The Good list
Final fantasy (any)
Pokemon Diamond/Pearl
Yu-gi-oh! (Most recent) 2008-9
New super mario bros
Loony tons duck amok
Metroid Prime hunters
Anything that strikes your fancy
The bad list
Petz (any) just get nintendogs, much better
pet vets
Anything you ask for and the store guy says OooooKaaay.....
The Evil list
Anything based on a TV show
Anything based on a movie(s)
Anything with the word Barbie
There are exceptions to the evil list: "Transformers" but for the most part, these games are poorly put together Iffy gameplay, poor diologue, butchered plot, horrible graphics and are put together out of the Frankenstein pile to make a quick buck$ these people don't care if the game is good or not, they are counting on the title to rake in the cash.