselves, they develop a protective pupae, a Leaper Pod. They spawn from their pods upon maturation. The voratious young Leapers attack opponents with teeth and claws. They should be dealt with at range whenever possible. Easily handled individually, Leapers are lethal in large numbers.

The part about "dealing with them at range whenever possible" makes me laugh because I can't think of a single enemy I prefer to deal with up close. The description also fails to mention that an oncoming Leaper ambush is prefixed by ear piercing screams that will not fail to make your skin crawl.


Unlike other Chimera intended for combat, the Menial strain is bred to be a tool for basic labor. Menials will generally ignore other Chimera as they mindlessly handle their duties. Seldom encountered in combat, they are unarmed and appear sluggish and non-aggressive. However, like all Chimera, Menials are unpredictable. They should be considered dangerous, especially when cornered.


Once delivered to conversion centers, Chimera infection victims are enveloped in cocoons. Within each cocoon, a human body is broken down and recombined into a strain of Chimera. It is theorized that multiple human bodies are required for the larger strains. External measures must be taken to keep the cocoons from overheating. This outside intervention suggests the conversion process is not being performed in ideal circumstances. It is unknown if there is a more natural way for the Chimera to reproduce.


Carriers collect infected humans from the battlefield after a Crawler attack. They ferry their catch to the nearest conversion center. As those infected bodies are also the Carrier's food source, not all of them survive to be converted. Early in the Chimeran invasion of Britain, Carriers formed caravans hundreds of miles long. It is unknown if the Carriers have found a new role now that fewer victims are available for conversion.


Howlers are a large quadruped strain of Chimera. Their rudimentary vocalizations are believed to provide the beasts with some level of communication. Their calls can be heard for miles and have a chilling effect on those familiar with the source. Howlers have a leathery hide that shrugs off most light-arms fire. Combat shotguns at close range have proven highly effective.


Clever, calculating, and extremely powerful, Steelheads are a superior variant of the Hybrid strain. Their heavy armor is usually seen at the forefront of battle as they lead Hybrids and Hardfangs into combat. They willingly endure any punishment to advance the Chimeran invasion. Steelheads wield the Auger rifle, a weapon which tunnels through walls, making their relentless attacks virtually unstoppable.


The Titan strain represents the limit of Chimeran evolution of the human form. They are massively strong and wield weapons more commonly found on vehicles, such as Stalker heavy siege pods. Titans aren't known to wear any form of body armor. Their calloused hides are sufficiently thick to protect them in the fiercest firefights. While they have no known weaknesses, attacks to their head are believed most effective.


Slipskulls are cunning opportunists who prefer to take pot-shots and make blind-siding attacks rather than face their opponents. With their speed and stealth they excel as scouts and ambushers. the discovery of a Slipskull requires immediate engagement to prevent them from summoning Chimeran reinforcements. Explosives are the recommended response. Hybrid Bullseye rifles and the Slipskull's own Reaper carbines are also suitable.

Leaper Pod-

Leapers are spawned from membranous sacs known as Leaper Pods. It is believed these pods are deposited by other Chimeran strains, possibly Widowmakers. Spawning is triggered by local vibrations. The pods function as living mines. Caution should be observed in Chimeran-held territory as the early detection of Leaper Pods has the potential to save lives. Explosives such as grenades and rockets can destroy the pods before they release the Leapers within.

Gray Jack-

Gray Jacks are decrepit Hybrids which have nearly outgrown their bodies. As they approach death, their cooling units are over-taxed and their rampant metabolism steadily cooks them from the inside-out. The resulting necrosis gives Gray Jacks an odor of decaying flesh. Though unarmed and seemingly frail, the long reach of their wicked claws can be deadly. The wounds they cause are very difficult to clean and often fatal.


Hardfangs are similar to Hybrids, but tougher and crueler. Their conversion process has been skewed to heighten their aggressiveness and eliminate all self-preservation instinct. They rush deep into the fray to use the Arc Charger weapon where it can strike the most targets. Royal Marine Commandos often use a designated marksman to dispatch Hardfangs before they can get close enough to be a threat.


Rollers are adult Leapers which have developed a faster, trundling locomotion. As they near the end of their life-cycle, internal decomposition results in venting of a corrosive spray. Rollers use this as an opening attack, blinding their prey before closing in to strike with claws and teeth. When attacking in swarms, Rollers have been known to wipe out sizable troop deployments in a matter of seconds.



The appearance of a Widowmaker on the battlefield requires immediate engagement by all soldiers. Widowmakers attack with their barbed fore-talons or by spewing explosive globules. In addition to causing tremendous casualties, Widowmakers have a rallying effect on other Chimeran strains. They have been known to irreversibly turn the tide of battle. Attacks with high-explosives or vehicle-mounted weapons should focus on the creature's face or body.

Advanced Hybrid-

Advanced Hybrids are the fanatical defenders of the Chimeran Towers. Every aspect of their physiology had been tuned to grant them extreme levels of performance. They must be outfitted with specialized cooling units to ensure their core body temperature doesn't climb uncontrollably during the heat of combat. Incredibly tough, Advanced Hybrids are capable of tearing apart any intruders they encounter.


Angels have only recently been confirmed. They are believed to be the most advanced Chimeran strain currently operating in Britain. Angels are usually found near Chimeran strongholds, though there have been some battlefield sightings. Initial observations indicate Angels exert a command influence over other Chimeran strains. The extent of this connection is unclear. As leadership units, Angels don't directly participate in combat. The extent of their offensive capabilities is not known.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.