2012-12-08 14:36:07 UTC
1. I understand there are different varieties of the game; Wrath of the Lich King, Catacylsm, and now Mists of Pandaria, but are these games connected? Do you create one account for all the games, or must you create a new account for every game?
2. Are these games free or do you buy them from a game shop?
3. Mind explaining the server system? I don't understand it
4. If you make a lot of gold, what can you do with it?
5. If you eventually become a high levelled character, what can you do with it? What are the advantages?
6. What is the most powerful character in the game? Is being a Mage any good?
7. Can you change your character half way in the game, or once you choose you're with it till the end?
8. What's next after finishing all the quests, being a high level, and have a lot of gold? How does the game end?
9. Is the game any fun? Do you recommend me starting?
Thank you! Please answer all the questions in a numbered format to avoid confusion.